Author Topic: Puzzle and Dragons Thread 15 - We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop (ry  (Read 135293 times)


  • _m廿廿m_

new monsters announcements to come by this Friday

Nah she says moar buffs coming this Friday.

In other news, I think JP just got two Extreme Meta Dragon Guerilla without a Super Gold guerilla in between? lolwat
This game hates light confirmed.
I have a LKali to level up ;-;
But Extreme Meta is said to have better returns than running any super meta dragon even if not counting the 1.5x same element bonus you're missing out on. I want to get to 198 stamina now :(


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Nah she says moar buffs coming this Friday.


oh fuck me I totally missed that

Gamble Mage buff:
Gets 5 awakenings: 3 Dark Orb Enhance, 1 finger, 1 skill boost

Chrono Turtle buff:
Gets 5 awakenings: Water Orb Enhance, 1 skill block, 1 skill boost, 2 fingers

Okuninushi buff:
AS Dark enhance increased from 1.30x to 1.50x

Hera-Is UVO buff:
LS: At 50% HP or above, God and Devil ATK x3. Additionally, Devil HP and RCV x1.5
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:24:50 AM by »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


At least Hera-Is is a little better now. Could not care remotely less about Gamble Mage and Chrono Turtle because lol JP exclusives.


  • _m廿廿m_
Gamble Mage buff:
Gets 5 awakenings: 3 Dark Orb Enhance, 1 finger, 1 skill boost

Chrono Turtle buff:
Gets 5 awakenings: Water Orb Enhance, 1 skill block, 1 skill boost, 2 fingers

Okuninushi buff:
AS Dark enhance increased from 1.30x to 1.50x

Hera-Is UVO buff:
LS: At 50% HP or above, God and Devil ATK x3. Additionally, Devil HP and RCV x1.5

Gamble Mage: a poor man's Ookuni? oh well he and turtle might get a ult along with LS change someday.
Turtle: TWO FINGERS. He's like a poor man's Yomi except B/G is godly element combination for rainbow teams, especially R/L horus.
Ookuni: Probably due to people complaining it overwriting Loki enhances.
Hera-Is: Ok LS actually make sense now, so when are they removing the stupid hp requirement on SQ and G/D astaroth's recovery boost? Liu Bei's getting ults so his LS might be fixed by then.

Overall comment -- Took them long enough to figure out how stupid HP above 50%, rcv x1.5 was. Especially when 1/2.5/2.5 ronias exist, I mean come on seriously...

At least Hera-Is is a little better now. Could not care remotely less about Gamble Mage and Chrono Turtle because lol JP exclusives.

JP just got the mage and turtle in a muracore last weekend. NA likely to get them too? Since they've no copyright issues at all probably. (Were their origin some kind of user monster design competition? speaking of which what happened to the one held a few months ago lol They announced the winners and their designs on Cauchemar livestream but no news since then)

Edit: I just looked at the SSes. Gamble mage's active was changed. It's cd seemed to have massively lowered? (It became 4 at max) and its skill has an additional effect of creating three dark orbs RANDOMLY in addition to random damage now. Cool.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:53:28 AM by Thaws »


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi

3rd of the Magic Book Series: It's Ars Nova!


and that's literally it wtf gungho.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 09:24:32 AM by »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • _m廿廿m_

3rd of the Magic Book Series: It's Ars Nova!


and that's literally it wtf gungho.

Will this be next god series or magician-like non-god series? Seems to be the latter since it's too early for another god series but didn't we just have magicians and knights too? Too many new characters! They're out for our stones :qq:

And that's like the usual size of buffs anyways. It's just the previous three were unusually large (they did call it unprecedented large-scale buff afterall)


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi

D/G - Physical / Devil
Awakenings: 2 Dark Orb Enhance, 1 Skill Boost, 2 Green Orb Enhance
AS: Summon Dark - Changes 3 random orbs to Dark orbs. Enhances all Dark Orbs in board.
LS: Twin Seal of the Magic Book Dk/Wd - Dark attribute ATK x2.5, Green attribute ATK x1.4??. When monsters are both attributes, their ATK is x3.5

Ars Nova
L/R - Attacker / Devil
Awakenings: 2 Light Orb Enhance, 1 Skill Boost, 2 Red Orb Enhance
AS: Summon Light - Changes 3 random orbs to Light orbs. Enhances all Light Orbs on board.
LS: Twin Seal of the Magic Book Lt/Fr - Light attribute ATK x2.5, Red attribute ATK x1.4??. When monsters are both attributes, their ATK is x3.5

i will fill in the blank later
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 10:46:32 AM by »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


Gungho is getting really peculiar with leader skills recently. First the norns, now these. Still, they look interesting.


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi


Stamina overflow mechanic? Are u srs gungho?

This is the same mechanic of overflow as in Monstrike.

Gungho is getting really peculiar with leader skills recently. First the norns, now these.

Having used Urd for some time now I can say that in her particular case, she has it the worst because there is an insanely small pool of competent Red and Blue subs. But of course, you can still run mono-fire with Urd. And she can be a sub for herself, which is good! Skuld and Verdandi are much better for their style of LS because their color combinations are getting more and more plentiful, in the case of Skuld though it's quite REM heavy.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 10:31:43 AM by »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • _m廿廿m_
Damnit gungho stop with these LS that restricts your member choice to like *only these few* It's not fun :V (Though you can sub a few with only the main colour matching and the team still functions well I guess)
And I don't see how x3.5 is worth it when there are easier to satisfy type-restrict LSes out there that are just as good.

Unless they're really buffing orb enhance awakening to god-tier next update. In that case, I'd like to see how the buff doesn't buff the already powerful TPA/rows to even godlier tier while making enhance focus teams powerful :V because they obviously failed to do so the first time and everyone still sticks to rows while enjoying the tiny boost from stray orb enhance awakenings here and there.

I suspect stamina overflow is probably them finding out people aren't farming Tamadra coin dungeon/Extreme meta dragon as much as they expected because most people don't have 198 stam :V


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Damnit gungho stop with these LS that restricts your member choice to like *only these few* It's not fun :V
And I don't see how x3.5 is worth it when there are easier to satisfy type-restrict LSes out there that are just as good.

Ars Nova is probably going to be a staple Attacker UVO Amaterasu sub if you ask me lol

Awoken Hades
D/G - Devil/Attacker (called it!)
Added awakenings: 2 TPA, Green Orb Enhance, Blind Resist
AS: Gravity World - 20% Gravity, add 5 seconds of extra orb matching time for 1 turn
LS: Increase Dark and Devils ATK by 2.5x, 50% damage resisted from Dark and Wood attrib

« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 12:12:41 PM by »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


Totally cool with stamina overflow! That is news I like seeing.

Also hah! I called it on the active skill. Though I expected to see it on Venus because CTW...


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
... so this may be a silly question to ask, but how do you sort by "new" in the monster box?

I realized I've seen several people doing it but never figured out how to do it myself.  I suspect I'm missing something blindingly obvious.

Edit: Also, I like awoken hades but I'm sad that his active is changing.  My hades has ultra gravity almost max skilled, but I have a spare hades so I'm probably gonna make him awoken instead of the one I already have.

I really hope that means Venus won't be losing CTW...

dat hera-is buff kinda puts some egypt 2.0s to shame. I mean the attack is still conditional, but dual hera is 2.25/9/2.25 vs Nut/Neph 1.82/9/1.82. Also her subs are really unrestricted with both god and devils being allowed. Some example stuff she can use are Blue Valk, Skuld, Muse, Starling, and Sarasvati. Sarasvati is especially nice because +orb awakenings work best with skyfalls.

Speaking of which, people are kind of underrating +orbs because they are forgetting that the 4% boost is on top of the damage bonus that +orbs already give. Basically if you have 5 +orb awakenings, all skyfall orbs are now + so matching 3 of any color gets a 1.18 * 1.2 = 1.416x boost. So effectively 5 +orb awakenings give a 41.6% damage boost to skyfall triplets.

But aren't rows stronger with 50% damage at 5 row awakenings? Well that's not really a fair comparison because you're using more orbs, and with more orbs +orbs get stronger too. If you're matching 6 +orbs then that's 1.36 * 1.2 = 1.632, so a 63.2% boost which is stronger than 5 rows! Of course the real strength of rows is when you stack multiple of them for ridiculous damage, but the real takeaway is +orb damage is far more consistent because you need orb changers for multi rows to be possible while +orbs will exist on every board except for the ones that you get really orbtrolled on.

And for the record their damage is also comparable with TPA. Lets say you have 6 TPA, 1 on every sub, so a TPA match gives you 50% extra damage. 6 +orbs awakenings would give you 1.24*1.24 = 1.5376 which is 53.76%. So it's stronger than TPA as well! Again of course you can stack TPA, but even then the damage isn't too far off. With 2 TPA on every sub you get %25% extra damage. 12 +orb awakenings gives you 1.24*1.48 = 1.8352, which is 83.52%. Still not bad, especially when you consider the fact that there's pretty much no strings attached. No special orb conditionals, just a constant boost to every skyfall orb of that color.

also holy fucking shit we finally get chrono turtle are you fucking serious


... so this may be a silly question to ask, but how do you sort by "new" in the monster box?

I realized I've seen several people doing it but never figured out how to do it myself.  I suspect I'm missing something blindingly obvious.
holy shit how have you lived to this point....

it's sort by CHR

it's literally the second option in the sort list...

uhh how does stamina overflow work?

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
holy shit how have you lived to this point....

it's sort by CHR

it's literally the second option in the sort list...

Man, what does CHR even mean? <_<

(I usually sort by ATT)

uhh how does stamina overflow work?

Let's say you have 100 max stamina

You're currently at 25 stamina and use a stone to refresh

Now you have 125 stamina.


oh its also "chronological"

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
oh its also "chronological"




If stamina overflow works with rank ups, I cannot even begin to explain how utterly abusable that would be. I would be literally unstoppable at this point in time if that was allowed.

Kanetsu mythical 0 stoned with Isis and random subs + ally Awoken Neptune 2.5x attack is REALLY LOW but at least his leader skill trivializes the final fight

If stamina overflow works with rank ups, I cannot even begin to explain how utterly abusable that would be. I would be literally unstoppable at this point in time if that was allowed.
pretty sure it's stone only ie. please buy more stones

pretty sure it's stone only ie. please buy more stones

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. If it was allowed on rankup+stone, I already have a silly strat in my head where I could have up to a literal 2-3 overfilled bars of stamina that would take days to run out, and all I'd have to do is have a lot of money and one stone.

aka operation play pad forever made real to the max


Kanetsu mythical 0 stoned with Isis and random subs + ally Awoken Neptune 2.5x attack is REALLY LOW but at least his leader skill trivializes the final fight

This is why I'm so interested in the Awoken Greco-Romans. They're the perfect combination of damage and survivability. Combine two and you've got near-Odin-tier defenses on choice elements. It's a stall strategy that doesn't require stupid high HP and pathetic damage. (6.25x is very passable; I mean Ronia teams do it all the time!)


  • Wow I'm back to playing this game.
  • Let's puzzle together again, Karin!
Even better defense than Odin against those elements if you think about it, because it -doesn't turn off because your HP is not full-

Some reeeeealllly nice stuff there.  I will hope to get a greco roman eventually just FOR that sort of thing.
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!


  • *
  • You're gonna have a bad time
In the last 24 hours i've utterly wasted 270 stamina between Challenge lv6 and Kanetsugu mythical....
So happy right now.....

i'm kinda fed up with attempting dungeons and risking an OHKO almost every turn unless i play perfect and/or orb troll goes for an holiday.... until my teams are full 99 and at least somewhat skilled-up mythical/restricted can go die in a dump....

lol i 0 stoned mythical kane only to die to legend because i thought it would be trivial durr

also what's up with Okuni getting a 1.5x active buff but Bastet is still 1.15x? I know dual max skilled Bastet basically gets a 15% boost all the time, but having a damage boost on top of a delay on 8 turns is good for Okuni as a leader or sub.

oh yeah the stamina overlap thing basically completely solves my tamadra village over stam problem huh

the real question though is how many months until we get it...

also I just realized Hera-Is HP/RCV buff is to devil only goddammit
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 07:13:06 PM by Suikama »


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Ars Nova is probably going to be a staple Attacker UVO Amaterasu sub if you ask me lol

she's pretty good tbh

however she lacks prongs, so overall most of ama's recent subs kinda benchpress her to pieces, and her actual orb generation is low besides the enhance (which, technically, athena gives)

i'd use her where flash or supes is if you didn't roll them atm

also what's up with Okuni getting a 1.5x active buff but Bastet is still 1.15x? I know dual max skilled Bastet basically gets a 15% boost all the time, but having a damage boost on top of a delay on 8 turns is good for Okuni as a leader or sub.

it's 1 turn basically

it's like how norse's actives are only 1.5x but they're 3 turns so it's totally cool right guys


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
lol i 0 stoned mythical kane only to die to legend because i thought it would be trivial durr

Kanetsugu is pretty poorly tune.  I barely noticed a difference between mythical and legendary difficulties.

also what's up with Okuni getting a 1.5x active buff but Bastet is still 1.15x? I know dual max skilled Bastet basically gets a 15% boost all the time, but having a damage boost on top of a delay on 8 turns is good for Okuni as a leader or sub.

Frankly I'm okay with Okuni getting a bone thrown his way, he's had to live so long without one

oh yeah the stamina overlap thing basically completely solves my tamadra village over stam problem huh

Haha, it really does :V

oh wow Kanetsugu drops luci skillups fully evolved

so that's what this dungeon is for

...dammit no skill up
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 07:23:40 PM by Suikama »


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
oh wow Kanetsugu drops luci skillups fully evolved

so that's what this dungeon is for

And Thumbelina!

... wow, actually, come to think of it

Max skill thumbelina is pretty legit.

Maybe I should skill her up.

i just had a random thought

what if someone had a max skilled hera-is, UEVOed her, then unUEVOed her back. Would she still be maxed skilled?