> "I'm glad to hear that too! And don't worry. Onee-sama taught me about this 'charisma' thing, and I must be as polite as possible!"
> Grin as we make our bed.
> "How is Sakuya-san and the others faring today?"
>"Oh, well... we have been fine, the daily routine as always, Chief Maid said that i should take you to the library once you are ready."
>List our very particular set of skills.
>Well that's some business ! You can:
-Use an wide, and talk about WIDE, array of danmaku, from the simplest pellets to the most complex lasers, you know it all.
-Make up to 3 clones of yourself, which is very similar to Koakuma's ability, but for that you need to split your maximum potential, so 4 of would have the same overall power as when you are just one, save for physical prowess, which remains the same regardless of number of clones.
-Cloak yourself so that you are virtually invisible to the naked eye, however magical spells of true sight can see through your ability.
-You can also use Laevateinn to produce an gigantic flaming sword-like weapon.
-And last but not least... your famed capability to destroy things by focusing on their eye, and crushing it, for inanimate objects it's rather easy, but for living beings it becomes considerably harder, since their will resists the crushing and as such so does the eye, they may also have two eyes, demanding both your hands for the task.