Author Topic: Create your own Deities and Youkai!  (Read 46952 times)


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2009, 10:31:55 PM »


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2009, 10:07:22 PM »
Name: Jeremy Harrington
Ability: Ability to manipulate anything
Occupation: God of Awesome
Species: Dragon-God
Stage: EX-Phantasm-Phantasm
Danmaku: Pain
Spell cards: Awesome Sign- End reality
Relationship: Everyone loves him because he is so cool
Location: Anywhere and everywhere
Personality: The most awesome guy there is, like Fonzie x10 XD
Likes: Everything, since he allows it to exist
Dislikes: Nothing, since he makes the things he hates not exist


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2009, 10:08:43 PM »
That. Just. HAPPENED. o/
The old man the boat.
The cotton clothing is made of grows in Mississippi.

Some sentences are better than others. These are those sentences.


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2009, 10:37:21 PM »
Zentent Kenso.

Deity of strange occurrences and oddities in the world.

Straight hair that goes down to shoulders, black, but at the bottom tipped orange. Bright blue eyes. Very naive, not very powerful, medium height, likes to sleep and relax.  Wears a cream/yellow colored, long sleeved dress, big black boots, and a pink, winter/woolly hat, also has small, black bird-like wings on back with orange tipped feathers. Usually quite kind, and a very touchy-feely person/Youkai (likes to hug and kiss people a lot). Often rather dopey, saying obvious things.

Spell cards are, Odd Sign: Blue Apples, Odd Sign: Red Water.
Final Word: Unusual Sign: Unflyable Bird.

She likes to sit outside the Hakurei Shrine and have picnics with other small Youkai and faeries.

I might make more, or doodle her later. c:
❤ Touhou, BlazBlue, Pok?mon, Persona ❤

Easy Mode

Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2009, 10:39:57 PM »
Copypasta from my old thread.

Name: Sawamatsu Otsune
Power/Ability: Can transport nonliving items from Point A to Point B.
Species: Magician (Youkai)
Personality: Very snooty. Also spoiled rotten due to her powers allowing her to have any object she wants.
Stage Boss/Midboss: Final Stage boss. Strong, but not strong enough for EX.



Colored in MSpaint. Pre Photoshop. :V


Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #36 on: October 12, 2009, 02:21:15 PM »
I'm bad at choosing names and any random character I think up is very lame.

If I can come up with a name I may post one.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 05:17:41 PM by Rikter »

Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #37 on: October 12, 2009, 05:01:21 PM »
Name: Luna Crimson
Ability: Becoming a full vampire during a full moon or when enough bloodlust builds up, granting insanity impossible to recall, but unimaginable vampiric abilities depending on how firsty she is for blood. Sometimes she is strong enough to rip a hole through a whole country in a matter of seconds, but because she thinks of countries as a human farm for her to drink from, she restrains herself from doing so. 
Occupation: High school student
Species: Half-Vampire
Stage: 6

Danmaku: black and bloody-red bullets, often making danmaku which distract you, and then catch you by surprise.

Unknown (Is from another world)
Yukari (Brought her to Gensokyo out of pity)
Hong Mieling (Observer of her behavior as she guards the Scarlet Devil Mansion)

Location: Original location is from an unknown other world. However, when she ends up in Gensokyo, she resides near the Scarlet Devil mansion, where wafts of blood roam.

Personality: While a sane human, free of her vampire side, she's a really strong, yet shy girl, who doesn't usually speak up for herself. She suffers a bit from an inferiority complex and in her world she was bullied way too many times to the point of even torture. She's bad at making friends and she has trouble talking to people, but she really has good intentions and an incredibly caring personality for others. Is unaware of her vampire side though, as she can't recall it.

Likes: Winter, video games, manga, computers. Has a big interest in murder mysteries as well, but often assumes the supernatural

Dislikes: Being bullied, and large crowds. But is incredibly squeamish and dreads the sight of anything resembling blood, such as red paint. This is not solely because she is squeamish though, but because she fears the lust that builds up inside her before she loses control.

Appearance: Very Light blue, silver, long hair, red eyes, medium height, a developed, yet incredibly fragile-looking body. She often looks very nervous, or as if her eyes had no emotion. This is only half true, for to handle the bullying she went through for years, she has to temporarily destroy her emotions and stare blankly into space, as she takes the abuse as a sadist's very own sadism doll.

VERY bad concept art(I suck at photoshop, but Arceon helped with the pose):


  • Developer fairy
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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #38 on: October 12, 2009, 06:01:09 PM »
Let's see my last two OC's, who are my main OC's (and they're already designed, but not by me... the art is still in the works). They would have been the Phantasm Bosses in my game (the Extra Bosses would been Mitori and Sasha), then degraded to a stage 1 boss, or mid-boss level in my second game, because they're not that strong, but Yukari gave some power to them in the Phantasm Stage. Anyway:

Name: Solais Tallin
Title: Fairy Summoner of Coincidence (or Obvious Self-Insert Character)
Ability: Unconscious Manipulation of Coincidence (explained before), Onmyodo Magic (learned)
Occupation: Wanderer
Species: Half-Human/Half-Youkai
Stage: Phantasm or Stage 1
Danmaku: Using Fairy Shikigamis
Location: Could be everywhere, but his home is near the Human Village
Personality: Weird, Calm and Loner nature. He likes to wander around because he likes the beautiful scenery. He's quite introvert and a loner, but he's friendly to people when asked. He's still very weak in magical powers, and because he's a Man, he's not that good in danmaku. He also writes a diary about his travellings, and the people and places he meet. Also very interested in the Moriya Shrine, but not for the same reason like his sister.
Appearance: Semi-Long Black hair, black eyes. Wears a strange robe, what is a mix between a Japanese onmyodo robe and a modern Western jacket.
Story: He was a normal guy in Europe when he noticed how everything what is happening around him is coincidental. Then he met with Yukari, who was coincidentally was travelling outside the barrier that day. She taught him some shikigami magic because of a random whim (read: coincidence), and let him to Gensokyo. In that game he caused the incident with Yukari. Coincidentally. "Coincident" has a weird rhythm with "accident", by the way.

Name: Ameriel Tallin
Title: Unfortunate Sister of Coincidence
Ability: Ability to Level Buildings Accidentally (what is thought to be the manipulation of luck or karma, but not), Western Magic (learned)
Occupation: Magician
Species: Half-Human/Half-Youkai, totally a Zashiki Warashi
Stage: Phantasm or Stage 4-5-ish
Danmaku: Rain and Snakes
Location: Could be everywhere, but her home is near the Human Village
Personality: Timid and Loner nature. More, more stronger than her brother in magic and danmaku, she is a magic prodigy. She's very shy, and is a Shrinking Violet, but can be friendly. However, due to her ability and her species, people don't want to invite her into their house, because most of the time, it collapses when she leaves one. This also applies to her house too on bad days. Has a snake, called "Nagi", and very interested in that snake goddess at the shrine on the mountain, and in Mishaguji-sama. Also thought, to be very unfortunate, but that's maybe because of her species.
Appearance: Long, Black hair, like Kaguya's. Wears a weird dark purple hat with an evilish grinning face on it, what also has two tails what are constantly on fire. Her cloth is a mix between a western witch's cloth and an eastern robe; she also wears those sleeve things like Reimu and Sanae. This strange, weird mixture of western and eastern cloth symbolizes how she's from the west, but eastern in the heart (same with Solais). Also her cloth is dark purple and red colored, with weird western magic circle-patterns on it.
Story: Since birth she saw supernatural beings, and also knew Eastern magic. Not realizing this, she learned western magic and witchcraft. After her brother gone to Gensokyo, he came back only to bring her with him too.

That's all.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 08:38:59 PM by Solais »


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2009, 06:29:35 PM »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2009, 07:41:54 PM »
Character time. Writing this off the top of my head.

Name: Real name unknown, save for a few close friends.

Title: Former human, part time border patrol

Ability: Anything yukari can do he can do about the same.

occupation: Part time border patrol and maintenance/crappy self insert character

Stage and danmaku: MANGA CHARACTER HAS NONE LOL ;_;
Spell card: [lolwhat sign] LOL WUT

Personality: Acts alot like yukari, only a bit more human and erratic. And has been this way since before the "event", not suprisingly. Intelligent, and prefers to play music in his spare time. His general demeanor is antagonizing, sarcastic, and apparently airheaded and unaware, but when he wants to, he can be your worst nightmare. Also doesn't afraid of anything.

Location: Usually strolling around the hakurei border, on either side of it. When yukari is back, which she rarely is with all the new spare time, he hangs around the human villiage and the SDM.

History: A human forcefully turned youkai for the good of gensyoko. Yukari could not help maintain the border on shopping trips to the outside world, so she kidnapped a human on one of her outings to put him in charge when she left, allowing her much more free time.

Appearance: Young american male, quite pale, in the mornings looks like hell. Brown hair styled something like rinnosuke's. Wears casual western style clothing, carriers a large white umbrella with a green pinwheel-looking pattern atop, which is actually a golf umbrella from walmart, and often wears a black fedora with a black/silver checkered tieband. Dresses mostly the same, but in a dress shirt and black cape for occasions, which really pisses off wriggle.

Extra abilities: Although he could grant himself any power by altering boundaries, he practices magic in a similiar fashion to marisa, but without need for mushrooms. Specializing in subtle arts, such as hexes, blessings, curses, and protective spells. These skills are often used to alter events around him for entertainment. Tenshi and marisa accuse him of cramping their style.

Prismriver sisters (occasionally plays with them in a band)
Yukari Yakumo (boss)
Marisa Kirisama, Wriggle nightbug, Tenshi Hinai (apparently enemies)
Reimu Hakurei (is bugged by him when she slacks off)
Flandre Scarlet (As one of the few people who can actually play with flan and survive, he occasionally volunteers at the SDM to tutor the younger scarlet)
Aya shameimaru (lends him her camera on occasion to get the scoop on the scarlets)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 07:11:01 PM by Toasty »

Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2009, 08:01:35 PM »
What? I like following a set format  :V

TL777 ✌

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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2009, 10:05:33 PM »
Here a a few that I've made

          ~Zombie Fairy~
Stage 1

An ordinary Zombie Fairy who wound up in gensokyo because the geyser that Utsuho created.

Various spirits in the Hell of Blazing Fires

Plain white bullets of various sizes

Spell cards:
Spirit sign: Playful Spirits of Hell
Spirit sign: Vengeful Spirits of Hell

     ~Cheery Youkai of the Snow~
               Katsuki Sanu

Stage 3

A Snow Youkai who is always Happy and loves to be around humans.

Letty Whiterock
Hong Meiling (Chats with her when she comes around the SDM)
Sakuya (Chats with her when she comes around the SDM)
Reimu (Occasional Visitor to her shrine)

White Diamond shaped, Icicle, and Snowflake danmaku

Spell Cards:
Snow sign: Lovely Winter
Winter sign: Gently falling Snowflakes
Snowstorm: Raging Blizzard

      ~Manipulator of the Crimson Insanity~
                   Rose Crimson
Extra Stage

An Youkai who can create and Manipulate Insanity, She herself is Insane.

Yuka ( Once fought her and won)
Yukari( Once fought her and lost)

Various Different types of Crimson colored Danmaku.

Spell Cards:
Crimson Sign:Crimson Mist
Insanity Sign:Illusions of Insanity
Insanity Sign:Border of Insanity
Crimson Sign:Crimson Hell
Hatred:The Unforgiven
Insanity sign:Broken Mind,Broken Body
Crimson Sign:Crimson Omen
Hatred:Endless Pain
Insanity's End: Breaking the Crimson Insanity

               Katsuki          Sakae             Rose  

Wow, this post turned out bigger than I thought It would.... :V

« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 10:14:13 PM by ToonLink777 »


  • Media Analyst
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2009, 10:21:35 PM »
What? I like following a set format  :V

Not to be judgmental or anything, but if I had to guess the part he was going :| at, it might be
Occupation: High school student

You see, Gensokyo, being an agrarian society, probably doesn't have high schools. Change it to elementary schooler and you'll be fine
« Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 10:23:28 PM by Slowpoke »


Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #44 on: October 12, 2009, 11:01:16 PM »
Not to be judgmental or anything, but if I had to guess the part he was going :| at, it might be
You see, Gensokyo, being an agrarian society, probably doesn't have high schools. Change it to elementary schooler and you'll be fine

Yukari gapped one They've been making signifcant advances in education.


  • *
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2009, 03:08:46 AM »
Well it was pretty much the self-insertion part in general, really.

I like ToonLink's characters, though. The first two are pretty interesting, at the very least. Could do with some actual meaning behind the names and spellcard names though :V

Quote from: Toasty
« Last Edit: October 13, 2009, 03:43:37 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2009, 03:38:30 AM »
*self insertion char*

Now with a graphic representation (which got some photoshop work. That makes mine the serious(1) self insertion character with the most effort put into it, yes!).

Tattered clothing ftw :|

(1): Mima's is not serious.

Drake: Suika was a self insertion char too.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 07:08:36 PM by Toasty »


Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2009, 09:29:53 AM »
Writing this down was a terrible idea.


Lost In Antiquity

She represents all things that once were, but no longer exist. Her ability allows her to turn one of these things back into reality, but at the cost of her own existence.


Immortal Youkai


Amulets, Hanafuda, superimposed images of extinct creatures, and GIGANTIC SCROLL.

Always drifting in the sky.

Observant and respectful, she never seeks a fight with anyone and would rather spend her immortal life dreaming about what to spend her existence on. If she is forced into combat, she does not hold back, drawing power from the images of the dead with reckless abandon. While not completely all there, she has an uncanny knack of grasping a situation exactly as it is the first time she sees it. This makes her easy to deal with, although sometimes her power of perception leads her to see things others don't want her to. She is friendly, but her appearance either deters offended benign visitors or attracts ill-intentioned males.

She is not a normal human or youkai in the strictest sense, but rather an amalgamation of the resentment of the extinct, manifesting in the form of a young, conscientious girl named Daruma. As a collective form of things that no longer exist, she has knowledge about all genocides and all extinct species of animals, as well as ideas, thoughts and beliefs that no longer have anyone to carry them on. Every time something ceases to exist, a name is added to her scroll. Sometimes those names disappear. Sometimes the living world is able to bring the dead back to life (never mind whether or not they are able to make it relevant afterwards), but most of that ink stays etched for all eternity.

Appearance: Drawing on page 3. She wears nothing but the scroll, which wraps and folds around her.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 05:59:46 AM by Gammeru »


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2009, 04:49:55 PM »
I like Nagisa so much that I drew her.

Artist's conception:

Also, she should run a hotel.

Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #49 on: October 13, 2009, 07:56:42 PM »
Not to be judgmental or anything, but if I had to guess the part he was going :| at, it might be
You see, Gensokyo, being an agrarian society, probably doesn't have high schools. Change it to elementary schooler and you'll be fine
Well, it is character from another world. One like modern society.
It delves away from the Touhou formula on purpose because of the fact it is a crossover from my own creations. Besides. I never illustrated one of her more sinister forms anyways. Either way, if this wasn't a Touhou forum, the character would have no relation to Touhou or Gensokyo whatsoever.


  • Media Analyst
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2009, 09:17:53 PM »
I like Nagisa so much that I drew her.

Artist's conception:

Nice, but there's already a picture.


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #51 on: October 13, 2009, 11:55:34 PM »
(1): Mima's is not serious.

oh shit


  • Cares about friendship, loyal to the last breath.
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #52 on: October 14, 2009, 12:47:24 AM »
Not suppose to be funny, just feel like doing something random.

Ability: Manipulation of facial expression
Occupation: Bring you Smile
Species: Face Youkai
Stage: 1

Danmaku: Expression shaped bullets.
Spell cards:
                Face Sign [AWESOME]
                Smile Sign [CHEEESE]
                AWESOME Sign [Face replacement]

Relationship: Yukari's pet project.

Location: Unknown Dimension known as Internet.

Personality: Any Inter-wiz can summon this youkai and prank-curse the target by temporally replacing the face.



Appearance: AWESOME.

This boss is too full of awesome


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2009, 05:08:54 AM »
Nice, but there's already a picture.

Oh. I have clearly missed a joke.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #54 on: October 14, 2009, 06:54:21 PM »
Name: Jeremy Harrington
Ability: Ability to manipulate anything
Occupation: God of Awesome
Species: Dragon-God
Stage: EX-Phantasm-Phantasm
Danmaku: Pain
Spell cards: Awesome Sign- End reality
Relationship: Everyone loves him because he is so cool
Location: Anywhere and everywhere
Personality: The most awesome guy there is, like Fonzie x10 XD
Likes: Everything, since he allows it to exist
Dislikes: Nothing, since he makes the things he hates not exist


Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2009, 07:35:48 PM »
Jeremy Harrington is just a poor imitation of chuck norris  :V
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 07:20:12 PM by Sakura Rurouni »


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2009, 08:17:34 PM »
It would be interesting seeing Pain danmaku. What would it look like?

M. Burusu

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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #57 on: October 14, 2009, 08:59:04 PM »
Figured I might as well get this in before English class. Pardon the handwavium, and I hope you don't dislike my creation.
Lucy Brown
Generation of shuriken through exercise of mana. (Simply put, "Can make shuriken." >_>)
Shuriken tsukumogami.
3, possibly just the midboss.
Oversized shuriken, some of which curve at funny angles when thrown ("Who's 'Lew Zealand'?").
A cabin about a half-mile from the human village.
Upbeat and friendly, though she gets pouty if you call her out on being a tsukumogami ("So what if I am? If I keep this up, I'm bound to change sometime!")
Lucy Brown is, to say the least, not a normal entity by any means. A shuriken left behind in a box for the majority of her existance, she came into her existance as a tsukumogami wanting to change, to actually become human. But rather than do something weird like eat a human (>_>) she decided the way to go about it was to live and act like one. So she thought of a name for herself -- or rather, stole it from a comic book that was thrown in the box a good several decades after she was -- and then went about and made as if she was in fact a human. People who pass by her cabin tend not to notice she's not human, in fact, unless they are already familiar with youkai (which, in fact, means that the truth is that ninety percent of everyone knows she's a slightly-mental tsukumogami, hence why she seldom gets actual visitors that aren't horribly lost).
She currently lives a decent life tending to a tomato garden and pointing out to people who stumble their way into Gensokyo the direction to the human village, occasionally stopping by the human village to sell shuriken in order to buy food and gardening supplies.
Appearance: A simple white blouse with some artistically-placed stitches (to cover up the fact that there was some actual patching-up to do on the thing), a dark-grey pleated skirt with a sort of sawblade-ish look to it (that is, instead of "\/\/\/\/" it is in fact "\|\|\|\|", because of an unusual cut by the designer), a cord around her neck with her shuriken she was born from resting on it (a stereotypical little thing, a simple four-points-and-hole-in-the-middle deal), and a slightly dinged-up-looking straw hat. No footwear. Occasionally found wearing slightly-oversized gardening gloves with a purple floral pattern stitched onto them (obviously found this way before, during, or just after gardening).
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN1-BN3 = Odd Idea
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN4-BN6 = Bad Idea


Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2009, 10:26:49 PM »
It would be interesting seeing Pain danmaku. What would it look like?

Pain is a feeling, you can't see it. You'd have to represent it ala koishi. :V

So probably things commonly associated with pain, like boots with nails through them.

Cheesy, but it works (and so does [pain sign] spellcard name+flashing red danmaku)


  • Developer fairy
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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #59 on: October 14, 2009, 11:06:22 PM »
Boot to the head danmaku!