Author Topic: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3  (Read 76532 times)

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #150 on: March 16, 2018, 03:06:51 AM »
>If we can tell, give her an estimate

>Assuming she still has direct control, or at least influence, over the people outside on the tarmac, you know her influence is at least as broad that way and probably in all directions as well. This you relay to the chief, who nods again, the notion not even disturbing her extravagant hairstyle. "Ekotoba." she calls down to the officers below, and the hulking oni's stance stiffens. "Take your men and withdraw. Set up a -"
>"Are you kidding?!" the brute of an Oni roars, spinning to face his chief. "Leave you here alone with this-!"
>"ATTEND." the chief intones. Even though the mental haze you're in, the force of the command is painfully easy to sense. Even the civilians have stopped their mutterings, and she wasn't even talking to them. You're glad she didn't aim that at you. "You and your men will withdraw and set up a defensive perimeter outside of Semitur's range as best as we can determine. You will report to me when the area is secured. No one is to leave this building until the demon is apprehended. Not even me."
>"Not even you, chief?" the oni asks.
>"The demon is a shapeshifter. It may attempt to usurp my form and my authority. I will remain here to apprehend the demon with the assistance of Lotus' group and the shrine maidens that are here as well."
>"Unless YOU'RE the demon!" the blonde man in front of you shouts up at her. His cry is instantly taken up by those around him, and you sense one of the auras of magic among the crowd growing.

>Is that possible? Rin asks you. I mean, could Semitur have done that?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #151 on: March 16, 2018, 03:47:35 AM »
>Do we think there's any chance at all that the chief is Semitur?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #152 on: March 16, 2018, 04:04:23 AM »
>Do we think there's any chance at all that the chief is Semitur?

>Well that's why I'm asking you, you've got the best magic sense of us all.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #153 on: March 16, 2018, 04:41:13 AM »
....that wasn't supposed to be in italics >.>
(That's what I get for doing this while distracted)

>Do we think there's any chance at all that the chief is Semitur? Pay close attention.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #154 on: March 17, 2018, 04:30:42 AM »
....that wasn't supposed to be in italics >.>
(That's what I get for doing this while distracted)

>Do we think there's any chance at all that the chief is Semitur? Pay close attention.

Don't worry, I don't think the other players noticed.

>She is some distance away, and you've been hesitant to stretch your mind out that far. But the air has changed a bit. You're more grounded than you were, thanks to Rin, but the dark aura in the air doesn't seem quite so stifling. The air of cold coming from Eirin has diminished just a bit, and you feel more confidant. You can clearly sense the aura of magic around the chief, and it is not what you'd associate with anything demonic. Too, you get the sense that she is human.
>You also feel the faint touch of the Champion of Ice again. You couldn't sense it before, but you think she may be trying to tell you something.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #155 on: March 17, 2018, 04:38:41 AM »
>Let's focus upon that. Can we figure out what she's trying to tell us?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #156 on: March 17, 2018, 05:15:27 AM »
>Let's focus upon that. Can we figure out what she's trying to tell us?

>You believe she wants to guide your senses in a particular direction. The question is whether or not you trust her enough to do so.
>Assuming it even IS the Ice Champion.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #157 on: March 17, 2018, 05:17:07 AM »
>Let's try trusting her. We still have our anchor to Rin to keep us fixed here, if we need to remind ourselves of where we are and why we're here.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #158 on: March 17, 2018, 08:49:29 PM »
>Let's try trusting her. We still have our anchor to Rin to keep us fixed here, if we need to remind ourselves of where we are and why we're here.

>It's a gamble, but as you've said, time is of the essence. Even with Rin with you, you're not entirely sure how much longer you'll be able to hold off the incessant mental assault you're under. So, putting your faith in the Champion of Ice, you allow your mystic senses to be drawn by the hand of Ice. She guides you in a northwesterly direction, past the crowd of civilians. Past the police officer you didn't even notice, his body being concealed by the crowd. She guides you towards a grouping of seats, upon which you see a remarkably beautiful woman with black and gold feathered wings. Her long braided hair is the same shade of gold as her wings. She wears a little smile, the kind you'd see on someone watching a fascinating show. You can also see the legs of someone stretched out on the seats near her, but you can't see any more of that person from where you are. You pull your senses back before scanning the woman too deeply. The aura of darkness in the room is at its most concentrated there.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #159 on: March 17, 2018, 09:07:35 PM »
>If we can convey some sense of gratitude back towards Ice, then do so
>And then be ready to shield the police chief from her own officers, if it comes to it.
>"She is no more Semitur than any of you are! This violence among ourselves is exactly what Semitur wants!"
>I know where she is, now.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #160 on: March 17, 2018, 10:10:01 PM »
>If we can convey some sense of gratitude back towards Ice, then do so
>And then be ready to shield the police chief from her own officers, if it comes to it.
>"She is no more Semitur than any of you are! This violence among ourselves is exactly what Semitur wants!"
>I know where she is, now.

>You believe she understands.
>"Then let her have it!" the voice of the albino woman screams, and she punctuates her declaration with a surge of sickly-sensing magic. A plume of thick black smoke erupts from the area around her voice, and a creature out of a nightmare steps out of the smoke. The thing resembles the classical monster Minotaur, save that a pair of waving tentacles extend out of its head just under its normal horns. The thing's sickly looking skin is as black as the bardiche it clenches in its hands.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #161 on: March 17, 2018, 10:16:00 PM »
>Can we tell who the woman's hostility is directed towards? Us? The police chief?
>Assuming the latter: Flight may not be an option after all; we can't leave them to fall upon the chief. Lend me your power.
>And let's get ready to Amber Lotus the whole crowd - minotaur and all.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #162 on: March 21, 2018, 06:25:58 PM »
>Can we tell who the woman's hostility is directed towards? Us? The police chief?
>Assuming the latter: Flight may not be an option after all; we can't leave them to fall upon the chief. Lend me your power.
>And let's get ready to Amber Lotus the whole crowd - minotaur and all.

>You. You're fairly certain.
>"Dementist!" one of the officers yells, and the sound of a stun bolt rings out across the room.
>You manage to make out a, "Wait, hold your fire!" before more officers begin firing, and the sound of the dementia caster summoning again rings out. This time she summons a flying humanoid with wings made of razor blades and skin made of tar. This one is heading towards the police chief while the minotaur, which had been facing you, is now charging at the burly oni that fired on it. The sounds of screaming fill the air.
>Including from behind you, in addition to the sound of physical blows. A group of civilians behind you have pounced on Carnation and Yuna.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #163 on: March 21, 2018, 11:16:03 PM »
>Now is definitely the time to un-brainwash everything and everyone. Go!

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #164 on: March 25, 2018, 04:32:12 AM »
>Now is definitely the time to un-brainwash everything and everyone. Go!

>If there was going to be a time, this is more assuredly it. So you hold your scepter up over your head and invoke your Amber Lotus on everyone in the immediate vicinity and all the police officers that aren't the chief or her two nearby officers. As the light washes over every person, you feel a pushback, a resistance to your Amber energy. Each person does not resist a lot, but a lot of people resisting a little puts a fair bit of extra strain on you. Or perhaps it is not the people, but whatever magic Semitur is working on them that resists your effort. Whatever the truth of the matter, the reality is that you end up using a fair bit more energy than you thought you'd have to.
>And even worse, it doesn't have entirely the desired result. While the group of civilains that had been starting to assault Yuna and Carnation stop in their tracks, and the police officers likewise freeze, and even drop their weapons, the dementia creature in front of you does not disappear. Nor does the one charging the police chief. In fact, you hear the dementia caster cackle madly as your power touches her. "Feels like jelly!" she crows, conjuring another something into being as the minotaur bellows and charges at you.
>The creatures' bellow is almost drowned out by the sound of Kiku's roar as the tiger barrels into the minotaur's flank. Kiku and the creature fall to the floor in a tangle of claws, fists and tentacles.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #165 on: March 25, 2018, 04:46:42 AM »
>Do we think our Amber Lotus failed to remove Semitur's aura from this demntia user or is that just... how they normally are?
>Also, hit the one charging the chief with a Scarlet Lotus

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #166 on: March 25, 2018, 05:28:10 AM »
>Do we think our Amber Lotus failed to remove Semitur's aura from this demntia user or is that just... how they normally are?
>Also, hit the one charging the chief with a Scarlet Lotus

>No, you're confidant that your Light had the desired effect on the albino. But from what you know, dementia casters frequently have a somewhat loose grip on normalcy, or even reality. It's possible that this is the woman's normal personality, at least when she's casting.
>Leaving the minotaur to Kiku- just as well, since you're not sure you can safely shoot her opponent, you turn your fire on the winged creature en route to the chief. And just as well, since the blaster shots of her two guards, accurate and quick though they are, do not seem to be slowing the thing. The flying razor blade shudders at the touch of your fiery light, then erupts in a shower of shrapnel and slag.
>As you deal with that threat, you hear the sounds of blaster fire again from behind you. You manage to turn around most of the way in response to this new bad thing happened before the blue energy of a stun blast strikes you in your left side. Had you been in your human form, you're certain that would have disabled you. Even now, it feels like a coronal fire blossoms through the left side of your body, and the parts of you that don't go numb fire all their pain receptors at once. But it does not stun you completely, does not even take you off your feet, and you can see that the airport security officers that you shot with your Amber Light outside, at least some of them anyway, have re-entered the airport and are once again shooting at you.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #167 on: March 25, 2018, 05:34:13 AM »
>Throw up a barrier between us and them
>We need to get to Semitur. I can't keep dispelling this brainwashing if it's going to come back this quickly. And I know where she is.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #168 on: March 25, 2018, 06:32:00 AM »
>Throw up a barrier between us and them
>We need to get to Semitur. I can't keep dispelling this brainwashing if it's going to come back this quickly. And I know where she is.

>As they are using mundane weapons, you deploy a simple screen of blue light to intercept their stun bolts, buying yourself some time.
>Then go! Kiku shouts at you as she tears at the throat of the minotaur.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #169 on: March 25, 2018, 06:38:46 AM »
>Right! Rin, with me! The rest of you, make sure these people are safe and follow when you can!
>Let's make a break for it, towards Semitur's location.
>Though let's give the dementiaist a parting Scarlet Lotus while we move
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 07:11:59 AM by DracoOmega »

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #170 on: March 26, 2018, 01:54:02 AM »
>Right! Rin, with me! The rest of you, make sure these people are safe and follow when you can!
>Let's make a break for it, towards Semitur's location.
>Though let's give the dementiaist a parting Scarlet Lotus while we move

>Leave the security to me. Minoriko says confidently, getting back to her feet and thrusting her staff out before her. "Carnation Vine Trellis!" Just beyond your barrier of blue light, a veritable forest of green vines emerge from the airport floor, fully fifteen feet across and damn near reaching the ceiling.
>Leaving your rear to Chrysanthemum, Carnation and Yuna to protect, you and White Rose, hand in hand still, break forward, charging towards the winged, smiling woman sitting comfortably, watching the events.
>Not before attempting to deal with one of the bigger threats beyond Semitur, though. The albino dementia caster, a crazed light in her red eyes, makes a solid target, one you take advantage of by unleashing your Scarlet Lotus upon the woman. Your blast does not strike the woman, however, but her latest casting. A two-headed wolf with poisonous looking green skin leaps in front of the shot, detonating as the other dementia beast did. On instinct, you arrest your forward momentum for a moment to put a bit more sideways distance between yourself and the debris the dementia wolf left behind. This proves to be a wise choice, as the beasts flesh sizzles where it touches the ground, its acidic nature burning holes into the linoleum of the floor tiles.
>The casters' grin only widens and her arms spread, likely to cast again, but this time she is struck by fire from behind. A pair of blue stun bolts strike the woman from behind, and she collapses to the ground in a twitching heap.

>Heads up, girls, those security guys are heading back inside! Lily calls out to the group, rather redundantly.
>We know. I have them. Minoriko replies. Are you okay out there?
>Uh... Sorta.
>We may need some assistance. Reisen adds a bit more helpfully.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #171 on: March 26, 2018, 02:01:46 AM »
>How urgently? We've located Semitur.
>At the very least, we need to keep pressing onward. And be ready to guard against any more stray blaster bolts going our direction.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #172 on: March 26, 2018, 03:41:21 AM »
>How urgently? We've located Semitur.
>At the very least, we need to keep pressing onward. And be ready to guard against any more stray blaster bolts going our direction.

>And one of her minions out here got loose. says Reisen. And the security forces that didn't go inside are shooting at us. Lily's got them held off- Never mind. she interrupts herself, sounding awed about something. Haruka just took all of them out. We can handle the rest.
>Took them OUT? Rin asks.
>Of the fight. Reisen clarifies. She used a focused cone of sound to render them all unconscious.

>With that dealt with, you and Rin press on. The only individual between you and Semitur is a lone police officer. That woman reaches for her pistol as you approach, but whether or not she was going to aim it at you you'll never know, as she too is taken down by a pair of blue stun bolts.
>The golden haired woman you believe to be Semitur looks upon your approach with a renewed sense of interest. She seems to shrug her wings and you sense, vaguely, a surge of magic run through the floor between you and her. The tiled floor of the airport instantly turns to mud, and both you and Rin stagger under the sudden shift in terrain. You also both start to sink.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #173 on: March 26, 2018, 03:54:47 AM »
>Let's take to the air and get clear of this mud
>And if the mud isn't inclined to be obliging about that, let's try to dispel it with an Amber Lotus while we're at it - at least the part holding us

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #174 on: March 26, 2018, 04:39:32 AM »
>Let's take to the air and get clear of this mud
>And if the mud isn't inclined to be obliging about that, let's try to dispel it with an Amber Lotus while we're at it - at least the part holding us

>"I had a feeling you'd find me eventually." the golden haired woman says easily as you and Rin struggle to extricate yourselves from the sticky mud that holds you. She comes to her feet as you manage to get one of your discs under you and take off, following Rin. The other set of legs you saw with her belong to another woman, this one a raven-haired beauty with shoulder-length hair. A youkai of some kind, her expensive looking clothes must have been made even more expensive to accommodate her black wings. This woman actually rises before Semitur does, though only to allow Semitur to rise without interference. The black-haired woman had been resting her head in Semitur's lap.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #175 on: March 26, 2018, 05:00:15 AM »
>To Rin: I need your power with me; hold nothing back. If we cannot end this here, we may never.
>For all the lives she's ended, the souls she's stolen, the people she's toyed with - she has to be stopped now
>Join Rin's power together with us and hit Semitur with the strongest Violet Lotus we can muster

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #176 on: March 31, 2018, 02:25:09 PM »
>To Rin: I need your power with me; hold nothing back. If we cannot end this here, we may never.
>For all the lives she's ended, the souls she's stolen, the people she's toyed with - she has to be stopped now
>Join Rin's power together with us and hit Semitur with the strongest Violet Lotus we can muster

>Don't have to tell me twice. Rin says fiercely, gripping your hand again, tighter than the last time.
>Fiercely determined, you level your scepter at the smiling woman, feel the energy White Rose channels to you, and fire. A ferocious blast of Violet light explodes from the tip of your scepter, rocketing towards the demon. The other woman in front of you, the one that had been sitting up, becomes much more animated as she dives out of the way, obviously wanting not even to be near such a violent display of power. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Rin's ears twitch.
>With a smile that drips of supreme confidence, Semitur does not even try to block your powerful surge of Violet light. She spreads her wings wide, and you start to feel the buildup of magic around her. She doesn't appear to be preparing any kind of defense, so she may be trying to prepare a spell to unleash upon you and Rin once your attack subsides. You feel yourself grin at that thought. That smug defiler of souls is in for a big surprise, maybe the last of her wretched life.
>And then Rin reaches out and grabs your scepter, angling it up and towards the distant ceiling. Your Violet blast passes over the head of Semitur, causing the demon to duck instinctively, and makes almost no contact with her. Your best shot, and Rin just made you miss.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #177 on: March 31, 2018, 05:24:51 PM »
>Oh no....
>Rin! Did Semitur bespell her, too? How does she look?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #178 on: March 31, 2018, 10:53:21 PM »
>Oh no....
>Rin! Did Semitur bespell her, too? How does she look?

>She looks firm, but not.... Well, you're not sure what the word is, but the look on her face, in her eyes, you feel she is still herself. So she'd better have a good reason for doing that, she just left you in a very vulnerable position.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #179 on: March 31, 2018, 11:02:56 PM »
>To Rin: What's wrong?