Author Topic: Touhoucon 2015 - Takahiro Hojo Panel  (Read 2521 times)


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Touhoucon 2015 - Takahiro Hojo Panel
« on: September 23, 2015, 10:56:50 PM »
AKA Reitaisai President. Video courtesy of sedrife.

Main talk is about Reitaisai organization and events related to Reitaisai. There is a very short Q&A section at end that may be of interest to some people.

Copy and paste of my comment in Youtube:
One comment about Reitaisai that could apply even to Comiket. The design is very commercial. Artists make and sell things much like a flea market or something similar. Events within the convention happen, but it's mostly a trade event, mingling with fans and creators, and cosplay stuff. And this lasts for a mere 6 hours for 1 day in the case of Reitaisai. It gets the job done, and it is a different kind of gathering in general.

Now if you've been to a US con, you know what that's like. Events run throughout the day, you pick and choose which you want to go to, and of course the commercial buy and sell and cosplay. And of course, the standard course is over 3 days. For some people, it tends to get dragged out since the main events are on day 1 and 2 with day 3 being a closing ceremony. To others, it's just a blast regardless. To me anyway, it ends up being a bit more interactive and immersive compared to when I went to Reisaitai 12 since it's more than just a market fair. Anyway, enough about that.

I'm definitely going to have to give Touhoucon a try next year.