Author Topic: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F  (Read 299825 times)

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #90 on: November 30, 2015, 01:21:03 AM »
Ok, so I thought this would be simple enough to follow and make a music mod to make the original OST default, but for some reason I can't seem to be able to make the game read the file.
I tried entering DxaEncode.exe -K:9DF6E8099CC39999914DF0A3  C:\input\bgm and it creates the file but I only get silence. I also tried adding 0x before the passwrd but that doesn't work, either.
Does anybody know what I might be doing wrong?


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #91 on: November 30, 2015, 01:56:00 AM »
I mean stats and spellcards. But also bear in mind there are hidden stats like skillup cost increase rate.

That said i wouldnt expect someone to do it per say, was more curious if it was possible and relatively simple if you know how

edit: Replaying lot1 after a hiatus, I'm currently on floor 24 with my party and just for interest I look at the wiki page which mentions the laterns of hell being the main threat... never have I ever had any issues with these things... the damn gems are the issues, they are way faster (faster than strategists even, ffs), can only be damaged by physicals, and the spells are way stronger (laterns have lightly more mag, but the damage for their spells is far lower... not to mention dual laser whatever is non-elemental, which is a big deal since by this point in the game everyone prob has like 200+ resist from nearly every element).
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 03:42:40 AM by Ghaleon »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #92 on: November 30, 2015, 04:25:43 AM »
not to mention dual laser whatever is non-elemental.
And that it's as strong as Needle Parade! Except row targeted.
The wiki has some scattered bad stuff in it. Some misinformation here and there, absurdly arbitrary level recommendations for some bosses and things like this. It would be nice if some stuff there was rewritten.


  • Umiiro Shoujo ni Miserarete
  • Umi is love, Umi is life
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #93 on: December 01, 2015, 12:32:33 AM »
Level recommendations were arbitrary to begin with. Nearly all the LoT2 boss level recommendations were my own musings on an older patch of the game, so those are likely a little off as well. I don't feel motivated to bother going back and giving the wiki a once over. I wanted to do it with my 3rd play through of using characters I never gave a chance, but 1) progress was so sporadic due to circumstances and 2) I didn't bother taking notes on boss behaviors and stuff that was likely changed after the big balance patch.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 12:35:53 AM by jaxter0987 »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #94 on: December 01, 2015, 01:26:32 AM »
I'm talking about the LoT1 section, though. I think the existence of challenge levels makes it so level recommendations aren't much of an issue. And I agree that changing it now would be a waste of time because things can really change when the update finally comes out.
The LoT2 section is a lot tidier, too.
I'd like to do some tidying up on the LoT1 sections. Not much really needs to be changed, but it'd be nice seeing it in a better shape.
I'd also like to do something similar to what is being done with build recommendations for LoT2 in LoT1. I know some of those profiles have already been rewritten to better reflect what some (particularly the characters usually perceived as underwhelming) but I still think it could use more non-obvious information.


  • Life is an explosion!
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #95 on: December 01, 2015, 02:18:48 AM »

Calamity Four Run is over! Beat everything in the game. That was pretty fun.

Glad to see someone else use that team. Good man.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #96 on: December 01, 2015, 10:01:28 AM »
Glad to see someone else use that team. Good man.
Ever since I first saw it I thought it was a really nice idea for a team. Even without a synergy skill, it's pretty surprising how well these four actually work together. Parsee could tank physical attacks like a champion with Yukari's defense skill, and at some point she went from fourth slot in physical attack-focused fights to first slot just because of how durable she was after items + library levels.

But yeah, it was a very fun run and it's interesting to see a team without synergy skills be able to beat everything in the game without serious overlevelling. I was at level 190 at the end (though I do think that might be a bit too much... but whatever). Calamity Four is a blast, y'all need to play that.

I'm not sure what kind of run I'll keep myself busy with now that Calamity Four is over. I've considered doing another playthrough of the game and focusing on characters I haven't used as much the first time. (Like Mokou, Eirin, SDM except Flandre etc.) Any ideas?


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #97 on: December 03, 2015, 12:56:15 AM »
So I've noticed some thing in my latest Lot1 run... I keep getting pretty good magic-offensive items that I'm struggling to find someone to put them on. So I looked at my party, and see who are dedicated magic nukes, and all I have are patchy and marisa. Bosses like hibachi twins aren't too troublesome though because I also have eiki to damage the magic one, and kaggy to stone bowl patchy/eiki (or a physical nuke)... or use her own nukes, but I generally stone bowl cuz it's better especially since I built her for MND.

That said I told myself I should make sure I have at least 1 more magic dpser next run, and I was thinking who I should pick. Fact is my fave physical DPS is Remi because I just love her staying power, and though she doesn't hit as hard as nitori or yuugi or someone, she DOES hit hard enough to count (normally like half as hard given her atk buffs are normally much higher since she can self buff really fast via curse), which is actually much better dps since her delay is half and she's faster, and before you say not dps cuz you are supposed to switch people out, since she's fast and her delay is not bad, she can act as a secondary switcher herself when needed which is a huge she kinda contributes to helping out with the very thing that can solve other characters' larger delays).

But come to think of it... I don't think there really IS any magic nuker like remi. Closest thing to it is like patchy oddly enough. I mean yeah she's slow as fuu but her nuke is solid damage of non-elemental nature and if she's in the back she generally can stay out for long periods of time with her sky high mnd unless the enemy has needle parade or arrow rain (or is china V2/V3...I swear she always ratetsu fists the back only.. every effing time).

I thought maybe reisen, but even with self buffs up I can't imagine she's very tanky at all, and her discarder though good cuz the debuff isn't non-elemental, so it will have issues doing damage on some bosses. I tried Kanako before and she was strangely not like remi at all. I don't know... she looked alot like remi on paper but in practice she was just kinda meh. Suiga is amazing against cld weak enemies but there are only so many of those.

Maybe magic ran, but I love her group buffs so much and don't wanna lose that purpose (though I'd do it if I could have 2 rans lol).

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #98 on: December 03, 2015, 01:57:32 AM »
Ghaleon, the character you're looking for is defensively build Yuka spamming Flower Shot from the first slot.
Alice has staying power and damage, but she's also mostly a physical damage dealer.
Properly buffed 4th slot Rumia in a team that already has a healer has staying power (can take even Arrow Rain/Needle Parade if her defenses are buffed on a max MAG build, which she needs) and has good delay and damage on Moonlight Ray.
MAG Ran is fantastic, you should try her out.
Full MAG Eirin spamming Galaxy in a Pot with proper offensive buffs (I know you don't like her and this is the only reason she is not my first suggestion. but if properly buffed she's EXACTLY like Remilia but magical. the difference is that she can't get the buffs up herself)
Mokou using Fire Bird Phoenix also kinda sorta works. Not really, though.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #99 on: December 03, 2015, 03:26:35 AM »
Ghaleon, the character you're looking for is defensively build Yuka spamming Flower Shot from the first slot.
Really? I like fast attacks but I was worried given its weaker formula and her lower mag to remi's attack, AND slower leveling, it would be an attack greatly weakened by enemies with non trivial MND. not to mention not being non-elemental doesn't help, but at least ntr isnt' a bad element... But....her elemental resists and status resists are better, maybe having more stat-oriented items instead of resist-oriented ones (which I prioritize on remi since her self-buff demands it to some extent), maybe that can compensate... I'll try it if I don't think further recommendations sound more plausible.

Alice has staying power and damage, but she's also mostly a physical damage dealer.
Alice is weird... i thought she looked op on my first playthru, wasn't impressed but not upset at her either, I did end up taking her the whole game in but she never really stood out in the 'good' pile either. I didn't use her afterwards until a later playthru, at which point I found her to be more useful but still not a character I really really liked... She's fine, I don't disagree, but given that her nukes are more physical, just not applicable here.

Properly buffed 4th slot Rumia in a team that already has a healer has staying power (can take even Arrow Rain/Needle Parade if her defenses are buffed on a max MAG build, which she needs) and has good delay and damage on Moonlight Ray.
Actually I never used her after my first playthruf, which was ages ago, back before the wiki was up. Back then everyone ranted how much she stunk, and I was pretty much the only guy talking about how much moonlight ray really hurt. I didn't think she stunk. But by the later end of my run, I found she would end up dead nearly every boss fight, regardless of being a physical or magical boss. She really seemed squishier than I anticipated (other than sanae, that girl was truly a professional corpse). Now I know what bosses can do what, so I imagine I can anticipate threats to her better but.. I dunno, she still seemed really squishy back then. That also said, her nukes are mystic damage, which isn't really in demand. I'm one of the few peple who really like marisa, and one of the reasons why is because she can contribute constant dps via master spark without even being in the front for very long at all. I think of her as a hidden 5th slot character. I use master spark when her sp is only like 200ish sp each time (after a concentrate possibly), and despite mystic resists, she actually does good against bosses... not to mention she's a great trash cleaner as well given her high speed, and pretty decent mnd-piercing asteroid belt (and she's fast enough she can concentrate first, and THEN asteroid belt if you need to dent enemies with extreme defenses and you don't have kaggy/eiki/etc handy).

I was thinking about trying her again actually, but... I think yuuka looks more convincing...that said rumia is a beast in lot2 imo.

MAG Ran is fantastic, you should try her out.
I imagine she is. I have her with defensive levelup points, and most of her gear is defensive, yet every time I bump up her skill level in her offensive stats to other characters, she holds her own...Problem is I just love her party buffs so much. I like fighting bosses slow and steady, so the appeal for the smaller party buffs are that much more appealing to me because I really make the most of them for the entire party. Slow sounds like a bad thing to most people but bosses are the highlight to the game for me, so dragging them out in a safe manner isn't only... well.. safer, but even more fun for me! =P. Only causes problems with Baal guardian mostly (or is his wiki-level recommendation way low, unlike virtually every other boss in the game? I mean I know they're not perfectly accurate, but he is the only boss where I feel like the suggested level is actually on the low end of incorrect). desperation nuke bosses actually aren't much of an issue believe it or not.

Full MAG Eirin spamming Galaxy in a Pot with proper offensive buffs (I know you don't like her and this is the only reason she is not my first suggestion. but if properly buffed she's EXACTLY like Remilia but magical. the difference is that she can't get the buffs up herself)
Mokou using Fire Bird Phoenix also kinda sorta works. Not really, though.

edit: oops, hit reply and forgot there were a few more lines to quote

Full MAG Eirin spamming Galaxy in a Pot with proper offensive buffs (I know you don't like her and this is the only reason she is not my first suggestion. but if properly buffed she's EXACTLY like Remilia but magical. the difference is that she can't get the buffs up herself)

Wait.. what... you know I don't like Eirin much outside of this game? Didn't think anyone really cared to remember my touhou character tastes. Eirin actually isn't someone I dislike much, but she's definately below average for me... the only characters I really say I dislike are reisen (her personality doesn't bother me exactly, but I'm a complete furry-phobe... I can't help it... I'm sorry, but seeing a girl with big bunny ears just kinda grosses me out, even when they aren't trying to be sexy.. the fact her meme is a 'only for sex-appeal' thing doesn't help) and Sanae (way too effing arrogant and holier-than-thou in the actual games, I'm not upset at the whole 'slut' meme or whatever).... And bear in mind I was considering using reisen as my magic-remi soo that shouldn't be too much of a factor IMO.

Mokou using Fire Bird Phoenix also kinda sorta works. Not really, though.
I considered using her for a first time after many times, but I just thought reisen is probably better in so many ways for what I want, particularly since discarder is the same element.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 03:31:31 AM by Ghaleon »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #100 on: December 03, 2015, 09:14:57 AM »
 - Yuka
The reason I recommended defensive Yuka is because I'm assuming you're building Remi more defensively because you've already stated you prefer defensive teams (and it's Remi's best build, in my opinion). She has what it takes to be a utility slot one tank and keep bulkier teams healed through some situations. Flower Shot may have a meh formula but it ends up being her best attack due to its delay. You might prefer offensive if you want damage, though. Both are good.

- Alice
I find her one of the best characters in the game due to just how much good things she has going for her. She's moderately fast; bulky; has a strong FIR nuke with good delay delay; all of her other attacks are still decently strong; has good debuffs all around; can be built offensively/defensively while still having good damage/bulk.

- Rumia
I tend to keep her out as I use Charge a lot and she can take a lot of hits with her full MAG build. She can barely take a Needle Parade at about full health with buffed defenses but that's still being able to take it sometimes.

- Baal's Avatar level recommendation
I think it's about fine. If I would increase it, it would be by 5 levels or so because yeah, defensive teams have a bit more trouble against it and the wiki guides were obviously made with ridiculously offensive teams in mind.

- Eirin
Nah, sorry. I don't really visit many discussions in this forum outside of some doujin games I like. I would probably remember what people active in the LoT threads say about their tastes in other threads, though.
I mean I know you don't like her because you've already posted about thinking she's bad more than once. If you're willing to try her out again, just remember you have to treat her very well with your equipment to compensate her level up rate. Now I know about your preferences, though.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 09:29:36 AM by Ryin »


  • Umiiro Shoujo ni Miserarete
  • Umi is love, Umi is life
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #101 on: December 03, 2015, 11:33:41 AM »
One of these days, I actually need to seriously play with Flandre. I just straight up hate the draw backs her spells have.

And yet, I should learn to play with characters whose draw backs are not just the standard ones like stat based draw backs (low SPD, low DEF, low MND, low HP, ailments and elemental resistances) or kit based ones (mono element spells, no buffs, no debuffs, no heals).

Come to think of it, I can't really think of any other characters with direct draw backs in their spells. We've got Renko and Flandre and ... nothing else I can think of. Still need to try out new Yukari as well, as consuming her entire MP pool for Spiriting Away warrants some attention.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #102 on: December 03, 2015, 01:14:31 PM »
but at least ntr isnt' a bad element...

That does throw up a interesting question in my opinion: What's considered to be the best element (in both games)? Any thoughts on that?


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #103 on: December 03, 2015, 01:46:53 PM »
I'm not sure what kind of run I'll keep myself busy with now that Calamity Four is over. I've considered doing another playthrough of the game and focusing on characters I haven't used as much the first time. (Like Mokou, Eirin, SDM except Flandre etc.) Any ideas?

Get some folks together and do a character draft. Those were pretty fun in LoT1.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #104 on: December 03, 2015, 01:52:06 PM »
In LoT1 the best element (not counting non-elemental) is certainly CLD, but there's really no half-decent cold attack until Kanako in postgame, and Kanako is kind of awful against bosses not weak to cold (plus it's not quite as glaringly awesome in postgame) There's a few meh CLD attacks that can see some use against all the CLD-weak bosses but it only makes them -barely- better than alternatives (e.g. Komachi's cld attack, Cirno trying to dps, etc) After that I'd probably say FIR or NTR is better(?), but it's situational; MYS is resisted a whole lot though.

Kanako looks like Remi on paper, but her HP stat is actually pretty cruddy so her middling defenses aren't worth much, and her damage isn't all that amazing if the boss isn't weak to CLD or WND.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #105 on: December 03, 2015, 04:36:47 PM »
Get some folks together and do a character draft. Those were pretty fun in LoT1.

I'd be all for that, I've been itching to try out one of those for a long time. Don't really now how to get people together though, and everyone I've introduced to LoT by myself hasn't finished the game (or really have gotten close to it) so a character draft there wouldn't make that much sense. But yeah, I'd totally be up for a character draft. (preferably LoT2 instead of LoT1, but either is fine by me)

At the element thing, I was actually pleasantly surprised how many NTR weaknesses were in the game considering the whole setting took place in a gigantic tree and all that, but that's just me. NTR might just be the best element in the second game even, though if were going by resistances it might be PHY for that. I remember WND being good on a lot of bosses, too.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #106 on: December 04, 2015, 12:19:42 AM »
One of these days, I actually need to seriously play with Flandre. I just straight up hate the draw backs her spells have.
The recoil damage is absolutely a non-issue because she should absolutely never get hit. In LoT1 the drawbacks in her other two spells make them absolutely useless outside of random encounters or if you know exactly that the hit will kill the boss. In LoT2 they're really not too bad, as long as you're hitting a good weakness.

That does throw up a interesting question in my opinion: What's considered to be the best element (in both games)? Any thoughts on that?
definitely CLD for LoT1 and I also believe it's NTR for LoT2. Not sure, though.

There's a few meh CLD attacks that can see some use against all the CLD-weak bosses but it only makes them -barely- better than alternatives (e.g. Komachi's cld attack, Cirno trying to dps, etc) After that I'd probably say FIR or NTR is better(?), but it's situational; MYS is resisted a whole lot though.
MYS isn't resisted as much as SPI in LoT1. And even against some bosses that resist MYS, it's still worth using it (Yuugi is the only example coming to mind. I think there was some other, though). MYS is pretty solid in 1, it's in 2 that it kinda sucks.

Kanako looks like Remi on paper, but her HP stat is actually pretty cruddy so her middling defenses aren't worth much, and her damage isn't all that amazing if the boss isn't weak to CLD or WND.
Her HP isn't cruddy at all, her bulk is pretty decent. But she is very much closer to the offense part of bulky offense than bulk. So yeah, no tank potential. Also, Suiga isn't great only against CLD-weak bosses. As long as the boss doesn't resist CLD it will deal some good damage. For comparison, your good old overinvested buffed Nitori will be dealing about 3 million damage against Hibachi #2 ver 2. Normally invested buffed Kanako deals about 1.7m Hibachi #1 ver 2. Not bad for not hitting a weakness and being able to take a hit.


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #107 on: December 04, 2015, 01:22:00 AM »
I would say Fire is the best element in LoT1. There are quite a few of enemies/bosses with those weaknesses and you get a good Fire spell from the get-go (Royal Flare.) In LoT2...I would say that all are the best except, Mystic and Spirit. The only Mystic spell worth using (for raw damage) is Marisa's Magic Missile. It is strong, cheap and has low-delay, all in one spell.

Speaking of Flandre, I have never seen anyone use her Forbidden Fruit in a boss battle at all so what is the point of that spell anyway? A cheaper, weaker version of Laevatein?

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #108 on: December 04, 2015, 02:16:02 AM »
I would say Fire is the best element in LoT1. There are quite a few of enemies/bosses with those weaknesses and you get a good Fire spell from the get-go (Royal Flare.) In LoT2...I would say that all are the best except, Mystic and Spirit. The only Mystic spell worth using (for raw damage) is Marisa's Magic Missile. It is strong, cheap and has low-delay, all in one spell.
Dude, that's like, so wrong. There is a good amount of bosses that are weak to FIR, sure. But there are so many that resist it, and they tend to resist it quite a bit, that it can't possibly be the best element.
And spamming 160 SP Master Sparks is a lot better than using Magic Missile. Especially because most of its damage comes from MAG multiplier, not damage multiplier. And if you want a fast cheap spammable MYS spell, Moonlight Ray is a much better option. Buffed Moonlight Ray is about as strong as unbuffed Master Spark.

Edit: didn't read that the part about MYS is about LoT2. I still think Moonlight Ray is better, though. Master Spark in LoT2 kind of stinks because it has a very low MAG multiplier for its cost. It's mostly damage multipliers going for it in this one.

Speaking of Flandre, I have never seen anyone use her Forbidden Fruit in a boss battle at all so what is the point of that spell anyway? A cheaper, weaker version of Laevatein?
In LoT2? It's good against MYS weak stuff, I guess? Starbow Break is already so strong that it barely has a purpose.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 02:24:18 AM by Ryin »

Thata no Guykoro

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Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #109 on: December 04, 2015, 02:35:46 AM »
The one use I've found for Forbidden Fruit is when I've done really long grind stretches on lower floors, since it wipes out entire groups for less cost than Laevatain. I've never actually figured out a use for it outside of that. I guess if you had something that was MYS weak and FIR and DRK resistant...? but that's so situational you'd probably just not use Flan.

Or if you built her 100% magic... but does anyone ever build Flan 100% magic

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #110 on: December 04, 2015, 03:54:49 AM »
Or if you built her 100% magic... but does anyone ever build Flan 100% magic
It... might be worth trying?
The damage formula is significantly stronger than Starbow Break and the delay is ok. 1000 ATB from allies is also pretty manageable. The lack of recoil damage may also make Vampiric Wrath a bit less useless? Still seems like something very underwhelming, but now I'm slightly curious.


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #111 on: December 04, 2015, 04:26:34 AM »
Vampiric Wrath skill only triggers when she is damaged from enemies' attacks which she must be weak to so recoil damage doesn't count. Honestly, the skill would look okay on paper during the main game but from postgame onwards, it is basically pointless.

To take full advantage of Vampric Wrath, you must raise her Elemental Resistance to around 80. Any higher than that and it will not be considered weak. (Not sure) At around postgame, enemies will have higher and even higher ATK or MAG while you are still stuck at around 80 Elemental Resistance, meaning Flandre will always be one-shotted even from weakest multi-target attacks or even if you raise her HP up to counteract her non-existent defenses, considering her good HP growth. It is too risky and doesn't worth it.

Speaking of which, does the Vampiric Wrath skill triggers if the damage number isn't shown to be red?
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 04:30:11 AM by Kageshirou »


  • Envoy of Balance
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #112 on: December 04, 2015, 04:50:22 AM »
I remember doing a count on elements in LoT1 before but I don't remember where it was... Anyways from what I do recall though, FIR and CLD are the best elements there, with CLD being slightly better for bosses and FIR being slightly better in randoms (but both have a truckload of enemies weak to them either way). SPI has few boss weaks but hits a lot of randoms too. WND has very few weaknesses but the random mobs that it hits for weaknesses actually tend to be sturdy enough that it can be really appreciated. NTR and MYS pretty much just suck.

EDIT: Found my count for randoms. No idea where my count for bosses are though.

FIR: 55 weak, 35 resist
CLD: 38 weak, 48 resist
WND: 14 weak, 57 resist
NTR: 8 weak, 62 resist
MYS: 12 weak, 70 resist
SPI: 37 weak, 46 resist

LoT2 I never really did any counting, but from what I remember Dark has quite a number of bosses weak to it, while NTR is the best against mobs. Since each stratum tends to be focused on being weak to one or two specific elements though, it's usually good enough to just bring a bunch of people that can hit those elements whenever you hit a new one.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 05:07:55 AM by RegalStar »


  • Umiiro Shoujo ni Miserarete
  • Umi is love, Umi is life
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #113 on: December 04, 2015, 08:03:50 AM »
I'd be all for that, I've been itching to try out one of those for a long time. Don't really now how to get people together though, and everyone I've introduced to LoT by myself hasn't finished the game (or really have gotten close to it) so a character draft there wouldn't make that much sense. But yeah, I'd totally be up for a character draft. (preferably LoT2 instead of LoT1, but either is fine by me)
I'm totally down to do a character draft with bans and what not. I'm not too sure how I would want to go about doing it but I do have some ideas. I know for sure I'd want more than just two people picking and banning.

Maybe have this be a 3 person thing, each person bans 4 and then we rotate picks through the rest of the cast? Actually, probably should make it so each person bans 3 and we just have 3 auto banned characters. Like Nitori, Flandre, and .... Aya? Byakuren? Hina? I'm actually not too sure who the 3rd auto banned character should be. I guess it could even be just 3 characters that all 3 players agree to ban on principle.

Thinking about it some more, I think this should just be the main game, as I can't imagine doing the post game content at challenge level with sub optimal teams.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #114 on: December 04, 2015, 09:42:52 AM »
Vampiric Wrath skill only triggers when she is damaged from enemies' attacks which she must be weak to so recoil damage doesn't count.
What I meant by the part about recoil is that because a MAG Flan wouldn't keep knocking herself to critical with recoil, she would actually be able to take the hit to activate it. It's still a lame skill but it would at least be possible to use.
But urgh. Post game with low resists makes it completely useless again.

Anyway, I don't think just counting resists and weaknesses like that is fair because you're counting a 120 as if was the same as a 500.

So CLD is the best offensive element. SPI is the second best, somehow. FIR comes as a third.
WND and NTR are the best monotype elements, hitting very few significant resists.
And MYS is only good because Master Sparks and Moonlight Ray are fantastic spells that are very much worth using against those light resists.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 10:44:33 AM by Ryin »


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #115 on: December 04, 2015, 11:39:03 AM »
Patchy is way too STRONK...taking out half of Giant's health with Royal Flare maxed levels, maxed buffs, Grand Incantation boost and Gambler's high cost skill.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 12:13:46 PM by Kageshirou »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #116 on: December 04, 2015, 01:14:18 PM »
I'm totally down to do a character draft with bans and what not. I'm not too sure how I would want to go about doing it but I do have some ideas. I know for sure I'd want more than just two people picking and banning.

Maybe have this be a 3 person thing, each person bans 4 and then we rotate picks through the rest of the cast? Actually, probably should make it so each person bans 3 and we just have 3 auto banned characters. Like Nitori, Flandre, and .... Aya? Byakuren? Hina? I'm actually not too sure who the 3rd auto banned character should be. I guess it could even be just 3 characters that all 3 players agree to ban on principle.

Thinking about it some more, I think this should just be the main game, as I can't imagine doing the post game content at challenge level with sub optimal teams.

Awesome! And I do agree with the whole banning out of principle part. And I'd also like atleast one more person, yeah. (Would be interesting to do a character draft with four people, but that doesn't really work because of bans)

Patchy is way too STRONK...taking out half of Giant's health with Royal Flare maxed levels, maxed buffs, Grand Incantation boost and Gambler's high cost skill.

I mean, considering the whole setup you have and the fact that the Azure Giant has literally 100 Mind... seems logical to me, pff.


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #117 on: December 04, 2015, 01:44:38 PM »
Awesome! And I do agree with the whole banning out of principle part. And I'd also like atleast one more person, yeah. (Would be interesting to do a character draft with four people, but that doesn't really work because of bans)

Just telling, if there is an empty space left, I'm down for the banning too.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 01:46:34 PM by Kageshirou »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #118 on: December 04, 2015, 01:45:08 PM »
I mean, considering the whole setup you have and the fact that the Azure Giant has literally 100 Mind... seems logical to me, pff.
It seems like terrible game design to me (^:
No matter how strong a character is, they shouldn't be able to trivialize fights with damage alone. Well, maybe one or two battles. But taking out more than a quarter of the boss' health in one hit is kind of the norm in LoT2. (still, LoT2 is a good game and a lot better than pretty much 90% of the RPGs out there...)
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 01:47:48 PM by Ryin »


  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 15F
« Reply #119 on: December 04, 2015, 01:54:16 PM »
So CLD is the best offensive element. SPI is the second best, somehow. FIR comes as a third.
WND and NTR are the best monotype elements, hitting very few significant resists.
Hm... Interesting. And kind of funny. During my first playthrough i built my Cirno as an ATK based sweeper and she held that spot all the way to 20F. What she didn't hurt significantly with Diamond Blizzard, was very often left paralyzed, so other members of my sweeper team could finish off quite easily. Considering her really good speed growth, she usually went first in battles and cryofreezed everything.

Hm... All this LoT talk kinda makes me want to replay LoT 2 again.
Not sure what team tho... Actually non-synergy run might work. I.e. i can't use any characters that has any synergy passives with other characters, like Team ⑨ and such. Including Last Fortress.
So i can use Reimu, Rinnosuke, Momiji, Youmu, Kogasa, Minoriko, Komachi, Nitori, Parsee, Aya, Kasen, Hina,  Suika, Yuyuko, Yuuka, Byakuren (it's weird that Nazrin has Myouren Temple passive, but Byakuren does not. Anyway, not including her) and Eiki.
Hm... Looks somewhat playable and looks like i'll have to get really crafty with subclasses. Should be fun.
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