Author Topic: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)  (Read 97210 times)


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #120 on: January 07, 2010, 04:21:19 AM »
I'm sure theres something on TVTropes to define a psychokinetic tug-o-war battle between two combatants. And if there is, I bet it has a bit in it about it being hard to successfully pull off in a story (since nearly all tropes have this little disclaimer).

You have succeeded, though, in that Kikuri-with-powers-and-confidence is a lot of fun to imagine.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #121 on: January 07, 2010, 06:49:33 PM »
Hmm. Surprisingly, there doesn't seem to be one. I mean, there's "Beam-O-War," but that's ... not quite the same thing.


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #122 on: January 09, 2010, 07:12:25 AM »
Why am I not surprised that Kimiko was the one to answer on that, and why am I further not surprised that you actually checked?

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #123 on: January 09, 2010, 05:56:43 PM »
Because my site has code for generating a TVTropes link with a "TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life" disclaimer. |3


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #124 on: January 09, 2010, 06:59:27 PM »
And it really has, too. ?3

Eagerly awaiting more RiG.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #125 on: January 20, 2010, 05:16:03 AM »
what a great update! I enjoy this series more than i do any physical book i have. No joke or sarcasm here, it be the truth. good work as always! :D


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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #126 on: January 24, 2010, 09:34:38 AM »
Finally catching up. SUCCESS
The old man the boat.
The cotton clothing is made of grows in Mississippi.

Some sentences are better than others. These are those sentences.


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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #127 on: January 26, 2010, 07:54:40 PM »
Another chapter that's turned out bigger than planned, looks like the first half of RiG4 will last one more chapter.


Chapter 8


??I believe we can agree to that.? I overheard.

Oh, I?m back in the world of the living?. Joy.

It didn?t take long for me to full remember the events that had passed and reaching my hand up to my chest I could feel that I had fully recovered.

?Oh, it appears that my victim has awoken.? I recognised the voice now as Yumemi. ?Good morning, Haru. Enjoy your sleep?? She asked mockingly.

?Sure. As much as being impaled lets you sleep.? I groaned as I sat up. Sensing someone behind me, I spun myself around to see Yuka stood over me. I flinched for a moment, instinctively thinking she was going to beat me for getting knocked out or something along those lines, but was mildly surprised when she held a hand out and upon taking it, she pulled me to my feet.

Yuka being pleasant in the presence of others? What a nice dream this is.

?So? what?s up, Yuka?? I asked as she looked at me.

?Nothing much, we?re leaving. Let?s go.? She said abruptly.

I turned to look at Yumemi and spotted Chiyuri sat next to her. ?What about Chiyuri and Yumemi? We haven?t even talked yet.?

?Correction, you haven?t talked to them yet. I have, for several hours in fact.  Besides, we?ll be seeing them tomorrow so you can catch up with them then.? Yuka coldly replied.

?Well, uh. Bye? I guess.? I mumbled as Yuka turned to leave.

Yumemi laughed. ?See you around, Haru.?

?Yeah, see ya!? Chiyuri yelled right after.

I followed Yuka through the cave, noting she was going in the wrong direction but decided to keep quiet about it. Fortunately, my silence was rewarded when we ended up at a different entrance to the cave; a much more accessible one compared to the tight fit on the way.

?Ah, sunlight. So much more pleasant than being stuck in some dank cave like some kind of? freak.? Yuka happily chirped as she left the cave.

I also gave a sigh of relief upon entering the light, my domain and thought about what Yuka just said. ?You know, after making friends with Yumemi and Chiyuri, it?s not nice calling them freaks.?

?Maybe if you weren?t unconscious for so long, you?d have caught on to our conversation.? Yuka lectured as she took to the air.

?And what conversation would that be, dear Yuka??

?I just stated my dissatisfaction for the fact they resorted to living in a cave and then suddenly the red one starts complaining about it not being her choice and it?s all they could find while being discreet.? Yuka sighed.

Now beside her, I shrugged. ?I guess that?s true. It?s not like there?s a youkai hostel in Gensokyo. Well, you might be able to count Byakuren?s shrine but other than that? nothing.?

The incline of the mountain began to get steeper prompting Yuka and I to take to the air. Few things woke you up better than a flight across Gensokyo and this time was no different. ?I guess I was lucky. I didn?t have that problem thanks to you taking me in as your slave? pet? guest?.?

Yuka laughed lightly and grabbed my hand. I expected the unpleasant sensation of having every bone in my hand broken but such a thing never occurred, to my surprise once more.

Maybe she is mellowing out over the years?

?Yes, that?s right, so I offered the same to those two.? Yuka chirped.

?You what?? I blurted out.

Yuka didn?t react to my outburst, she just continued talking as normal. ?They helped us in the past; I?m just repaying the favour.?

I guess she really is.

?Looks like the mighty Yuka Kazami is growing timid.? I teased her. ?You spent so long happy by yourself and now in less than half a century you?ve let four other people live with you. Heck, maybe you let Elly live in Mugenkan in the last half-century too, she?s the only one that has out-stayed me.?

Yuka sneered. ?She?s been there longer than that, and you missed someone. She went missing a few years before you arrived though.?

?Really? Who??

?It?s not relevant anymore; you wouldn?t know her even if I told you her name.? Yuka mused.

I managed a sigh. ?If you say so.?

As always, I enjoyed the flight over Gensokyo and processed the events of the days in my head.

?That?s a point?. Where?s Kikuri?? I asked, having just remembered her.

?Huh? Oh. She went back to Mugenkan earlier. She kept saying she was tired and wanted to go to bed, so I sent her home.? Yuka replied.

?Fair enough.? I commented.

A moment of respite passed as the flower field finally began to creep closer, the product of the silence was a yawn from myself.

I groaned slightly. ?I sleep for god knows how many hours while you talk and I?m still tired.?

Yuka made an apathetic noise. ?You?re weak, it happens.?

Ignoring Yuka?s pleasant sounding attack, I thought to what I had just said. ?What have you been talking about anyway? Did you find how they died or something??

?They mentioned it slightly. Something about an energy source based on their magic readings and things went bad. Died saving Yumemi?s kid or something.? Yuka said with no sign of emotion.

?Wait? what? Yumemi had a kid?? I queried.

Yuka shrugged once more. ?Apparently. The kid isn?t in Gensokyo though so there?s a good chance she?s still alive.?

?I guess?.? I mumbled. ?That?s just a bit sad though?. But then again, can?t she get Reimu to let her go and see him or her??

?Yumemi said she doesn?t want to go back to the human world. Something about not wanting her kid to be chasing ghost stories like she spent her life? if she?s in the state to do so anyway.? Yuka continued to retell what she had heard, now with a bit more emotion flowing into her words. ?Still, Yumemi could have been in a much worse state. She had a lot of questions to ask about Gensokyo... maybe to get her mind off it.?

I paused for a moment before speaking. ?There isn?t anything we can do except help her adjust to Gensokyo and if they?re living in Mugenkan then it?ll make life a bit easier. What are you thinking anyway? Another house like Kikuri?s??

?They wanted a laboratory. I figured I?d leave it near the portal so they can get in and out easily. Maybe underground too, the last thing I need is my flowers being damaged. I?ve already warned them that if one flower gets damaged then they?ll get damaged.? Yuka grinned.

Ah, the old Yuka is shining through once more.

?Still.? Yuka started again. ?I don?t know about you, but I?m quite exhausted after today?s events. I think a nice lie down in front of television for an hour before going to bed will be quite lovely.?

?The television is still broken.? I reminded her.

?Oh! Yes!? Yuka proclaimed sarcastically. ?Such a shame that two people are coming tomorrow who can repair a thing like that effortlessly.?

?Wait a second? You mean you had planned for that all along?? I yelled.

?Maybe it was an idea that floated in my head at one point. I?m sure they?ll have no problem with doing the job when I ask them, once they?ve settled in their new home of course.?  Yuka chuckled ominously.

I couldn?t help but sigh. ?You?re a crafty one when you want to be.?

Yuka repeated her laugh. ?I know. I know.?

Our discussion came to a halt as we landed in the flower field and entered the portal to Mugenkan. Light was beginning to fade on both sides of the portal and it seemed that Elly had taken that as a signal to resign from her duties for the night, as signified by her outdoor chair being empty.

The rest of the night was uneventful and apart from the lack of a TV, the night went as Yuka had planned. Tomorrow would be interesting though; having two more faces in Mugenkan always helps to spice up life a bit, especially when they?re borderline mad scientists. Not to mention there?s going to be the mess of explaining what happened to the shrine maidens and deities who have missed this disaster, though something told me that Yuka would take more pleasure in that deed than myself.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #128 on: January 26, 2010, 08:48:13 PM »
Hmm, more PC-98s moving in with Kazamin! Still as good as ever.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #129 on: January 27, 2010, 12:46:09 AM »
Awww, poor Yumemi :C

Yey update :D

Lol smileys at the end of every sentence :O

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #130 on: February 25, 2010, 01:42:39 PM »
bump, also i just read threw the series to this point again. never gets old :D


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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #131 on: March 06, 2010, 03:52:59 AM »
Chapter 9

Just like the previous morning, I found myself encumbered with a sleepy youkai. As a result I was forced to wait for said creature to stir from her slumber before I was able to get out of bed.

Since attempting to talk to Yuka just after she?s woken up is a futile act, I decided to go and get changed now and leave Yuka alone to let her mind start up, so to speak. Reluctantly, I peeled the clingy youkai off me and left the star filled bedroom to get changed.

For once I managed to beat Yuka to the dining room and took no hesitation in giving one of the servant fairies my order. I never did discover whether these fairies are real or just part of Yuka?s dream world; I often tell myself to ask Yuka but never remember to.

While waiting for my breakfast, my mind drifted back to yesterday; the people we met, the events that occurred, the memories that was stirred up. I began to ponder about what Yumemi and Chiyuri had been doing in the time since they?d saved us long ago. Unfortunately my daydreaming was cut short by another presence in the room, approaching me from behind.

?Good morning, Haru!? Yuka said cheerfully as she wrapped her arms around me for a hug.

Now is she just cheerful or have I just not done anything today that can be considered ?weak? yet?

?Good morning, Yuka.? I reached behind me and stroked her hair since she seemed in an affectionate mood. ?What?s up??

?Oh, nothing.? The youkai let go of me and sat down in the seat beside me. Once seated she nodded at a fairy which caused it to nod back in recognition and leave towards the kitchen. ?Oh, Haru. Can you do me a favour??

?Sure. What is it?? I asked curiously.

Yuka wiped a bit of sleep out of her eyes. ?I?m sure I don?t need to remind you what is happening today but they still don?t have anywhere to actually live.?

I nodded. ?And the point is??

?I just want you to go and pick them up without me. I?ll stay here and get the house built for them.? Yuka smiled.

?That sounds fine. When do you want me to pick them up?? I quizzed Yuka.

Yuka shrugged. ?I don?t know. You could head off after breakfast if you wanted, they never said any specific times.?

?Alright then. The earlier they get here, the more time they have to settle down.? I commented.

Yuka nodded in agreement before turning to face the kitchen to see two fairies, each carrying a plate stacked with food flying towards us.

Flawlessly, the maids did their jobs, bowed and fluttered away carelessly leaving Yuka and I to enjoy our breakfast.

A little while into our meal, Yuka spoke up again. ?You can take Elly with you if you want.?

?Why so?? I asked.

?There might be too much for you three to carry if they want to bring all of their belongings. Plus I think it?s time to let Elly out for a while.?

?You make her sounds like a dog.? I laughed.

Yuka chuckled. ?With how she acts sometimes she?s about as useful as one.?

?Well, I guess I can take her along if there?s the chance we won?t have to make a second trip.? I grinned.

Yuka lightly hit my head. ?You shouldn?t be so lazy.?

I returned the strike to Yuka. ?Neither should you.?

The youkai simply smiled and returned to eating her breakfast prompting myself to do the same.

After breakfast, Yuka and I made our way out of the mansion and down towards the portal. As we approached Elly?s house I noticed her asleep in her usual chair besides the path. I was about to shout out to her when Yuka poked me and motioned with her hand for me to be silent.

Quietly marching up to the sleeping guard, Yuka placed her foot on the side of the chair and applied a little force causing the obvious; Elly falling backwards, off her chair and rolling across the ground before leaping to her feet frantically.

?Stop! Who?s that! No ent-? Oh. It?s you Miss Yuka, and Haru too?. How are you two today?? Elly stuttered, her voice trying to sound professional despite obviously having just woke up.

?We?re fine. Looks like you?re having a nice time too.? Yuka spoke, her voice void of emotion.

Elly stepped back once and quickly grabbed her scythe. ?I wasn?t asleep, I swear! I only just sat down!?

?So? you?re saying you were late for your duty.? Yuka replied, her voice still as fear-inducing as ever.

?No! No! No! I didn?t!? It was becoming clear that Elly feared for her safety now. ?Please! Believe me!?

?Okay.? Yuka said flat out, suddenly back to her cheerful self.

?Eh??Elly shouted in surprise.

Yuka frowned. ?I said okay. Okay??

You know, I really wish I knew what was going on in Yuka?s head sometimes, other than how can I terrorise so and so.

?Yes! Yes! Okay!? Elly saluted.

Yuka turned to look at me and spoke quietly. ?Are you really sure you want to take her along with you??

I paused for a moment. ?I guess?? I answered with a shrug.

Yuka tilted her head slightly. ?Your loss.?

Turning back to Elly, Yuka put on a sweet smile. ?Since you?ve obviously been working hard lately, I?ve decided to give you the day off.?

?Wow! Really!? The blonde haired gatekeeper sprung to her feet. ?This is the first day off in? ever??

Yuka turned back to face me whilst waving her hand. ?On one condition though. I want you to go into Gensokyo with Haru and pick up some friends and their belongings.?

Elly nodded enthusiastically. ?That sounds fine. What for though, may I ask??

Yuka began to walk down the path towards the portal, causing Elly and I to follow. ?Isn?t it obvious? They?re going to be living here.?

?What? Really?? Elly yelled. ?You?ve really been taking a lot of people in lately.?

?More people for you to talk to, at least.? I finally contributed to the conversation.

Elly clapped her hands. ?That?s a good point!?

?Well, let?s make a move on shall we? We?ll leave Yuka to her work and pick up Yumemi and Chiyuri.? I insisted.

?Yes! Okay then!? Elly shouted. I wondered if she was excited for having new neighbours or at the concept of her ?day off?.?

?See you soon, Yuka,? I said as I walked by her.

Yuka grinned. ?Don?t mess up too much.?

She says that to me when Elly is stood next to me.

Elly soon followed suit and we began to make our way towards the scientists? dwellings.

The journey was oddly silent. With someone like Elly with me I expected myself to be bombarded with conversations and questions from the social youkai but instead she seemed to be deep in thought.

It was nice to see that Gensokyo was covered in colour this time on our trip there, though the sight of seeing everything in black and white was something I wouldn?t be forgetting any time soon.

?Yumemi and Chiyuri?.? Elly said out loud. ?Have I heard those names before??

She?s been thinking about that for this long?!

?Yes? they?re the ones who saved Yuka and I from the human world back when I first got here.? I replied dryly.

Then again, I guess she?s done well to remember the names considering she wasn?t really involved.

As I led Elly though the air towards our destination, I finally thought of a topic to talk about. ?Hey, Elly. Can I ask you a question??

?Sure.? She chirped back.

?How on earth did you end up as Yuka?s gate guard?? I queried.

Elly laughed. ?By being in the right place at the right time.?

?And by that you mean??? I urged her for more answers.

Elly?s trademark circular scythe swapped hands. ?I was wondering around Gensokyo like the old vagrant youkai I was and found myself in a flower field when suddenly Yuka appears and challenges me to a fight.?

?That sounds like her.? I commented.

?Yup. So I was dodging for my life since she wasn?t exactly holding back and eventually she became distracted by something and started yelling at someone else.? Elly giggled. ?Turns out some fairies had entered Mugenkan and were flying off with her belongings.?

Brave fairies.

?Thinking she might have wanted some help. I threw my scythe at them and took them all out in a single throw.? She gave an accompanying spin of her scythe as an example. ?Yuka must have been impressed since she stopped attacking me immediately and asked me where I was from. When she learnt that I didn?t have a home she asked if I wanted a house of my own in return for guarding Mugenkan. I accepted and I?m still here today!?

?Sounds like you got a pretty good deal.? I commented.

Elly nodded. ?I really do enjoy living in Mugenkan. It just used to get a bit? how can I say it? lonely at times. I?m usually stuck in Mugenkan and Yuka was always out. It?s nice to have you and Kikuri around to talk to; having more people in there just makes my life more fun.?

?Yeah, I can see what you mean. I wonder if I can persuade Yuka to give you more days off.?

Elly hummed. ?That?d be nice. I?d love to have some free time to go exploring? but if she says no just go with that. I don?t want you to fall out with Yuka.?

?I?ll see what she says about it.? I noticed the mountain was right in front of us now. ?Anyway, here we are.?

Elly looked puzzled. ?They?re living in this mountain??

?They are; and Yuka wasn?t too happy about it. That?s one of the reasons she invited them to Mugenkan, I guess.?

Once we had landed, I was sure to go to the more accessible entrance this time rather than the cramped route we took before.

We had only just set foot inside the cave when Chiyuri?s voice called out. ?Oh! You?re here already!? A few seconds later, Chiyuri poked her head around a corner in the distance and waved.

?Oh, are we too early for you?? I shouted back.

?Nah. We probably could have come along last night, really. We didn?t have anything to pack after all, and all our electrical equipment was fried by Yumemi?s powers.? Chiyuri laughed despite the issue sounding serious. ?Boss was asleep last time I saw her. She?s still a bit? affected by dying; she?s not been able to sleep and all that.?

?You mean because of her kid?? I asked.

Chiyuri nodded. ?I guess Yuka told you. Yeah. I think the worst bit for her is that she doesn?t know if she survived or not. I mean Viy, and Yumemi and I for that matter, got caught in an explosion of scientifically-replicated magical energy. That stuff is real nasty. The chance of surviving is? really low, like, nigh-impossible.?

?Drop it. Chiyuri.? Yumemi?s voice mumbled as she came into view, her voice suggested that she was asleep as her assistant had stated. ?I just want to forget about it.?

Elly and I just remained silent. It was hard to describe Elly?s expression at this point; it partly said she didn?t want to be here and partly that she didn?t know what the hell was going on. Both thoughts were suitable in this case.

Yumemi covered her mouth as she yawned. ?Chiyuri, are we ready to go now??

?I reckon so, boss. Just gotta pick up our stuff.? With that said, Chiyuri vanished around the corner she originally emerged from and some odd rummaging sounds began to echo through the tunnel.

In the mean time, Yumemi walked up to us, or rather Elly. ?Ah, where are our manners. I am Yumemi Okazaki, a youkai of science. That?s my assistant, Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. I?m sorry to have exposed you to such a depressing mood?

?Ah, that?s, um, no problem. I?m Elly? just Elly.? The gate guard scratched her head. ?I?m not sure if I had a second name? Maybe I just forgot it.?

Yumemi gave an odd look. ?Okay? Well, I presume you?re an associate of Yuka Kazami??

?Oh? yeah. I?m the gate guard, so I?ll be the one making sure no one trespasses into your property.?

?I? see?? Yumemi paused. ?Well, I have the upmost faith in your ability then. Miss Elly.?

Elly managed a grin. ?Just Elly is fine.?

All of a sudden, the red-haired scientist yelled out. ?Chiyuri! Are you ready yet??

?Yes! As a matter of fact? I am!? The blonde scientist proclaimed and she leapt from the corner holding two briefcases, not unlike the ones they used so many years ago. ?It?s not much, but everything?s in here.?

Nodding in satisfaction, Yumemi then turned to us and bowed slightly. ?Alright then. Haru, Elly, please lead the way.?

?Do you want me to carry your stuff?? I quickly asked before we began to leave.

?No, no, it?s okay. Chiyuri is used to being a pack mule.?

Chiyuri gave the thumbs up. ?Yup. Years of slavery under the tyranny of Okazaki.?

The tyrant in question pointed at the rebel threatening before turning her attention back to us. ?Anyway, yes. Let?s go.?

With the scientists ready to go, Elly and I wasted no more time standing around in the miserable, dank cave and quickly led them back outside for the flight to their new home.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #132 on: March 07, 2010, 01:23:01 AM »
I came home from work, logged into MotK, and saw that this had a recent psot by Mima.

I squealed like a little girl. My brother is even more afraid of these forums now.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #133 on: March 13, 2010, 09:46:36 AM »
awesome another update ^^
I have comments but i want to see where this chapter is leading first :D


  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #134 on: April 03, 2010, 01:22:24 AM »
Chapter 10

?Yeah, and that over there is the Human Village. Self-explanatory really, most of the humans in Gensokyo live there, particularly the ones without any power. There are a few shops there which have some half-decent stuff and there?s a rising number of youkai who inhabit the village now as well. I guess it won?t be called the Human Village for much longer if it keeps on like this.? I explained to the two scientists as we flew by the settlement, as part of my guided tour to Gensokyo.

?So? the stores there are more general?? Chiyuri asked.

I nodded. ?Yeah. After all, what need of magical artefacts and outside items do helpless peasants need? All that stuff is found in Kourindou, the shop we flew by a couple of minutes ago.?

?Can?t we go in there for a look?? Chiyuri asked.

?Kourindou?? I laughed weakly. ?I would have, but I?m kinda? banned from there currently.?

Grins appeared on the scientists? faces. ?Come on then, let?s hear how.?

I chuckled. ?Well, I was browsing around Kourindou for anything interesting and what do you know, I managed to find an old games console. God knows how it got into Gensokyo but I knew Yuka would love it. So I picked-?

?Wait a second, Yuka likes video games?? Yumemi shouted out without thinking. ?The same Yuka that supposedly enjoys genocide??

?Well, when you look at some games the two go hand in hand, don?t they? Anyway, you can blame Yukari for introducing her to them.? I recalled the night before the fight for Gensokyo in my mind and the headache caused by the plastic instrument wielding band consisting of two youkai, a ghost and a magician.

?True.? Yumemi nodded her head, satisfied by the answer.

?So yeah, I go to the counter to buy it and the owner, Rinnosuke, is nowhere to be seen. Curiously there were some sheets of paper on the desk with drawings on, so naturally I picked them up and had a look.?

I coughed slightly before starting my next sentence. ?What I wasn?t expecting them to be were? pictures containing scenes of Rinnosuke and various female youkai doing? lewd things. Things got even better when he walked in on me having found his handiworks and he didn?t look too happy about it.?

?He tried to blabber out some excuse about the images but I just laughed and told him to relax, I wouldn?t tell anyone. The main problem was when I threw the papers back onto his desk; my eyes caught the final page of the pile which contained none other than Yuka.? I laughed out loud. ?He knew I?d seen the image and his face filled with fear as he knew what was coming. Unfortunately he didn?t have enough time to react before my fist landed square in his face, propelling him through the back wall of his shop.?

Elly burst out into laughter as I finished speaking which made me remember I never actually told her about this story. ?But yeah, I walked off with the console after that and next time I went he claimed I?d been influenced by Yuka?s violent nature too much and banned me. Funny how that ban seems to vanish whenever I go there with Yuka though?. Not like the ban means anything though.?

Yumemi laughed. ?I guess you really do care for Yuka then.?

I laughed weakly. ?Yeah. Considering I killed myself for a chance to be back with her and have spent almost 40 years with her? I guess you can say that.?

?I see. Well, Yuka certainly seems to care for you. She was constantly checking up on you while you were unconscious, and that was after I?d woken up.? Yumemi commented.

?She does. She just only shows it when it?s convenient for her.? I laughed. ?Anyway, we can talk about this when we get back. We?re not far now.?

?One more question related to Yuka, please.? Yumemi pleaded. ?I don?t know if she was joking or what, but Yuka said she had died not long ago. Can you? elaborate? She didn?t look like a spirit or anything.?

?Oh, she never told you? Yeah, she died a few years after we met you.?

?What? How?? Chiyuri asked clueless.

?She died saving Gensokyo from what was possibly the biggest threat to it ever.? I continued melancholically, reliving those moments. ?It was heartbreaking for me.?

?Who or what could possibly kill her?? Yumemi asked.

?Kikuri.? I answered. ?With the stolen body of Yukari Yakumo.?

Yumemi and Chiyuri exchanged confused looks before bursting into laughter.

?G? good one!? Yumemi said between bursts of laughter. ?You?re saying that shy girl killed Yuka??

?Yes. She did. She wasn?t always that way you know. I?m sure we?ll tell you the story one day.? I grinned weakly.

The scientists nodded. ?I?d certainly like to hear about it.?

?Wait a second.? Chiyuri objected. ?Does that mean Yuka is dead now??

?Oh, right. No, she?s alive again. It was our prize for saving Gensokyo, I guess you could say.?

The blonde scientist nodded in confirmation and a quiet spell fell over us. It wasn?t very pleasant considering I was reliving that terrible fight but it?s something I?ve become used to over time.

As we flew past it, I presented the forest of magic to them and explained to them what and who you can find in there, following it up with the neighbouring bamboo forest.

?Sounds like this Yagokoro could get us some interesting chemicals to play around with.? Chiyuri commented.

?Interesting to say the least.? I mumbled, thinking back to the time when Reisen was turned into a sentient blob of goo.

At this point in my journey to Mugenkan, I would usually be concentrating on the swaying sea of yellow caused by the sunflowers but this time was different, someone was flying above it towards the forest; someone who shouldn?t be here.

What the hell is she doing here?

?Hey, you two. Stay completely still.? I ordered as I cast a spell on them. ?I?ve hidden you with my power; let?s see if we can give someone a surprise.?

Flying a bit closer to the figure, I shouted out to catch her attention. ?Hey! Mima!?

Instantly the spirit turned and noticed me and began flying over to us.

?Ah, Haru. How are you?? Mima nodded. ?And you?re with? Elly. Don?t say you?ve broken up with Yuka.?

I laughed weakly. ?I wouldn?t dare to. She?d probably gouge my eyes out.?

?That?s a valid point.? Mima agreed.

?So, what are you doing here? Aren?t you meant to be on some tropical island in the outside world?? I queried.

?Well, yes. But I thought I had better spend a few hours checking my? domain to see if anything had gone wrong. Apparently there has.? Mima scratched her head in confusion. ?Do you know anything about it??

?As a matter of fact. Yes. We resolved the incident.?

?What! Really?? Mima practically screamed.

?Yep. Someone stole Gensokyo?s colour, so Yuka and I went to get it back.? I explained.

Mima nodded. ?I see. Who was behind it??

?Ah, no one you?d know.? I shrugged, clicking my fingers and cancelling the spell I?d cast.

Mima hummed. ?I see. That?s a shame, I was won-? Her sudden pause broadcasted that she?d just seen the two newcomers.

?My, oh my.? Mima mused. ?I wasn?t expecting to see you two here so early.

?Neither did we, but what?s done is done.? Yumemi commented.

The scientists and Mima exchanged some small talk briefly before Mima spoke up again. ?However much I?d really love to talk, I have a better idea. Reimu is coming to pick me up any minute now to go back to wherever we are on holiday, so drop by the shrine when we get back and we?ll have a huge party to celebrate, okay??

?That sounds awesome!? Chiyuri yelled.

?Well then, sounds like a plan. I?ll see you then.? Mima laughed as she flew off towards the shrine.

Not long afterwards the sunflower field was well in sight prompting Elly to speak out. ?Well, here we are! Home sweet home!?

As we landed in the border of the field, I held out my arm to command the scientists to stop. ?Let me warn you now. Whatever you do, do not damage the flowers. If you do? well, even I won?t be able to save you.?

Yumemi and Chiyuri exchanged nervous looks. ?All the flowers?? One of them asked.

?Any of them.? I spoke back, trying to sound as serious as possible.

??Understood. I think I?ll fly into the field from now on.? Chiyuri muttered.

Elly laughed. ?It?s not too bad! Miss Yuka?s flowers are top quality! They?re practically indestructible!?

?They are? That sounds unlikely.?Yumemi probed.

?Sure! Watch this!? Elly yelled as she spun her scythe into action and threw it, promptly decapitating a number of flowers.

All I could do to stop myself from laughing was sigh. ?How do you want your funeral, Elly??

Elly was completely pale. ?Please don?t tell her! Please!?

?I bet she already knows.? I commented. It wasn?t encouraging but it was the truth.

Elly looked around nervously. ?I think? I? I think I left something back at Yumemi?s cave! I?m going to go back and look for it! I?ll be back later!? In a nervous wreck, Elly quickly took to the sky and flew away as fast as she could.

An awkward minute went by before Chiyuri broke the silence again. ?So, where do we live in this sunflower field? I coulda sworn Yuka said we would have a house but I sure can?t see one.?

?Good question.? I quickly took them to the portal which was, as ever, camouflaged in plain sight. ?It?s in here.?

?Ooo. A magic portal!? Yumemi?s eyes filled with interest. ?We must get readings for this!?

Her assistant jumped forward, equally as enthusiastically. ?Sure thing, boss!?

?Can this wait until later? You have all the time in the world, you know? Plus I bet Yuka is waiting for us.? I sighed.

Yumemi nodded. ?Of course. Wouldn?t want to make someone like her wait for longer than necessary, would we??

?Alright, just go through the portal into Mugenkan, I?ll be with you in a second.? I grinned.

Yumemi nodded and walked through, followed by Chiyuri. Once I was sure they were both in, I turned around and cancelled the light manipulation I had cast on the flowers that Elly had attacked earlier leaving them in their true state; perfectly unharmed. Laughing to myself, I entered the portal myself to catch up with the scientists.

Yeah, Rinnosuke, I think you were right. She has influenced me, not that that is a bad thing?.

In the few seconds it took for me to cancel my spell and enter the portal, Yuka had already approached the scientific duo and began conversing with them.

Upon noticing me approach, Yuka spoke up. ?Ah, there you are. I wonder where you?d gone to.?

?I was just checking something.? I grinned.

Yuka sneered. ?If you say so.? She looked back to the scientists before motioning towards the new structure that I noticed was sitting close to Mugenkan?s portal. ?This will be your new home. I expect you?ll find it suitable, I?ve designed it with certain? themes in mind.?

I can only wonder what themes she?s talking about?

?Well then? let?s go and have a look shall we?? Yuka grinned.

?Sure thing!? Chiyuri shouted as she ran for the door.

I honestly wondered what I was going to see behind the door but was quite surprised to see that it was quite ordinary, not quite as formal as the Kazami mansion but certainly well-kept, something along the lines of an upper-class human house.

?This is really nice, Miss Kazami.? Yumemi bowed. ?I can?t thank you enough for this, it?s wonderful.?

?Yeah, thanks.? Chiyuri added.

Yuka chuckled enigmatically. ?This isn?t the best bit. I assure you.?

Oh god. What is?

Yuka led us through the house until we reached a strange metal cupboard. Effortlessly the green haired youkai opened it and I realized what it actually was.

A lift? Seriously? Please say she didn?t.

Ushering us in, Yuka made the lift go down to wherever the destination was. One thing I did note is that her previous anxiety of lifts from years ago was gone. I couldn?t make my mind up if it was because she was a youkai now or if it?s because she made the lift, but hey, trying to figure out what is going on in Yuka?s head is an impossible task in itself.

The lift made a little tune signalling our arrival and the sight I saw was nothing less than impressive, even if it was ridiculous.

What Yuka had created underground was literally a secret lab, her ?themes? were without a doubt old spy flicks that we had watched through the years. All that the place needed was nameless people in brightly coloured uniforms and it would have been identical.

?I figured you?d want a laboratory of some sort, so I thought I?d make it a little more? fun.? Yuka grinned.

Chiyuri squealed and ran off down one of the corridors while Yumemi stood there in awe.

?I? I don?t know what to say, Yuka.? Yumemi managed. ?I can?t possibly repay you for this.?

Yuka shrugged. ?It?s nothing big. I?m repaying the help you gave us back in the human world.?

I was beginning to wonder where Chiyuri had disappeared to when Yuka spoke once more. ?Anyway, I think we had better leave these two to explore their new home. Feel free to come to the mansion later for dinner.?

?Okay, thank you.? The scientist thanked once more.

?Come on Haru, let?s go. Now you can fix that TV for me.? She grinned.

I sighed. ?I told you, that?s gone for good.?

?Fixing a TV is no problem. Just bring it here and we?ll sort it. Hell, we could probably even make a new one with this lab!? Yumemi boasted.

?Okay then, I might take you up on that offer.? Yuka turned around and re-entered the lift, shortly followed by myself. ?We?ll see you two later.?

The lift doors closed and Yuka turned around, her face smirking.

As she wrapped her arms around one of mine, I grinned back. ?I guess that means your plan worked.?

?You doubted that it wouldn?t?? The youkai asked.

?No, I didn?t actually. I just had to see it for myself.? I chuckled weakly.

The rest of the day went smoothly. Yumemi and Chiyuri came to the mansion and learnt about Mugenkan as well as general life in Gensokyo including me renting out a copy of the Gensokyo Chronicle much like I was lent one in the past.

Hours turned to days, days to weeks and weeks to months. Before long it felt like Yumemi and Chiyuri had been in Gensokyo for years; their place earned in Mugenkan multiple times by their works even topping the creations by the leading Kappa groups.

However, this wasn?t the only event to take place this year. It turned out that someone from another realm had other plans for us.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #135 on: April 03, 2010, 01:55:31 AM »
Hee, cute.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #136 on: April 03, 2010, 02:12:19 AM »
Oh snap cliffhanger.

The best part was the Rinnosuke thing though. XD

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #137 on: April 03, 2010, 02:14:20 AM »

Nice. We need to get someone to sketch up Haru for us, so we have someone to envision. As it is, I keep picturing Kyon from Melancholy.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #138 on: April 03, 2010, 02:15:14 AM »

Nice. We need to get someone to sketch up Haru for us, so we have someone to envision. As it is, I keep picturing Kyon from Melancholy.
Wow.  I just realized how well that fits...

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #139 on: April 03, 2010, 02:29:18 AM »
Wow.  I just realized how well that fits...
It was mentioned earlier in this very story. That's where I got the inspiration.


  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #140 on: April 07, 2010, 05:40:04 AM »
Wow.  I just realized how well that fits...
The Madness of Yuka Kazami?


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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #141 on: April 09, 2010, 01:25:18 AM »
Chapter 11


The familiar sleepy voice of Yuka brought me back into the world of the conscious.

?Haru? Wake up??

I struggled to wake myself up and was forced to use all of my willpower to open my eyes. Upon doing so I was greeted by the, for lack of a better word, adorable face of Yuka having just woke up herself.

?What? what?s the matter, Yuka?? I mumbled.

?There?s someone here?? She sleepily slurred. ?It?s? it?s??

?It?s what?? I sighed.

?I can?t remember?? Yuka fell back onto her pillow, prompting me to do the same.

?No? no? We need to get up!? Yuka weakly pushed me.

I dragged myself up, discard the youkai that was, as usual, hanging off me. ?This had better be worth it.? I ended with a yawn.

Yuka nodded and flew out of bed. Not that I blame her, she?s not very stable at all when she first wakes up and would have probably just fell on the floor face first; not that there?s a floor to fall on in this empty, star filled room per se.

I drifted out of the bedroom leaving Yuka behind and headed towards my old room to get changed; my mind barely functioning and trying to guess who she meant had arrived, presumably in Mugenkan.

It didn?t take me long to get changed and by the time I had left my room I could overhear Yuka and someone else, someone who I had never heard before talking casually.

Unfortunately by the time I had walked down the corridor and made it to the stairs the conversation had already ended and Yuka was shutting the door as the mystery guest was walking away. The only things I could make out of her was that she had blonde hair, an ordinary pink summer hat, equally coloured clothes and a purple neck scarf loosely wrapped around her neck.

?She?s gone already? Who was that?? I called down the stairs to Yuka, who was just turned around to look at me.

?Oh, she?s just an old acquaintance.? She shrugged; her personality back to normal. ?She was here to deliver a letter.?

?That?s it? You woke me up and made me get dressed so we could get a letter?? I sighed.

Yuka tapped her foot. ?I didn?t know, did I? Anyway, the content of the letter was worth waking up for.?

?Well, what does it say?? I asked, eagerly.

Yuka grinned. ?In short? We?re going on holiday.?

?W-what?? I stuttered. ?Where? Was she sent by Reimu or something??

Yuka shook her head. ?No, no. She?s a demon. Anyway, have a read for yourself.?

Taking the letter from the youkai, I quickly scanned through the letter.

Dear Yuka.

How are you? We?re doing great here in Makai, we?ve just finished a refurbishment project that?s been going since I saw you last, at that party. My apologies for not visiting you since then, I felt so guilty leaving you after you lost your pet human like you did but the gateway between Gensokyo and Makai has had to be sealed for all this time for dimensional stability. Ah, the worries of being a goddess of my own realm!

Anyway, now that work is done and traffic in and out of Makai is back to normal, I?d love for you to come along and stay in Makai for a while so we can catch up on old times and maybe even have that rematch we said we?d have! Bring along a friend if you want, (or have any! Hahaha!) but don?t ask the others because they?ll have received this letter too.

Oh yes, I should also add that the entryway to Makai has had to be moved. We now have a proper entrance rather than that silly little magic circle located underground, just east of a place the locals call the Palace of the Earth Spirits, I presume you know where that is.

I hope to see you really soon.

Love from your dear friend.


?Shinki??? I commented. ?She was that silver haired woman, right? Alice?s mother I think??

Yuka nodded. ?Good memory. Yes. We?ve only met a few times but she?s a good friend.?

?So, she?s the goddess of Makai? I presume you beat her in a fight then by the sounds of this rematch??

Yuka nodded and walked past me towards one of the stairways. ?Oh yes. Not that we had a chance of losing, it was Reimu, Marisa, Mima and more importantly myself all against her.? She bragged.

?Sounds a bit odd that it?s taken over thirty years to do some ?refurbishment??? I asked.

Yuka sneered. ?She said refurbishment but she meant that she pretty much destroyed Makai from her own firepower. She?s probably had to remake the entire world or something.?

?Sounds like it was a pretty crazy fight?? I mumbled.

?Oh, it was quite fun.? Yuka chirped.

Yuka hopped up half the stairs and turned to face me. ?But this time, we can call it a holiday! Go and pack your stuff, I want to leave soon.?

?You?re eager.? I thought out loud. ?Do I have a suitcase or what??

?It?s already in your room!? The youkai sung as she finished climbing the stairs and vanished from sight.

With a sigh I made my way upstairs and back into the room I had just emerged from. Curiously, a small blue plaid suitcase, which looked very similar to my clothing, was sat on my old bed.

Let me guess, Yuka has a suitcase identical to this except red?

Fortunately it didn?t take me long to throw a few sets of clothing into the case and return back into the main hall where already, predictably, Yuka was stood waiting.

I will never discover how she is so fast.

Since it was the winter months, Yuka?s hair was trailing down behind her back compared to her usual shoulder length hair as well as her winter outfit which is pretty much identical to the normal one except that she traded her dress for trousers. Sat next to her, much to my surprise, was a red plaid suitcase.

Oh no, the shock. I never saw that coming.

?All ready?? The youkai chirped.

?As much as I?ll ever be.? I sighed again.

Yuka tapped her foot. ?Stop sounding so depressed.?

?Alright.? I sighed once more in defiance.

Yuka stared at me for a few seconds before picking up her case and opening the door. ?Well then, let?s go.?

I walked alongside Yuka as we marched down the flowery path. I wondered how long it?d take Yuka to pass me her case and tell me to start carrying it since it was inevitably going to happen at one point or another.

Yuka hummed in thought. ?I?d better tell Kikuri we?re going. She?ll get herself worked up in worry if we vanished.?

?How considerate.? I commented causing another piercing stare from the youkai.

Yuka lightly knocked on the door and a few seconds later Kikuri opened the door, wearing her usual purple clothes. ?Oh, good morning Miss Kazami and Haru! How can I help you??

?We?re just passing by to say we?re going on holiday for a few days, don?t get too panicky when we?re not around.? Yuka explained.

?Oh that sounds lovely! Have a nice time you two! Do you need anything doing while you?re away?? Kikuri smiled.

Yuka shrugged. ?You could make sure Elly is doing her job properly, otherwise the fairies will handle everything else.?

?I see?? Kikuri paused for a moment. ?Miss Kazami could I??

Yuka raised an eyebrow and nodded her head to try and force the rest of the sentence.

?Could I? please go into the mansion and use the games room while you?re gone? I mean if you don?t want me to then I won?t I just wondered if I could beca-? Kikuri started rambling.

As of late, Kikuri had gained quite a fascination with the various gadgets we had gained from the human world, it never seemed to have crossed her mind to get any of her own though.

?Stop talking.? Yuka ordered. ?Of course you can go in. Just water all my flowers and you can spend as much time in there as you want.?

?Oh? O-okay?? Kikuri stuttered before recouping. ?Well, please have a lovely time! I?d love to hear about it when you get back.?

I laughed slightly. ?Sure thing, Kikuri. See you later.?

Yuka and Kikuri traded similar farewells and we made our way further down the path. It wasn?t much longer before we approached Elly who was lying on the grass sunbathing, her scythe sitting close by. Yuka continued walking by as she spoke. ?We?re going on holiday for a few days; make sure no one burns the place down.?

?Sure thing, Miss Yuka. Have fun.? Elly casually replied, not exerting any energy more than necessary.

Of course, there was one more house between Elly?s and the portal and that was the scientists? house. Yuka was just about to knock on the door when a loud explosion crashed from the building.

?I think we?ll just leave them to it.? Yuka commented as she made for the portal.

?I can?t say I blame you.? I said, quickly following her.

As we left through the portal into Gensokyo I tried to map out a route in my head. From what I could figure we had quite a journey to go on, the underground entrance wasn?t too far away from the shrine and the Palace of the Earth Spirits was quite a distance from there. We?ll probably need a holiday just from all the travelling we?ll be doing but at least it would be worth it, I?m curious to see what Makai looks like.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #142 on: April 09, 2010, 02:48:51 AM »
Of course, there was one more house between Elly?s and the portal and that was the scientists? house. Yuka was just about to knock on the door when a loud explosion crashed from the building.

Stand back!
I'm going to try...



  • Furniture
  • The guy with the thing over there at the place
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #143 on: April 09, 2010, 03:38:33 AM »
I anticipate an All-Star Danmaku fest soon. Also looking forward to finally see how Reimu's little girl turned out and if Reimu now looks anything like her mom Sendai as shown here.

[ruro]Read the stickies, broski, images bigger than 640x480 pixels have to be linked to or thumbnailed.[/ruro]
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 04:09:27 AM by Keine Kamishiraruro »


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #144 on: April 09, 2010, 10:20:21 PM »
Sweetness.  Can't wait to see how you do the Underground.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #145 on: April 11, 2010, 06:07:51 AM »
today sucked, work was long and boring, then i came here and seen two updates!

... i guess today wasn't that bad ^^

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #146 on: April 14, 2010, 03:57:46 PM »
Well looks like this story's been cancelled. >_>


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #147 on: April 14, 2010, 04:14:58 PM »
I doubt that, most likely relocated. I'd ask him myself but I have no idea how to get in touch with him at the moment...

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #148 on: April 14, 2010, 10:39:23 PM »
Regarding where RiG will be moving: I've spoken to Mima just now, and Usually Dead has agreed to host RiG on his site, No ETA on a nice, pretty version of it, but he plans to throw up a rough, low-detail HTML copy in a week, and make it look nice later.

So fear not, RiG fans. The work will continue. This thread will remain free and viewable for all of the readers to see, though I ask that you refrain from commenting on the reasons why this fiction piece will no longer continue here.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« Reply #149 on: April 14, 2010, 10:54:32 PM »
Regarding where RiG will be moving: I've spoken to Mima just now, and Usually Dead has agreed to host RiG on his site, No ETA on a nice, pretty version of it, but he plans to throw up a rough, low-detail HTML copy in a week, and make it look nice later.

So fear not, RiG fans. The work will continue. This thread will remain free and viewable for all of the readers to see, though I ask that you refrain from commenting on the reasons why this fiction piece will no longer continue here.
Ah~.  Thank you.  That's a really big relief.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.