Author Topic: Touhou 15.5: 東方憑依華 (Eastern Blooms of Possession) ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers  (Read 648583 times)


  • *
It definitely is in certain contexts, esp. in regards to the doujin scene, but the west also realized in many contexts it is more useful for PR and notification to come to the user in some capacity. I'm saying that because the system doesn't work as well as it could here. There isn't really any indication that Unabara is posting more detailed information on his personal Twitter, there is no clear path to get there, and considering Tasofro has enough presence that they bother using a company to protect their properties, it's easy to see that unlike other smaller doujin circles, people identify the circle more than the person. So even if they're looking at all, they're going to look for Tasofro; not Unabara, who heads the circle Tasofro. Meanwhile, people using Steam still want update information, and I think rightfully expect it on the platform itself rather than having to go hunting for it. Posting more detailed dev logs on Twitter makes sense (again, if you could find them) but Steam simply doesn't get update details even in Japanese. It isn't like they're strictly obligated to do so just because it's on Steam now, but people can be reasonably frustrated about the lack of maintenance.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 06:25:12 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Retired
"Beef tongue". Seriously.

i never wanna hear complaints about fan translations ever again


  • Border of Whatever
"Beef tongue". Seriously.
Wow, that's really interesting info. I thought the "no food in heaven" got retconned or something. And good catch for Tenshi claiming to be a born a celestial. I forgot about that.

As soon as I saw the JP line in question I recognized that kanji and 'beef tongue' it was not

y'know i was one of the larger proponents of official localization for years, I was so happy when I heard they were finally looking into taking it seriously

i am absolutely eating my beef tongue now

Suwako Moriya

  • Hey you with the pretty face
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  • Welcome to the human race!
There's a morbid humor in how nepotism has proven valid ZUN's decades-long concerns about "official" translations resulting in alterations to his intended messages.
The only thing this dimension does well is show its ass. We might as well applaud it! - Albert Burneko

Well, this game happened.

There's a morbid humor in how nepotism has proven valid ZUN's decades-long concerns about "official" translations resulting in alterations to his intended messages.
Is there a quotable source on this by the way?

Suwako Moriya

  • Hey you with the pretty face
  • *
  • Welcome to the human race!
I don't have one off-hand and unfortunately don't have the time to go looking at present. I feel like I've seen it put forth by trustworthy TL sources in the past on this very website, though. Maybe P-Man could hook you up?
The only thing this dimension does well is show its ass. We might as well applaud it! - Albert Burneko

Well, this game happened.


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
So Tenshi got kicked out of heaven? Turn into Lucifer or Susano'O and I might consider actually reading the manga and it's horrible start(why do all Touhou manga suffer horrid starts that I forced myself to read through in SSiB's case and still got disappointed so any other slow starting manga just isn't my style).
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
  • *
  • I said it was a steal, but not for whom
As far as I know, nepotism has nothing to do with it, although I have no idea how the translator earned the privilege.

I did talk to Tasogare this weekend but due to spending too much time shopping (among other things) I only had a few minutes with them. They are aware of the issues so it's possible they might release a revision down the line but nothing's set in stone at the moment.


  • *
So Tenshi got kicked out of heaven? Turn into Lucifer or Susano'O and I might consider actually reading the manga and it's horrible start(why do all Touhou manga suffer horrid starts that I forced myself to read through in SSiB's case and still got disappointed so any other slow starting manga just isn't my style).

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
Both Susano'O and Lucifer were both kicked out of their heaven in their myth so if Tenshi becomes like either I'll read the manga(since I only forced myself through SSiB and tried the other two but their slow starts turned me off and I've read the wiki for the info)
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence

All Touhou manga except SSiB are slice-of-life with no major plots, so it's likely you won't get into them anyway. Those "slow starts" are what yhe entire manga is like.

yeah they're not exactly Shin Megami Touhou


  • Luck, Resilience and Perseverance
  • Gensokyo is capable of change
Both Susano'O and Lucifer were both kicked out of their heaven in their myth so if Tenshi becomes like either I'll read the manga(since I only forced myself through SSiB and tried the other two but their slow starts turned me off and I've read the wiki for the info)

She was temporarly banished while the Celestials' festival is being held, after that is implied she can return to Heaven whenever she wants but prefers to stay a while on Earth to torment their denizens along with Shion.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 02:47:57 PM by Camilo113 »


  • The Absolutely Most Controversial Guy Here
  • A Trustworthy Heretic(said no one ever)
This is why I read Yakumi Sarai and why I write fanfics, the canon just isn't my cup of tea. I expected something more, IDK, Bold? Macabre?

Ah well, it's not like I dislike Slice of Life(I love Gintama and Nichijou). Maybe I just can't get into it because I'm spoiled by better things.
"Surely you don't mean to imply I need a reason to control manipulate and kill! How about this? Seems good enough: I do all the wonderful things I do because I just love seeing the faces of people like YOU groveling in Despair, Grief, Sorrow, Dismay and all other sorts of?? Unpleasant Nouns. Oh, sorry 'bout that, guess I won't be able to see your miserable old face now will I?"
-Literally Every Troll in existence


  • Luck, Resilience and Perseverance
  • Gensokyo is capable of change


  • *

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Suwako Moriya

  • Hey you with the pretty face
  • *
  • Welcome to the human race!
As far as I know, nepotism has nothing to do with it, although I have no idea how the translator earned the privilege.

I admit that I have no way of finding out the process for sure, and I may just be a cynical old fart, but I think there's enough about the situation that doesn't pass the smell test to tell me the decision was not made with "we should have the best localization possible" as the primary concern.

(To be clear, the actual quality of the localization is an effect here, not a cause.)

That being said, as you've confirmed Tasogare is aware of the issues, I suppose I should reserve stronger judgment until after we see what they do with that information.

EDIT: I feel bad about thinking this; it feels like it could be taken as some sort of angry criticism, if not outright attack, of Tasogare. I don't think they acted uncaring or maliciously or anything like that. I just get a pretty strong feeling the decision-making process was based on "we want to reward this guy we like for being a long-time stand-up Touhou guy" more than "we want the best localization we think we can get".

Quote from: Jouhei

« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 05:20:33 PM by Suwako Moriya »
The only thing this dimension does well is show its ass. We might as well applaud it! - Albert Burneko

Well, this game happened.


  • Border of Whatever
AoCF's coming to ps4. Also they released a 1.19 beta patch for the game (download link on Unabara's twitter). More info about the ps4 release in few days.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2019, 10:47:15 PM by PK »

I heard Unabara talked about a switch port in the stream. I'm not sure if he confirmed it or just talked about the idea.


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
  • *
  • I said it was a steal, but not for whom
It's in the works so barring some unforeseen circumstance it should happen eventually.


  • The Monthly Ghost of the Art Atelier
  • i do the music thing (!?)
Please read my posts as if I'm not taking them too seriously.

i did a lunatic 1cc of MoF once and i'm happy enough with just that


  • mgneiptGD
    • Sexy Womans in your city for night
Reimu confirmed for Smash.