Author Topic: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII  (Read 192653 times)


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #540 on: April 10, 2019, 06:02:38 AM »
> "Then uh... What should we be aiming to do here?"

> "Appease them with what I told you two, of course."
> Kira steps back some.
> "No need to worry about what will happen to them after this. I will take care of it. Ah, and one final thing. No teamworking. Each on your own."
> _


  • Hmm...
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #541 on: April 12, 2019, 06:05:22 PM »
>Not really helpful...unless...
>How much light can we store in our bracelet?
>How much control do we have over releasing said light? Specifically, can we control how fast we release it?

Niji Yellow:
>"Honestly, I'm not too sure myself."

>"Aww, thanks!"


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #542 on: April 13, 2019, 09:48:59 AM »
>Not really helpful...unless...
>How much light can we store in our bracelet?
>How much control do we have over releasing said light? Specifically, can we control how fast we release it?

Niji Yellow:
>"Honestly, I'm not too sure myself."

>"Aww, thanks!"

> You would say a considerable amount. If you could store light of Marisa's Master Spark, then you are pretty sure there is a large margin that it can stand, though that light in specific almost made your bracelet break.
> You haven't tried much, besides plain releasing the light, though if you can control how fast you take the light, then you are pretty sure you can control how fast you expell it.


> "That is... too ambiguous..."
> The woman smiles some at the doll tugging the dresses of the innanimate ones.


> "She made me wear clothes..." Oniru spoke.
> "You made her wear clothes? My, of all things I could consider happening, that is quite surprising." Doremy's tail wagged slowly, a peculiar smile marked on her face.
> Oniru pouts.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #543 on: April 15, 2019, 04:07:06 AM »
> Vision Daiyousei: "He probably can't stop this. If you get in some trouble, it's fine to escape for a bit, maybe."

> "So we're just calming them all down, Kira... Kirala?"

Rin Satsuki

  • Personification of a mythical creature.
  • "I'm not going to be forgotten that easily"
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #544 on: April 15, 2019, 04:15:49 AM »
> Vision Daiyousei: "He probably can't stop this. If you get in some trouble, it's fine to escape for a bit, maybe."

> "So we're just calming them all down, Kira... Kirala?"

> You vision the fairy for a more private discussion.

> "... Kira works just fine. And yes."
> _


  • Hmm...
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #545 on: April 21, 2019, 05:03:56 PM »
>"Well, I can store light in my bracelet..."
>" if I store sunlight in my bracelet, I could release it...?"
>"Do you think your ability would work with sunlight from my bracelet, Sunny?"

Niji Yellow:
>"She's cute though."

>Hey, wait a minute...!

Rin Satsuki

  • Personification of a mythical creature.
  • "I'm not going to be forgotten that easily"
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #546 on: April 21, 2019, 05:38:52 PM »
>"Well, I can store light in my bracelet..."
>" if I store sunlight in my bracelet, I could release it...?"
>"Do you think your ability would work with sunlight from my bracelet, Sunny?"

Niji Yellow:
>"She's cute though."

>Hey, wait a minute...!

> "Ah, you got it." Elfin smiled.
> "It's sunlight either way, no? It should work! Like a sun in a box!"
> "A sun in a bracelet." Star looked at the object in question.


> "Indeed. It's not only her... peculiar garments, which I never saw before..."


> You blink, the sisters looking at you in silence.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #547 on: April 22, 2019, 06:00:41 PM »
> Okay... Try to approach one of the calmer spirits.

> Recall what we can do with our spirit abilities.

Rin Satsuki

  • Personification of a mythical creature.
  • "I'm not going to be forgotten that easily"
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #548 on: April 22, 2019, 10:08:30 PM »
> Okay... Try to approach one of the calmer spirits.

> Recall what we can do with our spirit abilities.

> You start to gently take a few steps ahead, heading for the nearest and calm one. It's quiet...


> So far, according to what Kira has teached you, as well as found out by yourself, you can pretty much make a soul of someone be manipulated by you if it's submissive enough. In case of resistance, you could try to "beat the hell out of it" to achieve such. At least, that is how Kira puts it.
> This extends to even change someone's gender, and making them spit out the beans of something they might want to keep hidden. These two tested with Rachel and Eva's children respectively.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #549 on: May 01, 2019, 03:37:41 PM »
> "Is it... is it okay if I try some things with you? I don't want to do it without permission and such..."

> Focus on one of the active ones. Give a brief tug on it if we can, spirit-wise.

> Status report? A lot of characters is a bit hard to follow.

Rin Satsuki

  • Personification of a mythical creature.
  • "I'm not going to be forgotten that easily"
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #550 on: May 03, 2019, 03:20:56 AM »
> Status report? A lot of characters is a bit hard to follow.

Status Report:

> Both have been taken into a training session for their spirit abilities. It's tikme to see what they are made of, as well as their spirits!

> Given permission for the family to stay at the SDM for the reunion/pajama party, as long as they behave, of course

> At the SDM's basement with a fairy group, as well as sheeps. Their mission is to get out safely with the animals.

Niji Blue
> Escaped from Clownpiece's chase, as well as that creepy creature named Skinny. Currently bailed to the mountain, and she is close to the Moriya Shrine.

> Both at Marisa's house. After preparing the most likely poisonous mix with fungi, the owner took a shower and is preparing herself to leave her residence, just like Alice is.

Niji Yellow
> With a woman she just met at a stall that has some dolls in exposition, which Yuudachi grew fondly interested in.

> Currently sleeping. At the Dream World in her... dreams, with Oniru and Doremy.

> Mayu, who wanted to present some people to her, has taken Tsuru to an unknown place in the depths of the forest, behind the Hakurei Shrine.

> "Is it... is it okay if I try some things with you? I don't want to do it without permission and such..."

> Focus on one of the active ones. Give a brief tug on it if we can, spirit-wise.

> You go for the gentle way, calling for the spirit in order to get their permission. It always work, no?
> However, this spirit either ignores you, or plainly didn't heard.

> Meanwhile, you go for the action already. Ikuzo!
> Trying to tugging one of those crazy active ones, it successfully tugs their attention to you as well.
> It blasts off to you like its... the last thing it will ever do. No danmaku or anything.
> _
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 03:27:03 AM by Rin Satsuki »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #551 on: May 12, 2019, 02:46:35 AM »
> Try again.

> Keep track of it, visually and with feeling. Try to help it move faster.


  • Hmm...
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #552 on: May 12, 2019, 03:53:23 AM »
>"Alright, I'll need to go out and get some..."
>"How about I leave a clone here while I go out and get it?"
>Do clones have bracelets?

Niji Blue:
>Ok, I think we've traveled far enough.
>Touch down somewhere.

Nijisa & Arisa:
>Oh, are they leaving?

Niji Yellow:
>"Stylish, aren't they?"



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #553 on: May 12, 2019, 01:33:31 PM »
> Try again.

> Keep track of it, visually and with feeling. Try to help it move faster.

> You request once again.
> And, maybe it's just you, but you feel the heavyness of someone intently watching you now.
> "Boo." A girlish voice behind and close to your ear spoke oh-so-suddenly.

> You would do such if that soul in particular was trying to get to you in a strategic way...
> However, it's going straight to you, with no ceremonies to strategize, and it will get to you if you don't do anything.

>"Alright, I'll need to go out and get some..."
>"How about I leave a clone here while I go out and get it?"
>Do clones have bracelets?

Niji Blue:
>Ok, I think we've traveled far enough.
>Touch down somewhere.

Nijisa & Arisa:
>Oh, are they leaving?

Niji Yellow:
>"Stylish, aren't they?"


> They do.
> "We can keep you in touch like that, right?" Elfin nodded. "I think it could be for the better, but it's up to you."


> You descend from your flight after turning back to your humanoid form. That was close...
> You are kinda glad you are wearing boots so the snow isn't a hassle.
> There isn't much of note around. You can see some wires, however, going downhill. You would assume those are from the elevator-thingie that the Moriya Shrine was making with the Kappa.


> Yes. Alice is apparently going back home to see how things are progressing at the reconstruction.
> Marisa... You don't know yet.


> "Very." The blonde haired woman leans some to examine Yuudachi more closely. "Any idea of what they might be, exactly?"


> The sisters keep staring in silence.
> "What is it?" Doremy questioned.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #554 on: May 14, 2019, 04:18:22 AM »
> "E-Excuse me?!"
> Get distaaance!

> That's the point. Get it to move towards us faster. Are we capable of such (is what I tried to know last post...)?

> "Alright. Is there anything I should keep doing for now?"
> When was the reuinion planned? ASAP/Tonight? Did we tell all of them?

> Look around.


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #555 on: May 14, 2019, 05:10:59 AM »
> "E-Excuse me?!"
> Get distaaance!

> That's the point. Get it to move towards us faster. Are we capable of such (is what I tried to know last post...)?

> "Alright. Is there anything I should keep doing for now?"
> When was the reuinion planned? ASAP/Tonight? Did we tell all of them?

> Look around.

> You fly upwards and away from the spirit, taking a breath of relief upon seeing that it didn't followed you.
> However you can see what was behind you once you have a more wide field of view.
> Kira was smiling at you. With a broad and non-subtle mischief in that expression, she returned to her previous position.
> "Don't forget to use that Gem I gave you before."

> You would say you *can* do it, given other things you have manipulated so far.
> So, while keeping track of it to see if it does anything funny or changes anything of its current movement pattern, you try to increase in some way the speed that spirit is using to go towards you.
> You aren't exactly sure what you "tweaked" of it, but it does seem to work.
> It will reach your now.


> Reunion has been stated to be tonight, at the SDM.
> You told all of them. Well, Bastet was asleep at the vision, but you are pretty sure she can be told by the others.
> "Nothing you are required for right now."
> "Really, she could just help with the books..." Patchouli motioned to a pile.


> There is just a treeline with nothing beyond it.
> Mayu stops.
> "Night of Fiiiiireeee~~~" She briefly sung in a beautiful tone, her voice reverberating through the deep forest you were at.
> Before too long after her voice was heard, a fairy started to come your way.
> It looked like a fairy maid...
> _
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 08:50:50 AM by Tashi »


  • Hmm...
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #556 on: May 14, 2019, 02:23:25 PM »
>"Yeah, it seems like a good idea."
>Create Niji Green.

Niji Blue:
>Rest for a bit.

>"Oh, are you leaving too, Marisa?"

Niji Yellow:
>What is Yuudachi wearing again?



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #557 on: May 15, 2019, 02:37:22 AM »
>"Yeah, it seems like a good idea."
>Create Niji Green.

Niji Blue:
>Rest for a bit.

>"Oh, are you leaving too, Marisa?"

Niji Yellow:
>What is Yuudachi wearing again?


> You create Niji Green from your bracelet, the fairy appearing next to you.
> "Good."
> "More Nijis huh." Sunny spoke.


> You take a moment for yourself to relax from the chase. It surely took you a lot of time to stop, but now it happened, it's nice to see all is fine.


> "Yep. I am maybe tryin' to locate that Medicine." Adjusting her hat, the witch took her broom.
> "Er... didn't you were the one who said before that she would be the less cooperative with the two of us..."
> "Ye', but who said am goin' to talk to her?"


> "By all means, do say what's on your mind~"
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #558 on: May 16, 2019, 02:47:20 AM »
> "Ah, the gem is for this sort of thing?"
> Retrieve it.

> Keep it hurdling in it's direction while we leap out of the way, our aim being to make it slam itself into the ground behind us due to carelessness and not being able to stop quickly enough.
> ...But do be prepared to take a hit if it somehow manages to have incredible stopping ability...

> "Alright. That and preparation for the reunion!"
> Check out the pile.

> "I wonder if we could get a record to play it for us..."
> Look towards the newcomer fairy.


  • Hmm...
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #559 on: May 16, 2019, 02:08:22 PM »
>"Yep. I'm gonna start heading out now."
>Turn into light, head out.

Niji Blue:
>But we did leave Clowny in the dust...


Niji Yellow:
>What is Yuudachi wearing again?

>Blush a little.
>"I-It's nothing!"

Rin Satsuki

  • Personification of a mythical creature.
  • "I'm not going to be forgotten that easily"
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #560 on: May 16, 2019, 05:58:24 PM »
> "Ah, the gem is for this sort of thing?"
> Retrieve it.

> Keep it hurdling in it's direction while we leap out of the way, our aim being to make it slam itself into the ground behind us due to carelessness and not being able to stop quickly enough.
> ...But do be prepared to take a hit if it somehow manages to have incredible stopping ability...

> "Alright. That and preparation for the reunion!"
> Check out the pile.

> "I wonder if we could get a record to play it for us..."
> Look towards the newcomer fairy.

> "It wasn't to ask you for marriage at the very least, although how you use it is not my problem."
> You retieve the gem from your pocket, and it's as beautiful as you found it.

> You leap out of the way, in hopes that this thing can't use breaks very well.
> And such seems to be the case.
> The spirit goes past you, burying itself under a pile of snow.


> You head over, checking the pile.
> ... T-That is a lot. You wonder if you will have time for... well, the reunion.
> You wonder where is Koa even, if all of this is so disorganized... she is supposed to be Patchouli's helper, no?


> "I can certainly provide the full song if you get a way to record it~"
>The outfit of this fairy is that from a maid. You would assume a few places from where it could be, but ultimately you wouldn't be sure.
> She has red hair.
> "Welcome back, Mayuyu." The fairy greets with a smile, before glancing at you and frowning slightly. "uhm..."
> "Don't worry; she is my sister." Mayu reassured. "I am here to show her our place."
> "W-What? B-But the Boss will be mad..."
> "Boss? You call her that now?" She giggled. "Don't worry, I tell you. Maybe Ruru can also join us, which would be a great addition."

>"Yep. I'm gonna start heading out now."
>Turn into light, head out.

Niji Blue:
>But we did leave Clowny in the dust...


Niji Yellow:
>What is Yuudachi wearing again?

>Blush a little.
>"I-It's nothing!"

> Where woud you like to go outside from?


> You wonder how she feels about it...


> "I'll see if there is some stuff to be borrowed from her!"
> "... You have no remedy. If you end up with a strong poison in your system, don't come crying to me that I didn't warn you: she is not to be toy with."
> "Chill, she ain't goin' to 'now am over there."


> A black tuxedo, which... screams all over the place that she is not from here.


> "Reeealllyyyy?"
> _


  • Hmm...
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #561 on: May 17, 2019, 09:10:47 PM »
>Let's try the windows?

Niji Blue:
>Maybe we should go find her...

>Should've known...
>"Marisa, what sort of item would you be looking for?"

Niji Yellow:
>"It's a tuxedo."



  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #562 on: May 18, 2019, 02:37:19 PM »
>Let's try the windows?

Niji Blue:
>Maybe we should go find her...

>Should've known...
>"Marisa, what sort of item would you be looking for?"

Niji Yellow:
>"It's a tuxedo."


> Which? The ones that are in the library or others that are upstairs at the mansion?


> You consider, thinking about what would be the best option... What will you do?


> "No idea."
> "Are you serious?"
> "Well, just something that lets me see what kind of poison she can make out of herself. Something that has all she can make, or part of it, contained, ya' know?"
> "I doubt she has something like that... and even then, to my knowledge, you aren't a expert on that department, so might as well not do something stupid and keep yourself safe."
> "Worried 'bout me, ya'?" Marisa chuckled, stepping outside.
> "I am more worried about the ruckus you might cause..." Alice followed.


> "...?" The woman looked over at you questioningly.


> "Mm... Didn't seemed like it~"
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #563 on: May 24, 2019, 12:19:56 PM »
> Focusing on the gem and one of the spirits, try to bring it over to us despite our specialty being only when they're in us.

> Try to keep the spirit down now that it's in the snow like this.

> "Er... How do piles like this even get brought up? Are you gaining a bunch of books, or is whoever reads them not returning them well?"

> "Hmm... I don't suppose you're going to stuff me in a maid outfit, are you?"


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #564 on: May 24, 2019, 04:22:00 PM »
> Focusing on the gem and one of the spirits, try to bring it over to us despite our specialty being only when they're in us.

> Try to keep the spirit down now that it's in the snow like this.

> "Er... How do piles like this even get brought up? Are you gaining a bunch of books, or is whoever reads them not returning them well?"

> "Hmm... I don't suppose you're going to stuff me in a maid outfit, are you?"

> You focus on the pretty object, a random spirit being the objective of your attention as well.
> You then attempt to try to, maybe, lure them to you. As if tempting, so to say, to get into you, but in a magical way, maybe.
> You feel a gaze lay upon you, which you assume is the spirit in question.
> You don't know if it because of what you are trying to do or if it just picked your presence right now.
> This spirit is somewhat close.

> You apply some rough pressure, with the help of your glove, to try and keep the spirit down.
> The snow starts to shake apart some. It seems its struggling to get up.
> Or well, you can actually feel it as if you were touching something and it was pushing against you


> "Organizing and managing the library's tidyness is Koakuma's work, although that pile of books were used recently by me, and I needed quick access to them as I was working on something." Patchouli didn't even averted her gaze from the book. "Now that it's done, returned they should be. Koakuma seems pretty... busy with her 'sister', though, so it was apparently delayed."


> "... Well... You would look good in it..." Mayu pondered some, tapping her chin. "But nah, it's not that... maybe, unless you are good as a maid!"
> "I-I am the head maid!" The red haired fairy boosted up.
> "... Wait, you are?"
> "Y-Yea. Y-You would need to get my permission to work with us first."
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #565 on: June 04, 2019, 06:20:42 PM »
> "Uh, no what?"
> Look to Kira.

> Keep it down... Eventually it might stop...

> "Ah. So then how will I know where each book goes?"

> "You guys are seriously considering it huh..."


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #566 on: June 05, 2019, 03:31:54 AM »
> "Uh, no what?"
> Look to Kira.

> Keep it down... Eventually it might stop...

> "Ah. So then how will I know where each book goes?"

> "You guys are seriously considering it huh..."

> "Why don't you try to appeal to it? Lure him."

> You keep your pressure on it.
> But it keeps trying... Even if it is making next to no progress, it keeps trying to be released from your grasp.


> "You can search on each side of the bookshelves what kind of book belongs to which bookshelf. Koakuma took a bunch of time to mark them for easier navigation."
> ...
> "Just... don't go too far away. All those books don't belong to the depths of the library either way."


> "Hey, you would look good into it! ... Although it is not why I brought you here."
> "... Wait, she is not?" The fairy blinked.
> "Of course not, silly, but not a bad idea in the end!" Mayu giggled, brushing aside the matter with a wave of her hand. "Well, well. Why don't we go there?"
> "... S-Sure..." Still a bit dubious, the fairy maid starts to lead both of you.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #567 on: June 07, 2019, 08:22:09 AM »
> "Appeal? Uh... Come here, please."
> Wave a little.

> Just keep on. Don't let it get the feeling that it has a chance.

> That's a relief...
> "How are they categorized? Alphanumerically? By genre? Author? Some order specific to you that you like? By order of most read to least?"

> Follow along

Rin Satsuki

  • Personification of a mythical creature.
  • "I'm not going to be forgotten that easily"
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #568 on: June 07, 2019, 10:13:07 AM »
> "Appeal? Uh... Come here, please."
> Wave a little.

> Just keep on. Don't let it get the feeling that it has a chance.

> That's a relief...
> "How are they categorized? Alphanumerically? By genre? Author? Some order specific to you that you like? By order of most read to least?"

> Follow along

> "I would say other things to appeal it, but since I know you won't accept..."
> The spirit remains there.
> "Just make him think that you will be the best possessed body in their afterlife."

> You continue on, never fading your constant pressure.
> And yet, it keeps trying... and tries, and you assume it will keep trying. Is this what someone who gave up their mind over insanity feels like?
> In fact, it might be starting to be a bit more difficult to keep the pressure, but might just be you.


> "Alphanumerically. The genre would be ideal if you put them in order for easier search. Can you handle it?" Patchouli finally glanced to you. She asked as if she knew very well how much of a hassle it is to maintain the library.


> You keep moving, following behind Mayu.
> "The- uhm..." The fairy was about to talk about somehing, yet stopped herself.
> "Don't worry. You can talk about it. I am sure that, regardless, it will make next to no difference."
> "... The preparations are complete. We can pretty much start it whenever Boss wants..."
> "That is great! Although I would prefer if it didn't happened, like... today or something. I gotta attend to a reunion and all."
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Greater Centenary Festival - Heavenly Cross/VII
« Reply #569 on: June 14, 2019, 01:02:11 AM »
> "What if I can't stop it from really possessing me?"

> Fire some danmaku at it as well.

> Well, take the stack...

> "Hoh?"