Still recuperating from not playing Touhou in two weeks. Captured Hell's Tokamak by staying near the center, which I've never even tried before, what the hell. Also consistently did no worse than 1 death on Nuclear Excursion over several tries (never captured it, but never did plain horribly on it either), and had my absolute closest pass of a sun during NE as well - couldn't see my (unfocused) sprite at all, perhaps worthy of the "Too Close to the Sun" achievement?
Did SA Stage 4 Hard afterward, and captured DBDB on my first (and only) try. Did I seriously just get better at that card? Maybe sitting on my strategy for two weeks inadvertently burned it into my brain or something, because I read the bullets like it was nothing. And no, I don't think I got overly lucky that time. All I need to do is relearn BoWaP and a perfect run might be in the works.