Okay, students, listen up. Today we'll lea-
*Looks at the board
Hey, I'm pretty sure I had EIGHT numbers here when I left the class. Why is there only SEVEN of them now?
Tch, fine. I'll deal with seven of them for now. We'll miss that other one, you wicked students.
...Wha? Nobody was here? You don't mean the numbers did it, right?
In any case, this doesn't mean you'll avoid your homework.
*Crowd "Awws" are heard
Damn, I hope we don't lose more numbers...
*knocks board with ruler
Alright, our next lesson is....
Sol got divided by 0! He was number 34, vanilla town, and a pervert number as well.
It is now Day 2. Let's get it on!
With 7 people left, 4 votes are required for a lynch!
The new deadline will be on Sunday, November 1, 1PM GMT -5 (Yeah, I'll give you an extra hour, just to be more comfortable for everyone.)