Author Topic: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!  (Read 18887 times)

Letty Whiterock

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #90 on: January 30, 2010, 11:10:15 PM »
I would say it is if you wish to debate this further.
Don't touch it.


Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #91 on: January 30, 2010, 11:11:52 PM »
You got it. o7

All right, I'm seriously out of this now. Later, folks.


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #92 on: January 30, 2010, 11:12:20 PM »
(Superb Idea.Net)

This is an excellent idea. If not Rawro, Someone should do this.


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #93 on: January 30, 2010, 11:18:39 PM »
Thanks, TSO ^^ I appreciate that. Still, it doesn't change the fact that what I've been drawing are self-insert OCs. I'm also a fanfic writer and in fanfic terms it's like writing a self-insert Mary Sue fanfic. Serious fanfic writers wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot stick, unless it was in a very limited gag circle.

Not to be pedantic but it's hardly a self-insert when the whole story of Ijiyatsu is supposed to be a "Touhouification" of the usual antics of this very forum community.

The same applies here. As you pointed out, I am a serious artist. I would only draw these things in a gag circle. And you may not see CF as a serious place but artists and writers take what they do very, very seriously. I know. I was the first art poster on the 'post your artwork' thread.

What I meant by serious is that you're not going to get scalding criticism for using made up characters instead of drawing yet another Reimu.  And if you do I'd more likely beat that person down for being such a closed minded idiot.

In short - I didn't want to put it this frankly for fear of offending anyone, but not only am I uncomfortable with posting any new ijiyatsu art there, I'm uncomfortable with my ijiyatsu art being in that subforum at all. In fact, I have half a mind to request that you simply lock my ijiyatsu art thread and archive it in the archive section of CPMC. If people want another general ijiyatsu art thread, they can start a new one.

Not to sound insensitive, but it sounds to me like you're ashamed of your Ijiyatsu work.  And you only did it because CPMC is a more "walled garden" type forum.  If you're ashamed of drawing me or any other member's Ijiyatsu persona, I'm not exactly sure why.  The art is fantastic and you really have taken the initial designs and added a whole new dimension to them.

Still, I wholly understand your reasoning behind moving the art threads. It is in every way logical. In fact, my thoughts on the matter might not seem logical at all from the point of view of others and I can understand that. This is irrational behaviour. The other ijiyatsu artists might not see this the same way I do. It is wholly a personal thing and there is nobody to blame but myself for thinking this way. Still, it doesn't change the fact that this is how I feel about my art thread being moved.

I just think you lack self-confidence in your abilities and image more than anything.  To me it seems like you think Ijiyatsu isn't something serious and therefore tarnishes your outward appearance as a "serious" artist, when the truth couldn't be more farther away.  But I respect your feelings and I would respect any decision you made, I just wish you'd reconsider :<

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #94 on: January 30, 2010, 11:22:08 PM »
Just saying, can something really be considered a self-insert if everyone else in it is a self-insert as well?


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #95 on: January 30, 2010, 11:24:12 PM »
Before I unlock this topic, do NOT bring up anything more regarding UK/Letty.  This has done nothing good except shit up an otherwise decent thread.

UK or Letty, if you have really anything further to discuss take it to private, as NOTHING is getting accomplished in a screaming match out here.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 11:27:03 PM by The Shining Olaris »

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

Letty Whiterock

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #96 on: January 30, 2010, 11:26:42 PM »
Before I unlock this topic, do NOT bring up anything more regarding UK/Letty.  This has done nothing good except shit up an otherwise decent thread.
Interestingly enough, it has actually resulted in some progress, so it wasn't entirely for naught. That being said, it is done. Carry on.


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #97 on: January 30, 2010, 11:28:25 PM »
Warning - while you were reading and writing googolplex new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post, for it is old and no ones give a fuck anymore because it is out of context.
Fuck. Just when I thought I'd read it all. :V
Well I have nothing to do with UK's issue, and I like UK but I really don't get what the shit is going on so I'm gonna stay out of it.

As to the rest, I'll be short. As I don't go to IRC nor understand it and it's issues I won't adress them either, so Imma stick to CPMC and mods. Maybe just the mods, because I've been wanting to say this for a while.

From the very moment I arrived here, I loved Letty and hated TSO. And for each I'll write a paragraph.

I think I'll start with Letty. Maybe the fact that I'm also IRL misinterpreted as being a cold and insensitive prick, arrogant and agressive even, is why I never pictured you as a harsh modictator who hit everyone in the ass with the banhammer.
I always saw your decisions as being at least rational, even when I didn't agree with them. And if I didn't make it clear that I didn't agree is because I believed they weren't issues.
You also made it clear that you're reachable and talkable to. That time when I had to study and asked you for a 7 seven day probation, in 5 minutes I couldn't access the site and was like 'what the fuck :V'

On to TSO.
You seem like you're unreachable. You sometimes pass the idea that you don't give a fuck about some rules because you're the admin and you can do what you want.
Those two issues bother me a lot.
Back when Donut was called out by the mod team, the first post, by Kilga if my memory doesn't fail me, clearly said we could and should express our opinions on the matter,and so i did.
I did not in any moment say anything near ''hoho Donut you're in trouble'', I made my point and suggested solutions, and yet you showed up making this gigantic post in which you dedicated a paragraph to 'explain' how the thread wasn't there for the members to say what they thought, it was to publicly humilliate a troublemaker. I remember even Letty making a post disagreeing with you on that, which you deleted and replaced with a post by you saying you didn't want to be adressed publicly like that.
That paragraph started with the sentences "HakureiSM, shut the fuck up. I could also make a list of behaviours from you too''. Now that's one way of making me angry.
I decided to PM you about it once or twice, because if we're to speak up, you as mod are too. If you have a problem with me, goddammit tell me what it is and I'll do my best to resolve it.
I never got a reply. If I had behaviour issues back then, I probably still have them, because you refused to communicate with a member and tell him whatever he did wrong.
All that said, I also in no way believe you're a bad person because of my personal problems with you. Even if I really hate you, I respect you more than anyone else here, for the fact that you're the one keeping everything up, and not doing this because of you and your ego, but because you actually care about the community. I value that a lot.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #98 on: January 30, 2010, 11:33:18 PM »
I'm going to make a controversial statement here.

Note #1: This will be my first time speaking to anyone involved in this topic about this subject.
Note #2: These are my own personal feelings and do not represent the opinions of any other staff member, nor do they represent the MotK staff position on the whole.

Now then.

I endorse public callouts over private communication.

I am sure some of you that do not had the kneejerk reaction of "Kilga endorses public humiliation/ostracization/whateveration!" when they read that. I'd be lying if I said that was false, because there are certain circumstances where I find public humiliation amusing (the Snowball Challenges, for one, and I know I'm not the only one that finds those funny), but this is certainly not one of them. Let me go over my exact thought process here, using my own experiences as an example.

I prefer public callouts, first and foremost, because they engage the public (obviously). As much as I endorse people speaking up when they have issues with other people, one of the common misconceptions about User A having an issue with User B is that the fault lies with User B and they need to change. This is not inherently true, and it is why having the public get involved can be very useful, as they can go along way in determining how to resolve the issue. Maybe a lot of them have the same problem User A does with User B and have simply been too busy/lazy/sensitive/cowardly/whatever to tell User B. Maybe none of them share User A's feelings and User A is just being a jerk.

If the public generally agrees with User A, then the problem most likely does lie with User B and they need an attitude adjustment. However, if the public generally has a hard time seeing where User A is coming from and doesn't share that same problem with User B, then it is User A that needs the attitude adjustment.

Now, I know this looks like a whole bunch of hypotheticals, and I did promise examples from my own experience! I will share one of each.

Example 1: Several weeks ago, it was brought to my attention that Benny had a major issue with how I presented my opinions. I make no secret that I am loud and brash and frank about my feelings. I do this because I have a lot of fun carrying myself this way, and quite honestly I'm more concerned with my happiness than the happiness of any other individual on this forum. I had actually been told this one before in private, but that was so inconsequential to me I couldn't even tell you who it was that brought it up. My response was "I'm sorry that you don't like this, but it's how I like to conduct myself" and effectively told them to go eat a ham*. When Benny approached me in public about the same issue I was prepared to give it the same treatment until a bunch of other people started agreeing with him about it. Xan, Nobu, and a few others all spoke up about how yes indeed my presentation was obnoxious. Of course I got defensive at the time; my preferred e-lifestyle was coming under assault, it was a natural reaction. However, it didn't take me long to realize that, if this many users take exception to my e-lifestyle, then I'm the one that needs to change. I would like to think that I've been better about it since, as I've been watching myself more and have yet to receive another complaint about it. (Benny, it would be much appreciated if you can confirm this.)

Example 2: Around the same time, I got frustrated with one thing or another and let it known that I don't like how Nobu conducts himself. I feel that he handles himself in a very gotta-be-right-all-the-time know-it-all fashion, and this attitude irritates me to no end, no matter how many times I see it (and we've all seen it a lot in our internet travels, I'm sure - hell, even just on MotK, Nobu's hardly the only one I think falls under this description, but that's another discussion for another time). This issue was made public, Nobu got defensive (again, understandably so), and people started tuning in. I watched a bunch of responses that all amounted too "I dunno, I've never really seen Nobu that way". This told me that the problem in this case was with me, not with Nobu, and while I still think he tends to act like a gotta-be-right-all-the-time know-it-all, I don't expect him to change the way he conducts himself purely for my benefit, because that's unfair to him.

So there you go. I've seen public callouts get tangible optimal results, and I've seen private communication fail. You'll note the asterisk in Example 1: There's a great instance of why I don't like private communication all that much. It's far too easy for User B to simply brush User A off in the confines of a PM window, because User B doesn't necessarily see the big picture. Similarly, what if I had gone to Nobu in private and he actually decided there was a problem on his end and set out to change himself just because someone had raised an issue? What if he had assumed that, because I brought an issue to his attention, perhaps many users other felt the same way? Then he'd be altering his conduct an e-lifestyle enjoyment under false pretenses, and that's not fair.

I have no real good way to conclude this. Pretend there's some awesome summation here.

EDIT: Just thought of one.

If User A raises an issue with User B publicly and the general public consensus is "for the love of Christ will you two shut the hell up", then I endorse private communication. >_>

EDIT 2: Fixed a typo and changed the all-inclusive nature of the opening paragraph. That was unfair of me.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 11:37:45 PM by No Doubt Kil Gaud »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #99 on: January 30, 2010, 11:37:39 PM »
The conclusion I draw, Kilga, is it depends on the person. But you make a VERY compelling argument for Public callouts I didn't consider.

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #100 on: January 30, 2010, 11:43:55 PM »
Before I unlock this topic, do NOT bring up anything more regarding UK/Letty.  This has done nothing good except shit up an otherwise decent thread.
Alright let's address something else then.

Just saying, can something really be considered a self-insert if everyone else in it is a self-insert as well?
Yes, it would still be self-insert.

No, there's nothing wrong with it.

Self inserts seem to have a huge negative conotations thanks to the large number of self-insert fanfics on the internet written by 13 year olds, depicting themselves as ultra heros or godly beings or other things like that. It's like anyone who uses one is childish, self-centered, and idiot and a whole bunch of other things. Our view has been skewed thanks to the explosive reception of things like "My Immortal".

The thing is, it's just another writing technique. For instance people like Kinoko Nasu and Ume Aoki have a little mini self insert char for humourous effect. Even the great "Godfather of Anime and Manga" had himself as a character sometimes. It's something to use if it would increase the amount of amusement for the readers or watchers or even players. It is just for entertainment after all. In our case, having Touhou representations of ourselfs act as the characters makes it all more personal.

The only issue is if we take it too far, which really no one has really even come close to. Things like arguing over characters ("my power should be this, no I should look like this, now wa you are stronger than me!"), being too connected to the characters in general ("my char my rules! I choose who she gets to be, what she had, etc"), or other childish things will bring up problems for everyone, but as it stands, we're having fun making up characters who are only LOOSELY based on us, and other people can still enjoy it because of the wonderful art, silly character quirks, and the game that will hopefully exist someday (just make sure to give it time :V)


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #101 on: January 30, 2010, 11:46:19 PM »
On to TSO.
You seem like you're unreachable. You sometimes pass the idea that you don't give a fuck about some rules because you're the admin and you can do what you want.

Ok point out a single instance where I acted like I was above the rules.  Do it, I'm really interested.  As for unreachable I have a busy life, sorry I'm not at everyone's beck and call 24/7.

Those two issues bother me a lot.
Back when Donut was called out by the mod team, the first post, by Kilga if my memory doesn't fail me, clearly said we could and should express our opinions on the matter,and so i did.
I did not in any moment say anything near ''hoho Donut you're in trouble'', I made my point and suggested solutions, and yet you showed up making this gigantic post in which you dedicated a paragraph to 'explain' how the thread wasn't there for the members to say what they thought, it was to publicly humilliate a troublemaker. I remember even Letty making a post disagreeing with you on that, which you deleted and replaced with a post by you saying you didn't want to be adressed publicly like that.

I never deleted Letty's post, and would never delete a post calling me out.  If it disappeared Letty or someone else did it, not me.  As for that whole thing, the thread was intended to show to Donut how his behavior was affecting those around him, not to rag on him and put him down.  I interpreted your post as having nothing more than a "oh you're in trouble" and I used you as an example of what not to say.  If you're offended by that sorry but you were an example of a useless post in a serious discussion thread about another user.

That paragraph started with the sentences "HakureiSM, shut the fuck up. I could also make a list of behaviours from you too''. Now that's one way of making me angry.
I decided to PM you about it once or twice, because if we're to speak up, you as mod are too. If you have a problem with me, goddammit tell me what it is and I'll do my best to resolve it.

I had no specific problems with you.  There's a saying that goes "don't point out the splinter in someone's eye if you can't see the plank in your own".  Basically saying, don't rag on other people's problems when most likely you have just as many as they do.  Once again the purpose of the "callout" thread is to show how someone's bad behavior is negatively affecting those around them, not to nitpick every single flaw someone has.
I never got a reply. If I had behaviour issues back then, I probably still have them, because you refused to communicate with a member and tell him whatever he did wrong.

I probably didn't get it.  Around that time I was working on the PM system and it probably got ate.  Even then I typically get about 20-30 PMs/day.  If I don't reply immediately it's not because I hate you or want to ignore you, I probably either overlooked it or just didn't notice.  If you really want to get my attention, use the report button, send me an IM, or poke me on #shrinemaiden (I'm always idling there in some capacity).  You could have easily hit report on my post and ask for an explanation of what I said.

Either way it's done and over with so I'm not exactly sure why you're still harboring such hatred over one little thing.

All that said, I also in no way believe you're a bad person because of my personal problems with you. Even if I really hate you, I respect you more than anyone else here, for the fact that you're the one keeping everything up, and not doing this because of you and your ego, but because you actually care about the community. I value that a lot.

Awesome, hated but respected.  That makes me feel wonderful inside </sarcasm>

I like how all the stuff about how I'm a terrible mod finally comes out of the woodwork when I'm not around, instead of questionable decisions brought to my attention immediately.  I've said time and again you'll never get chastised or punished for bringing up an issue and I am more than willing to listen.  I've PLEADED with you guys several times to tell me what's wrong, that includes what's wrong with how I handle things.  If I don't hear any complaints I'm just going to assume I'm doing ok.  I'm not a mind reader :\
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 11:58:20 PM by The Shining Olaris »

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #102 on: January 30, 2010, 11:47:17 PM »
That was a very articulate outburst, Kilga.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #103 on: January 30, 2010, 11:47:44 PM »
You want to drum up attention for people's stuff? (Get someone to) Write a <time period-based repetition> literary review of the works going on there. Give a quick summary, both of the story's events and the type of story, then link it. Then post it up in Math Class or Everything Else or wherever you think people need to see it. Maybe spotlight older works worthy of attention. It'll help people know what's what and what's interesting, and natural curiosity will follow.

I've actually been mulling the idea of this over in my head for the past few hours. If he doesn't want to, I'll probably write it and then give it to Mima to post, because hell, he's the one actually in charge of that and I'm not enough of a hierarchy fanatic to try and one-up him in a forum that has been trusted to him. If he's not interested in doing this (and actually we've been debating the idea of making a fanworks repository not on this site, but that's neither here nor there), then I shall match my actions to my words and take care of it myself. It'll take some time, but I am more than willing to give it a shot o>

On a somewhat unrelated note, I find Snowball challenges to be insanely stupid and not funny at all, which is why I avoid them like the plague when they do show up. That's just my choice, I guess. Also, my experience with SomethingAwful is limited to the Sakura Taisen LP and that alone, so if CPMC is really based on something they've done, I had no idea until just a while ago. ???

Oh god time to play catch-up again


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #104 on: January 30, 2010, 11:51:22 PM »
That was a very articulate outburst, Kilga.

As much as I dislike pseudointellectual attitudes, I wholly enjoy the practice of :words:
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #105 on: January 30, 2010, 11:52:32 PM »
As much as I dislike pseudointellectual attitudes, I wholly enjoy the practice of :wikipedia:
there you go :V


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #106 on: January 30, 2010, 11:56:01 PM »
I've actually been mulling the idea of this over in my head for the past few hours. If he doesn't want to, I'll probably write it and then give it to Mima to post, because hell, he's the one actually in charge of that and I'm not enough of a hierarchy fanatic to try and one-up him in a forum that has been trusted to him. If he's not interested in doing this (and actually we've been debating the idea of making a fanworks repository not on this site, but that's neither here nor there), then I shall match my actions to my words and take care of it myself. It'll take some time, but I am more than willing to give it a shot o>

You do it, and post it in Front Page as some sort of "Let's Tour MotK" or something like that.  Introducing people to the ofttimes less visited corners.  I would love to get people familiar with other parts of the forum they may fail to venture out into, and especially introduce new people to stuff we have to offer.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I find Snowball challenges to be insanely stupid and not funny at all, which is why I avoid them like the plague when they do show up. That's just my choice, I guess.

Basically Snowball challenges are enacted against people we know are going to get banned for various reasons, but would like to give a chance at redemption.  If they can complete the Snowball challenge they would have provided MotK with some entertainment as well as show that we're not all just serious business GET OUT.  They're not designed to be impossible or ridiculing.  They're meant to address the specific issue we have with them, and to get them to redeem themselves.

There's only been 2 snowball challenges and one of them was Chagen.  The only problem we had with Chagen was how he took things way too seriously, and the purpose of the challenge was to get him to lighten up.  If he did we'd have no more problems with him, but since he couldn't he got ejected.

Also, my experience with SomethingAwful is limited to the Sakura Taisen LP and that alone, so if CPMC is really based on something they've done, I had no idea until just a while ago. ???

Basically I stole the Idiot challenges from FYAD.  They appoint forum mods called Idiot Kings through various insane challenges like "post the best wiki vandalism" and stuff like that, and they serve limited terms.  I wanted to bring some sort of life to the forums and build comraderie, so I modified the challenges and started them here.  Letty had the idea to roll it into its own subforum and run it like a YCS (Your Console Sucks), a place to have humorous and off the wall threads about "Touhou 14, Yuyuko's Magical Pickle" and stuff like that.

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #107 on: January 30, 2010, 11:59:33 PM »
there you go :V

I like it better when the emote is implied.

I must admit, for as aggravating as "I would, but :effort:" was, I still chuckled at it a little bit.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #108 on: January 31, 2010, 12:12:33 AM »
You do it, and post it in Front Page as some sort of "Let's Tour MotK" or something like that.  Introducing people to the ofttimes less visited corners.  I would love to get people familiar with other parts of the forum they may fail to venture out into, and especially introduce new people to stuff we have to offer.

That would be so much fun to do. I'll get started on this task right away. Might take a while to read literally everything in CF, but I'll certainly do it o>

As for the Snowball challenges, I now see the point of them, though I am still not overfond of the idea behind them. I poked my head into the first one and thought it wasn't any fun at all, and that idea stayed in my head when I saw the second one (even though I knew Chagen could have really used a stupid challenge to help get his head out of his ass) but that is because I don't have a sense of humour, which is entirely my fault and is not something you should feel compelled to correct.

Basically I stole the Idiot challenges from FYAD.  They appoint forum mods called Idiot Kings through various insane challenges like "post the best wiki vandalism" and stuff like that, and they serve limited terms.  I wanted to bring some sort of life to the forums and build comraderie, so I modified the challenges and started them here.  Letty had the idea to roll it into its own subforum and run it like a YCS (Your Console Sucks), a place to have humorous and off the wall threads about "Touhou 14, Yuyuko's Magical Pickle" and stuff like that.

Oh. Neat, I didn't know this. What does FYAD stand for, though?


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #109 on: January 31, 2010, 12:13:10 AM »
Fuck You And Die.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #110 on: January 31, 2010, 12:14:03 AM »
Yes, that's seriously it.


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #111 on: January 31, 2010, 12:15:27 AM »
Kilga: I certainly haven't seen you being excessive with your opinions (I can't think of a good way to word it) which is very nice.

Public callouts are iffy.  It certainly can work very well sometimes, like with Kilga's examples, but the problem is public callouts can also lead to "I hate you" bandwagons which I do not enjoy seeing and should not happen.

It's a touchy issue, really.  Oh well.  It can be very effective, and it can be a nightmare.


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #112 on: January 31, 2010, 12:18:01 AM »
Public callouts can, theoretically, lead to hate trains, but in this most recent example we see people taking great pains to emphasize their caring and respect while fiing their grievances. So we got that going for us.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

?lice Bl?ckb?rn

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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #113 on: January 31, 2010, 12:19:33 AM »
Fuck You And Die.
I thought it was Fuck Yourself And Die, as in "go fuck yourself and die, you moron" or equivalent. Could be wrong though, haven't been on SA in ages. Not really my type of forum.
"Oh, great. Another game where I get screwed by Kilga." ~ Carthrat

Letty Whiterock

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #114 on: January 31, 2010, 12:22:08 AM »
I thought it was Fuck Yourself And Die, as in "go fuck yourself and die, you moron" or equivalent. Could be wrong though, haven't been on SA in ages. Not really my type of forum.
It was originally designed as a parody place for people to go in and go "you suck. no, you suck. hey, fuck you, man, i hate you. you suck." It eventually became its own thing.

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #115 on: January 31, 2010, 12:28:43 AM »
It was originally designed as a parody place for people to go in and go "you suck. no, you suck. hey, fuck you, man, i hate you. you suck." It eventually became its own thing.


  • Reimu is all of it
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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #117 on: January 31, 2010, 12:57:53 AM »
Ok point out a single instance where I acted like I was above the rules.  Do it, I'm really interested.  As for unreachable I have a busy life, sorry I'm not at everyone's beck and call 24/7.
Shit, I forgot to make that part clearer, sorry.
A while ago a few threds in CPMC were classified as attention whoring.
They were pointless threads usually starting with whatever information about one's live that did not create real discussions.
It was encouraged not to make these threads, and they would and are locked when found. Even when some didn't agree, most did, and everyone behaved accordingly, as we all stopped making them.
But These are a few examples of threads you created, that fit in the exact same profile that was discouraged.
That's what I meant by acting above the rules, that's all.

I never deleted Letty's post, and would never delete a post calling me out.  If it disappeared Letty or someone else did it, not me. 
Ok, I shouldn't have said you deleted it.
I interpreted your post as having nothing more than a "oh you're in trouble" and I used you as an example of what not to say.  If you're offended by that sorry but you were an example of a useless post in a serious discussion thread about another user.
Well then you seriously misinterpreted my post, because 'oh you're in trouble' was not what I said, and that was not what you said in yours. If I remember correctly, you said the thread was not a discussion at all, it was there purely to humilliate a troublemaker. My intention was never to rag or put Donut down, but you said it yourself that yours was.

I had no specific problems with you.  There's a saying that goes "don't point out the splinter in someone's eye if you can't see the plank in your own".  Basically saying, don't rag on other people's problems when most likely you have just as many as they do. 
Well then, don't expect people to read your mind when you tell to 'shut the fuck up'. And like I said, I wasn't 'ragging', and if I have such problems I didn't notice. I PMed you right after, not saying "what the fuck is wrong with tell me huh I bet you can't", I sent you an honest and polite request to tell me if there was anything wrong with my behaviour.
Well I think it's better if I quote the whole message.
Good evening, TSO.
Concerning that thread on Donut, Kilga started it by saying people could offer whatever comments they may like, and so I did. I didn't go "lol Donut you're in trouble", sorry if that's what it sounded like. But considering the thread's title is "The Trial of one Nintendonut888", if it isn't about judgement, then I'm not sure what a trial is anymore.

But beyond that, TSO, I get the feeling that you didn't like me the moment I registered on MotK. But that might just be a wrong impression.
Still, back there you said you could probably point dozens of annoying behaviours on me too.
Please do. I'm serious, please do. The last thing I want is to be a bad person, not behave well, and annoy and offend others.
I always try really hard to be polite, sometimes overly, and I know at least IRL I have accomplished that. But if here that's not true, and my manners are affecting others, I'm humbly asking to please tell me how so.
Every place has it's way, and it's code.
If I haven't yet understood the spirit of MotK, please point me in the right direction. I don't wanna be a dick. The people here is way too good to deserve anyone who's lower than them, and I like them all a lot. I want to treat them as well as they treat me, and that includes you, who I've watched manage a whole website such as this with success and dignity.

I think that's all.

I probably didn't get it.  Around that time I was working on the PM system and it probably got ate. 
Well, I couldn't possibly have known that.

If you really want to get my attention, use the report button, send me an IM, or poke me on #shrinemaiden (I'm always idling there in some capacity).  You could have easily hit report on my post and ask for an explanation of what I said.
I don't go to IRC, but I might start one of these days. And I've yet to add many people here to my msn.
As for the report button, you're completely right, I'm not used to it but I should know it's there for me.
I'm not a person who refuses to admit my errors and change for the best.

Awesome, hated but respected.  That makes me feel wonderful inside </sarcasm>
Don't misinterpret me. Maybe hate is a word too strong and my engrish is attacking you. Maybe respect is a word too strong. I don't know. Point is, I like the fact that you're the one running this place, not someone else.

I like how all the stuff about how I'm a terrible mod finally comes out of the woodwork when I'm not around, instead of questionable decisions brought to my attention immediately.  I've said time and again you'll never get chastised or punished for bringing up an issue and I am more than willing to listen.  I've PLEADED with you guys several times to tell me what's wrong, that includes what's wrong with how I handle things.  If I don't hear any complaints I'm just going to assume I'm doing ok.  I'm not a mind reader :\
Well that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm not bashing on you or anything, I'm not pointlessly venting, I'm bringing up the issues.
And as I see it, you're around to see it.
This isn't a personal attack, don't be offended by it. I know I'm not.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 01:17:27 AM by HakureiSM »
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #118 on: January 31, 2010, 01:37:18 AM »
Shit, I forgot to make that part clearer, sorry.
A while ago a few threds in CPMC were classified as attention whoring.
They were pointless threads usually starting with whatever information about one's live that did not create real discussions.
It was encouraged not to make these threads, and they would and are locked when found. Even when some didn't agree, most did, and everyone behaved accordingly, as we all stopped making them.
But These are a few examples of threads you created, that fit in the exact same profile that was discouraged.
That's what I meant by acting above the rules, that's all.

Look at what you just said.  Attention whoring posts that others can't really participate in other than "that's great" and "me too".  In every single one of those examples everyone else could easily participate in.  One was a mock rage thread, one was about christmas gifts, and one was about having to do really boring things, and how you deal with it.  There's no problem with self-centered threads, it's when there's nothing really for others to participate in are the problem.

Ok, I shouldn't have said you deleted it.Well then you seriously misinterpreted my post, because 'oh you're in trouble' was not what I said, and that was not what you said in yours. If I remember correctly, you said the thread was not a discussion at all, it was there purely to humilliate a troublemaker. My intention was never to rag or put Donut down, but you said it yourself that yours was.

??? I just said the thread was not meant to be a discussion about his faults, nor to humiliate him, but merely for people to say how his actions affected them.

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He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

Letty Whiterock

Re: Hey, everybody! It's your pal Letty here to yell at the lot of you!
« Reply #119 on: January 31, 2010, 01:48:37 AM »
??? I just said the thread was not meant to be a discussion about his faults, nor to humiliate him, but merely for people to say how his actions affected them.
The problem was that when the thread came out, that wasn't exactly clear, and you were incredibly hostile over people's responses, which is the exact reason why you and I got into the scuffle we did over it.