Author Topic: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation  (Read 31164 times)

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
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I did say I'd be starting a thread up proper when the translation was properly ready, well guess what time it is? Yes, we've finally finished hopefully everything there is to be translated in the current release of Gensou Ningyou Enbu! From the graphical interfaces, to the skills and abilities, to the little bits of dialogue, even the things you'd think we wouldn't bother with translating! SO let's properly get into this, shall we!?

For those of you who haven't been around the scene the past year or so, HemoglobinA1C, of Touhou Puppet Play/Touhoumon fame, and his team FocasLens released a game called Gensou Ningyou Enbu at Comiket 87. This game was designed to be the spiritual successor of the old Touhou Puppet Play ROM Hacks, and it succeeds in that goal entirely. Gensou Ningyou Enbu, or Touhou Puppet Dance Performance (TPDP) as we in the English community refer to it, is a game that draws strong inspiration from the 6th Generation of Pokemon games, borrowing ideas behind some moves and abilities, the concept of a sizable type interaction table, even the way some items work.

But it also has its own twist on things, such as how Puppets obtain stats and moves, as well as how Puppets evolve (or in this game's case, Style Change). A system even exists to allow the player to reset a Puppet back to level 1, and further manipulate it to allow you to create a Puppet with perfect stats - the need to breed for a million eggs is now over. There are so many enhancements to the original formula that it just makes everything extremely more streamlined, and while being entirely similar to Pokemon, being a completely different entity all together.

But that just covers the mechanics behind the game, what about the story? What's going on in this fangame? Well, in Touhou Puppet Dance Performance, you travel across Gensokyo on a two-fold quest: to find a way to return home,  but while you're doing that you're also trying to solve the incident that's been shaking Gensokyo to its depths - dealing with and identifying the source of the newfound Puppets that are scattered across the realm. Puppets of every character up to the most recent games (barring ULiL and LoLK for now) can be obtained for collection, training, and battling! And I really do mean every. except five magic stones and genji, sorry stuffman!

And that's not even all! After a certain point in the game (it's the postgame), you'll gain access to the Netplay hub, where you can challenge players across the world  to a battle using varying rules and other fun quirks. The Touhou Puppet Play community is a good matchmaking hub for if you want to find someone to battle, just hop on by the IRC Channel (which will be provided below) and declare a challenge!

We in the Touhou Puppet Play community have worked our hardest to deliver a translation to the best of our abilities. There are a few quirks remaining, mostly with word wrap on some menus involving skills and abilities, but those are impossible to handle unless we rewrite a good chunk of the exe to differentiate descriptions, or code in an automatic word wrapper, which is far beyond the scope project. It'll look something like this: As of 1.02, we have applied a fix to the Word Wrapping engine! This works similar to what we have done with Shard of Dreams's translation. Examples of text wrapping can be seen in these photos:

For now, I've kinda covered all the information about the game itself, let's get into why you're all here, shall we?

One last thing to mention: Touhou Puppet Dance Performance will not work outside of Japanese Locale. You will need to either have your machine in native Japanese Locale, or download a tool called Locale Emulator and run it in emulated Japanese locale that way. Trying to run the game outside of Japanese Locale or Locale Emulator will cause the game to either crash instantly or display incorrect characters for text and numbers.

That should be all the stuff relevant to the first post of this thread! If there are any questions you have about the game, do not hesitate to post them here, or hop by the community chat. There'll likely be someone there who can answer your inquiry, or even be around for a battle if you desire one. I would credit the people who all have helped work on the translation, but there's been so many over the past year that I can't remember much outside the core community.

Until the next time we talk folks, this is Derxwna Kapsyla, hoping you all enjoy the game!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 08:16:06 PM by Derxwna »


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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2015, 07:02:15 PM »
gee doesnt, why does derx let you have TWO self-inserts?

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2015, 07:08:54 PM »
because i'm enough of a loser to catch two of every puppet and make a very convenient testing save

derx wasn't


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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2015, 07:13:42 PM »
Good job guys!

Spotty Len

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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2015, 07:32:04 PM »
Wow. I might just dive right back in.


  • Preparing myself for an incoming failure...
Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2015, 07:34:08 PM »
Neat job guys.
Now's the time to finally grab a copy

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2015, 12:54:46 AM »
Alright! Thanks for you guy's hard work- fantastic stuff here.

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
  • Enter the Badlands
Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2015, 03:58:08 PM »
Post-Release FAQ Report
Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance has been out for almost 24 hours now, and with that came several calls for help yesterday in setting it up. Thankfully, all the issues were the same thing, and we have managed to deduce what exactly went wrong in each instance. Below is the commonly asked question followed by the method of fixing it.

Q: My game is getting a purple-on-black screen whenever I try to run it. Why is that?

A: Your game needs to be installed in Japanese Locale. Please uninstall it on the locale you used to install it (Probably English), and then reinstall while your computer is in Japanese Locale, or run the setup file via Locale Emulator.

Q: My game isn?t patching, it keeps crashing/not working.
A: Move the updater patch files (1.01-1.10, 1.10-1.20, 1.20-1.34) into your game folder, and it should work after you do that.

Q: My game won?t patch into English, is this an issue with the patch?
A: No, please check to make sure your dat folder has ONLY these things inside of it and they are entirely unedited, otherwise beat will crash and give an error on trying to patch:

The common error here is people forget to copy gn_enbu.exe into this folder. This is an important step, please make sure you do this.


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2015, 06:28:15 AM »
Some text that should be numbers are just black blocks, and a lot of other text is blurry/distorted. My computer is in Japanese locale, however. Is there anything else that I need to do?
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
  • Enter the Badlands
Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2015, 09:10:54 AM »
Can you post a screenshot, as well as some more detailed information if possible? About the game, how you're running it, how you installed it, operating system, anything you can tell us can probably allow us to help better.

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2015, 03:59:22 AM »
Err... I don't know if I'm just blind, but I can't find a page to get patch 1.34 ANYWHERE on the official website.

I took a look at this page, and they're mentioning stuff about the 1.34 patch. There's a link near it that sends to this page, which is apparently where the patches are stored for download. But I only see 1.30 as the latest patch. I don't see 1.34 there.

I watched the patching tutorial video but the person starts the video with the game already on version 1.34. So it doesn't help on my case.

Where can I get the 1.34 patch?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 04:03:06 AM by Maiden Synnae ミ☆ »

Sweetness and love~ ♥

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2015, 04:31:19 AM »
Err... I don't know if I'm just blind, but I can't find a page to get patch 1.34 ANYWHERE on the official website.

I took a look at this page, and they're mentioning stuff about the 1.34 patch. There's a link near it that sends to this page, which is apparently where the patches are stored for download. But I only see 1.30 as the latest patch. I don't see 1.34 there.

I watched the patching tutorial video but the person starts the video with the game already on version 1.34. So it doesn't help on my case.

Where can I get the 1.34 patch?

The page you link to has zip files for 1.20 -> 1.34 (Try clicking the "list view" button to the right of "Sort" to view the full filenames).

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

  • Wizard Maiden
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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2015, 04:45:16 AM »
The page you link to has zip files for 1.20 -> 1.34 (Try clicking the "list view" button to the right of "Sort" to view the full filenames).

Thanks! I can see it now! :D

But it's almost 3:00AM on my end right now. I'm pretty sleepy so for now I will call it a day and patch the stuff when I wake up. I will edit this post later if I manage to make things work. Goodnight~

Sweetness and love~ ♥

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

  • Wizard Maiden
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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2015, 02:16:46 AM »
Sorry for double posting, but it will be easier for people to notice this way.

So... I tried applying the patches but had no luck at all. I recorded a short video showing what happens when I try to patch: (sorry about the quality. The recording program I used is awful)

As you can see, nothing happens. I put the patches in the same folder as the game and ran them but they just don't want to work.

What should I do?

Sweetness and love~ ♥

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2015, 06:34:16 AM »
I relayed your issues to the chat and I got the following suggestion:
 "the most likely cause is that the patcher cant identify what the game is cause the files dont match possibly from tampering or a failed patch previosuly
a clean install should fix it
i would get it sometimes randomly but always worked with a clean install and jsut copying save files in to the newly installed game"

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

  • Wizard Maiden
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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2015, 05:48:40 PM »
I managed to update the game to 1.34 with a clean install. But I'm not being able to patch it to English.

Basically, I did all the steps mentioned in the video tutorial, but when I apply the patch with beat, the program crashes. (But the eng_dat folder is still created regardless). Then when I copy paste the English .exe to the game's folder and run it, I get this error:

I made another video to show what happens more precisely. I think it's better than just describing it:

Help, please?

The common error here is people forget to copy gn_enbu.exe into this folder. This is an important step, please make sure you do this.

Derp. I can't read.

Well, I fixed the problems. Now I finally have the game in English. :D Thank you very much for making this patch~! :3
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 08:22:34 PM by Maiden Synnae ミ☆ »

Sweetness and love~ ♥

Third Eye Lem

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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2015, 09:21:39 PM »
I was lucky enough to find the game pre-patched already. I had to fiddle with Locale Emulator a bit, but it works, and it's glorious. :D I'm currently at the Human Village now, Cirno is not an easy foe >.>

EDIT: And then Kokoro and Marisa fried both of her puppets. XD I need to find a type chart for this game...


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2015, 02:32:06 AM »
Sorry for the late response! I have problems like below despite being on Japanese locale. I've played the game before and didn't have these issues until now.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 02:40:47 AM by Lukesky180 »
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2015, 07:28:34 PM »
Thank you guys! It's a lot of fun.

Also the buying and installing guide was very helpful.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2015, 10:14:44 PM »
Nice.... I think this might be the first pokemon game Ill ever play =p.

Yes ive been playing jrpgs since ff1 was new and I still never played a sefond of pokemon.

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2015, 10:38:49 PM »
I have a problem installing the patch.
I have followed the instructions properly, but every time I try to patch the game, beat crashes with following error: "nall::string::exception_out_of_bounds".
The game has been patched to version 1.34 and I have placed the "gn_enbu.exe" to the dat-folder as suggested.

Could this be problem with the version of the beat I am using (03v)? After all it seems to often crash without reason after I click "apply Patch"-button.

EDIT: Got it working by downloading older version of beat.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 08:31:37 AM by Tsalop »
Blog updated: 14.11.2011

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2016, 08:58:58 PM »
I see that this is out now:
I guess that is the expansion?

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
  • Enter the Badlands
Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2016, 09:18:51 AM »
A new year brings us many new things, and of those new things we bring you an update to the base 1.34's translation patch! 1.01 has been released and appended to the first post in the thread, and also comes with a change log, and a snazzy new patching system (because beat was godawful). One thing to note about this new patch: the patcher assumes you haven't changed from Gensou Ningyou Enbu's default install directory. If you moved the install directory, or installed it elsewhere, you will need to manually change the directory within the installer.

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2016, 07:35:37 PM »
A new year brings us many new things, and of those new things we bring you an update to the base 1.34's translation patch! 1.01 has been released and appended to the first post in the thread, and also comes with a change log, and a snazzy new patching system (because beat was godawful). One thing to note about this new patch: the patcher assumes you haven't changed from Gensou Ningyou Enbu's default install directory. If you moved the install directory, or installed it elsewhere, you will need to manually change the directory within the installer.

Will this work on an English patched game, or do we need to get out the backups?

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
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Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2016, 12:34:42 PM »
I've heard reports that this does work on English builds, nevertheless keep a backup on hand in case something goes disastrously wrong!

Re: Gensou Ningyou Enbu/Touhou Puppet Dance Performance - English Translation
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2016, 01:30:37 AM »
So, are there plans to re-translate Void type?
From looking at skills and everything else that is considered Void type, it should definitely be not called Void. Either Normal, None, or Typeless would be better.

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
  • Enter the Badlands
We have finished and released 1.02 of the Base Translation Patch! This patch mostly backports the translation we used from Shard of Dreams to make sure everything is consistent. There are a few other tweaks and fixes, such as the game having a proper text wrapping system for Skills/Abilities/Items. The list of changes has been compiled with the file itself.

While I'm here, here's the link to the Shard of Dreams translation thread, with Interface Translation Patch Build 2 being released extremely shortly!