Right, so I can't get Touhou 12 to start up. I've tried with my Locale set to Japan, and I've tried with both the original .exe file and the english patched version. I'm assuming that it's the same error message, so here's the error I get in English.
I looked in the file, and lo and behold, I don't have a th12.cfg file. So, I uninstalled everything, put the disc back in, and retried. Still no th12.cfg file.
So, either this thing isn't installing properly, or my disc is lacking the config file. Any help is appreciated!
Edit: Having the same exact problem with Touhou 11, except with th11.cfg instead of th12.cfg.
Edit again: Wouldn't you know it, same problem with Touhou 9.
I'm thinking this is way too many coincidences for it to be defective disks, so it's got to be my computer. But, Touhou 10 installed just fine... BUt now, even it's not working.
So, for whatever reason, my computer is destroying config files. Or something.