Author Topic: First Person Shmup/Touhou?  (Read 2935 times)

First Person Shmup/Touhou?
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:04:58 PM »
Hi there.

I have been developing a game for some time now.
Using a FPS engine, but turning them into a bullet-hell type of game.

My original idea was to create a psychodelic or abstract looking FPS, but I will give it a turn and I will focus it towards a shoot 'em up game.

The point is: could a first person bullet-hell game be considered as a shmup or only a FPS with many enemies?
Do Touhou fans only want 2D up-down perspective?

So far, no screens. 90% of the art are only placeholders, so...

Hope ♦ Metal

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Re: First Person Shmup/Touhou?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 06:54:09 PM »
[...]Using a FPS engine[...]
My money's on ZDoom.

[...]The point is: could a first person bullet-hell game be considered as a shmup or only a FPS with many enemies?
Do Touhou fans only want 2D up-down perspective?[...]
Really the only difference is the perspective at which it's played if the mechanics are the same. Also I think it's a good idea to experiment even if the combination doesn't sound good on paper.

So far, no screens. 90% of the art are only placeholders, so...
It bugs me (not much, but still) when people don't have something to prove they're working on a project but post about it anyway.[/size]

Take a look at Demonsteele - it's a (Z)Doom mod with an emphasis on sword+gun combat and enemy bullets. It's probably not really what you're trying to achieve, especially since you won't really get a bullet hell experience without playing slaughter maps with it and the fact that a sword is the main weapon there, but it might still give you some inspiration about what to do.

Re: First Person Shmup/Touhou?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2015, 08:53:00 PM »
My money's on ZDoom.
Really the only difference is the perspective at which it's played if the mechanics are the same. Also I think it's a good idea to experiment even if the combination doesn't sound good on paper.

Gimme your money: Enhanced Doom Gaming Engine. a.k.a. EDGE Engine ^_^

It bugs me (not much, but still) when people don't have something to prove they're working on a project but post about it anyway.

The worst part for me is the creation of the game art.
I'm a terrible artists, so I need to rely on free art around internet.
That is why all monsters anr zombieman, attacks are player_missile and so on. They are just placeholders. And of course, I'm not going to use realm667 monsters because I want enemies to be anime style, even if having only a single face.

Take a look at Demonsteele - it's a (Z)Doom mod with an emphasis on sword+gun combat and enemy bullets. It's probably not really what you're trying to achieve, especially since you won't really get a bullet hell experience without playing slaughter maps with it and the fact that a sword is the main weapon there, but it might still give you some inspiration about what to do.

It won't be Doom anymore, not even play like it at all.
There won't be a map that you can explore like in your video example.
The map is basically a corridor without visible walls, ceiling and floor. There are "control" monsters that, once killed calls the appropriate script which spawns the next wave of monsters.
But I'm also considering doing the wave spawing time-dependant rathed than monster killing dependant.

It is not still implemented, but I plan to do 3 player classes, pretty much like Touhou 2. There won't be BFG, chainsun or plasma rifle, only Touhou style attacks.
Unimplemented also, the bonus and power system. Killing monsters may spawn points or weapon power bonus.

Re: First Person Shmup/Touhou?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2015, 08:27:55 PM »
(First time posting on this site so hope I don't mess this up orz)
The worst part for me is the creation of the game art.
I'm a terrible artists, so I need to rely on free art around internet.
That is why all monsters anr zombieman, attacks are player_missile and so on. They are just placeholders. And of course, I'm not going to use realm667 monsters because I want enemies to be anime style, even if having only a single face.

I have absolutely no idea how game development works, but I might be able to (partly?) help you for free with this part if you want (especially if it's going to be with Touhou characters). Heck, even if it's only for better placeholders until you get a better artist. Here's some stuff . Changing drawing style shouldn't be too much of a problem if neccessary.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 08:42:01 PM by Danicky98 »