Author Topic: Super Touhou RPG ~ Abandoned due to mod (Pesco's) screwups  (Read 59764 times)


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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #360 on: October 20, 2009, 09:36:24 PM »
Ramus has taken 1 damage
UK has taken 6 damage
u? has taken 1 damage
Serp has taken 2 damage
Edible has taken 3 damage
Nietz has taken -2 damage

It is now Day 6
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 12:48:57 AM by u? »


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #361 on: October 20, 2009, 09:38:33 PM »
Thanks for updating half an hour before you updated it yesterday, pesco.

... And wtf, 9 damage on UK?  I thought she said she had 8 hp?

This IS the normal update time. Yesterday was delayed.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 09:44:04 PM by Pes-co-mod »


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #362 on: October 20, 2009, 09:40:01 PM »
Requesting clarification from Pesco. Is the damage from the spellcard included in the count, or is that 9 HP of raw damage UK just took?

The previous damage count has been independently verified and is accurate.

All damage counts are final tallies of how many HP each player has gained/lost overall.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 09:43:38 PM by Pes-co-mod »


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 5 We're still alive
« Reply #363 on: October 20, 2009, 09:41:09 PM »
Oh, that's simple Affinity, I'd like to see the list individually myself and get my own information.  It's just a neat format to work with.  But to humor you, let's answer #256.

1.  Dislike me all you want for keeping people alive to talk, but I'm currently finding that we're making plenty of progress right now.  For example, Edible.  I honestly didn't have a clue about him before due to a lack of defining posts, now though, I believe I at least have a trail.  And besides, fluidity of positions is what defines my playstyle.  The best debater is one who can argue both sides.  Same goes here, if I can work both sides, I get a clearer understanding of what is going on.

2.  First off, I'll point out the fallacy that just because there's more tackles doesn't mean more carelessness.  I still stand by my point, if people are reasoning why they're tackling instead of just doing so for the lulz/game start/ whatever, then I good with that.  Yes, even with Roukanken, bite me for it, I believe that humanity is not inherently stupid.  And besides, at that point, I couldn't get a solid grasp on Edible so I couldn't form an opinion on him.  If you want my opinion on Edible now, then I think he's hiding something.

Has that answered everything?

Edible 131:  Yes, can we find out why Serp's post is so fishy here Edible?

GAH!  Too many postings not enough time.

EDIT:  It's a weak card.  You expect me to believe that that is supposed be in a game where your character is not the greatest in HP, has a low HP card, low defense bonus against 2 and 3 damage shots, where you only do 1 damage and 1 healing?  You either got the really short straw or are hiding something.  Tell me, if that card is active, does it shield you against having certain facts about you being detected?  You're Rumia after all.  Also, what's the name of your spellcard?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #364 on: October 20, 2009, 09:50:58 PM »
Ramus: You realise that, if anything, UK has made the same claim but weaker. She doesn't even have the defense bonus. So why is Edible and Edible alone accountable?


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #365 on: October 20, 2009, 09:54:01 PM »
"Dark Sign "Demarcation" (3, 4 days)"

The flavor text also made fun of me for being plain ol' Rumia instead of EX-Rumia, so I think I'm supposed to be somewhat weak.

You must have one hell of a card yourself.  Or maybe you're just vastly misunderstanding how this game is balanced - not that I claim to know that myself.  I thought my spellcard ability was pretty cool. :(

I'd also like to point out that UK's card DID work against me.  It just didn't do what she said (or thought?) it did.  Though it did seem to penetrate my spellcard's shield (unless pesco screwed it up again).

More when I'm not at work.


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #366 on: October 20, 2009, 10:05:28 PM »
Stupid list is too long.  I'll just comment on those that I do have a defined opinion on now.

Affinity 158: Not sure you're happy with the answers I've given to these yet, so...
1.  This is coming from the guy who tackled me with little more than "I like Drake's reasoning better than Ramus's."  Now ignoring that, would you like me to justify everything I say with a paragraph of reasoning?  If it makes you feel better, I'll keep a three to one word ratio of explanation to action or statement.
2.  How fast do you expect to me to find scum?  Sure, I can latch onto the Roukanken and UK slapfight, but I've seen enough times that that's just two townies going at it.  It annoys me how you people demand I immediately find some group of people to attack, that's asking for error.  The only reason I latched onto you first was the fact that you immediately brought yourself to my attention by attacking me without much reason behind it.

Nietz160:  Going to have to agree with UK here.  Killing poorly working townies has proven to be detrimental to games before.  It's best to focus on scum.

Let's look up that word in the dictionary:

1.  Delimit
2.  To set apart: to distinguish


To fix or define the limits of.

Okay, I'm stuck.

And Roukanken, I believe UK's card is a "luck" card, meaning that the something you find out is random and might be something lame or something good, balancing it out.

And for the press, my card sucks.  Just not as hard as Edible's.


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #367 on: October 20, 2009, 10:06:16 PM »
Oh right, before I forget, what stopping you people from killing UK again?  Hmm?


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #368 on: October 20, 2009, 10:07:10 PM »
Fricking hit post instead of preview.

Anyway, for so many people being so anti-UK, why don't you just attack her already?  I'm feeling some hypocrisy rising up here.  It's a new day after all and if you guys really find her a threat, knock her out.


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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #369 on: October 20, 2009, 10:07:53 PM »
Drake 90:  I assume that means truthful, in which sure, if he did that based on emotion.  Else, he may be acting and using pathos (AKA AtE or the pathetic fallacy) to clear himself.  I'll assume the former for now.

Not false, yes, correct

Rou's 91: Again, metaing, Roukanken is frustrated by past games and is angry with already being under fire in this one.  Still going to call it non-indicator.

Mmn...I really don't like these meta clears

Zak 99:  Vague words, what do you mean by forced?

It feels like he's trying to force what I'm saying into something else...or something like that...I really don't have a good word for it. I just...felt there was something off about how he used my own words.

Zak 104:  Not that subtle.  He does essentially join Roukanken and helps to end the slap fight.  However, until you tell me what you mean by forced in the previous post, I can't comment much here.

Well, subtle enough so I missed it the first time. as for helping to end the slap fight I don't think that was his goal

110 and 112 have no answer

Ironically, you vehemently denied when I accused you of using your meta.
And also ironically, I had the same idea on Rou. Invasion Mafia clearly showed that he's very well capable of using craplogic as a townie, so he could be using it now under a meta disguise. The thing is, I don't think is likely for him to actually try pull it off on purpose (yes, I do think you'd be more likely to do it than him), so I can't really base any concrete suspicion on him yet. Not before your flip, in any case.

And yes, while I though Ramus' idea of keeping UK alive was worthwhile, at this point I don't think it's really going to work. Seems we really need to get UK out of the way or the game won't progress, most of the cases around are linked to her flip.

That's not really irony. But it's amusing. I do agree I need to die soon, I just thought I'd get what I got out before it happened

Your spellcard ability allowed you to target a user to deal damage, right?  I'm pretty sure the rules mentioned somewhere that you could use that ability as long as your spellcard persisted, or something, as it replaced your normal attacks.  Thus I was under the impression that you could target more than one person over the life of your spellcard, assuming you were actually a cop.

I was under the impression that once you used your card you were out of trance. I was, however, apparently wrong. As evidenced by me being alive to post this.

Well, UK, you may live by virtue of no one else being around to kill you.

I thought I was already dead. This is irritating

Zak 114: His argument is better for attacking since he gives sufficient words for it.  Despite this, the attack against me is one paragraph long, and even then, three lines long.  Every time someone has attacked it me, it was with little justification and that drives me up a wall.

It'd be more precise to say I don't think his attack is insincere, nor is it unsupported.

Nietz 128: Ah... no comment.

I should have left it out, to be honest. It wasn't germane to finding scum

Elaborate on the second part.

Ok. It feels like you agree I shouldn't have been hit so hard but you hit someone for healing me despite that agreement.

Since I'm not a very utilitarian person, I disagree with you on this.  You would also be calling most of town 'bad' in a way because this is what most of the town think; and primarily why you are liable to be lynched soon.  Intent is just as, if not, more important than the consequences of your actions because some factors that bring those intentions to realization are rather left to chance (especially in this game), but your intentions are clear and solid the moment you utter them.  As for going back on Nietz, isn't that calling me out on the fluidity of opinions?

Provide evidence that the town's issue with me was my declared intentions.

Or evidence that most of the town agrees that intentions are just as bad as consequences. I agree intent is useful. However, I don't think and intention is on the same level as an action.

What?  He healed you because Rou though you had bad reasons for attacking him and yet feels that you are town.  He did not heal Edible, without even elaborating why even though these two situations are similar, even going so far to say things which are irrelevant to the topic at hand, about 'the playstyle changing' and stuff when the main focus was Roukanken's actions.

I'm not sure I understand your point as compared to mine?

Idea goes that changing your opinions when there has been a minimal change in that guy's actions screams insecurity.  Scum, who have to go to lengths to fake an opinion, is thus

Fair but I didn't see evidence of this.

Worst point ever.  So... by not doing what town is doing... I'm scummy?  What?  This is my view about you, that flips are needed and are beneficial for town, which was justified.  And you don't, for example, call Zakeri out for agreeing with me... it seems that you are skimming without analysis.  Might as well say that I was scum for attacking Ramus from the very beginning.

Not necessarily. And Zak didn't back it up with an action. We get to the difference between intent and consequence. You actually tackled me. Zak, merely expressed the opinion. You didn't leave town any time to decide if I was to be kept alive or not.

I'd actually say this is one of my strongest points.

It's his choice not to reply despite two or more instances, and labeling those two or more instances as 'handwaves' is a rather dubious action.


This doesn't address my point at all.

I am dissatisfied with AFfinity's "defense"

1.  Dislike me all you want for keeping people alive to talk, but I'm currently finding that we're making plenty of progress right now.  For example, Edible.  I honestly didn't have a clue about him before due to a lack of defining posts, now though, I believe I at least have a trail.  And besides, fluidity of positions is what defines my playstyle.  The best debater is one who can argue both sides.  Same goes here, if I can work both sides, I get a clearer understanding of what is going on.

Do you mean fluidity the way Affinity means it or...?

It's a weak card.  You expect me to believe that that is supposed be in a game where your character is not the greatest in HP, has a low HP card, low defense bonus against 2 and 3 damage shots, where you only do 1 damage and 1 healing?  You either got the really short straw or are hiding something.  Tell me, if that card is active, does it shield you against having certain facts about you being detected?  You're Rumia after all.  Also, what's the name of your spellcard?

Why is this fishy? Rou has a point about the fact that I'm technically weaker I think?

I'd also like to point out that UK's card DID work against me.  It just didn't do what she said (or thought?) it did.  Though it did seem to penetrate my spellcard's shield (unless pesco screwed it up again).

Hmm :S

As for questioning my health. All I know is I started with 8 HP. My spellcard had a shield worth three.

I can only guess that damage is tallied as totals, as what pesco quoted seems to imply.

And Roukanken, I believe UK's card is a "luck" card, meaning that the something you find out is random and might be something lame or something good, balancing it out.

That would be my guess. Since apparently we can fire as long as we are in trance?

Oh right, before I forget, what stopping you people from killing UK again?  Hmm?

Cold feet? I should be 2 HP off.

Oh, hey, Rou has a shield. My tackle did no damage to him. I am displeased with this.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #370 on: October 20, 2009, 10:17:21 PM »
*stabs himself with Hakurouken to kill off his uncertainty*

##Tank Tackle: UncertainKitten

The reason I was so reluctant is that really I just desperately feel that I could put my vote ANYWHERE today and it'd be well placed. -_-
Seriously, I've hit the usual 'Got a good reason to suspect everyone, have no idea where the hell to go' brick wall. I'm paranoid that I'm wrong about UK, but for the last few games I've been paranoid about every choice I make so I may as well run with it.

As a last point - UK tackled me yesterday. Pointlessly. She knew that from D1. Feels like she's trying to connect herself to me, thus making my attack on her look like a bus.

Honestly, though, I sort of which I hadn't signed up. I just have no enthusiasm for the game right now. >_>


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #371 on: October 20, 2009, 10:20:49 PM »
As a last point - UK tackled me yesterday. Pointlessly. She knew that from D1. Feels like she's trying to connect herself to me, thus making my attack on her look like a bus.

Fallacy. I did NOT know attacking you would deal no damage, because I had never done it before

When I TRIED, it turned out I already attacked Umu

I'm paranoid that I'm wrong about UK, but for the last few games I've been paranoid about every choice I make so I may as well run with it.

You are, but don't sweat. Pretty much everyone else is wrong about me as well, as will soon be evidenced

Seriously, I've hit the usual 'Got a good reason to suspect everyone, have no idea where the hell to go' brick wall.

Can I see a list of this?

Seian Verian

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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #372 on: October 20, 2009, 10:21:53 PM »
Honestly, though, I sort of which I hadn't signed up. I just have no enthusiasm for the game right now. >_>

It's actually reaching this point with me as well. I'm not sure whether I want to stay or not... I never have any idea what's going on, and I'm wanting to scream in frustration off and on...


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #373 on: October 20, 2009, 10:24:05 PM »
So much text going back and forth, getting so annoying...

Mmn...I really don't like these meta clears

Bite me, that's how I work.

It feels like he's trying to force what I'm saying into something else...or something like that...I really don't have a good word for it. I just...felt there was something off about how he used my own words.

Force fit your words into a mold you don't believed they fit in?  Maybe, I need to look some more.

Do you mean fluidity the way Affinity means it or...?

I have no clue anymore.  You people use vague words.

Why is this fishy? Rou has a point about the fact that I'm technically weaker I think?

Already given my reason on this.  If nothing else, I as a game designer feel that a game should be more balanced that what I'm currently seeing.  If I'm wrong, well, it's going hurt.

Gah, too much of this.  I'm going to take a break for a while.  Expect to see me later.

Honestly, though, I sort of which I hadn't signed up. I just have no enthusiasm for the game right now. >_>


Welcome to Mafia.  This game isn't meant to be fun.  I'm sure everyone wonders why they joined the game at some point or another because it's about making people miserable and forcing down on them to find out information.  Once you're under pressure, it stops being fun.  Even less so when your survive depends on the opinion of morons who fail to take note of certain details or just like bandwagon without reason even though they're townie.  This game is anything BUT fun.  You're best off not playing it and I'm wondering why I'm playing it right now.  Ain't it a blast?  Alas, I'll still last through because the game is exciting enough to make up for the lack of fun and the total frustration.  Like a drama really.   And when it's over, I'm really hoping to grab that title of magnificent bastard.  Until then, I keep playing as I am.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #374 on: October 20, 2009, 10:29:05 PM »
Can I see a list of this?
Edible - Card that screams scum, general lack of input early days
Ramus - Insistence that the pair of us are both Town on meta
Nietz - Self-preservation for no reason
Drake - Screaming at Serp all game and healing UK despite even UK herself saying not to
Zak - Seriously where the hell has he been
Affinity - See Zak.

This game is anything BUT fun.  You're best off not playing it and I'm wondering why I'm playing it right now.  Ain't it a blast?
I suppose it's nice to know I'm not alone, but if the GAME isn't FUN, aren't we sort of missing the point? When did Mafia just turn into a chore rather than a hobby?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #375 on: October 20, 2009, 10:29:57 PM »
EBWOP: And I don't really get this feeling of excitement that you do. More a sense of dread as I panic about whether or not I've screwed up. >_>


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #376 on: October 20, 2009, 10:33:51 PM »
It one of those things where you've done all this hard work and it's mentally rewarding to finally make the big move that wins the game or whatever, regardless of what side you're on.  It's great to be on the upside of things at times.  And besides, I can only find the game exciting because I fail to take it seriously.  If you guys shoot me, then, well, I get on with life.  Until then, it's a joy ride.


  • hoho
  • ... but I have promises to keep.
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #377 on: October 20, 2009, 10:34:24 PM »

And besides, fluidity of positions is what defines my playstyle.  The best debater is one who can argue both sides.

While the worst of debaters are those who don't know which side to be on, and that's the same with townies and their standards.  You are of this category in all regards except on me.  If you have no good reason to change your opinion, then you are scummy for it, simple as that.  In this case, what you cited here...

UK I find neutral for the lack of doing much besides attacking Roukanken.  I've seen both town and scum focus on one target using circular logic and ad hominem.  I don't really see reason to bat an eye towards either right now.

UK did was something early game, concrete and unchangeable.  Therefore, your opinion should be itself, concrete.  However, before that post, you explicitly said that UK was scummy in your list here, and then you negate what you said by saying things about what UK did early game.  Therefore, your opinions are ineffectual, and this is not the mark of a skilled debater.

First off, I'll point out the fallacy that just because there's more tackles doesn't mean more carelessness.

This is directly at odds with what you said earlier here.  I was merely pointing the fact that there were more tackles to counter the following point.

However, now I can see it's not all that much as apparently people have sufficient HP to survive some hits and more so, people are being cautious about how they're using their tackles.

I still stand by my point, if people are reasoning why they're tackling instead of just doing so for the lulz/game start/ whatever, then I good with that.

Any sort of reasoning?  ...Rou's first had some reasoning attached to it, so obviously, that is not the case.  It's more of good/bad rather than present/not present, and it's up to you to define the earlier if you are that intent on healing.



On Ramus' case, look above, I guess.

It feels like you agree I shouldn't have been hit so hard but you hit someone for healing me despite that agreement.

Fair and your feeling is correct.  But what's wrong with that?  You announced your intent to attack Rou three more times, so do we heal Rou too, or what?  So you are on equal footing with Rou, and thus you should not have been healed.  It's consistent.  You actually tackled, so you 'executed' that action in a sense, even though no damage was done.

Provide evidence that the town's issue with me was my declared intentions.

Serp tackled twice for kneejerk OMGUS, for example.  Rou and Zakeri have cited things which are wrong with you, and if you want, people can raise their hands if they thought this too. 

Not necessarily. And Zak didn't back it up with an action. We get to the difference between intent and consequence. You actually tackled me. Zak, merely expressed the opinion. You didn't leave town any time to decide if I was to be kept alive or not.

Let's go on with today then, with your intentions/consequences shtick.  And there's time now, isn't there?  It was not an outright hammer, but an action.  Might as well accuse Drake or even Ramus for healing you without letting town decide either, which you did not.


This doesn't address my point at all.

I put that point to Rou, twice.  Rou did not respond.  I can't do anything, and it is not my fault for that.  Those points something I will keep for the future, however, in my assessment of him.



If you are that adamant about my non-existence, answer this point.  And, off-topically speaking, this game is fun and you are all jerks for thinking that this is not so.  It's also a huge insult to the mod in saying that you find this game unfun during the game itself, who took all the effort to organize it, by the way, and I really look down on that behavior.


  • hoho
  • ... but I have promises to keep.
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #378 on: October 20, 2009, 10:36:26 PM »

UK, why aren't you, or anyone else scummy for, say, tackling Rou without our consensus?


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #379 on: October 20, 2009, 10:45:09 PM »
It's also a huge insult to the mod in saying that you find this game unfun during the game itself, who took all the effort to organize it, by the way, and I really look down on that behavior.

Oh gee, if you're really going to take it to heart, then sorry.  I still enjoy the game and have an odd definition of fun.  That being said, you will admit it tends to get overwhelming at times, and when a game gets to be too much, that's when people will complain.  Never mind that Star Fox Adventures was a fun game up until the trial of strength, it sucks because of that single point in the game.  That being said, I enjoy the game, but I'm going to take a break for an hour or so.

That means I'll answer you later Affinity.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 2 *Glomp*
« Reply #380 on: October 20, 2009, 10:46:38 PM »
And I don't like Rou going 'what I did was okay because no one else will do what I did just now' especially when I was in the same position to do what he did when he made this post.  Granted, I was not able to come back before the day ended, but knowing that his shot was rather powerful, he should not have used it and goad the actions of 3 other townies for healing, especially others were alright with taking the less powerful shot.
I already made this point on D1/2 - I wasn't fine with people simply saying they'd do it, like everyone had been for the whole day. You were saying you wanted to tackle, but you didn't actually tackle.

It one of those things where you've done all this hard work and it's mentally rewarding to finally make the big move that wins the game or whatever, regardless of what side you're on.  It's great to be on the upside of things at times.  And besides, I can only find the game exciting because I fail to take it seriously.  If you guys shoot me, then, well, I get on with life.  Until then, it's a joy ride.
I think the problem for me is that I basically don't have any confidence in my own ability right now. I'm not trying to say that the game isn't fun, I'm saying that it's a fault on my part. My problem is that after a long string of unsuccessful games, I'm really not very proud when it comes to my track record, so for every move I make I've basically got a voice in the back of my head saying 'Have I screwed up again?'.

I'm not trying to point fingers at the mods right now. Indeed, I apologise to Umu right now if that's how it's coming across. I just don't have enough pride to really get into the swing of things, I guess. >_>


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #381 on: October 20, 2009, 10:48:55 PM »
Bite me, that's how I work.

If Rou flips scum you might want to rethink those :P

Force fit your words into a mold you don't believed they fit in?  Maybe, I need to look some more..

Something like that

I have no clue anymore.  You people use vague words.

Affinity defined fluidity


Welcome to Mafia.  This game isn't meant to be fun.  I'm sure everyone wonders why they joined the game at some point or another because it's about making people miserable and forcing down on them to find out information.  Once you're under pressure, it stops being fun.  Even less so when your survive depends on the opinion of morons who fail to take note of certain details or just like bandwagon without reason even though they're townie.  This game is anything BUT fun.  You're best off not playing it and I'm wondering why I'm playing it right now.  Ain't it a blast?  Alas, I'll still last through because the game is exciting enough to make up for the lack of fun and the total frustration.  Like a drama really.   And when it's over, I'm really hoping to grab that title of magnificent bastard.  Until then, I keep playing as I am.

I'm having fun in an offsite game that I'm under pressure in

This one is just irritating. I think a lot of it has to do with how arguments are presented, something that admittedly seems to get rough here

Edible - Card that screams scum, general lack of input early days
Ramus - Insistence that the pair of us are both Town on meta
Nietz - Self-preservation for no reason
Drake - Screaming at Serp all game and healing UK despite even UK herself saying not to
Zak - Seriously where the hell has he been
Affinity - See Zak.

Your logic on Edible is reasonably debunked until there is evidence otherwise. Do you have anything else?
Why does this make Ramus scummy?
The rest seem reasonable

It one of those things where you've done all this hard work and it's mentally rewarding to finally make the big move that wins the game or whatever, regardless of what side you're on.  It's great to be on the upside of things at times.  And besides, I can only find the game exciting because I fail to take it seriously.  If you guys shoot me, then, well, I get on with life.  Until then, it's a joy ride.

And this is basically how you should play mafia

Fair and your feeling is correct.  But what's wrong with that?  You announced your intent to attack Rou three more times, so do we heal Rou too, or what?  So you are on equal footing with Rou, and thus you should not have been healed.  It's consistent.  You actually tackled, so you 'executed' that action in a sense, even though no damage was done.

I executed the first attack. If it HAD worked I'd assume that Rou would be healed as well. That was still only 1/3rd of the initial thing. It definitely feels like you are attacking Ramus for something that you agree with on some level.

Serp tackled twice for kneejerk OMGUS, for example.  Rou and Zakeri have cited things which are wrong with you, and if you want, people can raise their hands if they thought this too.

Those were actual actions, not intentions. I disagree it was knee jerk OMGUS, as I stated before. It was however bad reasoning.

Let's go on with today then, with your intentions/consequences shtick.  And there's time now, isn't there?  It was not an outright hammer, but an action.  Might as well accuse Drake or even Ramus for healing you without letting town decide either, which you did not.


There was a consensus in place that I was to be left alive and not killed.

There, however, was NO consensus when I was healed Day 2. Notice that I called Drake out for healing me as well.

I put that point to Rou, twice.  Rou did not respond.  I can't do anything, and it is not my fault for that.  Those points something I will keep for the future, however, in my assessment of him.

You completely missed my point then. My point was that you handwave Rou's actions as him being Rou, despite implied accusation.

It's also a huge insult to the mod in saying that you find this game unfun during the game itself, who took all the effort to organize it, by the way, and I really look down on that behavior.

I doubt the mod is the reason it's unfun in these player's eyes

UK, why aren't you, or anyone else scummy for, say, tackling Rou without our consensus?

There was no prior consensus for not attacking Rou at all.

Understand the differences.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #382 on: October 20, 2009, 10:53:12 PM »
Your logic on Edible is reasonably debunked until there is evidence otherwise. Do you have anything else?
Does 'he hasn't said anything useful other than trying to read into the setup' qualify?

Why does this make Ramus scummy?
Because, well, meta can be exploited. He wrote off the argument too he's trying to get credit for avoiding Town/Town rather than actually considering all the possibilities.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #383 on: October 20, 2009, 10:54:15 PM »
EBWOP: And that's assuming the worst-case scenario that you're Town - if you're scum then his hastiness to heal you on D2 is also extremely suspicious, right behind Drake jumping on your Serp suspicions and insisting you were totally clear.


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #384 on: October 20, 2009, 10:55:49 PM »

Uh, Rou, you're aware that I was at -5 HP at the time, right?  And that on that same day, scum did attack me and brought me to -6 HP, right?  'Cause it looks to me like you're trying really hard to be sarcastic here, but I have no idea why.  >_>

Not too much to comment on, here.  Lots of words, not much content.  I'll look over it after UK's flip to try and get some more impressions, but since our next course of action is already set, pretty much any of it could be a deliberate act.  The analysis fence from UK is to be expected either way.  If she flips scum, then it's all WIFOM.  If she flips town, then I guess I'll try to compare my notes to it.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #385 on: October 20, 2009, 11:09:04 PM »
Uh, Rou, you're aware that I was at -5 HP at the time, right?  And that on that same day, scum did attack me and brought me to -6 HP, right?  'Cause it looks to me like you're trying really hard to be sarcastic here, but I have no idea why.  >_>
Unless being at -6HP put you at a direct risk of death if you were attacked again, it's more proactive to attack than defend.

Plus, why would scum attack you - for 1 damage, take note - when a) you were already taking hits anyway, and b) there were several people at the time who were arguing for your death? Reeks of potential gambit, but then again in my current mindstate so does everything. T_T

Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #386 on: October 20, 2009, 11:11:26 PM »
I'm largely having problem with enjoying this game right now, too. There always seems to be a lul about 96 hours into the game that lasts until we lose about half the players of the game. Twice in a row actually, I've looked up at the clock and go "Oh shoot, the phase change was an hour ago :V"

I'm ignoring UK until I get an alignment from her. Although, I would be happy with an explanation for someone why she's -1 HP in The Great Blowhole and not Kicking the Kisume.

Ramus is getting ever more worrying for me. I'll have to go reread him first though.

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #387 on: October 20, 2009, 11:13:38 PM »
Er... I think I remember Serp mentioning something about his having only six health, which if I'm understanding that right, and if he's telling the truth, means that having taken six points of damage would have finished him off if he hadn't healed himself...


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #388 on: October 20, 2009, 11:21:24 PM »
Er... I think I remember Serp mentioning something about his having only six health, which if I'm understanding that right, and if he's telling the truth, means that having taken six points of damage would have finished him off if he hadn't healed himself...
Quote from: Serp
Even if UK flips town, Edible isn't necessarily scum - with my quickness to heal myself yesterday, scum might've figured that I had only six HP, and so they could have used their intrinsic ability on me to frame the two spellcard users and off me at the same time.
Doesn't say he actually HAS only 6 HP. >_>


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: Super Touhou RPG ~ Day 6 Shit some bricks
« Reply #389 on: October 20, 2009, 11:21:42 PM »
Unless being at -6HP put you at a direct risk of death if you were attacked again, it's more proactive to attack than defend.

Just how many HP do you think I have?  Right now, it's public knowledge that I have more than 6.  I'm not going to say any more than that, so that scum don't know how hurt I'll have to be before they can kill me off.

Quote from: Roukanken
Plus, why would scum attack you - for 1 damage, take note

2 damage.  I was at -5 before I healed myself to -4.  Scum attacked me and brought me to -6.

Quote from: Roukanken
when a) you were already taking hits anyway, and b) there were several people at the time who were arguing for your death? Reeks of potential gambit, but then again in my current mindstate so does everything. T_T

"Several?"  Well, we have UK, who is widely agreed to be the scummiest player alive right now.  We have Drake, who had been tunneling on me all game with crap logic, and Edible redacted his case when I explained the statement he found scummy at the time.  It looks to me like you're struggling to find a reason to suspect everyone.  It's one thing to keep an open mind, and it's another to keep everyone primed for mislynch.  When you list everyone as scummy, you're the one who looks scummiest for it.

Cut by Drake:  Maybe I would have died, maybe I wouldn't have.  The point is that I was completely justified in thinking that scum were going to try to finish me off, because that's exactly what they did.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<