Saw a similar topic on a french Touhou forum, so, why not !
Family side, everything seems to be okay. My father likes gaming so he totally understands my passion for Touhou ! I Even if he doesn't like the gameplay (bullet hells are not really his thing), he enjoys the soundtracks and the characters. He also finds the story "poetic" *-* My cousin tried EoSD and found the danmaku "beautiful" ! I made her listen to some remixes and she really enjoyed it too. The others family members either don't know about my passion, either don't care about it

At school, other students seem very curious about it, one day I was wearing a Touhou T-shirt, and a girl came and asked me "Where is this character(Reimu) from ? She looks so badass !"

Anime is actually quite popular iny my country, so it doesn't shock people when they see me reading doujinshis, or my pencil case covered by pins x) Some of them even occasionally play Touhou or listen to Touhou music, even if I haven't found anyone as hardcore as me, lol.
Friends side, well, they are all understanding ! Two of them actually know and like the series

My others friends show little interest in Touhou, they just know that I'm a fan, and it doesn't shock them (most of them are weebs haha)
What about you ?