Author Topic: Touhou Dreams Thread  (Read 172806 times)


  • Developer fairy
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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #210 on: October 26, 2009, 09:45:57 AM »
Now I dreamed about being in my town at late night, then Alice came running to me, saying something about that I should run and hide. Then I glared to the sky, and I saw Shinki appearing, giving life to the inanimate objects and bringing doom to the world.

Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #211 on: October 26, 2009, 10:01:42 PM »
Last night it was really windy outside.

I happened to dream of me loading up Zelda: Wind Waker on my Gamecube. In my dreams, when I play video games I'm actually the character, not controlling the character.

Anyways, I was Aya...and the game was Fantastic Legend of Shameimaru: Peerless Wind God.

All I remember was messing around with the Deku Leaf which was her hauchiwa, using the Tingle Tuner which was the Momiji Whistle, and the Wind Waker was just Aya being epic and changing the wind at will.

Azure Lazuline

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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #212 on: October 27, 2009, 01:02:08 AM »
I happened to dream of me loading up Zelda: Wind Waker on my Gamecube. In my dreams, when I play video games I'm actually the character, not controlling the character.

Anyways, I was Aya...and the game was Fantastic Legend of Shameimaru: Peerless Wind God.

All I remember was messing around with the Deku Leaf which was her hauchiwa, using the Tingle Tuner which was the Momiji Whistle, and the Wind Waker was just Aya being epic and changing the wind at will.

I had one about a month back. It was me playing an N64 Zelda game, but with Touhou characters. Yukari had accidentally weakened the border between Gensokyo and Hyrule, and [insert details I don't remember here] then teamed up with Ganondorf. Then for some reason, Cirno had to go stop them. Since it was so long ago, I don't remember much more than that, other than a creepy version of Yukari's theme played on organ as you walked up the spiral staircase to the last battle.

Zelda and Touhou go together well in dreams, huh? Kind of an odd coincidence, even if they were different games.

Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #213 on: October 27, 2009, 02:54:46 AM »
Zelda and Touhou go together well in dreams, huh? Kind of an odd coincidence, even if they were different games.

I dunno, but I do remember gliding into a wall on Outset Island...ouch?


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #214 on: October 27, 2009, 03:39:23 AM »
I've hit a milestone and managed to have a lucid dream in which the actions of a another (nonreal) being were nearly independent of my concious-ish mind.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #215 on: October 27, 2009, 04:39:41 AM »
I've hit a milestone and managed to have a lucid dream in which the actions of a another (nonreal) being were nearly independent of my concious-ish mind.

Toast is Maribel, and the other one is Yukari :o


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #216 on: October 29, 2009, 08:37:46 AM »

It starts in an old castle, where I meet Flandre or at least somebody cosplaying as Flandre.
Then jumpcut to something that's very hard to explain. Something with crossovers concerning Bugs Bunny.
Back to the castle, I somehow found out that there's a cosplayer meeting somewhere in the castle, and because I hoped that I would find more Touhou cosplayers, I started wondering around.
Another jumpcut to Murasa throwing anchors at a Mecha version of Reisen.
YET ANOTHER JUMPCUT to Eirin talking about stuff that doesn't make any sense. She mentioned two persons called Pandora and Vexen, even though she meant two of the villain group in Soma Bringer. She said that one of them is to stupid to change sides (I guess she meant Goode) and that Adonis is just way too evil. For some reason, he looked like the Golden Witch with red and violet colours.
And then I woke up.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #217 on: October 29, 2009, 10:43:03 PM »
Toast is Maribel, and the other one is Yukari :o

Then i guess everyone in gensyoko is sharing a dream, and your life there consists of touhou dreams.

Basically, touhou created gensyoko :|

(fun fact: my gensyoko dreams feel like a day to a few months. I even have journal entries that i might transcribe here)

Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #218 on: October 29, 2009, 10:55:37 PM »
(fun fact: my gensyoko dreams feel like a day to a few months. I even have journal entries that i might transcribe here)

That reminds me; I haven't touched my dream journal in a while. Probably because I can never remember anything >_>

Perhaps if I went to sleep earlier...


  • Developer fairy
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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #219 on: October 30, 2009, 09:29:17 AM »
Ok, so last night, I've seen that Shadow Art Bad Apple!! video in my dream, all colored. It was awesome.

Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #220 on: October 30, 2009, 05:08:54 PM »
Ok, this one was weird and involved me being a Touhou Girl, not any specific one, just a female who had some powers of sorts.

It involved lots of weird changes and shifts from 2D danmaku to real life to video game style.

But the ending is what got me and made it almost nightmarish... it woke me up with a start anyway...

I had climbed a tree, we were playing a 'war' style game.  Well, maybe playing, maybe a real war, it was hard to tell, but I was standing on a tree branch and looking for someone.  I'll be damned if Eirin didn't shoot straight up... and hit me square in the ... ya know.  Ow.  Bad end.  I woke up with quite a start.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #221 on: October 30, 2009, 11:11:05 PM »
Had a dream of using the IN border team in a fight against Remilia. A few of the attacks were strangely easy. At one point she only fired a striaght line of bullets that weren't even aimed at me. At one point, I lost the visual of what was going on, but for some reason, I thought the attack sounded like a streaming one. I regained the visual and saw I saw I was in a very narrow corridor of bullets the was shifting from side to side.

Her last real attack was Red The Nightless Castle as seen as the imperishable night bomb. She flew to a spot, used the bomb, and sat there until the bomb ran out. Then she repeated it until her health ran out. After that she tols Sakuya to hide in her World because of the power of this last attack. She swung a gungnir that was a long a levatein and the graphics distorted in its wake. I was drawn into a vortex, but I escaped due to Yukari's gapping ability.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

TL777 ✌

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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #222 on: October 31, 2009, 01:14:16 AM »
I had a dream once where the entire SA gang was in a band, and they were playing the Hartman's Youkai Girl RED ZONE Remix.  8)


  • Developer fairy
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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #223 on: October 31, 2009, 10:42:47 AM »
Ok, now I had another dream. Seriously, Touhou dreams are getting more and more frequent these days. Now it's kinda weird: I was on somekind of an airplane, I called it an airplane, but it was big enough to have hotel rooms on it, and a whole temple! Also it had a deck like a ship (maybe it was the Palanquin Ship?). So I was playing a DS game in that hotel room, what played like Ace Attorney Investigations. The next moment I was actually in the game, but still on that "airplane" like the border between that game and reality disappeared. Then when we landed, I met Reimu and went underground to fight goblin like creatures to retrieve a box, with a mini-Suika in it, who was going to be eaten by the leader of those goblins. Then I woke up (in my dream!), logged on to the net and saw reviews about the first full-length Touhou anime movie, what was the same I was dreamed about in my dream (with me being a character in it)! Then I woke up for real.

Azure Lazuline

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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #224 on: October 31, 2009, 05:24:18 PM »
I vaguely remember a Touhou dream from last night... all I remember is that it was me (or someone I was controlling, either way) fighting... someone, in a danmaku battle. I remember that it wasn't a game, but it was still overhead view and the stats were still on the right (huh?). It was really drawn-out, with at least 7 or 8 cards total, and for one segment if it the screen expanded to take up all the "unused" space (the parts that are taken up by the border, your score, etc) with the boss in the middle shooting some elaborate six-way pattern.
I wish I could remember more, since I remember it being really cool but forgot most of it... oh well.

Kitaen Silva

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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #225 on: October 31, 2009, 05:50:49 PM »
I vaguely remember dreams of starring in danmaku battles that take place in a school, going through the hallways, and ending up in the gymnasium while a pep rally was going on. I also remember being unable to fly or shoot anything, while my opponent was flying around and shooting all sorts of pain in my direction. While in the gymnasium, there was a point when my opponent shot an aimed stream of elliptical white orbs at me, which I used as stepping stones that took me up into the air in a large arc, where I leapt over my opponent and installed a foot into the top of their head, whereupon a matrix-like event occured. Time slowed for a moment as my foot made contact and for a few seconds afterward, then went back to normal speed, where said opponent was launched into the floor with such force that they went two levels down into the lower basement. Then everything turned nightmarish, and the dark hole grew unnaturally, and consumed all of the gymnasium floor in a horror-movie fashion. Since I couldn't fly, I wound up falling (It even had that falling feeling you get in you sleep sometimes) and landing on my opponent... who happened to be Alice. Upon realizing it was Alice, a weird adventure of horror and macabre scaryness played out where I had to try and get myself, Alice, and Cirno (Who was found at one point. She was being violently tortured, being hung from the cieling, and humiliated by lack of clothing... I had to help her out, where I gave my T-shirt to her. It hung to her knees, lol.) out of the labyrinthine basements and back through the hole in the gymnasium floor, where supposedly the evil dimension would close. I wound up dying, but was somehow tortured with the visions of watching Alice and Cirno being dismembered and mutilated to death. I woke up crying like I was five and had just broken my nose.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2009, 06:01:44 PM by Kitaen Silva »

Kanako Yasaka

Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #226 on: October 31, 2009, 08:47:56 PM »
One of my multitude of dreams last night involved being in a limousine and asking TSO if I could have the global mods' username color in exchange for giving her trap pics.


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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #227 on: November 01, 2009, 10:23:06 AM »
I've only slept for 3.5 hours (or 4.5 hours, with the daylight savings time?), but I need to get this down, lest I forget it in the morning.

I was playing UFO as Valkyrie Skies with Kanako, Lenin, and Trance, and we were facing Byakuren to finish the game. After dodging some heart and flower-based attacks, Byakuren began her final attack phase, so I misdirected a giant laser fired from her right breast while depleting her lifebar. However, even without any life left, she wouldn't go down... Until I remembered that I had to crash my character into her left breast. I woke up while she was exploding.

I was playing my usual Tamer character, and Kanako was a mage, but Trance was some flavor of swordsman and Lenin was an archer. And for some reason, we were able to communicate directly to each other by just talking... It was good dream, after nightmares for so much time in a row.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #228 on: November 01, 2009, 06:59:44 PM »
I slept in direct sunlight recently, which is not good for me (not a vampire, just pale), so, on top of waking up with a sunburn, i had some weird dreams. such as....

Well, lets start with this. I was me, although dressed more like rinnosuke, with a purple/blue/red/green type symbol somewhere, i think representing the elements. I was playing around with matter itself, apprently being able to control elements (much better than patchy, who has no idea what the periodic table is), and therefore energy, because i was somehow creating a minature sun, and not getting iradiated, when eirin and mokou came over. Eirin and mokou were all like "Hey, kaguya's having a party, and bringing snacks" and i was like "Snacks? Sure!". So as i got up, i lost concentration apparently and the sun went boom, kinda frying me and the frontsides of eirin and mokou cartoon style. Mokou was pissed, missing her shirt, and began incinerating the world. And then i woke up.

Being a lucid dreamer, i highly regret my actions in this dream - although it was probably the sunburn that influenced them.


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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #229 on: November 02, 2009, 04:55:52 PM »
I had a dream once where I was in a sort of building of somekind. There were some other people and we had travelled a long way to get here. I went outside for a while and across this field where the building sat was Yukari. I got really frightened and ran inside to tell the others and we all panicked. We knew a secret passage in the building that would pass through a store cupboard. However we were all shocked when Yukari decided to come through the door that the secret passage would lead out of! We all scurried away in a frenzy of fear and I heard Yukari ordering Ran to run after me. I ran outside and tried to hide along the side of the building, but Ran caught me up and pinned me against the wall. Then I woke up. Weird.

The five magic rolling stones


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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #230 on: November 09, 2009, 03:22:54 AM »
I dreamt I dreamt my school held a PoFV tournament and I woke up on bus to find my school had a PoFV tournament.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #231 on: November 09, 2009, 03:43:23 AM »
So, i was in a bamboo forest, playing with this young girl who looked alot liek kaguya, but there was this sandy beach just outside the transitioend directly. Forest->bang, sand, and the little girl wouldn't step past the boundary formed by the sand and bamboo (she looked scared). And then i looked to my side and there was this cliff out of nowehere, with this spiraly castle like structre, about the size of a typical city house, but twice the height. It was basically alot of round, outdoor balconies connected by spiral staircases. THe peopel there were very odd and always left the "R"s out of things. I never met the head of the place, only knight-like servants named things like edw-ad and ha-old. Eventually i went back in the forest, and started playing call and repeat games. Suprisingly, when it came to phineas and ferb songs, the kid didn't know anything. So i went through all of popular culture. She was puzzled. I walked out of the forest and to the beach, was puzzled by the castle-structure denziens, and went for a swim into the horizon. And then i woke up.


« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 01:55:24 AM by When The Toasts Cry »

Paul Debrion

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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #232 on: November 20, 2009, 08:58:55 AM »
Ok, this one's long and wierd as heck and I believe it to be the result in getting my first good night's sleep after at least a week of nearly sleepless nights.

I had a dream a couple weeks ago where I inherited a huge mansion and a large sum of money from a dead relative, and the first day staying there I invited all my parents, relatives, and friends over for a party.

In the middle of the party everyone disappeared, and I realized I hadn't invited anyone to a party, but it was all an illusion from somewhere or something. I woke up in the mansion but there were creepy black humanoid-like creatures walking around everywhere so I hid in a corner. I picked up an odd book and opened it and started reading it spontaneously.

The book was somehow forcing me to read it in some unknown language! I could look around at other things and not look at the book, but my mouth kept saying things from the book uncontrollably. I was holding the book with one hand, and I could move freely except I couldn't drop the book and I couldn't close it either. Whatever was in the book was calling one of the creatures towards me! As soon as it spotted me and was slowly walking towards me, I was able to drop the book.

At that point I was cornered and defenseless. For some reason I instinctively reached into my jacket and there was nothing there, but somehow I thought I was supposed have a weapon with me and it was missing for some reason. I heard a little girl's voice laughing in a sinister way out of nowhere. I felt a finger poking at my back, and turned around to see none other than Remilia Scarlet.

Remilia grinned and said "looking for this?".

She held out a Heckler and Koch Mark 23, which for some reason I sensed was supposed to be mine. I was already in a panic so I didn't ask any questions. I grabbed it, turned around, and fired several shots into the black thing, which collapsed and melted away. I turned around again intending to talk with Remilia, but she was gone. All I heard was her voice in the air and she said "Don't be boring". Basically what followed was a lot of running through the mansion and shooting whatever the wierd black humanoid things were. However, no matter where I went it seemed like the mansion's rooms and halls were re-arranging themselves when I wasn't looking and there was no exit in sight. The walls were turning a light shade of red or pink, so I pretty much figured I was either in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, or some twisted copy of it.

Admittedly I was enjoying this at first and I guess any gamer would have enjoyed this to some degree, but after a while things started looking bad and any confidence I gained from having a weapon in hand pretty much got dissolved by the depressing horror of an endless maze of rooms.

Eventually I reached a dead end room and the door behind me shut. I opened the door to see that the hallway I came through was gone and was replaced by a room filled with black humanoid things and no to other doors or windows, I was essentially trapped in two rooms with a door in the middle with no possible escape. At that point I just about lost it and yelled "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT! I JUST WANT TO GET OUT! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!" and several other phrases to that effect that I can't remember. 

I spent my remaining ammo killing off all the black things except one. I backed into a corner, then decided at the last minute I had nothing to lose, so I attempted to punch it. My fist passed right through and I was pulled through the black humanoid thing and fell as if it were a hole or portal.

I felt a hard landing on a wooden floor, and saw Patchouli looking down at me with a rather amused look. She shouted "Wow I think he made it!" to someone else, who in retrospect I guess might have been either Remilia or Sakuya.

I looked down and saw my clothing covered in blood, which was strange because I didn't think I had gotten any physical wounds of any kind. I laid my head back and hit it against the wooden floor and immediately woke up due to my alarm clock.

Anyway, I of thought up a bit of a possible backstory in an attempt to explain this dream because I kind of want to write a short story or something based on it, but I'm not sure if I'll bother though since I'm not that good at writing.

I figured perhaps before the SDM was moved to Gensokyo, Remilia would lure people into the mansion and force them to fight through a similar "house of horrors". Those who didn't perform well would be food for Remilia and Flandre while if someone somehow survived long enough they would be hired to serve her. Perhaps Sakuya would have been brought into the mansion in this manner.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 09:12:40 AM by Professor Paul1290 »
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!

Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #233 on: November 23, 2009, 07:56:43 PM »
Okay, some background info: on one IRC server I am /nick'd to Yukari. Once, someone came in who was ... um ... an IRC virgin, if you know what I mean. And I took full advantage of Yukari's hax powers with this.

So, last night, he had a dream which ended up with him making breakfast; Yukari suddenly came out of a gap and said "Good morning, father-to-be!" He woke up screaming.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #234 on: November 27, 2009, 12:09:38 AM »
Finally, another.

Anyways, back at the bamboo forest. this time, i head off in a different direction and come to a REALLY nice house after what feels like an hour of wandering. I go inside, and it's really nice inside. The walls are white, the carpet is red, the furniture ornate. I'd swear it was the SDM or something. There is a staircase to the left leading to a second floor (one of those angular spiral staircases, you know), and reisen is sitting on it along with a few unidentified girls and a guy with black hair who, like me, appears to be american. I say hi to reisen, and ask if i can look in her eyes. She says "whatever" so i look into those red eyes of hers and WOAH, everything starts getting blurry, spinning, double, then triple vision, and i feel like i'm in an unfamilar body. Then i look away and everything is normal, reisen says "freaky, right?", and i say something along the lines of "yeah, my head feals kind of strained.." and continue up the staircase to what looks like a music hall, empty save for a grand piano and oddly, a futon that looks freshly made. Then i faint, surely not landing on the futon. And THEN i wake up, and guess what? My head feels funny. no bumps or bruises though....

I love these dreams that continue in the same setting every time.

PS: Now i'm all of a sudden interested in a curious way. Like, what her personality is like. She seemed nice.


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
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Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #235 on: November 28, 2009, 12:33:02 AM »
So I dreamed of being Alice and I was playing and having fun with my dolls. Then some robot jerk...raven or phoenix or whatever kept breaking the stuff I made and I kept crying and being tsundere too.

I was more like a wtf dream X_X


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #236 on: November 28, 2009, 04:22:25 AM »
Mine involved a Touhou H-Manga...and human breast hot pockets.


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #237 on: November 28, 2009, 06:16:10 AM »
Mine involved a Touhou H-Manga...and human breast hot pockets.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #238 on: November 28, 2009, 04:46:38 PM »

Mine involved a Touhou H-Manga...and human breast hot pockets.

Then I guess those pockets ...

... were really hot.


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #239 on: November 29, 2009, 10:24:56 PM »
I need to get my mind out of eintei.

Woke up in the music hall, it was empty. no piano, no futon. Walekd out, stairs emtpy save for black haired emo looking kid. He wouldn't respond to anything. Walked out of the building, NOONE WAS THERE. Nothing but bamboo. I walk a bit, turn around, can't find the building. Walk a bit more, see a few rabbits (not loli rabbits, actual rabbits), but that's it. I thought i was a glimpse of some colorfull stuff in the sky, but i could hardly see the sky...the bamboo was too tall. And then i woke up to my cats attacking eachother, using my chest as a platform.

Also, before i wrote this down, i fell asleep again and dreamt of kingdom hearts.