Author Topic: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9  (Read 58064 times)


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #420 on: February 23, 2017, 10:49:30 PM »
//Yay, now some of my keys are screwed up from an earlier thing. Nothing online has helped yet and I absolutely love this day so far.

//On my side... this day is complete garbage, for using a "light" word... I just literally want to be night already and throw myself to bed and sleep for centuries, maybe. Futuristic Tashi weee.


>"It's... larger."




> "... Well, darling, it seems that the energy of my horn combined with your horn empowered with frozen milk makes it more larger..." Sakura slowly nods. "That's handy."
> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #421 on: February 23, 2017, 10:54:06 PM »

>"Wha ?!"


>"Yuudachi ?!"
>Look around frantically for her.


>Observe the pacient.

Niji Green:

>Nod and follow !


>"The name is Bastet, i think i heard Daiko talk about you..."


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #422 on: February 23, 2017, 11:10:08 PM »

>"Wha ?!"

> "Don't "Wha?!" me! Feel it!"


>"Yuudachi ?!"
>Look around frantically for her.

> You look around, until your see her sitting in the shoulder of the girl that is approaching.
> "Yuu!" Yuudachi smiles when she sees you.
> "W-Wha?!" The girl stops.
> "... That voice..." Marisa peeks in. "... Huh?!"
> "What?" Reimu looks inside. "... Rin?"
> "Re-Re-Reimu?!" The girl questions
> "Rin?!" Marisa is surprised.
> "M-Marisa?!"
> "Stop it already." Alice stops. "You guys are going to wake up Corin."
> This new girl has blonde hair decorated with a red ribbon and cherry hair pins. Her clothes somewhat remind you the ones of the shrine maidens, like Reimu. They are white and red. Red shoes. She really looks like Reimu.


>Observe the pacient.

> You look at Corin, who is breathing really, REALLY softly... y-you think so, at least. You don't think she's dead...
> She has burns all over her body, her clothes burned badly in some parts.

Niji Green:

>Nod and follow !

> You follow Meiling to the library.
> Before both of you can even peek inside, something big and transparent comes out rolling.
> "Weeee!!" Flandre exclaims as she is in some kind of hard bubble that is rolling around.
> "... Uh..."


>"The name is Bastet, i think i heard Daiko talk about you..."

> "Oh, yeah?" Doremy raises an eyebrow, thinking. "Oh, yes. Daiko. THAT guy."
> _
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 11:12:11 PM by Tashi »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #423 on: February 23, 2017, 11:14:32 PM »
//On my side... this day is complete garbage, for using a "light" word... I just literally want to be night already and throw myself to bed and sleep for centuries, maybe. Futuristic Tashi weee.
//Noticed something last night that stopped me from going to school this morning. Woke up recently to do the dishes and ended up screwing up my laptop's keyboard with liquid, so despite me hastily cleaning it off some important buttons like left ctrl, right alt, right ctrl, and right shift, are pressing certain buttons from the numberpad as well. *R-ctrl and *R-shift both add an asterisk, while *L-ctrl adds an 8. Can't do ctrl+alt+delete normally anymore and I've gotta get used to using my left hand for leftshift and never touching rightshift basically. No more shortcuts with ctrl either. But hey, it's just the start of the day. It could always get better or worse. ...Well, unless I can magically fix the keyboard internally myself, I guess it's only gonna go one way.

*>Feel our horn.


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #424 on: February 23, 2017, 11:21:31 PM »
//Noticed something last night that stopped me from going to school this morning. Woke up recently to do the dishes and ended up screwing up my laptop's keyboard with liquid, so despite me hastily cleaning it off some important buttons like left ctrl, right alt, right ctrl, and right shift, are pressing certain buttons from the numberpad as well. *R-ctrl and *R-shift both add an asterisk, while *L-ctrl adds an 8. Can't do ctrl+alt+delete normally anymore and I've gotta get used to using my left hand for leftshift and never touching rightshift basically. No more shortcuts with ctrl either. But hey, it's just the start of the day. It could always get better or worse. ...Well, unless I can magically fix the keyboard internally myself, I guess it's only gonna go one way.

*>Feel our horn.

//Ouch... Just ouch, man... That kind of things already happened at least three time with the keyboards of my PC. Hopefully, I don't see it's unbearable, which in my case IT was... Couldn't live with pressing "A" and then a row of numbers and other letters appearing alongside a single "A". Let's not talk about the impossibility of doing shortcuts... Hope you can fix it.

> You... touch your horn...
> It's different. It feels a bit cold, but it's more larger like Sakura and Tsuru said.
> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #425 on: February 23, 2017, 11:22:28 PM »

>Rush to her and carefully pick her up, then hug her.
>"I was so worried honey, when i woke up with you gone i almost had an heart attack, i am so glad you are alright, i love you..."
>Smile and shed some tears.

Niji Green:

>"Hehe, that sure looks fun."


>"Eh ? What about him ?"


>"If only i hadn't been paralyzed from the shock..."


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #426 on: February 23, 2017, 11:47:16 PM »

>Rush to her and carefully pick her up, then hug her.
>"I was so worried honey, when i woke up with you gone i almost had an heart attack, i am so glad you are alright, i love you..."
>Smile and shed some tears.

> You rush to pick up your precious doll. You hug her once you get her in your arms, which makes Yuudachi do the same.
> "Yuuu..." She rubs her head in your chest.
> "Uhm..." Rin mumbles. "H-Hi..." She waves at you.

Niji Green:

>"Hehe, that sure looks fun."

> "It doooes!" Flandre giggles as the bubble hits the wall, making it come back to the library.
> "Uhm..." Meiling walks inside the library.


>"Eh ? What about him ?"

> "Oh, nothing. Just something I was wondering about that guy, nothing to worry about." Doremy clears her throat. "So... Who are you? A relative of him?"


>"If only i hadn't been paralyzed from the shock..."

> "You can't blame you." Daiyousei puts a hand in your shoulder. "It was something really scary."
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #427 on: February 23, 2017, 11:49:00 PM »
//Ouch... Just ouch, man... That kind of things already happened at least three time with the keyboards of my PC. Hopefully, I don't see it's unbearable, which in my case IT was... Couldn't live with pressing "A" and then a row of numbers and other letters appearing alongside a single "A". Let's not talk about the impossibility of doing shortcuts... Hope you can fix it.
//Already lost a whole laptop before to the screen being consumed by the dark void, along with it being an old one without HDMI. On Screen Keyboard could help with ctrl and it's shortcuts, but I'll have to settle with getting used to leftshift unless I want to accidentally replace a whole post with an asterisk by trying to select all of it... Also, the online game I play will be much harder to stand with these buttons being borked and pressing others along with it. I guess I should be thankful the whole laptop wasn't ruined...yet, since backspace and Space are now starting to get sticky and M seems to be dying. Slightly positive (for this forum and other typing stuff*) is that I should be able to use the little laptop I have instead of this one if it does end up going to get fixed or something. Though there's two buttons RIGHT next to the arrow keys on the small laptop that conveniently make you go back or forward in your browser, so here's probably going to be more screw-ups and having to restart a whole post...


*>Examine the horn.
>"What if I eat or drink it again, little Sakura?"


>"Kind of..."
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 12:22:26 AM by Miniking »


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #428 on: February 24, 2017, 12:03:43 AM »

>"Daiko !"


>"Mmm... oh ! Hi ! Sorry... i was just really worried about her, the name is Niji."

Niji Green:





  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #429 on: February 24, 2017, 12:49:59 AM »
//Already lost a whole laptop before to the screen being consumed by the dark void, along with it being an old one without HDMI. On Screen Keyboard could help with ctrl and it's shortcuts, but I'll have to settle with getting used to leftshift unless I want to accidentally replace a whole post with an asterisk by trying to select all of it... Also, the online game I play will be much harder to stand with these buttons being borked and pressing others along with it. I guess I should be thankful the whole laptop wasn't ruined...yet, since backspace is now starting to get sticky. Slightly positive (for this forum and other typing stuff*) is that I should be able to use the little laptop I have instead of this one if it does end up going to get fixed or something.


*>Examine the horn.
>"What if I eat or drink it again, little Sakura?"


>"Kind of..."



//The good thing is that you have a backup way to be online... Well, I hope it get's fixed and that you can kickass again in whatever online game you are playing *Shot*
//#ForceMini. *Shotshotshot*

> How do you expecto to look at your horn?
> Sakura looks at you with an unamused face. "Your horn or mine?"

> "Oh..." Doremy nods. "Well, consider yourself fortunate. Not everyone can reach this place and being conscious while in it."


>"Daiko !"

> "Yes! Daiko!"
> Sakura mimics you.


>"Mmm... oh ! Hi ! Sorry... i was just really worried about her, the name is Niji."

> "It's okay, I guess..." Rin nods and smile faintly. "... Rin Satsuki. I'm the nurse in CUH."
> "... Then can you attend her already?" Mystia questions. "Just saying..."
> It takes some seconds to Rin to realize it. "O-OH! S-Sorry!" She quickly approaches to the sleeping vampire.

Niji Green:


> You walk in the library.
> Patchouli is moving the rolling bubble with Flandre around in the room. She has a bored face.
> "Something wrong, Lady Patchouli?" Meiling questions. "... Why are you... uh..."
> "I lost a game." Patchouli sighs.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #430 on: February 24, 2017, 01:01:30 AM »
//Good news is that Rshift is good now. Bad is that a few others are sticky and m is borked now while it's cover won't stay on anyore (onscreenkeyboard for now) and I probably need to get a usb keyboard or a new laptop again... Worse news is that my parents like to use the little one often, so that option won't be here often... On screen keyboard is still alright...


>Sakura's horn.
>"Well, you are little again... And I meant this one."
>Hold up what's left of Sakura's horn.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #431 on: February 24, 2017, 01:20:41 AM »

>"Huh... hey could you do me a favor ?"


>"So will she be okay ?"

Niji Green:

>"Huh ?"


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #432 on: February 24, 2017, 02:04:48 AM »
//Good news is that Rshift is good now. Bad is that a few others are sticky and m is borked now while it's cover won't stay on anyore (onscreenkeyboard for now) and I probably need to get a usb keyboard or a new laptop again... Worse news is that my parents like to use the little one often, so that option won't be here often... On screen keyboard is still alright...


>Sakura's horn.
>"Well, you are little again... And I meant this one."
>Hold up what's left of Sakura's horn.

> When you absorbed the energy the horn disappeared. The water too.
> "... You are a bit slow..." Sakura says. "And you know what's going to happen? The thing that is going to happen is that you are going to have another horn... and I will have none."


>"Huh... hey could you do me a favor ?"

> "Hm? That's strange, but go ahead." Doremy slowly moves her tail.


>"So will she be okay ?"

> Rin examines Corin.
> There's a bit of silence.
> "... She will." Rin finally replies. "I-I hope so..." Rin sighs to calm down, then opens a cabinet next to the stretcher.
> Rin starts to prepare a syringe, filling it some kind of weird liquid.
> "Hmm... Vampires like syringes?" Kyouko asks.
> "C-Corin and Charlotte don't like them..." Rin clarifies.

Niji Green:

>"Huh ?"

> "A spellcard game." Patchouli sighs again.
> "Weee!" Flandre giggles.
> "Uh..." Meiling blinks.
> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #433 on: February 24, 2017, 02:08:53 AM »

>"Oh nonononononono ! That won't do !"
>"I'll cut it away and have you drink it if i have to."


>"When Daiko-kun goes to sleep, could you please go talk to him ? Help him find his mother..."

Niji Green:

>"A Spellcard game ? How so ? Like a duel ?"


>"Is that an anesthesic ?"
>Tilt our head.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #434 on: February 24, 2017, 02:12:11 AM »
>"I-I don't need another one if it'd remove yours."
>Look to Kyouko and Mysti.
>"Uh... So what do you two think about all of this?"


>Look to the Rin girl.
>"You know each other?"
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 04:52:18 AM by Miniking »


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #435 on: February 24, 2017, 05:21:54 AM »

>"Oh nonononononono ! That won't do !"
>"I'll cut it away and have you drink it if i have to."

> "Well, it's cute to see you worry about me." She giggles.

>"I-I don't need another one if it'd remove yours."
>Look to Kyouko and Mysti.
>"Uh... So what do you two think about all of this?"


>Look to the Rin girl.
>"You know each other?"

> "... Weeeird." Kyouko says in an acted voice.
> Mystia gives some looks to Kyouko, before looking at you. "That this is weird as well, but at least nothing bad happened... not that bad, at least."

> Rin jumps when you speak to her. "Y-Yeah! ... Actually... Corin saved my life..." Rin looks sad.
> "What do you mean? Why?" Marisa asks.
> "I was going to die all alone in a big patch of grass..." Rin speaks.
> "Yuu..." Yuudachi frowns sadly.
> "... Corin offered me asylum in her mansion... and since then, I feel I owe her, literally, everything, so I started working in her mansion." Rin glances at Reimu and Marisa. "You know... what I told you two long time ago-"
> "What?" Reimu asks.
> "... You know... about the Kirin..."
> "Hm... I don't remember..." Marisa thinks for a moment. "Yep, I don't remember." She shrugs.
> "Neither I do..." Reimu agrees. "Are you sure you told us... about whatever you think you did? I only remember you were someone very shy that barely talked to us..."
> You notice, for a second, that Rin bites slightly her lower lip. She doesn't say anything else and returns her look at Corin.


>"Is that an anesthesic ?"
>Tilt our head.

> She's about to inject the sustance to Corin, but suddenly she backs off, nervous. "I-I was going to worsen her state!" She lets out the liquid of the syringe in the recipient where she take it from, then throws the stinging object in a trash can. "W..." She sighs. "Wrong medicament..." She grabs another syringe and searchs for other liquid in a bottle. She takes it in the syringe.


>"When Daiko-kun goes to sleep, could you please go talk to him ? Help him find his mother..."

> "Hmm... He asked for my help when I met him..." Doremy explains.

Niji Green:

>"A Spellcard game ? How so ? Like a duel ?"

> Patchouli shakes her head. "More like... a normal card game."
> "It was funny!" Flandre beams at you while rolling. "And I beated Patchouli."
> "Because we played something that you barely explained any rules for it." Patchouli rolls her eyes.
> "Booo! Don't be a bad loser!" She sticks her tongue out for her.
> The magician just sighs again.

> (White) "... I'm... ready..."
> Marry returns from her house. She's covering a bit her nude body with her hands now.
> _


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #436 on: February 24, 2017, 05:32:39 AM »

>"Calm down Rin... take it slowly and steadily..."


>"Hmmm, who is this Charlotte anyways ?"


>"Please, we don't understand why she went away, and when Daiko tried to foresee her, she hit him mentally so had he fell unconscious..."

Niji Green:

>"So you are Flandre huh ? The name is Niji !"

Niji White:

>Shyfully examine her.
>"N-Now... shall we ?"


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #437 on: February 24, 2017, 05:45:22 AM »
//And it seems like I was right because my keyboard is slowly losing more and more of its keys functions... No m, no ' or ", no numpad 1 or 0, no up arrow... Yea... Ill need to get it fixed or something  :(
How's your Remi? Still gone?


>"We still have to get the children..."


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #438 on: February 24, 2017, 05:54:10 AM »

>"Calm down Rin... take it slowly and steadily..."

> "I-I'm calm, okay? I'm c-c-calm..." Rin replies.
> So calm that she's trembling...


>"Hmmm, who is this Charlotte anyways ?"

> Rin jumps again. "C-Charlotte is the adopted sister of C-Corin... She found her and Chloe... in almost the same bad conditions..."
> Rin is about to inject Corin, but she's trembling...
> "Master."
> Once again, Rin jumps. "Y-Yes?"
> "Let me take care of that." A voice says in the room. You exactly know the owner of said voice.
> "I-I can do it, don't worry..."
> "Master..."
> "... ... O-Okay..."
> You can feel that someone is behind you.


>"Please, we don't understand why she went away, and when Daiko tried to foresee her, she hit him mentally so had he fell unconscious..."

> "Hit him?" Doremy tilts her head. "Why?"

Niji Green:

>"So you are Flandre huh ? The name is Niji !"

> "Oh! Niji? Kiku told me about you!" Flandre smiles.

Niji White:

>Shyfully examine her.
>"N-Now... shall we ?"

> Marry is... nude. What else? Her skin looks... very smooth... You notice that she's covering poorly one of her breasts... and you have to admit... for being a fairy, she has some curves.
> She only nods slowly.

//And it seems like I was right because my keyboard is slowly losing more and more of its keys functions... No m, no ' or ", no numpad 1 or 0, no up arrow... Yea... Ill need to get it fixed or something  :(
How's your Remi? Still gone?


>"We still have to get the children..."

//That's basically what happened to mine last time. There was a moment, however, where almost all of the keys magically started to work again... but it was a brief miracle, because after that, the keyboard... kaputt :colonveeplusalpha:
//Nope, Remi is okay now. She had me worried...

> "That's true..." Mystia nods, but then looks at Corin. "... Yet I think it's not the exact moment to..."
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #439 on: February 24, 2017, 06:01:41 AM »
//That's good to hear at least.




  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #440 on: February 24, 2017, 06:19:08 AM »
//Remi ?


>"You should sit down and relax for now... let her do it for you."


>"Do you have an steady grip ?"


>"She wants to stay hidden."

Niji White:

>Head in.

Niji Green:

>"Really ?"


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #441 on: February 24, 2017, 07:16:03 AM »
//That's good to hear at least.



> Mystia nods. "But... we just can't wait too much..."

//Remi ?


>"You should sit down and relax for now... let her do it for you."

//The charismatic Remi of my signature.

> Someone approachs to Rin from behind you.
> She has long orange hair, and she has little black wings in her head. She's wearing a sleeveless white shirt with buttons. She has an orange tie in her neck. A black vest is above the shirt. She's also wearing a dark purple skirt, and it's clearly visible that she has thigh highs with black shoes. She also has larger wings in her back, like the ones in her head. Also, a tail is poking from a well done hole in the skirt. The tail ends up in a spade-like tip.
> Immediately when all of you see her, you can't help it but think in Koakuma.
> "Hey, the fairy is right. Let me handle this." The devil girl requests.
> Rin doesn't say anything and just leaves the syringe in the devil's hands.


>"Do you have an steady grip ?"

> Rin just looks away.
> The devil injects the substance in Corin's arm. "There. No big deal."
> Rin bites her lower lip bit.


>"She wants to stay hidden."

> "Oh... That makes sense... ... I guess."

Niji White:

>Head in.

> You head into the pond. Marry, before after some seconds passing away, finally decides to do so too.
> "I-It feels good..." Marry comments.

Niji Green:

>"Really ?"

> "Uh-huh!" Flandre nods while rolling. "... Ugh..."
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #442 on: February 24, 2017, 07:22:02 AM »

>"Uhh... Hey, this group REALLY resembles the group at Remila's mansion. Incredibly much so in fact."
>Ponder the comparable ones we've seen...


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #443 on: February 24, 2017, 07:33:46 AM »

>"Uhh... Hey, this group REALLY resembles the group at Remila's mansion. Incredibly much so in fact."
>Ponder the comparable ones we've seen...

> "I-It's true..." Daiyousei nods. "It's like... doppelg?ngers..."
> So far, you have seen the "twins" of Remilia, Sakuya and Koakuma, which are Corin, Chloe, and this devil, respectively... This devil is calling Rin "master", so you assume that she is the Patchouli of CUH? You just need to see the ones of Meiling and Flandre...
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #444 on: February 24, 2017, 07:51:58 AM »

>"I hope she'll be alright... This sure was a weird start to the day."


>Come to our senses and see how Aya's doing, if she's still here.


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #445 on: February 24, 2017, 08:14:07 AM »

>"I hope she'll be alright... This sure was a weird start to the day."


>Come to our senses and see how Aya's doing, if she's still here.

> "I hope so-"
> You can hear footsteps coming from the hallway.

> V!Aya is looking around... in this place with nothing more than darkness.
> _


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #446 on: February 24, 2017, 08:28:15 AM »

>"Things are calming down, and we'll be trying to see if we can find the missing children soon..."
>Try to imagine the surroundings to be like our room.




  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #447 on: February 24, 2017, 11:22:23 AM »

>"You look a lot like Koa..."


>"So you were the person that i saw going around our home huh... i would really appreciate if i had my cape back please."


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #448 on: February 24, 2017, 05:55:03 PM »

>"Things are calming down, and we'll be trying to see if we can find the missing children soon..."
>Try to imagine the surroundings to be like our room.



> You try to imagine something more comfortable, like you did with your mind...
> It seems you can't.
> "Oh, that's good. If I report that before Hatate or anyone else, then maybe I can stop with this undercover investigation..." V!Aya nods slightly.

> You look to the hallway.
> The first thing you note is the girl walking alongside Chloe...
> Her hair reach her shoulders and is a very pale blue. She has a purple white-ish hat, like Corin's. Like Corin, she has red eyes. Her dress, white and purple, reach her thighs, where it's evident she has white thigh highs. White shoes. The upper part of her back is completely bare skin, where some strange things stand out where her scapulas should be... They are a pair of some kind of wrinkled bones of the size of rocks. In the end of said bumps, "new born wings" can be appreciated... Those things look pretty ugly, honestly. It's like some deformation in her body...
> This girl definitely gives you some Flandre vibes.
> Both of them are approaching to the room. The girl glances at you when you look at her.


>"You look a lot like Koa..."


>"So you were the person that i saw going around our home huh... i would really appreciate if i had my cape back please."

> "Correction." She looks at you with a grin. "Koakuma looks a lot like me."
> "Do you know her?" Marisa asks.
> "I have some kind of history with her. It's nothing of your concern." She chuckles. "The name is Megumi."

> "Oh?" Megumi looks at you. "... Nah."
> _
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 06:00:14 PM by Tashi »


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Hikikomori Quest - Remaking my Life: Part 9
« Reply #449 on: February 24, 2017, 06:04:10 PM »

>"Look, i don't want any trouble, but i would really like to settle this peacefully, that cape is important to me."


>Turn to Rin.
>"So uh... Megumi here stole Tsuru's cape... could she please have it back ?"


>"Hey Miss Megumi, what is that strange light out there, it feels very strange and sad."

Niji Gray:

>"Can i lie down here please... ?"