Author Topic: Mobius and Ammy (Season 1)  (Read 17319 times)


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Mobius and Ammy (Season 1)
« on: October 07, 2009, 02:53:59 AM »
This thread is for the lovely lady Mobius to resist the gentleman's charm of Sir Ammy.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 12:43:41 AM by Paruro Mizuhashi »

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2009, 09:26:40 AM »
Dearest Mobius

Boy this is awkward. I didn't expect to get paired up with you. I didn't dare hope. To be honest I've been crushing on you for weeks now, but just haven't had the courage to speak up. I guess this pairing is just Fate(-chan) forcing me to face my feelings, and be honest with both of us. Surprised? I don't blame you. I mean, we've barely spoken before. But rest assured, I've admired you from afar for quite a while now.

When did this begin? That's so hard to say. I mean, I guess I always liked you, in some way. Your happy-go-lucky nature in general and your open-mindedness in the BDSM thread in particular both stood out. But it was also ... the little things. You know, like your defense of candy corn.

Even with this, I was able to keep my feelings under wraps, albeit with difficulty. That is, until the day you posted a pic of yourself, and compared yourself to McLovin from Superbad. I have to say, for a handsome specimen such as yourself to make such a self-depricating joke - well, it was effectively the straw that broke the camel's back. The drop that overfilled the cup, as it were.

It tortured me - how do I tell you? Send you a PM? Shout from the e-rooftops for all to see? It effected my game play. Even the wind seemed to whisper, "Mobiusssss ... Moooooobiusss ......" I was frozen by indecision. But then, kizmet intervened. And here we are.

Life is short, Mobius. Don't let uncertainties about what could go wrong trouble you. Think instead about the vast expanse of potential before us. You and I, Mobius. See it. Feel it. Be it!

Yours Always,

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2009, 05:58:15 PM »
Sir Ammy,

While I am surely flattered by your statements, I regret that I must decline your advances. You see, I have fallen too far these past years. My house is not what it once was. Your status would surely sink as low were you to marry me. I would not wish such misfortune on any man. Though others would welcome a suitor in this situation, I am not so selfish as to use a man so. I wish you the best in finding one who better suits you. Think not of me, for I am content.


Lady Mobius, third daughter of House Overthere.


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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 07:03:56 PM »
Dearest and Most Fair Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere,

Ah, how your sweet self-deprecation pierces my heart with an arrow of bitter-sweet love. How can one as lovely as yourself deign to veil your beauty? I assure you, my status could only be enhanced by your acceptance, by you warming my cold shadow with your presence by my side.

May I be plain? The fact of the matter is, I have spent many a day compromising. You know, "Oh, this one has a beautiful smile, but she likes Nelly" or "Well, that one's quite clever, but she never showers" and so forth. Am I too demanding? Perhaps. My examples may be gentle humor, but the fact remains that you have satisfied everything I've ever wanted, just by being you.

You don't put on airs. Your self-deprecation speaks to that, of course, but you are also unabashedly you. You don't make an effort into being something that you're not. I'm not sure how much you realize how rare that is. In this day and age, someone as sincere as yourself is about as common as someone who can actually dance playing DDR.

Sweet Lady Mobius, your unaffected demeanour is as perfect as the strip that bears your name. My life could only be improved with you by my side. What of houses, of stature, of position? Pah! There is naught I value as much as you beside me. Come, let us embark on this journey together - the road before us is warmed by the smiling sun, as gentle zephyrs coax us forward, and the earth itself welcomes our footfalls, side by side.

Yours Always,

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2009, 10:18:45 PM »
Sir Ammy,

It appears to me that you still wish us together. I fear that responding to you would only serve to encourage you. I cannot, however, simply ignore you. I admit that I have given the matter some consideration and can imagine what you have to offer. Thus, it is with further regret that I tell you something else. We simply cannot meet. I do not wish to speak of this, but you must know that it is impossible. I am ravaged by consumption day and night. This has confined me to my home, and I fear my days are counted. Please forget me. You needn't bear such a burden. You are an admirable man. Do not do this to yourself.




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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2009, 10:43:15 PM »
Dearest and Most Fair Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere,

While it pains me, naturally, to see one as beautiful as yourself suffer - and it does make one wonder whether the Creator tests us by making bad things happen to good people, or if He is merely a clockmaker, who has wound the world once and now watches impassively - I do have some most fortuitous and impeccably timed news for you.

It just so happens that I was at the docks earlier tonight, overseeing the importation of my latest shipment of fine silks, when I met an old friend of mine from my days in the academy. He was in a most excited state, eager to tell me of a recent scientific discovery of his that he described as nothing short of "miraculous" but is actually very simple and effective. Now, I know one as clever as yourself knows a snake oil salesman's pitch when you hear it, and I am much the same. But I assure you, his discovery is fully legitimate. Allow me to explain:

It seems he has discovered that consumption is caused by a strain of bacterium, and that these bacteria can be fought using other bacteria. He calls the process "antibiosis". He's been quite successful thus far, with a few meager patients, but fears it will be decades before the medical community recognizes antibiosis, let alone his treatment. He is most suspicious of his young lab assistant, Pasteur was his name, as my friend fears he is too ambitious for his own good, and may steal the term "antibiosis" and the principles of its treatment to further his own carreer. Let us hope it doesn't come to that.

Dearest Mobius, I would sell every worldly possession I own in order to get you this treatment, but fortunately, I don't have to. All I need do is send a boy to my friend, with a message to come post haste with his amazing antibiosis bacteria.

I am not normally a superstitious man. I hold logic and reason above all else, and it has never failed me. And yet I cannot help but feel as though somehow, the Fates have conspired this fortuitous series of events that introduced me to my old friend, after years of separation and silence, but mere hours before receiving your note. Surely, there are things in this universe too queer for mere mortals to understand. Forces working in the aether, pushing and pulling us without our even realizing it. I believe, with every hair on my head, every drop of blood in my body, and every breath that I draw that you and I were meant to be one.

Yours Always and Beyond,

Post Script: I have dispatched for my friend already, sending message by horseback, and expect to hear from him directly.

Post-Post Script: I do hope you enjoyed the 17-piece violin ensemble that I sent to softly serenade you beneath your window this afternoon.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 10:45:41 PM by Tengukami »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2009, 08:32:27 PM »
Dearest and Most Fair Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere,

I have yet to receive word from you. I dare not presume the worst has happened. Fate has been on our side from the beginning. What is more, my friend has arrived with his wondrous "antibiosis" bacteria. You can be healed, Dearest, I assure you!

Can you not see how plain it is? You and I, together - it is as much a given as the sun rising from the eastern horizon, or the evening star being brightest of all at dusk.

However, I would not be so presumptuous as to assume I can merely stroll into your life with a cure for consumption and win your heart, as much as I feel it is our destiny. I ask of you - what would you ask of me? How can I prove to you what the Fates have ordained?

I am, as you can see, no poor slouch when it comes to the pen. What shall I compose for you? A sonnet? A string of boisterous limericks? Or maybe even a one-act play? Name it, my love, and it shall be yours! So convinced I am of the inevitability of our partnership that I would glad put quill to paper and compose for you whatever your heart desired.

What say you, My Fairest?

Yours Forever and Beyond,

Post-Script: The serenaders told me you received them most graciously. This shone a beam of sunlight into my day. You are the star in my firmament!

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2009, 09:12:47 PM »
Sir Ammy,

Your musicians were talented indeed. I thank you for the gesture. It would have been far greater were it not for one of them attempting to rape my younger sister. It is a shame he does not sing, for his voice is now much higher. I assume you were not informed in an attempt for them to save face. We have kept quiet on the matter as well so as to not embarrass her. I will not blame you, though my family certainly does.

You are correct in assuming that I do not expect this so called "antibiosis" to be as miraculous as you claim. Does this friend of yours have any credibility to his name? What is his name? Perhaps my father knows of him. It would be a difficult subject to broach in conversation, for my father is livid with rage. I will try to keep your name out of it, but I worry that our correspondence will soon be monitored. I risk much by even writing this. Please stay away. I do not have much time. Nor, I think, do you if you continue.

Farewell, perhaps forever,



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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2009, 09:49:10 PM »
Dearest and Most Fair Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere,

What is the name of the cur who attempted to violate your younger sister? I shall have him horsewhipped, and then drawn and quartered without delay! Just say the word and it is done. Nothing is too good for the restoration of your family's honor.

For that matter, I can understand why your father would be in less than entirely great spirits. I am, however, fully confident that Fate will warm your father's heart and keep us together. Fate, and the antibiosis bacteria.

I fully understand your concerns with regards to my friend and his miraculous treatment (his name, incidentally, is Cees Van Woort - yes, that's right, the Cees Van Woort. The very one who revolutionized hygienic procedures in surgery by introducing the concept of "washing hands". Perhaps this is not strange to you, but to a layperson such as myself, the idea that washing one's hands may somehow prevent the spread of disease bordered on the fantastical. What next, might unicorns truly exist? And yet his results speak for themselves.) I would hardly expect one as wise as you to be swayed by mere words. Which is why I maintain that we must administer the treatment at once.

All fears will be allayed, all questions answered once you take your first sips of the antibiosis treatment. Within days your cough will reduce. Day by day, your strength will return. And I say this with full confidence not just because the Good Doctor is himself a brilliant figure in the medical world. Rather, because destiny brings us closer together every day. With each breath I draw, I feel our paths growing closer.

When I relax in my parlor by the fire with a glass of brandy and my loyal hound, Ruprecht, at my feet, I stare into the flames as if gazing upon my own passion. Therein, I see you, fully recovering, your smile becoming brighter, your eyes livelier, your fair skin glowing with Life itself. And I am by your side the entire time.

What have you to lose, Dearest Mobius? I have told my lackeys to prepare my finest carriage to be ready at a moment's notice to carry us to you and administer the antibiosis. Surely your own father would not turn his back on even the slimmest chance of your recovery. I say to you, Dearest Mobius, it is not solely Science but Kismet itself that convinces me that you shall recover, and that our hearts shall be one.

Always, Forever, and Eternally Yours and Beyond,


"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2009, 11:21:17 PM »
Sir Ammy,

The man gave no name. He was particularly short of build, with a prominent brow and an almost floor-length beard. He is most certainly an odd one. You will know him on sight.

I cannot say that I know of Cees Van Woort, but my father does not approve of him. Nor does he approve of more visitors. I beg you depart and put aside further advances. I cannot accept a husband right now. I do not expect to ever have one. Please try someone else. There any many who would love you. Cease this futile effort before you bring another woman to tears.


Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere


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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2009, 11:47:20 PM »
My Dearest Most Fair Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere,

Ah! but how your modesty makes my heart dance within its caged room. How can you never expect to have a husband, one so beautiful as yourself that one would be forgiven if they looked upon you and thought momentarily that they were looking at Aphrodite herself? Your demuring only increases your beauty and thus, my desire.

With all due respect to your father I find it odd that he would not allow his own flesh and blood the chance to be rid of consumption. Given your modesty, it would not surprise me if you explained antibiosis to him in gentle tones, which he dismissed outright, and you declined to argue. Perhaps he simply didn't hear your explanations properly, as he was distracted with something else. I understand he's a busy man. And yet, he needn't work so hard, just as you needn't suffer from consumption.

Do not blanche at talk of marriage, Dearest Mobius. You and I both know such a union would be the tide that raises all ships in the harbor of our families. I would place no demands upon you other than to keep on being who you are. Your relations would be equally well provided. And do not think for a moment that this is charity, oh no. You by my side is worth to me every grain of earth, every coin, every worldly possession I own or could hope to own. It is I who am the receiver of charity, with your fair hand, Dearest Mobius.

You cannot tarry Fate. But I understand you may want to see me go above and beyond in proof of my love, and purity of intentions. Therefore, I say, what can I do for you? With quill and inkwell at the ready, I wait with bated breath to compose for you whatever your fair heart might desire. Name it, and it shall be yours.

Always, Forever and Ever, and Eternally Yours and Beyond,


"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2009, 01:11:20 AM »
Sir Ammy,

I am not the favorite among my siblings. In truth, I am largely left to die on my own. It is young Augustine who stands in the highest favor. My two eldest sisters have either married out of the family or, in the case of poor Maria, been found unfit for marriage. It is obvious to anyone that I have been abandoned by my family. I have also been blamed for Augustine's unfortunate incident, though she remains physically unharmed.

I have not been entirely forthcoming with you. There is a secret I had hoped to keep, but cannot bear to do so now. I tell you this in confidence. I am not sexually attracted to men. It was a dalliance with another woman that cost me my father's good graces. He uses my illness as an excuse to keep me locked away. He is a wrathful man, and cruel. I am very grateful to you for giving me someone to write to, but it can simply go no farther. I am sorry. You are a wonderful man.

With much sorrow,

Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere


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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2009, 02:05:42 PM »
My Dearest Most Fair Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere,

It seems you have painted a clearer picture of your father's intentions. At first I naturally assumed that a man who had sired perfection in the flesh such as yourself would do everything in his power to protect his child, and was thus merely being perhaps a tad overzealous in not wanting to at least attempt a painless cure for your illness. But now I see that I was wrong. That in fact, your father has left you to expire, like a potato fallen behind a bin in the pantry.

This, dear lady, shall not stand! You are not chattel to be locked in a stable. Why, even sick horses are accorded the mercy of a musket burst to the forehead. But not only would your father deny you help, he would prolong your misery? That confounds the senses.

Hear me! I am gathering an armed force to descend upon your house and rescue you. Cees will be in accompaniment. You will be brought to my house, to live as a Queen. If by some cruel twist of fate the Good Doctor's cure is to no avail, you should at least be able to spend your final days in comfort, surrounded by people who would care for you and adore you, rather than be locked away and neglected. You might also be well aware that the clime is significantly more arid where I live, which as we all know, is good for the pulmonaries.

As to your confession - would it surprise you if I told you that I already suspected? Dearest Most Fair Mobius, my love for you is not one of the loins, although your beauty is absolute, exceptional and without question. My love is merely spending my life with you, under my roof. After you have recovered from your illness, I would not even deny you if you sought to bring female companions to your bed. Why should I be bothered, when My Lady is made happy?

The situation to me is quite plain. You are clearly neglected and forsaken by your own family. I wish to not only attempt to cure your consumption, but have you spend your life in comfort and happiness, with all your desires at your fingertips, under my roof. You would live as you please, with more support than you could dream to request, and all I ask in return is to be the one who coordinates that happening, by your side all the while.

For too long have you grown resigned to what your family has done to you. No more! My brigadiers advance, My Lady, and they are the best trained in the land. Like the strip from which you are named, my love for you has no beginning, nor has it an end. With every fiber of my being, this dream shall become!

Always and Continuously Onward Beyond Forever,
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 02:08:58 PM by Tengukami »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Mobius and Ammy
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2009, 03:49:13 AM »
Mobius bows out, and Ammy is now paired with A-F

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."