It took a while, but we finished editing the script.
Here's the new translation patch.At this point, all of the main story except some of the events in the first half of the game has been translated. More specifically, the patch only covers the most optimal Nitori situation (carried over FMW E data where you persuaded Alice in 2M, persuaded Nitori with both Marisa and Alice, and captured Kappa's Pororoca) and the "I did what the game told me to do" chapter 21 route (defeat Momiji before Aya). There's still a lot of untranslated boss conversations too, but that's why this is just v0.9 instead of full on v1.0.
More happily, all of the latter half has been translated, boss conversations and branching story paths included. You can thank Clarste for that. Chapter 33 should work now too.
There's also been a lot of little adjustments to the translation. Stuff like Berserk becoming Prevail (FMW P actually changed that), Instinct Dodge being shortened to Instinct, and in what is perhaps the most nitpicky edit of all time, the Rat Tail is now the Mouse Tail because I went through the entire script standardizing Nazrin as a mouse solely because that's what the wiki says she is.
yes, i know that "nezumi" can refer to either a mouse or a rat, i just wanted to be consistent okay
and i didn't change rat bite or cornered rat because, uh, she's a mouse acting like a rat or something I DUNNO
I can't entirely promise that all of the boss convos will fit in their dialogue boxes, and testing all of that is kind of an exercise in frustration. So comment if you see any breaking their windows.