In Moon War 2, Yukari is "trapped" by the nest that have been planted a thousand years ago, as the waxing and waning of the full moon let to that very specific moment, when the time is shorten enough that the Lunarian could capture the mastermind, who somehow chose to go to this specific moment and somehow unaware of the phasing of the moon despite planning the following millenia invading it.
...Sound stupid, isn't it? It's as if Yukari herself wanted to get capture herself, playing alone with the plan that somehow only work in that very specific full moon a thousand years later. That shown how ridiculously arrogant the Lunarian (and Eirin) is, thinking that the mastermind behind this would willingly get capture in this specific moment instead of, you know, just do it the following full moon (in fact, that's precisely what she done, infiltrating the Lunar Capital and get her spy out)
The question is: Does that mean Yukari actually take into account of Lunarian's arrogant, and planned the whole Moon War 1 so that she could successfully win in also this very specific moment? Is Yukari, perhap, using the very failure of the Great Lunar War, to plant arrogant into the very heart of the Lunarian, so that she could successfully exploited it?
...Yeah, sound improbable. Yukari probably just planted that so that she could go into the Lunar Capital whenever she pleased, and thousands year later, she just see Eirin being arrogant and decided to used this really stupid plan (relatively, still smart enough to know that the opponent would play along with the trap (sarcasm)) against her.
Still, that's some fking mind game Yukari does. Anyway, just wanted to point that out.