Author Topic: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)  (Read 96862 times)


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #90 on: September 25, 2009, 04:58:24 AM »
Oh my. How does one perceive in black-and-white?

This is interesting. (They've stepped into the pages of a doujin! :O)


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #91 on: September 25, 2009, 11:57:40 AM »
Wow, this is starting to remind me of Magic Pengel. :)

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #92 on: September 25, 2009, 03:00:48 PM »
I'm gonna guess that out of the forbidden template, the answer is C. Yukari is fooling ar-- ... wait.

Bias Bus

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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #93 on: September 25, 2009, 06:12:45 PM »
(They've stepped into the pages of a doujin! :O)
Big Bad is going to be a crazed youkai manga artist

Also, I'm glad to see that what is one of my favorite stories back in action~
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #94 on: September 28, 2009, 08:21:19 PM »
Chapter 3

?Well, this is different.? I mused out loud. ?I think the three of us are the only things with colour in Gensokyo.?

?You sure are stating the obvious today.? Yuka commented.

?Apparently I am.? I dryly replied. ?So, do you have a plan on what to do??

Yuka turned to look at me. ?No. I don?t. But I?m sure a lead will appear soon enough. They always do.?

I shrugged. ?If you insist.? Turning at Kikuri, it was obvious she had nothing to contribute since she was more preoccupied with poking a black and white sunflower.

?I wonder if other people in Gensokyo are in colour or if it?s just us since we weren?t technically in Gensokyo?? I queried out loud.

Yuka looked at me for a few seconds before shrugging. ?Does it really matter??

?Well, yes. If we?re the only ones in colour then it means we?ll be a prime target for any other vigilantes trying to solve things.? I explained my concerns to Yuka.

Yuka chuckled menacingly. ?You make that sound like it?s a bad thing.?

Oh yeah, of course. Should have expected that.

I looked around, still rather amused at the lack of colour. There was a sense of irony that the Scarlet Devil Mansion was currently the Gray Devil Mansion. Judging by the appearance of things, it certainly wasn?t a repeat offender behind the incident since there?s no one who has the ability that could do something like this; not that I could think of anyway.

A few minutes passed where the three of us did very little but stand around waiting for something to happen to no success.

?So about that lead, Yuka?? I dryly remarked. ?I?ve not seen it yet.?

Yuka turned to look at me. ?If you know what?s best for you, you?ll shut up.?

?Yes, Miss.? I mumbled, enjoying my almost-exclusive ability to be able to wind up Yuka and remain alive.

?Maybe? maybe we should go to the shrine or something...?? Kikuri quietly suggested.

?Why should we do that?? Yuka queried, turning to face her former murderer.

Kikuri quickly stepped back in a panic and shrugged. ?I don?t know! I was just an idea? I thought we might find someone else there who had some information.?

?Stop acting so pitiful, I?m not going to hurt you. Have some confidence.? Yuka nagged.

?Yes Miss Kazam- Miss Yuka.? Kikuri stammered causing Yuka to turn around with a frustrated sigh.

?Surely it can?t hurt to just fly around a bit anyway?? I considered it my turn to put forward an idea. ?If we?re the only people in colour then everyone is going to see us standing out and like you said, they?re going to attack us. You can beat them up and then we?ll get some leads on who could be behind it.?

Thirty two years experience says she?ll go for the idea.

Yuka rubbed her chin with her free hand. ?I suppose of all the options we?re faced with right now, this would be the best option.?

Ding ding ding, success!

?Shall we head towards the shrine like Kikuri suggested then?? I asked.

Yuka took to the air and turned around. ?I believe that might be for the best, we cover a lot of distance and we?ll go past a good number of places where we might be spotted. Now hurry up.?

Making sure Kikuri was following Yuka; I hovered up and followed the two on whatever journey Yuka had planned.

Not only to Yuka?s disapproval but also mine, the trip was amazingly uneventful. The highlight of the journey was when we spotted a black and white Keine leading her group of students through the village. Though we stayed at a distance, she noticed us and waved. Soon afterwards she shrugged, signalling her idea of what was going on. Yuka was more annoyed in the fact that Keine didn?t seem to care that we were in colour and that she went back to her work.

?This has to be one of the most boring disasters to have even occurred in Gensokyo.? I commented out loud.

?It must be bad if you?re moaning about it being uneventful.? Yuka sneered. ?Anyway, it?s not as bad as you think.?

?What do you mean?? I asked, noticing Kikuri gain some interest too.

Yuka didn?t bother turning around to explain, she only continued to fly forward.?We?re being followed. Don?t bother turning to look, let them follow. It was only that Night Sparrow and insect at first, but there are a fair number of them following us now, even that irritating Tengu.?

?What? Really?? Kikuri was quick to speak up. ?I don?t want them to surprise me??

?Relax. If they have half a brain cell then they?ll follow us to see what we?re doing first.? Yuka spoke out with an air of superiority.

I sighed. ?Ever thought that everyone might not be? a tactical genius like you??

?Well, they also know better than to try and sneak up on me. They?ll know what will happen to them.? Yuka giggled slightly as she finished.

Fortunately, the one advantage of having an eventless journey was that we were already approaching the shrine, although after discreetly looking back a few times I noticed that there was a number, at least ten, of people following us. Extra trouble was really the last thing we needed.

The shrine was clearly abandoned as we approached, a large lock was sitting on the main door into the shrine, all the lights were out and there was no one sitting at the front drinking tea. The fact there was no movement at all made me suspect that our initial plan was wrong, there was no one else here trying to solve the incident to get information from.

?Hey, Yuka. There?s no one here to talk to. Not wanting to rush you but shouldn?t we keep moving, we don?t really what that crowd bothering us.? I queried the youkai.

?You?re getting worried as well?? Yuka sighed. ?I thought I brought you up to be a bit braver??

What.... Am I a kid now?

Landing near the building?s donation box, Yuka walked up to the shrine itself. ?Let?s have a break now. I?m sure there?ll be some tea around here somewhere.?

?I believe the shrine is locked to state ?No entry?.? I commented.

Yuka grabbed the lock and ripped it clean off the floor, turning around she gave an apathetic noise before carelessly discarding the broken object.

?Well well, ?Colourful Culprits try to ambush Shrine Maiden!? Well you?re too late, she?s not here!? A new voice called out causing the three of us to look at its source.

Oh great, her.

Standing on top of a nearby tree was Aya Shameimaru, rogue journalist of Gensokyo. Well known for her newspaper, the Bunbunmaru, and her fabrications, she lives her life annoying Gensokyo?s residents while seeking something new to write about.

?We know she?s not here, they went on holiday.? I shouted back.

?Colourful Culprits attempt to loot abandoned shrine!? Obviously the Tengu had misinterpreted the facts as usual and was trying to get her latest scoop.

?If you?re looking for the ones who have taken all of the colour, we?re not the ones you?re after; we?re looking for them too.? I shouted back.

Aya laughed. ?A likely story! You still have colour, not only does it incriminate you as the cause but it also removes the main reason for you to want to get involved.?

?Or it could just be that I?m with Yuka and she?ll take any excuse to fight anyone.? I countered.

Aya paused for a moment. ?I?ll give you that one however it?s still most likely you?re the cause, so give me one good reason I shouldn?t take you down right now!?

Why does she care that much? She was mostly black and white anyway.

?We don?t have to tell you anything, crow.? Yuka snapped out.

?I beg to differ. There are a good number of us here that want Gensokyo back in colour, and we?ll happily walk over all three of you if there?s the chance we can get it back.? Aya laughed somewhat as a few more youkai revealed themselves such as Rumia, Nitori and even Cirno and her friend Daiyousei.

Yuka grinned menacingly. ?Small fry, huh? Bring it.?

?Strength in numbers, Miss Kazami, strength in numbers?? Aya mocked.

Yuka quickly grabbed my shoulder and leap high into the air, giving us a good vantage of how many there really were. Guessing there was at least forty youkai and other various magical creatures hidden amongst the trees and behind various objects, I began to feel a little overwhelmed. Fine, Yuka was one of the single most powerful beings in existence, but she lost all of that when she was reborn, and thirty years of power isn?t much compared to the one and a half millennia worth of power she once had. I was even worse than that, Yuka had a much better head for fighting and my offensive power was really rather useless. Fortunately, my ability to manipulate light helps to supplement Yuka?s manipulation of flowers, and the fact I?ve lived with her since I became a youkai has unintentionally allowed me to dodge projectiles rather well.

?A forty versus two battle, huh?? I mumbled. ?This really isn?t going to go well, you know??

?Stop being so pessimistic, we can do this.? Yuka lightly hit me.

I was surprised to see that Kikuri was flying up to us with a worried expression. ?Can we not fight for once??? She asked quietly.

?Sorry Kikuri, but none of these are going to take the peaceful approach.?

Kikuri nervously muttered and began looking around whilst Yuka threw her parasol into the air. As the object left her hand, she threw her arms forward and summoned a torrent of large sunflowers that spiralled down to the ground, accompanied by a large amount of petals, effectively creating a smoke screen between us and everyone on the ground.

A few yells of pain had emerged already from a single attack, which gave me some relief since it means some of our opponents weren?t skilled at all but the fact a large barrage of various bullets including shards of ice began to narrowly miss us made sure that the fight was far from over.

?That?s the best you?ve got?? Aya shouted as a large tornado appeared below us, sucking all of the petals out of the air and wiping them from existence leaving us in plain sight.

Oh yeah, manipulation of wind. Not the best thing to be going against in these conditions.

As Yuka and the attackers traded another volley of projectiles, I looked around for Kikuri who was still dodging. I was quite surprised that Kikuri had flown up to join us; usually she avoids fighting at all costs despite potentially being one of the most powerful beings in Gensokyo. Her ability is the ability to manipulate others, which worked fine for her was she was in a disabled state and also when she as a spirit, but now she?s mobile and fit for fighting it can prove as a hindrance; she has to maintain physical contact to control them and she became even more traumatised by fighting after manipulating Mokou Fujiwara into using Fujiwara Volcano and taking herself out in the same explosion.

?Miss Yuka? Haru?? She said quietly after a few seconds.

?What is it, Kikuri? We?re kind of busy.? I replied, barely missing an extremely fast red projectile fired by Aya.

Kikuri continued to speak quietly and slowly, which was really the last thing I wanted. ?There?s? there?s colour in the side of that mountain over there.?

?There?s what!?? Yuka shouted.

?Look over there, in the side of the mountain there?s a cave or something, and the entrance around the cave is in colour.? Kikuri explained.

Diving backwards, Yuka risked a look. ?So there is. I wonder if that?s where they are then.?

?It-? I formed a barrier of light to temporarily block an unavoidable storm of bullets. ?It could well be. Shame we?re too busy.?

?But if everyone fights here, no one will be able to take care of the real villain?? Kikuri mumbled.

?Maybe so. That?s how it?s gonna be, I guess.?

?Hmm?? I heard Kikuri mumble something in thought. ?I know??

Whatever Kikuri was mumbling, I didn?t make out since Yuka and I had noticed Aya charging towards us at a ridiculous speed.

?Ready for this?! Wind God! Storm Day!? Aya yelled with a large grin as she drew a spell card.

Point blank? With other people attacking too? Not good.

What I hadn?t expected to happen however was for Kikuri to suddenly plummet down towards Aya.

I heard Yuka speak beside me. ?I knew she?d do it.?

Knew, or hoped?

Aya?s face obviously showed that she was taken by surprise by Kikuri?s sudden movement, who continued to calmly plummet down with her long sandy hair almost looking like a cape.

Unable to activate her card in time, Kikuri held her arm out to the side and made contact as she flew past.

There we go.

Of course, with Kikuri?s problems in combat, it came down to Yuka and I to find a solution to the problem. In the end, we discovered she could use her ability effectively manipulate them to ?lend? their powers. Effectively, she gains the same powers and skills they do, temporarily anyway.

?How?s this for a scoop? Reputed reporter blown away by her own magic?!? Kikuri?s voice yelled, sounding more arrogant that usual. That was the side-effect of her ability, when she borrows someone?s power she always seemed to have her personality affected too.

Aya quickly stopped her charge towards us to look down at the rapidly approaching Kikuri, unfortunately for the fastest Tengu in Gensokyo she wasn?t fast enough this time and as Kikuri blasted by once more, she was sent spinning out of control.

The suddenly-confident youkai stopped in front of Yuka and I and winked. "Looks like I?ve had to save you, you owe me one! I?ll take care of these; you get around to ending this incident!?

?Don?t be stupid, I?m fighting too.? Yuka nagged.

?Not this time, Yuka. You need to be ready to take down whoever is causing this!? Kikuri for once was telling Yuka what to do, which was amusing in its own way.

Kikuri began to spin faster and faster, visibly causing wind to appear around her and continuing to build up. Once the wind was practically roaring around her she suddenly stopped, facing us, she pointed her hand at us and suddenly we found ourselves being blown backwards at an unreal speed.

As we were flying backwards in the direction of the mountain there was a patch of colour at, we watched as Kikuri arrogantly dodged a few volleys of bullets before diving back into the fray, sure it was a good distraction move, but I wasn?t that confident on her chances to win. Regardless she had given us a chance to get things sorted so I was sure to make to most of it.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 08:29:23 PM by Mima »


Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #95 on: September 28, 2009, 08:29:39 PM »
Humourous to start, interesting finish, waiting patiently to see how this new storyline pans out in the future.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #96 on: September 29, 2009, 02:21:16 AM »
Heh. I'm amused by Haru's JUST AS PLANNED moments ...


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #97 on: September 30, 2009, 05:41:54 PM »
Reputed Reporter Ruined by Reflected Reactions of Reincarnated SOMETHING THAT STARTS WITH R


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #98 on: October 01, 2009, 02:13:20 AM »
Chapter 4

It was as Kikuri said. The entrance to the cave was definitely in colour. It was difficult to make out since the colour only started a metre or so away from where the darkness reigned but there was certainly colour present.

?I suppose we?ve gotta go in there?? I asked Yuka, even though the answer was really quite obvious.

?I would say so. Yes.? Yuka commented as she stared at the entrance to the cave.

No sarcasm or anything? That makes a change.

?Of course, we can?t do anything until you light the way.? Yuka quietly commented.

If I didn?t know better, I?d say she could read my mind.

With a click of my fingers, small orbs of concentrated light began to gather above my outstretched hand, conveniently giving me a make-shift lamp to explore the cave with.

Leading the way forward and making sure Yuka was following me as she let her parasol down, I began to slowly make my way through the darkness. The caverns didn?t appear to have been used a great deal, nor were they newly burrowed into the side of the mountain; the various cobwebs that kept attacking my face were evidence of that. The tunnel we were following also didn?t seem too habitable due to the ever-lowering roof that forced me lower and lower as we progressed.

?Well, if this decline continues and we don?t find something soon then there?s no one here or they?re very very small?? I commented.

Yuka poked me with the handle of her parasol. ?Keep going and we?ll find out.?

About half a minute later, the ceiling had dropped to the point where I?d have to crawl to get any further.

?Surely not. We can?t go any further.? I complained.

?Off you go, keep going. Until your face hits a face we?re not done.? Yuka ordered as she continued to poke me with her accessory.

I sighed at the predicament. ?While you wait here, I presume??

?Of course, I?d just hold things up and get dirty. ? Yuka replied in a bitter-sweet voice.

Grumbling, I got on my hands and knees and slowly pulled myself through the tunnel whilst hoping I would find the end quickly so I could get out of this uncomfortable place.

Only a few seconds after I had first entered the tunnel, Yuka shouted. ?See anything yet??

?No, dear. I don?t see anything at all.? I shouted back, my voice filled with more sarcasm than usual. ?Look, the tunnel takes a corner here. If there?s nothing around here then I?m coming out.?

I continued to struggle down the passage and around the corner when I saw something that surprised me. ?Whoa! Hey, Yuka!?

?What? What is it?? Yuka shouted back excitedly.

?There?s a room, a huge room!? I shouted again as I picked myself up from the floor and looked around.

I wondered what Yuka would do when she shouted back. ?Alright, I?m coming through!?

Through the wall or something?

I waited patiently, almost bracing for the potential shattering of the wall as Yuka barged through it but was pleasantly surprised to see a head of green hair appear from the crevice I had just travelled through.

?My, my. That?s awfully undignified for you, Yuka.? I sneered, trying to hide my grin.

?It?s only a little dirt. You were probably expecting me to blow the wall down, in which case the roof would have collapsed and then there?d be a little more than ?a little dirt?.? She sneered back.

I shrugged. ?If you insist.?

Yuka took a few steps forwards and looked around. ?This is certainly a better sign. The chances of finding someone just increased.?

Walking beside Yuka, I nodded. ?Yeah, if you look over there there seems to be a passage. Looks to be the only way out though.?

?I see. Well let?s head over there then.? The flower youkai said as she began marching.

As we continued through the spacious room, I began to notice something strange. One of a youkai?s abilities is being able to detect others, or rather their power, and for some reason I was sensing the energies of two people instead of the usual one.

?We?re being followed again.? Yuka whispered.

I turned around quickly and looked. ?We?re not.  There?s no one there.?

Yuka shook her head. ?Don?t believe your eyes. There?s definitely someone th-?

?Freeze, pals. You ain?t going no further.? A third voice spoke from behind you.

Yuka looked to the side slightly. ?Manipulating colours, invisible.?

?You?re pretty quick, ain?t ya?? The mystery attacker laughed. ?Never thought the famous shrine maiden intuition was this quick.?

?Shrine? maiden??? I whispered to Yuka, who simply shrugged at me.

?Gotta stop ya here though. Can?t afford having you wander round and stir things up and I don?t like losing either.? The unknown adversary laughed confidently.

?You think that? I dare you.? Yuka grinned before lunging around, parasol in hand, swiping at whoever was talking.

?Whoa, you?re a feisty one! Don?t remember the last one being this vicious!? The girl?s voice grew more distant, suggesting she had leapt back.

Yuka cackled maniacally as she left back and up into the air, brandishing her parasol and unleashed her infamous Master Spark, causing a gigantic laser to roar across the room towards the voice?s source. Since there were no yells of pain I noticed Yuka began to erratically wave the spark around in hope of catching her.

?Such a coward, hiding from sight so she won?t get hurt. Sickening.? Yuka spat, unhappy with her failure of an attack.

Flying behind Yuka so we were back to back, I waited for a moment before noticing a series of pink orbs flying from our direction, a distinct ?vwoop? noise accompanying each one as they appeared. Grabbing Yuka, I flew to the right causing the projectiles to barely miss Yuka.

?You had better be glad they missed me.? Yuka growled.

?Let?s concentrate on taking down whoever this is before turning on me, shall we?!? I shouted in a panic. ?She?s over there, the bullets came from there!?

Summoning a swarm of flowers, Yuka slammed them forwards like a wall of daggers causing them to slam into the ground and yet again there was no sign of a hit.

?How do we hit something we can?t see!?? I continued to panic slightly. Holding my hand into the air, I summoned another orb of light causing the room to lighten slightly.

?Got you!? Yuka yelled as she bombarded towards the ground and threw her fist forwards, visibly hitting something.

Seeing a small amount of dust rise from where the invisible attacker had hit the wall, said person cried out. ?Ow! That really really hurt! Watch it!?

Yuka giggled evilly. ?Do that again, Haru.?

?Do what? You hit her, not me.? I commented.

?No, make the room lighter.? She nodded confidently.

Gathering another orb of light and throwing it into the air, I watched as Yuka threw a series of projectiles in a random direction and saw what she meant.

Every time the colours of the room changed, our unknown attacker had to adjust to the new colour and the delay on that change was enough for her to stand out for a few seconds allowing Yuka to aim her attacks.

There was another cry of pain. ?Ow! What the hell!? Why do flowers hurt so much?!?

It only took another cycle of changing the light and Yuka launching a large laser at the silhouette before the unknown adversary yelled in frustration. ?This is stupid! It?s unfair! I?m off?! Hey? Wait a second??

There was an awkward pause as she looked at us.

?I can see you now; you aren?t the shrine maiden and her boyfriend... Oh god? you?re... Oh man this isn?t good!?

Obviously, the darkness of the cave was also a hindrance for our attacker and she?d mistaken us for someone else and was now panicking having realised who we were.

Yuka?s reputation must be pretty bad if new youkai recognise and fear her.

Interrupting the brief calm, Yuka yelled out an order. ?Quick, again Haru!? Yuka nudged me, prompting me to once again manipulate the light and thus showing the silhouette making a run for the passage I had spotted earlier.

Yuka summoned a ridiculously large sunflower and threw it towards the passage causing a shriek of fear from our attacker and causing her to dive into the passageway. Gradually I felt her energy grow weaker suggested that we weren?t at the end of this cave yet.

?Damn. I missed.? Yuka mused out loud before landing. ?Come on now Haru, time to wrap things up.?

?Right.? Noting that despite the amount of urgency that had just taken place, Yuka was walking at her normal, casual speed towards the passage.

?I?m kind of surprised really.? I said out loud as we walked through the tighter corridor. ?Solving incidents is kind of easy.?

?Don?t get too over-confident. We?re not done yet.? Yuka spoke with a hint of seriousness to her voice. ?There?s still at least one more to go.?

?How can you tell?? I asked, wondering what she was thinking.

Yuka looked at me for a moment. ?The things she said and how she said them. She was hiding something and seemed to be quite worried. I believe there?s still one more person to go through, at least. Also, there?s something bugging me and I don?t know what.?

Nodding in acknowledgement, I walked beside Yuka for a minute or so through the winding passage until we turned a final, tight corner and stopped in amazement.

Gone was the normal brown and gray rock that decorated the rest of the mountain. This room looked like something out of a movie; filled with various electrical equipment ranging from a couple of computers to a swarm of flashing lights and panels on the walls.

Please don?t be an apocalyptic robot youkai. That would be painful.

?Well. This is most unexpected. I hadn?t predicted things to turn out this way.? Another new voice called out, almost familiar.

?We haven?t even started our incident yet and here you are to stop us, and yet you?re not who we expected to stop us. We expected the usual tradition of a shrine maiden coming to save the day, not? you two.? The new, formal voice explained, the source sitting in a large chair that obstructed all view of the speaker.

?You two?? I hope that?s not an insult.

?Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was? magic.? The voice laughed slightly. ?Does it really matter??

There was a pause of confusion and silence.

?Ah, who cares??? The voice laughed before the chair spun around to face us, allowing us to see who was addressing us.

No? way?

Stood in front of us, red cape somehow blowing to the side was the red dress wearing, red-haired scientist herself. Yumemi Okazaki.

?Long time, no see.?

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #99 on: October 01, 2009, 02:29:27 AM »
I think my favorite line is "Why do flowers hurt so much!?"

Also, oh dear, the humans have discovered optical camoflage. :<


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #100 on: October 01, 2009, 04:48:13 AM »
Oh my. She must be in her mid-50s to early 70s (like that huge ballpark figure? I'm good at math hur hur)

But why is she draining color from Gensokyo? Does she need another 256 colors for her magic research computer? :O

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #101 on: October 01, 2009, 05:19:54 AM »
Reputed Reporter Ruined by Reflected Reactions of Reincarnated SOMETHING THAT STARTS WITH R

Uh... Recreant :P
(which can mean "coward", though Kikuri doesn't seem too cowardly)

I was expecting Yumemi and Chiyuri to come out sooner or later, but I hadn't expected them to be the perpetrators of this incident.

In the words of Haru,
?This has to be one of the most boring disasters to have ever occurred in Gensokyo.?

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #102 on: October 01, 2009, 05:22:35 AM »
Now I'm imagining Haru looking like Kyon.

Bias Bus

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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #103 on: October 01, 2009, 05:37:04 AM »
Now I'm imagining Haru looking like Kyon.
I always thought he was something of a Kyon, given the method of narration and all.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Nine West

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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #104 on: October 01, 2009, 05:38:57 AM »
Yumemi again

Now I've got to read this fic.

Paul Debrion

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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #105 on: October 02, 2009, 04:55:04 PM »
Just got done reading everything from start to current chapter.

Love the sense of humor and resourceful use of characters.

I haven't seen fanfiction this good in quite a while.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 04:56:51 PM by paul1290 »
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #106 on: October 02, 2009, 11:09:39 PM »
Just got done reading everything from start to current chapter.

Love the sense of humor and resourceful use of characters.

I haven't seen fanfiction this good in quite a while.

I second that. Definite support for this one.


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #107 on: October 20, 2009, 02:16:53 AM »
Two weeks gone by without an update or a comment. For shame, people! A story this well-thought-out needs more circulation.

Forum Sign - Bump!


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #108 on: October 20, 2009, 11:16:00 AM »
Thanks for the bump. It's always sad to see your own topic descend through the pages and hacing no content to update it with. I've in somewhat of a block at the moment and trying to get back into it. Since I have some free time, I thought I'd just talk about the story in general for a while.

RiG4 is, as currently planned, actually two stories. The first story is, as you've possibly predicted, coming to a close. 4 chapters max and it's done. After that, the second story will start and take place a few months later the current events.

Fun facts

Yuka was originally going to be Yukari. Yukari was the main character in many stories at that time so I went for someone a lot less known, cue Yuka and I've never looked back since.

RiG1 originally had no ending.

That goes for most of RiG1, little to nothing was planned and was made up at the time of writing.

When the ending to the first was planned, Haru was just gonna die and end the story. Got too attached to the story and went for the more appropriate ending and thus sequels.

Chiyuri and Yumemi weren't going to be in RiG2 until very late in. I had a more violent story planned where one of Yuka's walkabouts got her in trouble with a bad gang ending up in Haru 'returning the favour' of being protected from Flandre by saving Yuka and getting injured (most likely a stab wound) in the process. The end bit woulda been the same, last bit of strength to get Yuka her power back, fall etc.

It took a while to give RiG3's antagonist an identity. While strongly considering commiting the sin of making an OC, I was flicked through PC-98 characters and saww Kikuri or rather that purple shadow around her, instantly she was chosen to be remade.

Yukari was always set to be doomed, bye bye.

Yuka was iffy, I changed my mind many times over whether to do it or not.

In the end I went for the middle ground, she was originally going to stay dead for ~35 years but I felt a much sooner resurrection would make the ending much nicer, after all, RiG3 had been dark enough already.

The release of UFO set back my plans for RiG4 causing some details to require rethinking.

Kurumi still hasn't appeared, maybe Haru hasn't even met her yet but geographically I have her placed on an island to the left of the portal if you're leaving Mugenkan so he walks by her house every time he enters/exits Mugenkan.

I did actually wonder whether to give an excuse at some point by making Kurumi a vampire unable to go out in daylight and is afraid of the dark thus her lack of appearance, never went through with it.

Yeah, I don't know why I did this but what the hell. least it shows I haven't vanished. :V


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #109 on: October 20, 2009, 04:19:40 PM »
Writing for the sake of writing always has its place. The act of creating and shaping a story, with the intent of entertaining others, is never a shameful act. There aren't enough literate writers around, ones capable of producing worth-while material. That's why I'm prowling this board and encouraging everyone who has a decent story to continue, and why I'm trying to improve my writing skills. World needs more literature, and less Michael Bay Special Effects Marathons.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #110 on: October 20, 2009, 09:04:23 PM »
Two weeks gone by without an update or a comment. For shame, people! A story this well-thought-out needs more circulation.

Forum Sign - Bump!

Its not that I didn't want to comment, I was just waiting until the next chapter and/or post.

Anyways, I like this series a lot. =D

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #111 on: December 02, 2009, 02:29:35 AM »
Chapter 5

I was shocked. Shocked to the point where I couldn?t find myself able to speak for a moment. Stood in front of me, looking younger than when I last saw her despite that being over thirty years ago, was Yumemi Okazaki: The scientist who helped  Yuka and I escape from the human world when we were trapped there as humans as a result of one of Yukari Yakumo?s games.

?You look like you?ve never seen a human-turned-youkai before.? Yumemi spoke out with a triumphant grin. ?Is it really that much of a shock??

?Well?? I managed. ?Well, I just wasn?t expecting it to be you? behind the incident.?

Yumemi chortled. ?Of course. You really think I?d enter Gensokyo without a bang? I did it last time.?

?Well, yes. It?s more the fact I wasn?t exactly expecting you to?? I hesitated for some reason.

?Die? Well, yes. There were some? minor problems, one thing led to another and here I am.?

Shrugging, I answered back. ?Minor problems??

?I?ll tell you another time. It?d kill the mood.? She grinned.

Finally, Yuka spoke out with some signs of amusement in her voice. ?Is your friend going to appear now, or is she going to keep hiding??

?Eh!? The now-familiar voice of our previous attacker shouted out as she slowly appeared due to her camouflage fading. ?You knew I was here all along??

Yuka sighed. ?You?re using your powers to be invisible. It doesn?t take much to be able to sense your there.?

?Bah.? The girl muttered.

?I have a question for you two.? Yumemi spoke out.

I nodded. ?Go ahead.?

?Why are you here?? She looked at us curiously.

Confused, I looked at Yuka who just shrugged, leaving us in an awkward silence.

?I mean, I heard that the Hakurei Shrine Maidens were good at sensing disasters but? we haven?t even started yet.?

We continued to do nothing, unsure of what to say until Yumemi spoke again. ?You mean? something did happen??

I nodded. ?Yeah, that?s why we?re here. All of Gensokyo is in black and white.?

Yumemi?s face suddenly turned serious. ?What??

?Like I said. Everything and everyone is black and white.? I answered cautiously.

Yumemi?s voice was practically a growl. ?My power isn?t to manipulate colour. That?s??

As the red scientist?s head craned around to look at her assistant, Chiyuri?s face lost its colour, and not through the use of her ability. ?I, uh? Oh yeah?. I hadn?t noticed that I'd had triggered my power.? She laughed nervously as she clicked her fingers. ?There we go? all fixed... sorry?.?

Yumemi took a step towards Chiyuri who began to back off. ?Hey, come on boss. We can still do the disaster you had planned. Treat that was a warning signal. We didn?t even get the shrine maiden like you wanted.? More nervous laughing filled the room as I felt the rage from Yumemi building rapidly.

Tendrils of electricity sparked from Yumemi?s hands momentarily before a large panel from a computer besides me creaked from an unknown force before tearing itself off the wall and flying towards Yumemi. A few seconds later, another panel flew to her other hand.

?Hey, hey, hey? Hey!? Chiyuri panicked as she started to run. ?I?m sorry, okay? I did-? She was cut short as Yumemi slammed the panels into her assistant, seemingly knocking her out.

Yumemi laughed weakly as she turned around and leant back against a wall. Slowly sliding down to a sitting position, she sighed. ?That felt good. It?s a shame that my debut isn?t going to be what I wanted.?

Memo to self. Don?t get on Yumemi?s bad side... especially now she has powers.

?If it?s any consolation. The whole black and white thing has really caused some havoc out there. We?re kinda lucky to even be here. Being the only coloured people in Gensokyo made us prime targets for the wrath of the other residents.? I explained quietly.

Yumemi made a humming sound. ?Maybe so. It just wasn?t how I had planned it. Even you being here is undesired, no offence. I just wanted to fight the Hakurei Shrine Maiden like everyone else does by tradition.?

?You?d have a job. She?s not even here.? Yuka replied in a rather harsh tone.

?What do you mean?? Yumemi asked curiously.

Yuka grinned, almost as if she was enjoying the misery that Yumemi was going through.

Then again, it?s Yuka. She probably is enjoying it after all.

?While you?ve been messing around for however long you?ve been here, the Shrine Maidens have gone to the outside world on holiday.? Yuka explained.

Yumemi let out a long sigh. ?Typical.? She laughed solemnly for a moment. ?I guess I?ll have to make do then. ?

?How do you mean?? I asked.

?The incident occurred. My assistant has been defeated. Those seeking to end the incident are here. It?s time to end this incident properly.? Yumemi managed a small grin as she finished speaking.

Yuka stepped forward. ?Good choice. I?m glad someone here has a spine?. Unlike your companion who wouldn?t even show herself even after she failed to ambush us.?

?Oh? believe me. I don?t need to hide; my powers are far more formidable than Chiyuri?s. I have the power to manipulate magnetism!? As Yumemi yelled the final sentence, the tendrils of lightning sparked once more, except this time the entire room began to shake.

?Do you see? Do you see why I wanted the incident to go as I wanted? Imagine what I could have done with this power? I could have gone as low a prank and making all metal attract to each other, make everything unable to go near each other?. I could have reversed the poles of Gensokyo... that would have been fun!? Yumemi yelled.

Memo to self number 2: Never give a scientist a science-based power, they get ambitious.

Every single piece of metal equipment began attracted to Yumemi and began to orbit around her as she flew up from the ground.

Noticing I was slowing being dragged towards her, it took me a moment o notice that even the pocket watch that Yuka once gave to me was being affected by the powers at hand. Taking it out of my pocket and holding it in my hand, I turned to Yuka. ?Ready??

?When am I not ready for a fight?? She sarcastically replied.

I nodded. ?Good point. I guess its go-? I was cut short as I was forced to move to the side as a shard of metal embedded itself in the wall between Yuka and I.

How polite.

Noticing that Yuka had already jumped to the air and was wielding her parasol offensively I jumped up to join her.

?Just because I?ve only been in Gensokyo a few days doesn?t mean I?m going to be a pushover. I?ve done my research; I?ve had a trial run. This is it.? Yumemi grinned. ?Let?s end this.?

Yuka grinned as she flew forward. ?With pleasure.? With little other option, I followed my partner into battle.


If my writer's block won't go by itself. I will force it to.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #112 on: December 02, 2009, 02:51:24 AM »
Yumemagneto? :O


Hang on, Gensokyo has poles? :o

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #113 on: December 02, 2009, 03:17:52 PM »
this will be interesting! can't wait to read more  ;D


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #114 on: December 03, 2009, 12:09:15 AM »

The wait was worth it.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #115 on: December 25, 2009, 02:27:12 AM »
Merry Mima-mas


Chapter 6

For someone who hadn?t long been alive as a youkai, Yumemi was a rather intimidating sight. The shards and panels of metal that erratically orbited around her looked painful enough as they were; I really didn?t want to find out how it was physically.

As anyone would expect, Yuka was the first to move, immediately leaning to the side in an attempt to flank Yumemi. Taking the advantage, I flew in the opposite direction so we had her surrounded but it didn?t work out as well as I thought, those shields were, as logic would tell, as erratic as they were from the front: making it almost impossible to get a hit in.

Yuka didn?t seem to care as much as I did and took no time in unleashing her magic upon Yumemi; had her power been that which she had before she died, Yumemi would have had no chance whether she had barriers or not. Luckily for Yumemi, Yuka hadn?t grown in power to anywhere close to what she once was and so most of her projectiles were falling victim to Yumemi?s barrier.

Regardless of the amount of projectiles that failed to achieve anything, Yuka was more than happy to deliver more as she weaved furiously around Yumemi.

Eventually, Yuka?s movement placed her close by. ?I have an idea, get ready to rush her.?

Nodding in affirmation, Yuka flew a couple of metres away from me before I set my plan into motion. Placing my hand forward towards the anticipating Yumemi I began to summon a ball of light in front of me.

Thankfully, Yumemi was curious enough to want to see what I was doing and not forming a shield around her which allowed me to move to the next part of my plan; making the light formed in my hand explode, causing an immensely bright blast of light which caught Yumemi off-guard and blinded her.

I had to grin as, like I had planned, Yumemi threw all of her defences in front of her to block anything I might thrown while she was disabled but that only left her rear vulnerable which was pointed out when Yuka swooped around and delivered a sharp kick in the general direction of Yumemi?s head sending her plummeting sideways into the wall.

?You okay boss?? I heard Chiyuri yell. It seems she had woken up and was stood in the doorway we entered through, probably in case she needed to flee.

?I?m? fine?? Yumemi groaned as she picked herself up. ?I just let my guard down for a moment, nothing major.?

?If you say so.? Her assistant casually shouted back.

Pushing herself forward from the wall and straightening her jacket quickly, Yumemi recreated her barrier around her but kept them stationary.

Moving towards us slightly, the red scientist grinned. ?Well, I guess it?s time to show off my first magic card.?

?Spell card.? I corrected.

?Yes, yes, that.? Yumemi reached into her pocket before throwing her arm into the air holding a spell card which was, to no one?s surprise, coloured red.

?Dipolarity! Antipodal Disstasis!? The scientist yelled, looking truly happy as she did so.

Anti? podal? what? Are they even real words?

?Well.? Yuka coughed. ?She has the hang of naming her spell cards at least.?

Yumemi held her arms out to her sides causing an array of metallic panels that were lying on their sides to line up in an arc around her.

?Those panels look kinda sharp. This is going to hurt, isn?t it?? I mumbled to Yuka.

Yuka sneered. ?Only if you?re a weakling.?

?That?s fine for you to say. You can fight better than me.? I complained.

Yuka gave a smarmy grin. ?And whose fault is that??

With no reply, I turned my attention back towards the main threat, silver metallic panels of which some were starting to glow a cyan-like colour and accompanied with a humming noise that was getting gradually louder.

As the humming reached its peak, Yumemi clicked her fingers causing the lit up panels to blast towards us at a rather rapid speed. Thankfully I?d anticipated it and managed to dodge with some ease.

At the same time the metal objects slammed into the wall behind us, another assortment of panels in front of Yumemi began to charge up and blow the same cyan colour.

This doesn?t seem to be too bad, she telegraphs her attacks early enough.

Before Yumemi fired her next wave, I was comfortably placed in the gap between where two panels were about to fire and as before, at the peak of the charging sound, the panels crashed forwards. What I hadn?t expected was a force hitting me from the side and as I fell to the side I saw a panel from the previous wave slam backwards to Yumemi where I was just floating.

Obviously, it was Yuka who was my saviour once again but when I looked at her I was greeted by a quick head butt to the forehead. ?Idiot. What the hell are you doing??

?Getting saved by you?? I answered quickly.

??Yes, you are and I?d rather not have to. I thought you were more competent than falling for some newcomer?s tricks.? Yuka growled.

I sighed and mumbled my reply. ?Yes, Yuka. Sorry, Yuka.?

It?s not like I do any proper fighting anyway, she knows she?s the one who does the winning.

Yuka sneered before discarding me through the means of pushing me slightly and turned back to Yumemi who had already charged her next magnetic wave and fired it at us. Eager to not cause Yuka to lose her temper again, I made sure I weaved between the metallic panels as they passed each other.

As Yumemi got the hang of her magic, the waves of metal that was flying to and fro began to speed up and coming from different angles which only made things more fun to dodge.

Fun? I?m actually having fun doing this now? She really is a bad influence.

All good things come to an end though; this time around it was in the form of Yuka showing off. As one of the panels shot back from the wall towards Yumemi, Yuka hooked onto it with her parasol and as a result was dragged towards Yumemi at such a rate that I dread to think how much the following kick to the face hurt Yumemi. To no surprise, such an impact shattered the spell and also the wall which Yumemi had become embedded into.

Just how strong is that parasol? It?s unreal.

?Ah?? Yumemi coughed from the dust that had appeared due to her disturbance. ?I think that?s a minor flaw in my spell card.?

?Yes, only a minor one.? Yuka commented, voice saturated with sarcasm.

The scientist looked speechless for a moment before fumbling around her pockets. ?Where did I put my other cards???

Yuka and I just exchanged confused looks as we waited.

?Ah ha! Here they are!? Suddenly all of Yumemi?s zeal had returned. ?Let?s see, which one to choose??

Yumemi began to fumble around with the card and then began checking her pockets, confusing the two of us even more.

?You mean I only have two spell cards?! I thought I did more?!? Yumemi yelled in shock.

Chiyuri poked her head around the doorway again. ?Sounds about right, boss. You were too excited to work on them for long.?

?Bah!? Yumemi flicked her cape dramatically. ?I?ll just have to take you down with this!?

?Electromagnetism? Rail Gun!?

Oh boy.

It was fine that I could actually understand this spell card?s name but because of that I knew that there was a high chance of pain ahead in Yumemi?s finale.


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #116 on: December 25, 2009, 06:01:11 AM »
Happy Mimamas to you too, Mima.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #117 on: December 25, 2009, 10:04:45 PM »
Oh God yes.

Gotta love Rail guns.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #118 on: January 07, 2010, 02:41:44 AM »
Chapter 7

?I presume you know what a rail gun is, Yuka?? I asked Yuka as I hovered beside her.

?Yes. I do. Though I doubt they blow people to pieces like they do in those petty human games.? Yuka muttered towards the end.

Yumemi pulled up a metre-wide square piece of metal and turned it horizontal before effortlessly using her power to roll it up into a cylinder.

?Well then?.? Yumemi held both arms forward in the direction of Yuka and I. ?I expect this may hurt a bit? but I bet you?re used to it by now.? I noticed Yumemi was looking towards me as she ended her sentence.

It?s like she already knows that Yuka likes to use me as a target every now and then.

More electricity began to crackle between her arms, particularly aimed at the metal pipe between them which began to start shining a bright blue.

Oh boy.

?I don?t need any fancy patterns to trick you with this. All I need is science!? Yumemi yelled as the electricity got more and more wild, obviously an omen of ever-impending danger.

?Hey, Haru. Let?s go down to the ground.? Yuka spoke out. ?Obviously this is a case of reaction time and we can dodge faster if we have a solid surface to jump off.?

Nodding, I descended with the youkai leaving us looking up at the caped youkai crackling with sparks.

It was impossible to tell when the shot was actually going to fire so it was just a case of guessing? or hoping that Yumemi would foolishly telegraph her attack.

As if she heard my thought, Yumemi shouted out joyfully. ?Are you ready? Round one, fire!?

I noticed Yumemi quickly adjust her aim towards Yuka and as the lightning explodedI suddenly found my instincts taking over and I leapt to my left, towards Yuka.

Gotta save Yuka.

There was a slight problem with my heroic move.

She?s already moved and now I?m in front of things.

That nostalgic feeling of slowed down time returned to me as the shot from the rail gun was just a few inches from my chest leaving me helpless to dodge.

At least this won?t be fatal? It?s just gonna hurt a lot.

Time began to return to normal and immediately I threw my hands forward to attempt to grab the incoming metal. One thing was that I managed to grab it but being able to slow it down was another. The result was the unpleasant sensation of being impaled and thrown backwards into a wall where I was left suspended a little bit above the floor.


Yuka groaned and held her head in shame. ?You fool.?

?Ha?? I coughed. ?Sorry about that.

Yuka sneered before circling around Yumemi, presumably to make sure I didn?t get hit by any stray fire. Apart from the fact I had a large makeshift pipe lodged in my chest, it was quite peaceful to hang back in a dark corner and watch Yuka effortlessly dodge more shots from Yumemi.

?Are you okay?? A quiet voice asked out of the blue.

?Huh?? Yeah?.? I moaned, still uncomfortable due to obvious reasons.

The mystery voice whispered once more. ?Good, hang tight.?

Was that meant to be a pun?

Focusing my eyes, I noticed that moving in the darkness of shadows was? even more darkness. It was hard to explain but I could just make out a patch of darkness that was darker than the natural shadow of the cave. I was beginning to wonder if it was just the trauma messing my head up.

I watched pensively as the darkness made its way around the edge of the cave until it was behind Yumemi where it began to approach her.

Heh? Looks like someone is about to get a shock.

Just as the orb of darkness was a couple of metres away the artificial shade disappeared revealing who it was, just as she poked Yumemi?s back.

?Tag!? Kikuri yelled as a bright light enveloped her and Yumemi jumped in fright.

Spinning around, Yumemi was shocked at the new face. ?W-what?! Who the hell are you? What did you just do to me??

Kikuri grinned. ?Well, my friend. What I just did was duplicate a tiny fragment of your power and take it as my own. I then replicated it as much as I possibly could so that my potential power was fulfilled by this effectively replacing my power with yours, for a certain timeframe anyway. Oh, and my name is Kikuri, a friend of Yuka?s. Since Haru has been? incapacitated I shall join in his stead.?

?W-what?!? Yumemi stuttered. Skilfully, she dragged up a piece of metal and placed it between herself and Kikuri. To her dismay however, the metal shot away in the direction it came from placing her face-to-face with Kikuri again, now grinning.

?See? Manipulation of magnetism, what a fascinating power.? Kikuri complemented.

?That?s not very fair!? Yumemi complained.

Kikuri giggled. ?Oh, I assure you its perfectly fair.? The newcomer, replicating Yumemi, pulled a sheet of metal towards her and flung it towards the scientist.

Yumemi pushed both her arms forwards creating a field in front of her, effectively catching the sheet. ?No... I won?t have you stealing my powers!? As she yelled the sheet of metal launched towards Kikuri who tried to do the same as what Yumemi had done, this time the results were different; the sheet lashed by Kikuri?s head before crashing into the wall and falling to the ground in a heap.

That was close, nearly had a headless youkai to look after.

Kikuri wasn?t entirely unscathed however, a small amount of blood began to trickle down her face, starting at her right cheekbone. As Yumemi noticed this, she burst into laughter. ?Haha! Brilliant! The copies are never as good as the original!?

Calling another slab of metal in front of her, Yumemi began to roll it up once more as the lightning was pre-emptively arcing around her. ?Well then, it looks like Rail Gun will be claiming two victories today!? A loud crash signalled that the shot had been fired causing me to look away rather than seeing Kikuri get impaled.

Instead of hearing any victorious shouts from Yumemi or a cry from Kikuri, I could only hear the sound of a struggle causing me to look again. ?Let it go? copycat? admit you?re weaker than me?.? Yumemi spoke through her teeth. The apparent struggle was between Yumemi and Kikuri, over the projectile between them that was being bombarded by an enormous amount of magnetic energy, both fighters trying to push it away from them.

It only took a few seconds for a shift to take place in the stalemate as the projectile slowly started creeping towards Kikuri. ?See?? The genuine deal is always the strongest. Say good night, my dear.?

Kikuri did seem to be in a lot of difficulty repelling the metal. ?You?re forgetting something? my friend??

Yumemi looked cynical. ?What??

?Heh?.? The purple youkai grinned. ?There?s two of us.?

Yumemi?s face filled with panic as she immediately knew what was about to happen; which was that Yuka?s foot was about to hit her in the face from a sneak attack. Unable to do anything about it lest she lost her force behind the rail gun, she was left wide open for the blow which knocked her away and broke her concentration, allowing Kikuri to control the shot from Yumemi?s spell card, though notably turning the projectile in mid-air causing the original owner?s head to be struck by the blunt side, rather than impaled by the much sharper edge.

The battle?s end was signalled by the series of thuds that came from Yumemi hitting the wall and then falling to the ground and remaining motionless. A few seconds later, Chiyuri emerged from her cover and ran towards her.

?Boss! Are you alright?? She yelled with a hint of hysteria.

?She?s fine, she?ll come around eventually?. Thus is the nature of a youkai, we live through these things.? Yuka remarked as she walked towards me.

As she reached me, she leant in close and started whispering. ?That was a rather foolish thing for you to do.?

?Yeah?. I thought I?d save you but it turns out you didn?t need it.? I explained.

?Indeed. Still? I guess it?s the thought that counts.? She smiled genuinely.

Yuka looked behind her towards the fallen scientist and her assistant. ?She?ll be out for a few hours. If you want to rest and recover then now is a good time.?

?Yeah? I guess that would be a good idea?? The thrill of battle was leaving me now, the fact I still had the remnants of a rail gun impaling me to a wall was starting to make he feel a bit lethargic.

? Oh, and Haru?? Yuka whispered even softer.


?Thanks.? Yuka ended the sentence with a kiss while at the same time grabbing the shard of metal and removing it in one swift tug.

Catching me before I fell, I felt her gently lower me to the floor and not a few seconds after I?d reached the floor had the final remains of my conscious vanished.


Shorter than expected but dragged out fights aren't my style.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 11:04:55 PM by Mima »

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #119 on: January 07, 2010, 04:04:45 AM »

Jolly good, jolly good!