It has begun.
Griffon Enterprise figures. High class for sure! That is some nifty gift there from your Secret Santa.
I will be also adding report links to the first post like last year.
RUNNER UP DA ZE Oh right, Merry Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
(Note to readers: click image is bigger image, yay)The storyI had received, as I mentioned before, a rectangular shaped box which made liquid sound. The box in question:
Rectangle shape is rectangle.I was extremely confused when I received this box. The sender is a store in our country which sells all kind of liquor. A very good real life friend of mine usually ships me stuff from there as well as a gift. Upon receiving the box, I almost wanted to open it. But before that, I had sent a Whatsapp to our lolRLFriendGroupChat. Everybody responded something except for three people which one of them was he. That made me even more suspicious. I decided not to open the box and leave it sitting on the shelf until Christmas, just to be sure.
A few days after Santa PM'd me asking whether I had received anything? I naturally answered:
"No, I didn't. Probably customs being a jerk. Lets wait one more week". But then the next day I realised:
What if this is my secret santa gift? I quickly decided to PM Santa Hakurei back and explained the situation. The response was even more surprising. She said:
"Surprise! This is your gift". It all made sense.
Yup, that is a Whiskey Bottle all right. Look at that marvellous package art. Brilliant.You know, when you buy whiskey like this. You normally hold up the package in front of you. Admire it for a good few minutes. But when you get a Whiskey as a gift, you do more than just admire it. You lick your lips while admiring it. For a good few minutes I did that. It was a bliss. Serenity.
 |  |
Goodness! 46% Alcohol. Suika would be delighted. | The bottle in its full glory. |
It calls to me. But as I have to drive early in the morning, this baby will have to wait a little longer to be tasted. I will surely return to post update of its flavour and impact. I have a special whiskey glass, whiskey rocks and some splendid snacks to go with. I'D BETTER SLEEP FAST TO FORWARD TIME.
As for my Secret Santa...
...should be
Edible himself! Or is he!? Because Drake also quite knows that I am really fond of Whiskey. But he is more of a chocolate / biscuit master while Edible is the dude behind a fine taste for whiskey.
EDIBLE, SHOW YOURSELF! SO I CAN THANK YOU!! Thank you! For this present. It is pitty that we cannot share the content. But we'll have to keep that in mind for if I ever hit US von A as tourist.
Thank you!PS: I like 193 and Junko-sama and Lady Nyan Nyan and.......