Introduction courtesy of Stein.Chaos.
As ever, discord courses through the land as structures build up long ago feel the ever gnawing tooth of time.
Bridges fall.
Cities disappear.
Civilizations become more extinct than the bloody Dodo bird.
But, as long as there are warriors or order, be they of good or evil alignment, there is hope.
Hear ye, hear ye!
All you who wander these lands lost without hope of finding your path, the call is being sounded for you to take up your ink imbued sword and aid us in the reconstruction and reinforcing of the grand library's fanfic listings.
The grand scribes Sakana and Ruro ask for volunteers, old and new, up to ten men or women, young or old, strong of mind, willing of hand, and joyous of heart, to aid in cleaning up a mess most uncouth of this grand establishment.
Aid us in filing the new stories that have not yet been sorted into the system, so that future generations may understand what the flying monkey fluffs each person put down on paper.
Hear ye, hear ye, ye who would aid. Leave your message here, or leave the grand scribes Sakana and Ruro a personal message, and allow their minds to be freed from at least an ounce of the stress that causes them so much pain that they become beings of undeath if exposed to it too long. Aid us, one, aid us all!
The work will be thus, that you will be send a list of literary works to read, and briefly summarize and categorize, so that it may be in line with preestablished norms and standards, as outlined below.
[b]Name: [url=web address of the fic goes here]title of fic goes here[/url][/b]
[b]Author:[/b] author goes here
[b]Status:[/b] is it ongoing, on hiatus, or what?
[b]Genre:[/b] Primary genre, ##secondary genre-- use your best judgment on this
[b]Summary:[/b] Summary goes here
Genres currently present and used are those of Action, Adventure, Drama (includes Tragedy), Romance, Slice of Life, Comedy, Parody, Crossover, Mystery and Suspense, Poetry, Short Story Collections, and Miscellaneous and Other. We ask that you adhere to these genres in your listings as best as possible.
The current list of
victims loyal subjects working on this project:
Sakura Rurouni Sakana TackSteinDonutIcedRoukanSectReedRizerIi IiCapt.hSquawkerThanks to all ye who would hear these words.
Alternate, less purple prose-y version:
We're just going to update our grand old catalogue of stories here in Patchouli's Scarlet Library, and while we do have some devoted librarians, they just can't do it alone.
So we're asking anyone who would like to pitch in to sign up and give us a hand. We are hoping for a few volunteers, but no more than ten, since that makes work distribution unwieldy and gives Sakana headaches.
So for those who would like to help, please post here. After we get ourselves more organized, the work that needs to be done will get organized into preliminary lists and sent to the volunteers, who will then send back summaries in the style of the current listing. Check that link to see how the summaries work in practice.
Currently we have as main genres Action, Adventure, Drama (includes Tragedy), Romance, Slice of Life, Comedy, Parody, Crossover, Mystery and Suspense, Poetry, Short Story Collections, and Miscellaneous and Other. Try to use those main genres as the primary genres, if you can.
Thanks for supporting us so far, guys! Please sign up or pass the message on.