> Shrug.> "It's fine. Live and learn for both of us, I guess. Though I'm still interested in you joining us for a bit. I can copy myself to cover gate security."
Well, this game happened.
> Mmm...I don't suppose you'd be willing to order Meiling to join us, Mistress? What I said about creating a copy of myself to maintain gate security is true.
> Or,if that is not feasible yet ,I could relay by your description what has been your experience ,both yours and Lady Patchouli's,to persuade her to come at a later time since Meiling already expressed curiosity .// Has registration for MoTK been reopened or have there been other "spammer bot" issues?Thanks for your hard work anyway! //
> She could me useful for testing internal capacity, though...we don't actually know how much I can take in like this.
> Aww...very well. Though, now that I think about it, is there anyone you actively would like to join you here, Mistress?> "Alrighty then. Another time, perhaps."
> Try focusing more on Remilia's presence and listening to her closer.
> ...Mistress?
> Is there anyone you actively would like to join you here?
> Very well. Then, is there anyone else you specifically do NOT want to join you in here?
> I will do my best to not absorb myself. Is there anyone else, though?
> I want to make sure I do not take in someone you do not want to be with, such as Meiling just now.
> Very well. I suppose it is true that I do not intend to simply vacuum up every person I meet. But I may ask a few I am more familiar with. We'll see how things go.
> Ladies, please, I'm very glad to have both of you with me like this...
> It is nice not being pathetically weak, yes. Having perpetual company is also enjoyable.
> Oh, well, I was going to say that I said it...
> Well, I mean, comparatively...