Getting the gift done and sent ended up being quite an ordeal. Based on Helepolis' past gifts, I had been entertaining the idea of a sending something involving a puzzle of some sort. I had even considered the lock + lockpicks one, but rejected that because of doubts about the legality (hence my surprise when Hele did exactly that).
Drawing Tamashii, who was an Undertale fan, gave me the perfect opportunity to go overboard with this, moreso because I was also a fan and soon had all kinds of ideas for it.
But just then a selection process for a teaching position opened up and I got very busy studying and traveling out of state to take it. So when I was free again I had to go around buying lunchboxes, making holes in for locks in them, printing stuff and assembling everything. (I had to give up on some ideas in the end, like the snake-in-a-can with Flowey's face that springs out and throws "friendliness tic-tacs" on you. =p)
It was way after the international deadline when I managed to sent it, and then I was worrying whether it wouldn't arrive super late, if it wouldn't be stopped at the border for all the suspicious locked boxes inside, if the lollipops wouldn't melt, and lastly if my partner wouldn't find the puzzle thing too dumb or boring.
Fortunately, none of that happened. Seeing some of the other gifts, I kinda feel I should've sent more stuff, but the "experience" factor seemed to have been pretty successful.

I told my girlfriend to remember me to not got through this kind of trouble next time, but who am I kidding, I'll probably do it anyway. (●`‿?●)
Nietz detected.
Hey, I have a
reputation to maintain. (danbooru link)
Wait, so while you actually were speaking in Japanese, she refused to speak back in Japanese and kept putting up English!? Why?
Happens annoyingly often, especially in Tokyo. A lot less elsewhere though. I guess it might be that they're used to getting tourists who can't speak Japanese or have only a few phrases memorized. Cultural stubbornness about foreigners not being supposed to speak Japanese also definitely plays a part though.