So, that's all for The Disappearing of Gensokyo, a chinese top-down shooter/Action RPG hybrid that is also the first ever Touhou fangame to be put on Steam. In conclusion, this game is just an average top-down shooter riddled with many flaws. But still, I had fun playing it. I enjoyed fighting hordes of enemies at once and coming on top. I enjoyed traversing through the unique locale of Gensokyo (and desert as well) depicted in 3D. I enjoyed fighting some of the bosses. It's a pretty fun game. However, there are some things that I disliked and even things that makes me raged hard. Reisen is basically the worst character in this game. On top of being the weakest character in the game, her interaction with Tenshi is the worst scene of this game, and it spans almost the entire game. And the less I said about the Dark Fairies the better. While the Black Route is ultimately pointless, there's at least some entertainment with edgelord level of dialogue between Dark Reimu and Tenshi. So, if you're a fan of Touhou (Which obviously you are), and you like top-down shooter, I recommended this game.
My first goal of making this LP is to show you guys this game and maybe I'm able to interest you into playing this game as well. My second goal is to support Touhou fangames developer out there by buying this game and show it to wider audience so that I can tell them that there is a market for Touhou fangames in Steam. And maybe, more well-known Touhou fangames like Labyrinth of Touhou, Megamari, Koumajou Densetsu, and many more will enter Steam at long last and we'll be able to support them more easily. So, the question is: Am I accomplished my goal? Not really. Judging from my low views, I'm unable to attract audiences. And if I think I can influence the market out there, I?m either very narcissistic or I?m very delusional. In the end though, I still have a small number of people watching my LP. And for that, I thank you.
In my next LP, I'll be going back to my regular Screenshot Let's Play (Because let's face it, doing sub commentary on Youtube is kinda stupid and unnecessary). See you guys on my next LP of: