// Negotiations and liaisons ( Zen-Ghostly Team
1cc pacifist , :3c semi-pacifist , :] not-so-pacifist run ?! ) Indeed the Okina Matara lady may indeed be helpful too , to and extent, for Murasa's " recurring temporary displacement " along with mainly the Doremy lady once Rescued OR a . However that will just a partly-settled-helps when this Stage is Cleared because more and more ties,and part of those ties to the True Main Set , of "Being Humaned away" having becoming to The Light : mostly-unknown side-effects by ( Usami ) Dream!Sumireko (half-youkai-ish) and Real!Sumireko ( full-human) with Major Variation (e.g. " Man-o-War Stargazer " who is
SPOILER Keine's forcefully Half-Sealed Hakutaku/Youkai-side from "A-Z Utsuo/Okuu Quest SPOILER )
Since Murasa is a sensitive Reformed Sea Ghost / Funayurei , due to " (Beware!)The Formless One" ( "A-Z Sakuya Quest - Late 2nd half ,thread 15, and End of 16/Final :though there are sure to be more inklings and ref. during that and even A-Z Yukari and Utshuo/Okuu Quests ) . Additional mention are the lingering Influences ( Prep time by Joon and Shion Yorigami,especially the first ?) of the "Occult Dream Balls,especially the Lunarian One "
SPOILER Canonically,before Joon and Shion,that 1 disappeared on its own from Marisa's cottage when Yukari came there by concluding her investigations. )
> So Wow ! Fancy Doors by Matara both close-and-far,relaying to a " Bright Twilight Realm of Opening-Closing Doorways " ...
> Gently untangle hand from Mai's ,comfortably relax the grip on Tojiko's hand and gentler let go ,unless she is hesitant to do so.
> A bit of time to acclimate-adapt.
> Let Mai reply for now ,until it is our turn, instead focus on looking between " Matara " , Mai and around repectfully,serenely and attentively in search for Clues for Doremy or Satono or flaring-ups for our youkai and ghostly senses .