Author Topic: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)  (Read 66740 times)


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Odd thing to post now, but having been going back and forth between GoS and DoD on my own time, I thought a bit about the general idea of party survivability between the three games, and I have to say, for all the bullshit GoS throws at you, most of it can be tanked, both with and without Alice. I daresay of the three games, GoS has the most ways to deal with heavy damage. Second best would be NoR, since EVA buffs, MDEF buffs, and Akyuu's skill are all really good ways of tanking a variety of damage. DoD... doesn't give you much. You can deal with a specific element with Jammer, Benevolence Wall on a tanky character combined with either Physical Defense, Magical Defense, or Aegis Defense can deal with other stuff, but most of the time it's actually fairly difficult to get a good defensive party. Especially since buffs in this game are the worst of the three games. I barely notice much of any difference when one goes up, yet it's very clear there's an effect in GoS and NoR.

Just felt like posting a minor analysis of that kind of thing. Long story short, when it comes to dealing with bullshit damage, GoS > NoR > DoD on that front. Which is funny, because the frequency of bullshit damage is roughly... GoS > DoD > NoR.

As for the ultimate weapon skills, there's information on the blog-like wiki about them, including all the percentages (they're very low), but not so much on their effects. I can post the item.srsdb.csv if you want to take a look at their descriptions, otherwise uh... I dunno. Also yes, still on hiatus, trying to play NoR with a separate monitor that hates high resolution games is suffering.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
DoD doesn't have much difficulty until the final dungeon, and before long at that point you pick up a lot of very silly ways to hard-negate damage. Koakuma and Shizuha regularly let you flat-out negate damage, and regeneration fields (especially if you shell out for Lily White's) do an awful lot of work... and you can make one person ultra tanky and use stuff like Benevolence Wall to just facetank for your whole party.

However, in terms of making the overall party survivable in a conventional manner, there's not much. But your silly-grade protections are RIDICULOUS.

In NoR, it's the easiest to make your party able to take hits in general, and in GoS Alice is crazeballs.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Oh yeah, definitely, it just gets really silly for certain boss fights. I'm back at the Three Demon Goddess refights and Otoha's whole multi-target nonsense is wrecking me. Actually had to dig up my old LP to remember what I did, but since they got buffed IIRC, it's even harder this time around (I'm playing Banquet version, as opposed to the LP being Festival).

I guess there's no substitution for good ol' grinding in that case. :V
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!

Almost all the endgame doppels are only in the final two red doors, though, so. The others are... Darkonium Marisa (1/256 lol let's not), Unpolished Mirror, Mahesvara, and Dragon, but dragon seems fairly rare to find outside of the red door.'s fairly rare -inside- it too, actually, but. XD

Wait what? That giant marisa yukkuri also needs 256 for auto join? :o It's not even in the same category as the other yukkuris, it doesn't run away and it doesn't takes only 1 or 2 damage per hit.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
It does, yes. It's not even on the jp wiki (the ONLY sub doppel that isn't) because no one who updated the place was able to/bothered to recruit it. (It's on the hacking wiki's recruit rate list.)

It was exactly the same way in DoD. It probably still has yukkuri-tier passives and some great moves like it did there, too.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
I reached the halfway point of the game, and goddamn, Mu Mengnian/Monnyan is really hard. You have to keep your resistance with Akyuu, watch your health, watch the Land, and actually damage her. Serela recommended me to use debuff, but I can seem to only nullified her buff and I can't seem to debuff her because I don't have dedicated debuffer like Byakuren- Oooooh, I should've done that. In the end, my strategy for damaging her is all based around critical. Anyway, I noticed something,

Seriously, who ever thought giving a boss 200 damage multi target attack and to be able to use it twice when my HP's all around 200-300?! I watched in horror and shock as I go from full HP to death in the span of 5 seconds. Truly, this game is just a pinnacle of fairness. Funny enough, all my bullshit deaths are due to thunder based attacks.
She only always use multi target tier 2 elemental spell if the Land is greatly tilted to a certain element. If the Land are tilted too far against a certain element... Instant lose.

The enemies are starting to get really harder.  Enemies from Pyramid onward takes 3/4 of my HP and will one hit my mages. I had no choice but to kill them all in 1 turn at the cost of my weapon proficiency and lots of POW if I want to survive (which I am really good at). And escape won't work because if I fail to escape, TPK abound.

I don't know how to kill the Yukkuri in NoR, since the game are all based around multi-hit, that's means your individual hit are very weak and even my strongest attacker don't even deal 1 damage unless I buff her. What's annoying is that Yukkuris are always accompanied by normal enemies. Geez, I had enough trouble staying alive from normal enemies, I don't need Yukkuri to tease me with their massive EXP.

EDIT: And oh, Any magic attack done will be a one hit kill rodeo without resistance, that's fair.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 03:30:38 AM by Your Everyday NEET »

I don't know how to kill the Yukkuri in NoR, since the game are all based around multi-hit, that's means your individual hit are very weak and even my strongest attacker don't even deal 1 damage unless I buff her. What's annoying is that Yukkuris are always accompanied by normal enemies. Geez, I had enough trouble staying alive from normal enemies, I don't need Yukkuri to tease me with their massive EXP.

Even without buffs, I'm quite sure it's still possible to do 1 damage sometimes depending on your luck. The best way to kill Yukkuri is to get a doppel that can setup the field that prevents enemies from escaping, then slowing attacking until they die. :V


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Any attack with multihits is good for yukkuris, your damage stat doesn't matter much (although an accuracy buff helps some). Type 8s tend to have multihits. Spear and bow ones are the most useful, and some of the best attacks for those weapons in general- the spear ones barely cost any pow -> spammable in randoms.

Yeahh, IND is super important for debuffing, and Byakuren gives a whole lot of it. It only takes a few levels on her to get a good chunk of IND up, though.

The no-escape field isn't until a good bit later, although dear god I never took that doppel off. Not a hard one to recruit- Magical Girl in the area before the final area tower (not postgame).

I mostly killed randoms via magic sweeping helping me take out a lot of enemies on turn 1- weapon proficiencies aren't hard in this game, unlike DoD, you'll get what you need no problem. My magic user had a suicidal damage-based equipment set up for randoms and it worked amazingly, especially with cheap breath skills.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Any attack with multihits is good for yukkuris, your damage stat doesn't matter much (although an accuracy buff helps some). Type 8s tend to have multihits. Spear and bow ones are the most useful, and some of the best attacks for those weapons in general- the spear ones barely cost any pow -> spammable in randoms.

I mostly killed randoms via magic sweeping helping me take out a lot of enemies on turn 1- weapon proficiencies aren't hard in this game, unlike DoD, you'll get what you need no problem. My magic user had a suicidal damage-based equipment set up for randoms and it worked amazingly, especially with cheap breath skills.
Multi-hit doesn't matter if you just hits 0s. My PATK are already at 100s at I still can't beat Yukkuris.

It's just until Castle of Dream (Where I basically have to hold back and not getting a single level until after I beat Meengniang) that I realized you don't have to actually attack to increase weapon and elemental proficiency, just putting it on standby already increases it.

WHAT IS THAT!? Why is an Obelisk trying to kill me? Geez, that thing almost TPK me had one of my frontliner has more than 300 HP. It can move twice, attempt to petrify you, and can use Paralyze Zapper which can deals 300+ damage to a whole row undefended. Pray that it dob't use it twice. Fortunately, Mega Stroke took 1/3 of its health in one go, so does Suika on crit.

Zapper is just too OP for its own good.  I want to use Zapper, but that costs about 120 POW, which is more than most main Doppels' general nuke. I think this game's a little bias against physical skill. Whatever Hand which is just a glorified normal attack with element cost about 50 POW which is twice than 3rd tier single tier magic. I never use physical skills, I only equip physical type doppels just to stand there and look cute.

That dinosaur is so huge that I think it's impossible to see its full sprite. What is a dinosaur doing in Pyramid anyway? That thing is so merciless to Yukari it leaves her HP at single digit. Thank goodness I only met it once.

Just thinking about the bosses in Underground Lake makes me shudder. I'll be fighting the deer again along with her friends... and I have to kill all of them twice. Oh boy.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 05:21:27 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Your PAtk doesn't really do much vs. yukkuris. In endgame my magic user seemed to hit 1 on normal attacks only a little less than my other characters, and come to think of it, that's just because she had a much lower Melee Hit number on her main doppel, and worse accuracy.

It's definitely luckgambles whether you can beat them before you get Damage Net, though. I wouldn't worry about it too much, there's not much you can do if they run on turn one.

Ugh, basically every physical sub-doppel skill other than chasers costs way too much, it's true. z.z I don't know why. They still tend to have nice passives on them at least, or some defensive skills. Gale Sword from Lu Bu is alright, letting you have a... vaguely affordable (for that point in the game... still expensive) good multi-target for any weapon user, and Slime's Digest is a heal for physical attackers (Because the bow one sucks and not everyone can be a spear user for Blood Lance). But holy crud, the zappers and AoE elemental physicals and such are ridiculous.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #190 on: September 14, 2016, 02:14:07 AM »
The Chen + Sphinx are kinda irritating. What Validon's says is true, it's hard if you don't know what you're doing. I didn't know the Sphinx respawn with timer until Validon told me, so I thought its based on luck whether the Sphinx revives immediately or not. Ironically, I'm having no trouble at all surviving them after I destroy it's legs. Plus, I have 50 POW less during that fight (I somehow didn't notice that there's a Red Door inside the Pyramid itself. Good god I'm stupid).

Deer, boar, and butterfly fight? It's hard. They have almost double the HP of the previous boss (120000 HP total). No boss have that much HP until at the last dungeon. But my victory is strangely similar to how Validon's won (Getting Quick Break at the last second). Damaging butterfly is the hardest because she can't be damaged by magic and if you want to destroy her last, the Land meter will basically be at max as you'll use water as well to kill boar. I got a glitch during my fight against them. I actually managed to connect Instant Death against the deer twice (it's icon showed up and it also says "Beheaded"), but nothing happens. The game glitched in their favor.

Validon's said Ran it's not all that hard. So I went in there with almost no preparation (whereas usually I took a break after I reached the boss room). End result: it took me even longer to beat her (1,5 hour as opposed to 1 hour against deer, boar, and butterfly). All my victory depends solely on Ran not hitting the wrong person with her arrow on the first turn (Anyone without a melee Doppel, seriously, she killed them in 1 hit and takes out half my tank's HP), Ran not using multi target bow skill (Cyclone Bow or Unstable Shooting, poor ATK and ACC my ass! It killed Marisa in single hit), and Ran not using Paraklesis Cannon or Testament (which if you don't know, is a FOURTH TIER SINGLE AND MULTI TARGET LIGHT SPELL RESPECTIVELY), I'm having trouble surviving against third tier, and she has fourth?! Even if I got her doppel, I'll not going to use her (along with Chen) just purely out of spite. Oh well, at least I make a good joke about my loss.

GODDAMMIT RAN! I paid you to serve me! Not to kill me over and over again for an hour!

Next bosses is the second hardest boss in the whole (and one of the few bosses to have a strategy in the wiki). Kill the 2 bosses in a single turn else the survivor will revives her ally back to full health. *sigh* Goodness.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 02:41:59 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #191 on: September 14, 2016, 01:26:42 PM »
Ran is probably the only way to make Bow skills powerful, if you've got any interest in using them. When she says she gives +X power, for guns it's a small amount, but for Bows, with how the damage formula works, it's even HIGHER than a straight percentage bonus, and the huge patk she gives is also critical as bows don't really pierce defense (which the power increase helps them do as well). At max level Ran probably makes bows do almost TWICE as much damage as using the next stronger rangers. (More against higher defense enemies, less noticable against ones with almost no defense but still like 1.5x damage minimum)

Chen is also critically important because she gives extra mp regen, and her regen -does- eventually increase as you level her up, so it's more than just +1, even. This lets you spam the heck out of even the most expensive spear skills in boss fights, or sword ones.

Ran isn't so bad because if you give everyone Light resist and have Kaguya throw the land into dark immediately, her magic isn't all that scary. She's not trivial, but her onslaught is pretty one-sided, letting you defend against it easier... provided you don't die on turn one.

For the next boss, even surviving is a dangerous thing, but don't forget about Colloseo World- once one of them is close to dying you can pop that off and have like 5 turns to kill the other instead of... half a turn. Plus they might waste their turns trying to cast Elixir, not sure. Err, I don't remember what doppels have it, but I know the Guardian Dragon thing in the volcano did, at least... there's probably something else, too...
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #192 on: September 14, 2016, 04:22:37 PM »
Ran is probably the only way to make Bow skills powerful, if you've got any interest in using them. When she says she gives +X power, for guns it's a small amount, but for Bows, with how the damage formula works, it's even HIGHER than a straight percentage bonus, and the huge patk she gives is also critical as bows don't really pierce defense (which the power increase helps them do as well). At max level Ran probably makes bows do almost TWICE as much damage as using the next stronger rangers. (More against higher defense enemies, less noticable against ones with almost no defense but still like 1.5x damage minimum)

Chen is also critically important because she gives extra mp regen, and her regen -does- eventually increase as you level her up, so it's more than just +1, even. This lets you spam the heck out of even the most expensive spear skills in boss fights, or sword ones.

Ran isn't so bad because if you give everyone Light resist and have Kaguya throw the land into dark immediately, her magic isn't all that scary. She's not trivial, but her onslaught is pretty one-sided, letting you defend against it easier... provided you don't die on turn one.

For the next boss, even surviving is a dangerous thing, but don't forget about Colloseo World- once one of them is close to dying you can pop that off and have like 5 turns to kill the other instead of... half a turn. Plus they might waste their turns trying to cast Elixir, not sure. Err, I don't remember what doppels have it, but I know the Guardian Dragon thing in the volcano did, at least... there's probably something else, too...
I do know about their strength, after all, I did fill up their information in the wiki. But still... I can't go back from my words, I'll lose my integrity and credibility if I do that. So Ran and Chen will be at level 1 for my playthrough. If I want power for ranged, I go for Hatate. She's fast, has PATK boost, and wreck those 1 hit rodeo Wizard. But she's squishy, and her skill kinda... I haven't found a moment to use it. For toughness, Kanako and Tenshi, Kanako has very high HP, tough, and the only Ranged Doppel who's capable of multi target nuke (albeit, not really as good as Magic Doppel). Tenshi's skill can be spammed quite often, plus its cheap. Come to think of it, I haven't make a comment for the Main Doppel yet. I'm going to make a checklist for that along with Ranged Doppel passives level 11-15 (except for Ran), and making a brand new info on the expansion Main Doppel much later on. Oh yeah Serela, can you PM me Magician Doppel's passive lists at level 15 except for Utsuho and Kogasa? Forgive me if I'm troubling you.

That's what I do, though I must land Kaguya's skill at immediately before Ran turns it into light. If I managed to connect: WOOOOO 100% dark!!! One time Ran managed to tilt the Land slightly to light before she could cast it, I laughed when the Land went to 100% light. First turn, she fucks me 10+ times. At least I'm not afraid to play dirty and just F12 that shit. It took me about 30 seconds to pick up from from where I left off as NoR is much intensive and heavier than GoS (It took me 5 seconds to load after reset).

Well, Guess I can forget about surviving then since my survivalbility still shit. Yep, Cave Guardian, at least I already grinded for it.
And I haven't found a good line for when I lost against them. I already make a losing line for losing against any other boss after that. We fight that Cow/Cat/Tapir girl with really good theme again later on right?

EDIT: Oh my God. I just read who all the expansion Main Doppel are:
It's all the OC, Arare Yukidzuki, the tapir/cow/cat girl with awesome theme song, Mamizou's rival, Momiji the Deer, Hagino the boar, Botan the Butterfly, and Kozusu Mootori (but she's DLC). Their passives looks sucks though. I thought we could get more Touhou from HM onward or something, but nooo...
The expansion:
The world of Past, Present, Future, and Fantasy? That name sounds really awesome!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 02:54:24 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #193 on: September 15, 2016, 01:13:21 AM »
Bows are really not notable for actual damage purposes (good for statuses and mind flayers?) if you use -anyone- other than Ran. Kanako can sorta work because she gives a power bonus, but it's a random battle thing... for everyone else, no power boost, no dice. If you're using guns though Ran isn't super important, Hatate's high patk does the job great and the speed is -great- for randoms, whilst Tenshi is great for bosses.

Also I only have like one lv15 magician, unfortunately. Nue I think? Her Mdef improved a little so it really wasn't exciting, I was hoping for another cooldown reduction.

Surviving against Arare/tanuki isn't... super bad...? >.> Erf, I don't remember that fight super well. You need to spec everyone for water resist, for sure, that makes it much easier. I don't remember how important Dark was... mph. Probably a fight you want to have someone using Akyuu the whole time. It's also tricky because you have to sorta worry about POW in that fight, depending on your strat.

<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #194 on: September 15, 2016, 03:58:41 AM »
Oh yeah Serela, can you PM me Magician Doppel's passive lists at level 15 except for Utsuho and Kogasa?

Well I have a four of them, one of them is Utsuho, so here's the rest of them. Note: I don't know how to translate them properly so I'm using google translate.
1) Attribute force of fire thunder water light darkness magic +80
2) Success rate of weakening +35
3) The duration of the weakening +1

1) Power of fire thunder water attribute +40
2) Casting speed of fire thunder water attribute +15
3) Attribute force of fire thunder water +30
4) Power of Philosopher's Stone +20
5) Delay of Philosopher's Stone -1

1) Land change +150
2) Resistance +8
3) Power of Tree-Ocean of Hourai +50
4) Delay of Tree-Ocean of Hourai -1

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
For the next boss, even surviving is a dangerous thing, but don't forget about Colloseo World- once one of them is close to dying you can pop that off and have like 5 turns to kill the other instead of... half a turn. Plus they might waste their turns trying to cast Elixir, not sure. Err, I don't remember what doppels have it, but I know the Guardian Dragon thing in the volcano did, at least... there's probably something else, too...
Let me make a quick (albeit very late) correction. Colloseo World does not affect revives. So you still need to kill both of them at the same turn. Thank goodness I don't learn it the hard way.

And ditt93, forgive me if I don't respond to you after you gave me Rumia, Patchouli, and Kaguya's passive. I do appreciate me your answer. Thank you for that.

Did the game expect you to jump 15 levels over the course of Tower of Babel? 'Cause grinding in major dungeon's kinda hard.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 03:16:02 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
I didn't have too many issues with Tower of Babel. Upgraded light/dark breath on a suicidally magic-damage-pumped mage did a lot of the work, with other elements as needed.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
I'm pulling all stop on clearing NoR (which is why I don't update my GoS LP currently). Tower of Babel is just so long, it's length maybe equals to GoS Underlake Temple overall. First Tower of Babel is not so bad, only half of the enemies one hit me. But Mengniang is absolute nightmare. I have a video that is 1 HOUR and 10 MINUTES of me trying to beat her. Damage Net in this game is just strong both for us and the enemy, let's take it this way, in GoS, Damage Net is just generous 50-100 per turn, in NoR, it's freaking 170 damage per turn, which will kill you 2 turns. Last part of Tower of Babel, I counted maybe there's only one enemy that didn't one hit me, which is Falak. Speaking of which...

Falak throws thunder around, resists fire and water, and weak to thunder itself.

I never seen any boss that's blatantly cheats (okay okay, there's SMT Strange Journey final boss) like Nightmare Yukari. All of my deaths so far is caused by her attacking the wrong character at the first turn and her 7777 to all nuke. That is so fair, right? Yukari's offensive Last Word may interrupt Nightmare Yukari movement, but she doesn't react to it when she's about to throw 7777 nuke. Seiga's Dao Fetal Movement may also leaves you alive at 1 HP, but she casts it so slow, I won't even get a chance to cast it before she nuke me. Mamizou's Last Word may be able to defend it, but good luck getting it when this game's Last Word chance is so ridiculously low. I also try using Benevolence Wall (cover all) to block it. In GoS, If I use Alice to cover all and defend against multi target nuke, Alice will take all damage, drops dead, and leaving the other 4 person alive. In this game however, if the user takes too many damage and dies in the process of blocking, then all the other damage will got through the Benevolence Wall (which is my main strategy to beat turtle) and hits everyone. So, the only way to defend against it is to get really freaking lucky with Mamizou's Last Word I see.

Or that what it seems to be had I not found a sure fire game breaking strategy to block it:
Cheat Engine. Turn her HP to 1 before she even get a chance to use it, whack her with normal attack, and voila! Quick and painless method.
But that strategy is just too powerful for its own good that I won't be using it.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 01:45:47 AM by Your Everyday NEET »

I never seen any boss that's blatantly cheats (okay okay, there's SMT Strange Journey final boss) like Nightmare Yukari. All of my deaths so far is caused by her attacking the wrong character at the first turn and her 7777 to all nuke. That is so fair, right? Yukari's offensive Last Word may interrupt Nightmare Yukari movement, but she doesn't react to it when she's about to throw 7777 nuke. Seiga's Dao Fetal Movement may also leaves you alive at 1 HP, but she casts it so slow, I won't even get a chance to cast it before she nuke me. Mamizou's Last Word may be able to defend it, but good luck getting it when this game's Last Word chance is so ridiculously low. I also try using Benevolence Wall (cover all) to block it. In GoS, If I use Alice to cover all and defend against multi target nuke, Alice will take all damage, drops dead, and leaving the other 4 person alive. In this game however, if the user takes too many damage and dies in the process of blocking, then all the other damage will got through the Benevolence Wall (which is my main strategy to beat turtle) and hits everyone. So, the only way to defend against it is to get really freaking lucky with Mamizou's Last Word I see.

Or that what it seems to be had I not found a sure fire game breaking strategy to block it:
Cheat Engine. Turn her HP to 1 before she even get a chance to use it, whack her with normal attack, and voila! Quick and painless method.
But that strategy is just too powerful for its own good that I won't be using it.

You might want to consider changing your items and doppels to getting more of those increase casting speed or get that doppel that can cast something that let the whole team go first.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
That's odd, my Seiga cast her skill before the nuke and I wasn't specifically built for speed or anything. OH, your Seiga user is probably wearing heavier equipment than mine. Make sure she's in light armor, maybe give her a casting speed bonus gear piece. It's theoretically possible I used the Go First move from Bunsha (or god forbid, murder my POW with Sylph's Rapid Stream, which I never used once ever) but I don't think I even had it equipped.

Also, it it's not Yukari's offensive LW you're supposed to use, it's Quadruple Barrier that stops the 7777. I recall in my fight the offensive LWs do stop the earlier spellcards though (and not barrier), at the cost of not being able to do damage to her that turn (so you want to devote other turns to support or just idle to mp regen)

Her defense steadily rises as you get farther into the fight so make sure to have defense-piercing attacks (acala sword is A+, axe/gun sorta work) or enough pow/mp/maindoppel for use on strong magic at the end.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Neet and I discussed it a bit, and it turns out he found the "proper" solution to how to prevent that spell card (it's not currently translated because of weird shenanigans with the global.srb, but for the sake of naming it, it's known as "Border of Obverse and Reverse"). It also clears up the mystery behind Yukari's mysterious fourth Last Word, Yakumo Multiplex Barrier.

So, what you're SUPPOSED to do is trigger both dialogues in which Nightmare Yukari nullifies Quadruple Barrier and either Sukima Strash or Danmaku Barrier, BEFORE you get to the last phase where Nightmare Yukari has a purple aura. Then, you have to use Quadruple Barrier on the turn Border of Obverse and Reverse is supposed to happen. If you don't do this, Quadruple Barrier does jack shit and you'll still get nailed for 7777 damage. If you do it right, Yukari will use Yakumo Multiplex Barrier and block the card.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
I got ninja'd. I didn't get to test Multiplex Barrier though because getting 3 Last Words in a row even with Yukari's boosted chance is hard. And if want a rematch... 200000 HP... Yeah, that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Medium armor with 2 weapons, probably that's why it casts last. Yeah, I just realized now that Bad!Yukari stops reacting to Yukari's Last Word after she enters her last phase.

I won with 0 POW left and have to resort beating her remaining 2000 HP with just normal attack. And Yukari landed the finishing blow with her Last Word before she could nuke me again. Damn it's feel so good winning.

Now that's I'm done with this game for now, I should write all the Sub Doppels, commenting Main Doppels, Sparking criteria, and maybe write a walkthrough in the wiki. 
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 04:19:55 PM by Your Everyday NEET »

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #202 on: November 10, 2016, 04:08:40 AM »
I would like to make a rant for a minute. Out of 8 initial bosses in the expansion, 3 of them are based around trial-and-error. There's no indication that a certain boss is a puzzle boss from a much better classics. You just see a mob boss and you tried to nuke them. Congratulations, now you get to take 6 x 700 damage to all. Having a boss do Extreme Concentration and IMMEDIATELY nuke you for 1000 damage to all is juuust fair doesn't it? Now I know what Serela means by Ambivalence curbstomping a certain boss. Of course, that boss can nuke you for 5000 damage WITH Akyuu elemental resistance and MDEF (This could be attributed to me underestimating his Extreme Concentration). I guess it doesn't matter if you have Ambivalence to block it doesn't it? There's still no walkthrough for this game at all. I wanted to make a walkthrough for the bosses, but after completing all the multi element sub-doppel, I got hit by a disease called laziness.

I don't want to say I'm sucks at this game anymore, Back then, it took me 30-90 minutes just to beat a boss. Now, unless the boss has a bullshit nuke, my overpowered ass will curbstomp it.

The last 2 bosses are really awesome though. I mean, one couldn't get more awesome than this:

It makes just as much sense in context.

Another nitpick: GoS expansion bosses don't have anything to say and is too generic. NoR expansion bosses is just too talkative even Po would say: "chit-chat, chitty-chitty chat-chat, chat-chat-chat"

I just gonna leave the expansion preview from my cancelled Let's Play here:

Water, Thunder, Dark, and Fire.

BGM: Toono Dance 3

I really like that oarfish. That thing has a badass and ridiculously over-the-top name.
Of course, it's the easiest elemental doppel to recruit by a huge margin. The rest of them is just minibosses or just too goddamned rare

Do you love pallete swapped enemies? Don't worry, the expansion has a whole lot of them.

I'm fucked.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 07:17:55 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #203 on: November 11, 2016, 02:07:32 PM »
There's no indication that a certain boss is a puzzle boss from a much better classics. You just see a mob boss and you tried to nuke them. Congratulations, now you get to take 6 x 700 damage to all. Having a boss do Extreme Concentration and IMMEDIATELY nuke you for 1000 damage to all is juuust fair doesn't it?
I've seen people complain about this in various games (Not just you) and I don't get it.

Yes, I understand that Yuyuko in GoS casting a death-all at the end is somewhat annoying, especially when this gimmick is used on a couple more bosses even though you just beat it the same way. (The first time it's somewhat novel.) But then someone in the LoT thread complains that you have to use knowledge from defeats to beat a boss most of the time and I'm like, what, you want to be able to clear every boss on the first try?

Having non-straightforward bosses is fun (Especially that mob boss :D) and if you die in the first couple turns it's not as though you've wasted a whole match that was going well. Figuring out how to navigate around the boss's moveset is the point of these games. <3 Besides, in a game with heavy counter options like Alice's 95% magic damage reduction, it's not very unfair for a boss to do things like this. (Alice's move is a little -too- good... maybe shoulda had a higher cooldown...) It's practically being given a free turn. Alice works really well on the mob boss too for getting around that 7 nuke and blasting them for massive damage.

Some of the expansion bosses are seriously hard though, that part is pretty true. I'm not sure how you'd beat
without cheesing via all star elemental resists. At least he's pretty cheesable if you set up the resists, though, and Ambivalence isn't the -only- way to do it. Just get someone with Blood Lance (or any drain weapon) up to star in wtf/fir/elec and resist control/variety, throw Chen on, you're invincible.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 02:09:11 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Dreaming of Doppelgangers- Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion - Ran! (Hiatus)
« Reply #204 on: November 12, 2016, 12:22:09 PM »
There was this 1 mid boss, I was just going in to 1st time to see what skills it has and how much damage I can do with my usual setup. I ended up reflecting it's first nuke and it's was left with just abit of hp for me to finish off next turn. :V