Author Topic: [東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu] - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)  (Read 107657 times)


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2009, 07:31:34 AM »
wtf why is this on page 3
Page 2 still for me :V

To begin with, making the enemy scripts themselves. As there are only Power and Points dropped by a specific enemy, technically we only need two colors of fairies. Although that's pretty boring and there could be another enemy type that drops both power and points, and maybe one that drops extra IE, just to have some color variation.
Old Touhou games have one type of enemy and you didn't know what they dropped. But yea, assuming we follow lead of MoF, SA, UFO. No problem.

For all the basic enemies in the game, I suggest referencing them by simple variabled names instead of having fifty different scripts for all the enemies; if only each enemy type has it's own script, it makes each script fairly huge, but more organized and easy to scroll through if you're looking for a certain behaviour. SMALL_RED and LARGE_BLUE, etc. These would be used for spawning and drawing.
I hope you realise this is going to be extremely challanging. With this we need alot of experimenting.

For drawing, you would just put [DrawFairy;] in the DrawLoop and ask what kind of fairy it is in the one function using alternatives, and set GraphicRects accordingly. That gets rid of a huge amount of space right there.
Make function_drawfairies.txt and dump in ALL tasks and functions for fairy appearance. This shouldn't be hard. The variable being parsed by GetArgument when calling CreateEnemy should define the fairy type imo. IE: 1 = small fairy point type / 2 = small fairy power type / 3 = large fairy etc etc.

For spawning, it would be more of something like [SpawnFairy(SMALL_BLUE,4,2,5);] with type, stage number, bullet behaviour and movement. To eliminate the need to explain the movement in each script, upon initialize we call upon a separate encompassing "enemy movement" script that moves the enemy, but in an entirely different thread/script so that the bullet behaviour and movement behaviour aren't linked whatsoever and it's easy to go through each one. To eliminate the need to have multiple scripts for each bullet behaviour as well, another alternative function is called asking the current stage and pattern, then a main task runs based on that.
I didn't quite get the stage number inside the enemy. Even with the example. What is the use of it?  For movement, this is going to the quite hard. We need to again have a set of premade and preset movement patterns, but ZUN generally uses unique movement in each stage for his games. I don't know if we want the same repeating enemy movements in every stage.

If any enemies spawn familiars or something (not sure if we're going to add familiars for basic enemies, there's not much reason to if you can just make more enemies...) then you can create another enemy with a FAMILIAR enemy type, and the chain goes on.
I think you can only max make 1 familiar a slave of an enemy. Don't think you can make a slave out of a slave who is the slave of the parent enemy ( following it still? :V )

Animation functions like [if(EnemyMovingLeft==true)] is useless and you can just use GetSpeed, sorry. As well, MoveEx can just be made seperately and it should be pretty obvious how they're done.
Who the hell uses if EnemyMovingLeft anyway :V ?


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2009, 08:15:14 AM »
I didn't quite get the stage number inside the enemy. Even with the example. What is the use of it?  For movement, this is going to the quite hard. We need to again have a set of premade and preset movement patterns, but ZUN generally uses unique movement in each stage for his games. I don't know if we want the same repeating enemy movements in every stage.

Don't mean to butt into the programming aspect, but were you planning to design the movement in line with the music? I think part of what makes stages great is that they are choreographed to the stage music. (If this is what you guys were wanting to do anyway, then just ignore me.)
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2009, 08:19:08 AM »
Hmm, not sure if you got it, but my explanation kind of sucks so yeah.

I'm really tired so I might not be able to explain too well even now. I had a talk with Naut and we figured that we could use pretty much all of the parameters of CreateEnemy as other things by just going let stage_number = GetSpeed; in Initialize, because the very limited default movements might or might not get scrapped anyways. This means we aren't really limited to one argument, as long as we use numbers.

The variable SMALL_BLUE is equivalent to "ijiyatsu/script_enm/small_blue.txt" or something similar; it's the pathname to the spawned enemy. When using CreateEnemy, SMALL_BLUE will be used in place of the actual filename. In the DrawLoop of that enemy it heads over to the combined drawing script and calls the DrawFairy(type) function, which has something like
Code: [Select]

The stage number isn't actually needed, but it will make spawning lots of enemies a lot easier. In Initialize there's another alternative that sets the enemy pattern behaviour, but going through every separate bullet behaviour in the entire game is just silly. Instead, you cut it into stage-long chunks. And as for the movement, it's pretty much the same. Every enemy's movement will just be defined in another script entirely instead of in the enemy's script, and it'll use the stage number too. In the stage script you have something similar to
Code: [Select]
CreateEnemyFromScript(SMALL_RED,etcetcetcetce, enemy_line); enemy_line++;
CreateEnemyFromScript(SMALL_RED,etcetcetcetce, enemy_line); enemy_line++;
CreateEnemyFromScript(LARGE_BLUE,etcetcetcetce, enemy_line); enemy_line++;

Note that the enemy_line is really just static, so at the start of each stage you keep it at the last enemy_line of the stage before. Now there are no repeating movements.
Then the enemy's Initialize will have...
Code: [Select]
let stage_number = GetSpeed;
let pattern_behave = GetAngle;
let enemy_move = GetArgument;
    case(1){ //stage 1 enemies


    case(2){ //stage 2 enemies


    case(3){ //stage 3 enemies


And stuff. I'm tired.

As for Nobu, that wasn't really what we're talking about, but yes, I think we'll try to do that; it's a pretty important feature for Touhou. The only thing that means is that the music will have to be completely finished before we can map out the stages. im dum
« Last Edit: November 30, 2009, 04:55:23 PM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2009, 04:51:24 PM »
Don't mean to butt into the programming aspect, but were you planning to design the movement in line with the music? I think part of what makes stages great is that they are choreographed to the stage music. (If this is what you guys were wanting to do anyway, then just ignore me.)

Consider it done.


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2009, 02:32:32 PM »

So i'm sure i'm not the only person looking forward to the end of the semester so I can actually invest time working on stuff not feel guilty about it. \o/

Note: To those who haven't been able to access Rou's links to Tenshi's theme on Mediafire, it looks like the links are working now.
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2009, 02:42:20 PM »
Give me 1.5 week to survive my graduation so I can perhaps focus bit more on Dnh. I already told Drake and Naut my activity for Dnh is really poor lately. I haven't touched it for like a week now. ( ZUN !!!)


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2009, 02:57:38 PM »
Hey, I can actually offer my critique now that I can actually listen to it!

Tenshi's Theme:

This song makes me want to play Megaman. Hehe. Especially 0:33, the guitar really gives the song that Megaman music vibe to it. And I'm loving the triplet melody.

I feel like this track would gain a lot from a section in which the constant percussion throughout the song drops off for a little bit, so you just have the melody shining through. And the track is only 45 seconds long before it repeats, which seems standard fare for a stage 1 boss but a bit short for stage 2 and up. (I mean, Kogasa's theme is at 2:00 before repeating, Parsee and Hina at 1:45, and Mystia being interesting with a 20 second intro and the next 1:10 repeating).

I think there's enough melody there to work with without having to create anything completely new, just tweaking and lengthening what's already there.
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2009, 01:34:56 AM »
Give me 1.5 week to survive my graduation so I can perhaps focus bit more on Dnh. I already told Drake and Naut my activity for Dnh is really poor lately. I haven't touched it for like a week now. ( ZUN !!!)

Applies for me as well, exams and whatever.


Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2009, 02:42:25 AM »
I dunno. Tenshi's theme actually reminds me of Plastic Mind.


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2009, 02:57:52 AM »
Tenshi's theme is pretty intense for a boss of stage... 3 was it?
Wotters gonna' wot


Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2009, 03:04:03 AM »
Stage 2.


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2009, 01:12:48 PM »
I'm rather disappointed with how it went as well. I was hoping that Drake would be able to make something not shitty out of it.

Maybe I'm just being critical, or maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now. -_-


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #42 on: December 03, 2009, 02:01:33 PM »
I'm rather disappointed with how it went as well.

Did anyone say they were disappointed in it? :P
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #43 on: December 03, 2009, 08:19:56 PM »
Since Ruro is a mod now, does this mean she gets upgraded from playable partner to OMES? :V


Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2009, 08:30:20 PM »
Since Ruro is a mod now, does this mean she gets upgraded from playable partner to OMES? :V

If that were the case then we'd switch playable characters/bosses every time we get a new Deity/Maiden =/.


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #45 on: December 03, 2009, 08:30:49 PM »
If we changed things every time something changed on the boards, we'd never get done, Suikama. ;p I'm all for setting things as they are now, and maybe revisiting new developments in the sequel or endings. It's loosely based on the boards, after all. Like one of the endings could involve Ruro being promoted from Shrine Janitor to Global Mod, something like that.

A random thought I had for Ruro/Zengar's normal ending is that after Theorin is defeated and I lose my Deity powers as a result, Ruro hands me a broom and deputizes me as a Shrine Janitor, and I turn into the Ruukoto of Ijiyatsu :V (Though hopefully I'd still show up in a sequel, hehe)
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #46 on: December 03, 2009, 08:45:06 PM »
I think in one of my endings (or both) I end up becoming IM instead of ID, and I go "oh okay".


Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #47 on: December 03, 2009, 10:41:51 PM »
Oh and just so I don't forget Theorist claimed they where going to call Zengar Sanger in one of their Dialogues.

Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2009, 10:42:47 PM »
If we changed things every time something changed on the boards, we'd never get done, Suikama.
I was just kidding :V


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2009, 10:47:49 PM »
I know, but I figured the question should be seriously addressed either way. :V
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #50 on: December 03, 2009, 11:51:15 PM »
I support myself as a playable character.

Anyone who doesn't is getting banned.

Anyway, getting a special ending would be fine, though I now dare to hope that the strength of the ZengaRuro bomb gets an increase. :D


Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #51 on: December 03, 2009, 11:52:45 PM »
Ruro should be easter egg character that you unlock upon completing EX/OME stage.

Just so it has a reason to exist other than to dodge more bullets and see a new character.


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #52 on: December 04, 2009, 12:09:00 AM »
If we wanted to be really sweet (I.E. the programmers and sprite designers thought it was doable and a good idea), we could do sprite swapping when focused/unfocused ala Imperishable Night. But i'd rather see the project actually get released than become vaporware from too much tacked on stuff making the project unruly.

Gpop, you mean the satisfaction of actually making it through the extra stage and seeing a new ending isn't a good enough reason? :V
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #53 on: December 04, 2009, 12:11:20 AM »
Talking about endings reminds me: Have we put doing dialogue on hiatus until the game is closer to completion?
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #54 on: December 04, 2009, 12:15:23 AM »
Hell no. The sooner I can write everything down, the better.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #55 on: December 04, 2009, 12:23:31 AM »
Drake do you have an up to date list of Embodiments sorted by stage like you had in an earlier topic?


Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #56 on: December 04, 2009, 12:23:57 AM »
Gpop, you mean the satisfaction of actually making it through the extra stage and seeing a new ending isn't a good enough reason? :V

Sure it's okay, but still needs a better reason.

And of course it shouldn't be a ridiculous requirement like 1CCing Lunatic that only few could do.

Also, I'm still waiting for fucking Tenshi to rework Stage 2 dialogue >:(

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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #57 on: December 04, 2009, 12:26:15 AM »
Also, I'm still waiting for fucking Tenshi to rework Stage 2 dialogue >:(

We really need to do some planning/scheduling here. :P


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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #58 on: December 04, 2009, 12:33:43 AM »
Well, we should prioritize the first three stages so we have something for the 'demo', which would require working out something with Tenshi and Baity for dialog.  And well, of course the player characters too. What still has to be finished with Nwbi?

Also, since the dialog is getting into the later stages, we should finalize some decisions about the setting. I see no problems with Rou's original iteration of the final setting being inside of a shrine set in the mountains, unless anyone else has objections.

Stage 1 and Stage 2 are en route so there's a bit more freedom with dialog going pretty much anywhere, but Stage 3 and on require at least some relation to the actual plot. (For those dialogs at least, i'd like to be around to help plot references be consistent). Since stage 3 only takes place at the entrance to the final area, Baity has some freedom as to how involved he is with the incident, but I was thinking "Knows whats going on, but not in Theorin's inner circle like the Stage 4 and 5 bosses".

I.E. Baity is the gatekeeper. :V
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Re: 東方意地奴 ~ Touhou Ijiyatsu - Monarchly Moron (Ver. 1.00f)
« Reply #59 on: December 04, 2009, 12:35:05 AM »
Well, we're kinda stuck on the Zengar dialogue, since Tenshi barely appears and we all know Baity's roadtrippin'.