Author Topic: Anyone aware of the Utube 2hu community?  (Read 4626 times)

Anyone aware of the Utube 2hu community?
« on: May 05, 2018, 01:03:29 PM »
Apparently there has been a war raised between Touhou memers and shitposters on Youtube, due to the consequences of the *cough* war back in 2017.

It's sad how unwanted content were being produced throughout the year and now they are fighting each others for that. I don't get the point of that since now it's already useless and we shouldn't stick to the past.

Fortunately the streamers are still safe places where we can rest assured.

If you want more informations, you can go search up Content Yama or DWMVADS, but please don't push the chaos further.

Re: Anyone aware of the Utube 2hu community?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2018, 03:26:33 PM »
shitposters are people too

1cc PODD no deaths: