>You are Lily Humboldt! Magus of Calumet City and a Master in a very unusual Grail War.
>Your Servant is Robin Hood -AHEM- Robin Wood, who is of the Archer Class. The two of you have gotten along well so far. You have met or at least heard of several other Servants in the Calumet City thus far, which is curious because as near as you can tell, the Grail is actually someplace in Delaware. That it's even on this continent is strange enough... Your servant has encountered Berserker, and the two of you decided to leave him be. You have had a battle with Rider; who turned out to be Henry Ford under the command of none other than Charles Koch; and came out victorious. More distressingly, you have also met Assassin, whom you have identified as Gavrilo Princip. He took to killing Charles himself, employing a Noble Phantasm that apparently strikes at the world order itself.
>Thankfully, the police didn't batter down your door that night as you slept, and even more thankfully Assassin was nowhere to be seen. Instead, you made your way out of Illinois while the nation went more and more insane in the wake of the murder of a highly influential billionaire. Passing through Indiana, you encountered Lancer and his Master, a Native America woman named Kimimela. Your meeting was tense, but ended somewhat peacefully, until Berserker showed up and you left them there to deal with it. After overnighting in the soulless husk of the eastern-most midwest, you make your way through the Appalachian Mountains and encountered another master, this one with a servant whose class didn't fit any of the ones that you expected. Just contemplating his information gave you a sense of disquiet. This time, things broke down and you ended up taking a more lethal solution to deal with things.
>Finally, you managed to reach your goal of Delaware, and had a reasonably peaceful and restful night. You've been making your way through the state this morning, checking out coastal areas. Having just finished up looking into a tiny bay-side neighborhood called Kitt's Hummock, you prepare to move on to somewhere more southern. You've also just found that Archer and Lancer were talking with each other last night.
> "Is that alright with you? I just checked for messages and skimmed it while I was waiting for the map to load."
> "But yeah. In all honesty Kimimela isn't unjustified in what she wants to wish for, but I don't think it would end very well."
>"It's kind of annoying, actually," Archer says. "I didn't paw through all your conversations."
>She nods when you mention Lancer's master. "I suppose. I don't know, back in my time that sort of thing happened all the time. But they get seem to have a whole lot of bad luck."