@ E-Mouse,
I can see where you are going with the, not going directly back to the shrine after getting Letty and N.Theorist characters, but it's not so much going to the shrine after getting away from the RAI forces, it's more of the ones running the attack being delcared dead due to the fact that they end up going off of some kind of ramp/hill, and ram into a chopper, while in a '64 mustang, then having it crash near the shrine, which I would think they would declare someone dead if they just did that, since this is not a armored '64 mustang, just a tuned up one with a whole lot of luck.
It's either that, or the car ends up landing somewhere else, some people at the shrine notice smoke or something comming from the direction of the car, then them going to investigate, finding Anthony, Nate, Letty, Genjii, Reisen II, Yorihime, and Toyohime either still in the car, or just outside the wreckage of it, then possibly brining them back to the shrine to recover, or worse case scenario, torture.
Also, since it would be such a big commotion, they probably wouldn't be able to see my character's face, thus allowning him to keep his connection with the governor, and if that won't work for some people, I'll just go with part of what the original plan called for, which involves a Sunred and Rainblue Mask, which would just make this plan just that much more crazy.
Edit: and I just though of a good idea of why the moon sisters and Letty would be in that convoy, due to the inconvience of not being able to use them, due to lack of mana, and/or other reasons, they are being sent to a secret lab or some kind to be experimented on, and I'll just go with that somehow Genjii knows about it, and I was specifially planning on this going for day 5, since I already established that my character was passed out in bed for a period of time from before the colapse of Gensokyo, to the morning of day 4, and I already establised what happens on day 4 for my character, and the reason why I set it up like I did was to make it so he would be clueless about what has happened in the past few days, so he doesn't go out on his own, and getting captured/killed. Either way, if I had to set it to another day earlier, I'll be needing to do alot of rewriting.
Oh well, gotta deal with what life throws at ya, and I am willing to rewrite that one part, but then it will be changed quite a bit in a few places from the looks of it, and the earliest would have to be day 3 or so due to my character starting repairs on June's.