Author Topic: Mad Magic  (Read 3454 times)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Mad Magic
« on: November 03, 2009, 04:58:13 AM »
She hated herself for this. She hated herself for loving this. Her victim was lying before, her, in a pitiable state. She knew this would keep her going for a little bit, but she knew she couldn't resist the temptation, the want, the need.

Eyes are a window into the soul, and her eyes showed naught but the chaos of madness.


The Scarlet Devil Mansion's ball room was filled to the brim. Everybody who was somebody was there. The Prismrivers had been hired to play for the occasion, and a sad melody was washing through the room. There were no genuine smiles in this room, filled with black and white dresses, for this was not a party. It was a memorial.

Remilia Scarlet, the mansion's owner, Patchouli Knowledge, the mansion's librarian, and Hakurei Reimu, a close friend of both Remilia and the deceased sat around a table in the back of the building. Izayoi Sakuya, the head maid refilled their cups with more tea an quietly left as the conversation continued.

"I know it's not surprising that she became a Youkai, Lady Knowledge, however I am surprised at how that happened." Reimu seemed desperate for answers.

"I will keep the body and attempt to find out more, Lady Hakurei. Just...give me some time as well, please. She was special to all of us." The librarian takes a sip of the tea.

"I can't believe it...500 years and still something like this hurts...Flanny didn't even want to leave her room." Remilia shook her head sadly.

"I am glad she at least has Lady Komeiji with her right now..." Patchouli pondered.

Reimu looked at her cup of tea and then down the ballroom to see a figure move towards them, past tables with other people of all sorts of species, and dodging fairies actually doing their maiding job for a change. Reimu sighed as Alice slowly arrived at the table.

"I... I'm so sorry..." Alice was struggling to keep her composure. "I am s-sorry for y-you all...e-especially y-yo" Patchouli had cut her short with a hug. "We're all sorry..."

"W-was it painful for her, L-lady Patchouli?"

"I tried my best to lay her to rest peacefully, Alice...I just wish she hadn't...gone i-insane like that."

Reimu and Remilia looked on as the two stood in embrace over a dear, dead friend.

This was no ball, no party. This was a memorial for the late Kirisame Marisa.


Ok, Disclaimer 1: This will be grim dark, if all goes according to plan. Beware of blood, unnecessary deaths, gratuitious violence, sex, drugs, rock and roll, and dwama.

Disclaimer 2: This was requested by the one, the only, you guessed it, your favorite object of hate, Seniwac/Nachtwanderlied. I don't give a damn whether you hate his guts or not, he asked me to write this, and I will. You don't like the thought, tough, either A) Bugger off, or B) Get me also removed from the forum. Anyways, moving on with my life.

This story will be another extended story (Yes, I know, I still have to update my *first* one. Will do in due time, no worries, got big plans there. -_-) with a horror-esque theme, and all the good stuff from the first disclaimer. I hope I can make this enjoyable. Also, it's a whodunnit, so speculate if you feel like it.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Mad Magic
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2010, 08:57:03 PM »
The purpose of destruction is to give opportunity to creation. But sometimes destruction prolongs the inevitable.


Flandre sat on the bed, her eyes staring into the distance. She didn't feel Koishi's arm around her shoulder, didn't feel the tears drying up on her cheek, didn't feel the cool air of the room... For one blissful moment, she didn't feel anything.

She couldn't believe what had happened. One of the first people she had met when leaving the basement, and had made friends with...her first friend had died, right in front of her. How could Patchouli have done that to her...

"It's ok, it's ok, Flannie..." Koishi didn't know what to do. Her lover was in an emotional uproar, and her subconscious was running amok. Thankfully she was able to calm Flandre's subconscious substantially already, but she was afraid of what would happen were she to leave the vampire's side.

Sakuya appeared beside them, stoic as ever, placing two cups of tea down for them. She didn't let it show, but Koishi knew that even Sakuya, who had been providing food for two vampires, was touched by the death of Marisa. But before Koishi could say something to her, she was gone already.

"A...a monster..."

Koishi's attention returns to Flandre, who has broken out in tears again.

"I am sorry that she turned into one, Flandre...Patchouli is trying to figure out why this had to happen..."

Flandre shakes her head, sobbing.

"N-no...not Ma...Marisa..."

Koishi sighed, already knowing what Flandre would say...she didn't need to be able to read minds to know Flandre's way of thinking there.

"M-me...I am a monster."

Koishi sighed again and just hugged Flandre, because she still doesn't know how to make that ridiculous notion leave her head.


Sakuya stood wide eyed in the hallway, her stoic demeanor replaced with shock.

In front of her laid three of her fairy maids. Dead...and they weren't resurrecting.


So, I asked Keine which story I should update and she tells me to update this one of all the possibilities...ah well, might as well get the hardest update out of the way...or second hardest, I should say...Hakureiville will be harder simple because I remember even less about it than about this least I remember who the bad guy was here. >.<

Either way, above disclaimers remain, this will not be a story of smiles, unless you can smile at stuff like this.

Expect necromancy to be worked on the remaining three story threads in the near future, perhaps even today.

And sorry for the shortness of this but...I think I will take small steps with the story for my own mental health's sake.

Hope someone enjoys.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Mad Magic
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 02:44:44 AM »

Interesting writing style, I must say. It flows brilliantly.

Definitely looking forward to this (no, not because I hate Marisa for picking mushrooms, not at all :V), because it's off to an interesting start.