Author Topic: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)  (Read 25655 times)


  • Not your usual oni.
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Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« on: June 09, 2014, 04:14:34 PM »
You know, this is most likely one of the first serious and complete Touhou ports to Doom. I mean, you got one that's a Joke WAD that combines other stupid Youtube Poop elements, and one is a Troll WAD, also known as a "Terry WAD",  that ends up trolling you with... well... find out for yourself. Actually, don't. It's bad for you. There are also other unfinished and unreleased projects out there, and one that has a beta release with a life and bomb system.

But why not combine normal Doom elements with Touhou?

Welcome to Touhou Doom!
(in lack of a better name)

First off, let me say that the person who inspired me to make this mod is known as (Satori Komeiji) on Youtube. All credit to you, Satori. You're freakin' awesome.

Here, have a playlist full of videos: yay videos

Would you like to give it a try? Well, you'll need to do a few things first.

1. Get Doom 2.
You need this. It's pretty freakin' obvious. You can buy it off of Steam for about $5, or you can take a different approach and download the fan-made FreeDoom, which doesn't contain the original Doom textures or sounds, but it should still work with this. ...It's the first link on that list. Download that, and move on to the next step.

2. Download Zandronum/ZDoom/GZDoom.
Let me describe what each one is. They are all ports of Doom, and are very advanced. ZDoom is the first of these ports, which takes Doom and adds all sorts of extra features, such as mouselook, complete keyboard configuration, and for advanced users, scripting features. ZDoom doesn't look super good, though. It's good for low-end computers. In the new version of this mod, ZDoom will not work due to terribly buggy graphics. Download here:

GZDoom on the other hand, allows things such as 3D models, hi-resolution textures, and more display settings to suit your needs. GZDoom has the same features of ZDoom, but mainly just looks better. GZDoom will be recommended for the new version of this mod. Download here:

Zandronum is a combination of GZDoom and ZDoom, as it can run in both OpenGL (GZDoom) mode and Software (ZDoom) mode. It also has the capability of playing and hosting online servers. This feature originated from Skulltag, but it shut down. Zandronum doesn't have all of the scripting features as ZDoom or GZDoom though, so sometimes custom items/monsters/weapons won't work. Zandronum is also recommended for the new version of this mod. Download here:

3. Put the doom2.wad file in your Zandronum/GZDoom/ZDoom folder. If you don't do this, they will refuse to run.

4. Download the Touhou Doom mod and stick all of the files in the same folder of your Zandronum/GZDoom/ZDoom.

5. Select the mod files, drag them to the .exe file in your folder, and play! (you may need to do some setting configurations first, though)

**MAIN GOALS (as of right now)**
bosses for ep. 3 (specifically PC-98)

Download a crappy old version here:

Download the new version here (it contains 7 maps):touhoudoomscarlet.pk3

Download an even newer, fixed version here (9 maps!):

Download the newest version here (12 maps!):

Please, if you find any bugs, tell me!
Suggestions are appreciated as well!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 01:54:37 PM by Siro »


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Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 06:56:47 PM »
Videos plox

There is something called youtube and most humans happen to have the ability to browse it. -Hele
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 08:26:26 PM by Helepolis »
My youtube channel with my creations:
( ゆっくりしていってね)>


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 10:06:22 PM »
Videos plox

There is something called youtube and most humans happen to have the ability to browse it. -Hele Video of the first three maps. Video of the fourth map. Video of the fifth map.

Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2014, 12:42:24 AM »
So what is the eventual end goal of this wad? I like this as a proof of concept and I know that there's some real potential in the idea of a danmaku-style mod for Doom 2 from things like Stronghold which are already basically there. But if it's just going to be 32 maps (or any number beyond like 6 or 8, really) of this it'll get pretty repeditive.

Like you said in your post, this mod is more like regular doom than other mods with touhou elements. I like that, it's got a good mix of the two already. It would be great if every boss had a small leadup (even just a few dozen enemies) before the fight that was just a small doom map done in whatever style you think fits the boss. It'd stop me from getting burned out by fighting bosses over and over. It would also solve the first problem in my little list of problems.

My little list of problems:
1. The design is already fairly amateurish. Giving the player a whole bunch of powerups and weapons at the very start of a map is something only done on MAP30 of most wads (and sometimes not even then), doing it elsewhere gives a feeling of "I don't care about making fun fights for the regular shotgun, I'm not interested in a player that has less than 200/200 health, we're just here to mash BFGs in to things". This is mainly due to the nature of the mod as a boss rush, which is another reason to have a leadup in each map.

This mentality also shines in the first 5 maps that you and Satori opted to make - all extremely high-powered fights except for Alice. But even the Alice fight gives you a BFG halfway through it. It'd be nice to see an example of what would be MAP01 or MAP02 in your wad.

2. Remilia's attacks have an extremely large windup, it's really easy to see everything coming. Gungnir has maybe half a second too much, I've never come close to being caught by it. The danmaku and the dash could be reduced to no windup and still be fairly dodgable - Doom players can be expected to always be strafing, so an attack that is aimed directly at them should be treated like "Only idiots will get hit by this, so it deals major damage and comes out quickly"

3. The Yukari fight is, even when compared to the other two finished maps, so extremely over the top that its quality suffers as a result. I understand that a Yukari fight is clearly endgame/secret level material so of course we're going to be flying around with a BFG in a map full of a billion enemies. That's fine. Great, even. But all the non-flight powerups kind of spoil the fight. I can beat Yukari very consistantly just by grabbing a set of a flightsphere, doomsphere and invlunerability globe, meleeing her with the BFG until they run out, grabbing another set and going back in for the kill.

It would be great if you could somehow redesign it to not need invulnerability globes. In fact, it's probably already fine if you just remove or nerf her instant kills (particularly the teleport next to you thing) and give her more abilities that deal with a player that's circlestrafing while also rising/falling. None of her attacks or any non-archvile enemies can hit me while I'm helixstrafing, doom wasn't made with that in mind.

4. Microproblems:
Yukari gets stuck on the edge of her arena. She should probably fly, anyway.
Bosses don't make any sound when they spawn danmaku like they do in the games.
Shooting remillia makes your bullets spark off. She isn't made of stone, and it makes it look like you're not doing damage.
Dolls bleed a black substance when you shoot them. Intentional?
Health bars would be nice, or just a boss HP percentage like in tormentor667's maps (ZDCMP2, UTNT).
ugh the remillia fight takes a while and doesn't give you a lot of ammo


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2014, 02:55:16 PM »
long post

1. I know that the designs aren't very great, but I plan to give it a story of how the player got into Gensokyo and to have the events leading up to the boss fights. I'll also probably add some magic weapons that you would get from Gensokyo along the way.

2. Okay, I'll probably tinker the sprites a little bit so it's not as easy to see when attacks are coming. I'll also decrease the Gungnir time, but that would also mean that most players will get killed by the Gungnir. I'll see what I can do about that.

3. I've planned for Yukari to be an optional secret boss, so she's going to be extremely difficult. I'll also redo Yukari's map sometime, because the one I have right now is simply just a placeholder. And there won't be as many powerups. Just some Flightspheres, maybe one Doomsphere, a couple Turbospheres, and a few Megaspheres.

And Yukari's teleport attack was supposed to be a recreation of one of her spellcards, "Yukari's Spiriting Away". I'll nerf that one so the big blue ball isn't facing towards you when it happens.

4. I know how to get Yukari to fly, but that means that the teleport attack would look pretty weird, as the danmaku would be facing down when that happens. Then again, that shouldn't be too bad.
I think Remilia does have danmaku sounds, but they're just too quiet. I don't know how to make attack sounds play at a higher volume, but I'll find out a way.
I'll give Remilia a blood color. The dolls were intended to have black blood, but I'll make it so it looks like bullets spark off of them.
And I have no idea how health bars work, but I could try some sort of health percentage.
The Remilia fight was intended to take long. as she will be a final boss of an episode. Sort of like how the first Doom game works. You start easy on an episode, then you face the boss, then you go on to the next episode, and you repeat the process.

Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2014, 10:10:36 PM »
This is all great to hear, I'll keep up with the thread and can't wait to see more stuff.

2. Okay, I'll probably tinker the sprites a little bit so it's not as easy to see when attacks are coming. I'll also decrease the Gungnir time, but that would also mean that most players will get killed by the Gungnir. I'll see what I can do about that.

Well, I suppose it all depends on the kind of players you expect to play your game - I'm probably a fair bit better at Doom than the kind of person who would just play this because they enjoy touhou. The dash's long windup animation is probably more of a problem than an extra half-second on Gungnir.

This is the kind of stuff that could change based on difficulty level, but I'm not sure how difficult that would be to mod in. It seems like you could copy the boss twice and tweak the timing (and possibly amount) of attacks for the copies and have them spawn in on other difficulties, but that's probably something to think about later.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2014, 10:20:50 PM »

Okay, so I finished the first map. "But Siro, this isn't Touhou related at all!" Well, you're right. I made the first map so people would think "...Okay. Doomguy's on another mission to clear out a UAC base. Simple enough." When you go through that exiting teleporter, you'll get transported to Gensokyo (MAP02), which will start the Touhou 6-syle story. I just thought it would give a little backstory of how the player got into Gensokyo instead of just throwing them in there.

Oh, and to any amateur/semi amateur Doom players, this map can be somewhat difficult, mainly because there's a Baron of Hell right before you get to the exit. But all-in-all, I think it's somewhat good for one of my first maps.

Along with that, I'm going to make each map have a midboss, and then the actual boss at the end of the map. So, I made the midboss version of Rumia (which I would say would have the difficulty between a Hell Knight and Baron of Hell). Her attacks are firing a thin ring of dark yellow danmaku around her (each orb does about 10 damage), and charging at you like Remilia, but with much less damage (30). I hope you know how to dodge Lost Souls.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2014, 11:06:05 PM »
Sorry for the double post (yet that will probably be the case for a while), but I have made MAP02. It features the first custom enemies you'll face, which are your standard, everyday fairies that you'd see in Gensokyo. The smaller fairies are very weak and they just charge at you with a weak melee attack. The larger fairies shoot green danmaku at you which won't cause too much damage. Midboss Rumia is pretty easy to take down, as she will only fire small amounts of dark yellow danmaku and charge at you. The actual Rumia boss is moderately difficult, but since you have trees to hide behind, it's not much of a problem. Her attacks are fairly simple, as they are a thin ring of danmaku, two walls of danmaku (not as bad as you think), and charging at you.

Here's a video:

Oh, and two things:
1. Should I use the MIDI versions of Touhou music, or should I use .WAV versions?
2. Should I keep the fairy sprites that are from Touhou 6, or use more hi-res versions? I personally think the Touhou 6 sprites would be better fitting for the fairies, but I'm not 100% sure.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2014, 01:46:10 PM »
More progress!
If you haven't been checking my Youtube channel for new stuff related to this, then here you go:
Maps 3 and 4
Patchy and the Mysterious Midboss
Updated Patchy

Now if you've seen the video "Patchy and the Mysterious Midboss", then you may be confused. Since you entered Gensokyo through a teleporter at a UAC facility that has been captured by demons, then that means that demons are roaming around Gensokyo. In the video, Patchy explains to Remilia and Sakuya that she captured a demon (Arch-Vile) and tinkered with it's attacks to create the Medivile.

But since the demons are roaming around in Gensokyo, then you have two threats to worry about: The forces of Hell and the residents of Gensokyo. Everyone thinks that you are the cause of the demons in Gensokyo, when, in reality, you aren't. No one is happy about the demons.

Oh, and the forces of Hell have acquired new warriors. Some are specifically designed to destroy Gensokyo. Now, which side are you more worried about? Gensokyo or Hell?


Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2014, 04:41:09 AM »
Wow, this looks too awesome. I'll definitely need to try this out soon. Just watched your maps 3 and 4 video so far, and I think the original sprites work good in this, since we are talking about old-style Doom here. If it wouldn't make the download too huge, I would suggest the wav music. The midi doesn't sound too bad, but if you can, try sticking the wav in there.

Also, I'm glad you doing TH6 here, since that is the only game I've really played and probably the only one I can recognize the music from.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2014, 06:30:53 PM »
Wow, this looks too awesome. I'll definitely need to try this out soon. Just watched your maps 3 and 4 video so far, and I think the original sprites work good in this, since we are talking about old-style Doom here. If it wouldn't make the download too huge, I would suggest the wav music. The midi doesn't sound too bad, but if you can, try sticking the wav in there.

Also, I'm glad you doing TH6 here, since that is the only game I've really played and probably the only one I can recognize the music from.


Now if I were to stick the wav versions of the music in there, the download would be HUGE. I'll probably release two music packs (midi and wav) so people can choose which one they want.

And this is sort of a mix of Touhou 6 and normal Doom-style story elements. As you can see from the basement map, the demons do begin to invade, thus creating a sudden plot twist.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2014, 04:39:31 PM »
I updated the original post with more information, a link to the new version of the mod, and a link to the playlist of videos I made for this.

Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2014, 06:13:37 PM »
Downloaded the beta, played it (using GZDoom 1.8.2). And the gameplay isn't exactly awesome. Right off the bat, there are script errors and warnings, such as: "Unknown class name 'CubeAmmo'/'GreenMana'", "Warning: dynamic lights attached to non-existent actor SunProjectile1/FireWavePowered", "Invalid data encountered for texture" (a bunch of those was from touhouenemies.wad), "Warning: SpellBinder and LightbringerHefty both have doomednum 31126"...
But those errors are pretty tame. Here are the things I consider bad in your maps:
1) It's too linear. No secrets, only 1 room (aside from the path) accessable... Now just to add waypoints every 15 steps and the map could pass as something from Call of Duty.
2) Regular monsters are randomly replaced by those new versions, which isn't a good thing. That Hell Knight in the side room could potentially be replaced by this new "Cybruiser", who is 4 times as strong.
1) Once again: too linear, no secrets etc. But this time there isn't even a side room available. Invisible walls aren't exactly needed here, too - set regular barriers, if needed.
2) You aren't informed about the wand.
1) Invisible walls. No, seriously, this isn't funny. The only reason why you can't skip the first island is "invisible walls". The only reason why you can't skip the second island is "invisible walls". The only reason to fight Cirno is... you guessed it, the invisible wall!
2) Oh, and once again: too linear, no secrets etc.
1) You guessed it - linear.
2) Design isn't very good here - map mostly consists of open spaces with some dead trees placed randomly.
1) Do I still need to say "linear"? In my opinion, the best part in the whole map is the possibility to quit the library before the door closes, allowing you to defeat Medivile (and possibly Patchouli) in the different place, because it at least provides a choice where to fight the boss. Probably the only real choice in the whole PK3.
2) The door to (and from) Remilia opens only twice - once from each side. Great way to get stuck!
3) Seriously? 11000 hp for Remilia? That's 2,75 times more than what Sakuya has! Or 2,2 times more than what Flandre has! And Flandre&Sakuya actually provide you more resources, even though in Flandre's case they are hidden in the maze...
1) Blasting Flandre right away is forbidden, because if any of your projectiles will enter the room, demons will start to spawn. Even if you will still win this battle by some miracle, you will die during the "portal" cutscene, because your control is taken away and the demons are still attacking.
2) You can enter the Flandre's room before the door closes. Result - you get stuck with the spawning demons.
The barriers (the walls that force you to fight instead of running through) after being lowered will raise themselves after a minute or so. What, you haven't crossed it in time? Congratulations, you're stuck, try again.

Now, what I'd like to suggest:
1) Add secrets and alternate paths. Really, when playing I'm feeling like I'm going in a straight line.
2) Add a more sensible story, because the one here doesn't make much sense. For example, why did the Doomguy wanted to "beat up everyone in the mansion"? Why was he shocked when the demons started invading, even though Remilia told him "you brought demons upon this world"?
3) I'm sure this won't come up for a long time, but if you have trouble with Touhou-themed Hell bosses, try using the ones from HRtP.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 2)
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2014, 02:12:15 PM »
long post

Believe me when I say this, but I had absolutely no mapping experience before I made this (which is a problem). Most of those errors belong to unused actors and sounds (hence that this is a beta), and the errors are not game-breaking in any way.

For the monster randomizer, the Cybruiser is going to be completely removed from the Hellknight randomizer. I'll also make spawnrates for powerful monsters lower.

And there are some things that I can't really fix, such as when you shoot Flandre right off the bat and then demons spawn. For some weird reason, the SpawnSpot ACS command doesn't spawn BossEyes (at least from my experience), and for another weird reason you can't have a dormant BossEye, as it will just act normally.

And what you said about linear maps... Well, the original Touhou games were pretty linear (except for Imperishable Night and (I think) Highly Responsive to Prayers), so I would have no idea where to place secrets or alternate paths. And the invisible walls... well... It would look really stupid if there are just random barriers in forests and islands. I don't want to make things look extremely stupid, nor do I want players skipping parts of maps.

And don't think that these maps are staying, because they're not. I just want to get general ideas down before I start going crazy with mapping.

And the story may not make as much sense, but think about this: The Doomguy only saw one instance of the demons in Gensokyo before the incident in the basement, and that was right when he went through the teleporter. Doomguy only thought that the demons entered through that teleporter, so he didn't expect them to make a proper entry point in the basement.

All-in-all, I at least thank you for posting some criticism, because some of these things I actually didn't notice in the first place.

Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 2)
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2014, 05:28:53 PM »
Believe me when I say this, but I had absolutely no mapping experience before I made this (which is a problem). Most of those errors belong to unused actors and sounds (hence that this is a beta), and the errors are not game-breaking in any way.
Well, that's quite obvious. And I said the errors are tame, it's just the fact they are here.

And there are some things that I can't really fix, such as when you shoot Flandre right off the bat and then demons spawn. For some weird reason, the SpawnSpot ACS command doesn't spawn BossEyes (at least from my experience), and for another weird reason you can't have a dormant BossEye, as it will just act normally.
Nope, you can. Fixing it took 10 minutes.
1) Create two...
Actually, no, it would be easier for me to simply show the fix. Here's the picture:

And what you said about linear maps... Well, the original Touhou games were pretty linear (except for Imperishable Night and (I think) Highly Responsive to Prayers), so I would have no idea where to place secrets or alternate paths.
Well, you can't exactly make nonlinear levels in shoot-em-ups - the whole level there is just a rectangular box. Doom, on the other hand...
And try to think about the levels outside of the Touhou box. For example, Mist Lake. Since it's a lake, you can possibly go around it...
Or Scarlet Devil Mansion (which is currently smaller than the basement). Having secret passageways and hidden rooms with goodies isn't the out-of-place thing in mansions. Then there are side rooms like bedroom, kitchen or guest rooms. And possibly a garden around it - after all, that's what some mansions have, right?
And the invisible walls... well... It would look really stupid if there are just random barriers in forests and islands. I don't want to make things look extremely stupid, nor do I want players skipping parts of maps.
walls with tree texture on islands hur
The "go there because you must" way isn't good either. And that's what the invisible walls represent.
And the way you've forced to fight Cirno is completely ⑨. If you need to force players to fight her, use something that at least sounds plausible, like "Cirno had created a huge ice wall so any passengers will be forced to go through her lair" or "high shores - the only part where they're low enough is occupied by Cirno"...
Those barriers don't look natural, too. It would be better if you were to use some sort of a magical barrier - wall made of light or something.
And the story may not make as much sense, but think about this: The Doomguy only saw one instance of the demons in Gensokyo before the incident in the basement, and that was right when he went through the teleporter. Doomguy only thought that the demons entered through that teleporter, so he didn't expect them to make a proper entry point in the basement.
Point taken here. But "beat up everyone in the mansion" still doesn't make any sense. And when had the Doomguy encountered magic weapons before?
All-in-all, I at least thank you for posting some criticism, because some of these things I actually didn't notice in the first place.
You're welcome.

Oh, and when browsing through the scripts, I found a few unused dialogue lines. Sure, it's not a big deal, but still.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 2)
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2014, 09:48:33 PM »
And I said the errors are tame, it's just the fact they are here.

All errors have been removed since I cleaned out the unused actors and sounds and all of that, though I didn't see the "Warning: dynamic lights attached to non-existent actor SunProjectile1/FireWavePowered" error when I went to see what errors there were. Must be a GZDoom only error, as I mainly use Zandronum to test things out (because Zandronum has slightly less features than GZDoom) just so I know everything works on both ports.

Nope, you can. Fixing it took 10 minutes.
1) Create two...
Actually, no, it would be easier for me to simply show the fix. Here's the picture:
[insert picture here]

Man, you obviously know a lot more about mapping than I do. I just know a lot about DECORATE scripting and a little bit of ACS scripting, but I'm weak when it comes to mapping.

Well, you can't exactly make nonlinear levels in shoot-em-ups - the whole level there is just a rectangular box. Doom, on the other hand...
And try to think about the levels outside of the Touhou box. For example, Mist Lake. Since it's a lake, you can possibly go around it...
Or Scarlet Devil Mansion (which is currently smaller than the basement). Having secret passageways and hidden rooms with goodies isn't the out-of-place thing in mansions. Then there are side rooms like bedroom, kitchen or guest rooms. And possibly a garden around it - after all, that's what some mansions have, right?

The "go there because you must" way isn't good either. And that's what the invisible walls represent.
And the way you've forced to fight Cirno is completely ⑨. If you need to force players to fight her, use something that at least sounds plausible, like "Cirno had created a huge ice wall so any passengers will be forced to go through her lair" or "high shores - the only part where they're low enough is occupied by Cirno"...
Those barriers don't look natural, too. It would be better if you were to use some sort of a magical barrier - wall made of light or something.

I'll take these suggestions in mind. I'm actually going to remake some maps (especially the first 4, might remake map07 into something a little different...).

Point taken here. But "beat up everyone in the mansion" still doesn't make any sense. And when had the Doomguy encountered magic weapons before?

I recently changed that dialogue around a bit. It should be more appropriate for the story now.

Oh, and when browsing through the scripts, I found a few unused dialogue lines. Sure, it's not a big deal, but still.

Must've been the good ol' non-remembering me forgetting to put script executing linedefs to activate the dialogue. Darn.


  • LV. 4 Guze Cannon
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2014, 04:30:19 PM »
Touhou?  In MY Doom?  Oh hell yes.

I watched some of the videos of this, and other than some complaints about things like level flow, I'm thoroughly impressed.
The best part about it all is that starting in a generic, fairly well-made UAC Facility gives the player an awful expectation that something's going to happen, especially after stepping onto a conspicuous teleporter.  What you are greeted with here though is not Terry WAD buttsecks, but something rather awesome.

If this is still being worked on, keep up the good work, 9.5/10, better than original EoSD
Modern Touhou Accomplishments || TD Normal 1CC | DDC Normal 1CC (poorly) | DDC Extra Clear


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2014, 08:14:40 PM »
Touhou?  In MY Doom?  Oh hell yes.

I watched some of the videos of this, and other than some complaints about things like level flow, I'm thoroughly impressed.
The best part about it all is that starting in a generic, fairly well-made UAC Facility gives the player an awful expectation that something's going to happen, especially after stepping onto a conspicuous teleporter.  What you are greeted with here though is not Terry WAD buttsecks, but something rather awesome.

If this is still being worked on, keep up the good work, 9.5/10, better than original EoSD

Thanks, man. And yes, this is still being worked on. At the moment I'm actually not working on this, but after I finish this Halloween mod I'm making I'll get right back to developing this.
There's also new content that I made that still needs to be uploaded to the Youtube playlist... but I'd rather wait until I finish one big part.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2014, 07:42:05 PM »
It's been a while, but a new download has been posted on the original post!

Here's a nice little changelog (copied from changelog.txt):

Changes from Touhou Doom's second release to its third release:

+: Addition
-: Removed
=: Changed

=  Remade MAP01
+  Added title and intermission music
-  Removed the monster randomizer that replaces normal monsters, but the randomizer is still present (used in MAP08)
=  Fixed some bugs in MAP02
+  Made a cutscene for Rumia!
=  Made projectiles less damaging
=  Gave every character slightly less health
=  Ice walls instead of invisible walls in MAP03
=  Made MAP03's forests smaller
=  Made MAP04 look nicer
-  Removed Midboss Rumia's dashing attack
=  Moved the Koakumas in MAP05
=  Sakuya's time freeze now works better! (100% proven to piss you off even more!)
+  Added Heretic weapons, but they are unused
-  Removed the 2 Cybruisers in MAP06
=  The Pain Lord opens Flandre's room door & the exit door instead of giving you a blue key when he dies
=  Made Flandre's Room look nicer
=  Completely remade MAP07 to give a more ominous feeling
=  "Fear" now has slightly less health
+  New map: MAP08! "The Invasion"
+  Added an unused, unfinished Yuyuko
+  New map: MAP09! "Forest" (end of episode 1)
+  Episode selection (only the first one works; episode 2 brings you to Doom 2's MAP10 and the other two bring you to nonexistant maps)
+  Remilia has a new attack! (You can find out what it is)
+  Added sprites, sounds, and textures from Heretic, Hexen, and Strife! (all unused haha)
=  Probably a million other things I just can't think of; find them yourself.


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2015, 09:52:01 PM »
Welp, episode 2 is out. Yay. It's a short one, but it introduces almost all of the characters from Touhou 11, and it even introduces Yuyuko. It is also the first use of the Heretic weapons, and the first use of an original monster from Hexen (along with two variants of it). It also includes fixes and stuff.

Expect a huge increase in file size as well... stupid .ogg music apparently being a lot bigger than I thought (just be thankful for no .wav). Can't use MP3 because it loops like crap in Doom.

So now episode 3 is in development. I have no idea who to make first, but the plot goes like this: Yukari discovers that the reason why it was so easy for the UAC and the demons to break into Gensokyo was that someone in Gensokyo (or a dimension close to it) was already weakening the barrier. That's the reason why episode 3 is called "Accusations". Because of that whole ordeal, I need suggestions for bosses (particularly PC-98 because there are a lot of otherwordly dimensions in that time period). halp me pls

Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2015, 04:56:24 AM »
Oh. This was updated twice already? Okay, let's see what you got there.


"Tried to register class 'ChshireFlame' more than once", "Icon '%iconname%' for ''%actorname%' not found"... yep, definitely a new version, those errors are new... So:
Unused stuff. So. Many. Unused. Stuff. Sprites, textures, sounds, weapons, music, pictures/comics with Rick Astley (yes, I'm serious)...
The dialogue is... meh. For example, "Hello? Are you alright? You seem to have died and ascended to Hakugyokurou". 'Well gee. I just suffered a horrible death and found myself who knows where. I'm just peachy. All in all this day is going pretty OK.'
Scarlet Scepter's secondary attack is completely useless. 150 damage is less than what a normal shot does, and this one consumes 20x more ammo.

Well, I can't call that a big improvement. The choice in textures and stuff is a bit better, but in return the map is even more linear and feels really empty.

Nothing new other than introducing a new bug in that new cutscene (three Script_Execute triggers that allow you to start the cutscene up to 3 times).

The door to/from Remilia is still not fixed...
Remilia's new attack is pretty annoying thanks to its length.

Design is pretty nice. The invasion itself isn't bad as well. However, it seemed to suddenly take a difficulty spike in the last wave.
And then a ridiculous 20000 HP boss with overpowered cover-everything attacks. That's just cheap.

Well... pretty workable for what it was done for.

A nice level, though I don't think "the insides of one building" is a really good representation of the whole Hakugyokurou.
Yuyuko as a boss wasn't bad. The wooden pillars might be just too good as a cover, though.

Underworld is... well, '...' A straightforward fairy-filled tunnel as a "cave" with exactly one trap, a '2nd level midboss'-style midboss (yeah, so you've beaten Remilia, Flandre, Yuyuko, some powerful demons... but take note of a bucket girl!), another tunnel with "stronger" yet exactly the same fairies and a bridge, the most lazy Former City of Hell I've ever seen (a stone block?..), the small and somewhat dull Palace (still better than a tunnel), the big 'Ahh! My eyes! My beautiful eyes!'-styled red tunnel (I'm starting to think about a tunnel fetish), cutscene with Orin, a short attack of the cacodemons (Orin died in 5 seconds, seems legit), more of the red tunnel and Utsuho with her sun dispenser machine (looked cool, disappointed in battle)
Satori is broken. Just plainly broken. The second she initiates her "aimed blue orbs" or "random red orbs" stuff, she doesn't stop until getting killed, going into Pain state or until player gets out of her sight, which leads to "player boredly going left and right while blasting Satori" sequence.
Utsuho would make a nice midboss to level 4. She just isn't capable of anything else - sun dispenser machine which has a looong startup and has ~25% of the arena as a safespot (it also tried to pull me in, I think... at my while-crouching speed), some basic spread attacks that are only dangerous if you're standing very close to her, a single aimed medium-speed fireball... It only became dangerous when I ran out of ammo.
Koishi battle was pretty good. Though I'm not sure whether the table is supposed to provide a perfect cover from her attacks.

Void Tower is the first and only place where I'd turned music off - that sound is painful to my ears. The level itself doesn't look bad for a pre-boss chamber.
The Avatar&Heresiarch battle can be skipped by going through the door before it closes. The battle itself is pretty annoying thanks to Avatar's homing projectile and Heresiarch's random invulnerability.
Malphas is easier than Avatar&Heresiarch. Much. He might become a good midboss at this level, but boss... no.
So now episode 3 is in development. I have no idea who to make first, but the plot goes like this: Yukari discovers that the reason why it was so easy for the UAC and the demons to break into Gensokyo was that someone in Gensokyo (or a dimension close to it) was already weakening the barrier. That's the reason why episode 3 is called "Accusations". Because of that whole ordeal, I need suggestions for bosses (particularly PC-98 because there are a lot of otherwordly dimensions in that time period). halp me pls
Makai, Hell, Mugenkan, Reimaden, the one Yumemi came from and potentially Mugetsu's dream world. Don't think six is "a lot", and I'm not even excluding Hell like I should.
As for "suggestions for bosses"... When exactly does this WAD takes place in?


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2015, 10:39:29 PM »
long post of postiness

Yeah, yeah, new errors, but it's not like it's in almost every single other beta mod I've seen out there. Remember, buddy, this is unfinished.
Unused sprites, textures, weapons? Yes, that's understandable, but that's stuff that's planned out for the future. But unused music? No such thing here. And pictures/comics with Rick Astley? You have to be kidding me.
Scarlet Scepter's altfire will most likely receive a damage increase along with an ammo use decrease. But take a look at Skulltag's Railgun. It's only useful in certain situations. Other than that, you're wasting ammo and shouldn't even bother using it.

MAP01 can be improved a little bit, sure, but I'm not going to make 287569384756432 remakes of it just because of one person's likings.

MAP02 will be fixed.

I know I've fixed MAP05 several times, I must have put in the wrong map file.

The reason for MAP08's sudden difficulty spike is because you have the most powerful weapon (next to the BFG which will definitely not be present here), the Fantasy Wand. Just be thankful I didn't add +NORADIUSDAMAGE to that enemy.

MAP09... not much to say.

You think it's easy to make concaved 3D roofs in Doom? No, it's not. And recreating the Saigyou Ayakashi? Hell. No. Making it a huge sprite will make it look ugly, and there is absolutely no way to recreate that big of a tree with just 3D floors. MAP10 is staying as it is.

MAP11 is also the best I can really do. Complaining about "take note of a bucket girl"? It's because you don't have your weaponry from before. You only have this crappy crossbow that does less damage than Doom's shotgun and this claw that does the same damage as Doom's chaingun, along with an impressive altfire. You don't have the Darkness Wand, the Serpent Staff, or the Spell Binder anymore. Hell, you don't even have the Sapphire Wand, and even that's better than the crappy Gold Wand. And Yuyuko was incredibly easy compared to the other bosses. Sure, she had more complex attacks, but her attacks did little damage. Add the fact that you get SEVERAL UPON SEVERAL health bonuses in that level, along with more than enough soulspheres, and even a megasphere. Please tell me that it is difficult in any way.
Regarding the Streets of Former Hell, same goes here as it does for MAP10. Concave 3D roofs in Doom = no.
And tunnels is what that place is made of. Welcome to Touhou 11, please enjoy your stay.
Regarding Satori's blue+red orb attacks: you wouldn't want an attack where you have to wait for an amount of time, even behind cover, unless you put her in her pain or death state? I sure wouldn't. Welcome to Doom E3M8, have fun with your Spider Mastermind.
I was thinking about making Utsuho's arena smaller, but then it wouldn't really feel like an "arena". I've spent so much time making the things in that arena and I just want to take a break from that.
And that table... yeah, there's really no purpose to it. Might as well move it, delete it, or possibly lower the height.

MAP12's music is staying as it is. Wait about a minute and that high-pitched sound will be gone. Unless you want me to put some Harsh Noise in there or some sort of crappy ambient music that you can barely hear, then deal with it for now until I can find some sort of alternative to it (if I do). I personally think that the music fits.
To avoid the Avatar+Heresiarch skip, I will eventually add a cutscene where they open the door and they come out.
And imagine this: What if I didn't edit the health of the Heresiarch and the Avatar? Heresiarch used to have 5000 health. Yes, that's right. FIVE. THOUSAND. That's more than a Cyberdemon. Would you want to sit there forever, dealing with his invulnerability? No, I wouldn't, either. Even with his health reduced WAAAAY down to 2500, that's apparently still a problem? The Avatar used to have 4000 health. Reduced to 3000, that's also a problem? Use the Hellstaff and the Dragon Claw's altfire. Those two will be gone in minutes by then.
Malphas can definitely use an increase in difficulty, yes. Perhaps make him use a custom DamageType in which he only takes a percentage of damage from the Hellstaff and Dragon Claw, and maybe a weakness to the crossbow. Even an HP increase will make him better. Along with his arena being shrinked down in size, it would definitely be harder, yes.

And with those locations? That's 6 maps right there. Excluding Hell, that's 5. That's more than you think. Now think of the other dimensions mentioned in the Windows era.
By the way, this thing doesn't take place at a set time. Since this thing was in production after Touhou 14 came out then it would take place at around that time period. That doesn't mean that the PC-98 locations don't exist anymore.

I don't mind that you tell me the errors and what-not in this mod, but that doesn't mean you can tell me to remodel everything in the way only you want it. There are other people who like this mod, you know, and they like it the way that it is. I'm not making this mod with KDiZD detail, nor am I making it into the new BossBattles.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 03:20:26 PM by Siro »

Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2015, 09:54:31 PM »
But unused music? No such thing here. And pictures/comics with Rick Astley? You have to be kidding me.


You think it's easy to make concaved 3D roofs in Doom? No, it's not. And recreating the Saigyou Ayakashi? Hell. No. Making it a huge sprite will make it look ugly, and there is absolutely no way to recreate that big of a tree with just 3D floors. MAP10 is staying as it is.
Regarding the Streets of Former Hell, same goes here as it does for MAP10. Concave 3D roofs in Doom = no.
That's nice and all, but... there's one small flaw in that statement. As in, Hakugyokurou's roof is not concave. It's possible (hardly, but still) to qualify Streets of Former Hell's as "concave" thanks to the shape of the tiles at the top, but Hakugyokurou? Don't think so.
MAP11 is also the best I can really do. Complaining about "take note of a bucket girl"? It's because you don't have your weaponry from before. You only have this crappy crossbow that does less damage than Doom's shotgun and this claw that does the same damage as Doom's chaingun, along with an impressive altfire. You don't have the Darkness Wand, the Serpent Staff, or the Spell Binder anymore. Hell, you don't even have the Sapphire Wand, and even that's better than the crappy Gold Wand.
And Yuyuko was incredibly easy compared to the other bosses. Sure, she had more complex attacks, but her attacks did little damage. Add the fact that you get SEVERAL UPON SEVERAL health bonuses in that level, along with more than enough soulspheres, and even a megasphere. Please tell me that it is difficult in any way.
So when you're fighting Yuyuko, she is not difficult in any way but with Kisume, who's stats, patterns and stuff are on Midboss Rumia's level, we should take notes and whatever. Either I'm misunderstanding something here, or that's hypocrisy.
Talking about Yuyuko, may I ask which enemy did you presumably rip off when you were making her ghost summons? (And yes, I think they were ripped off, because why would they drop blue mana otherwise?)
And tunnels is what that place is made of. Welcome to Touhou 11, please enjoy your stay.
Thank you for welcoming me to stay! May I ask why in the game the last two stages are composed of seas of fire instead of the red tunnel?
Regarding Satori's blue+red orb attacks: you wouldn't want an attack where you have to wait for an amount of time, even behind cover, unless you put her in her pain or death state? I sure wouldn't. Welcome to Doom E3M8, have fun with your Spider Mastermind.
If it means something like that, then thanks, I'd rather go with Spider Mastermind. It was more interesting.
I was thinking about making Utsuho's arena smaller, but then it wouldn't really feel like an "arena". I've spent so much time making the things in that arena and I just want to take a break from that.
...why would the Utsuho chambers look and feel like an arena, anyway? She was managing the nuclear reactor, not the deathmatch arena.
And imagine this: What if I didn't edit the health of the Heresiarch and the Avatar? Heresiarch used to have 5000 health. Yes, that's right. FIVE. THOUSAND. That's more than a Cyberdemon. Would you want to sit there forever, dealing with his invulnerability? No, I wouldn't, either. Even with his health reduced WAAAAY down to 2500, that's apparently still a problem? The Avatar used to have 4000 health. Reduced to 3000, that's also a problem? Use the Hellstaff and the Dragon Claw's altfire. Those two will be gone in minutes by then.
Imagined. So? How does "the battle against X is annoying" lead to "imagine if it was more annoying"? Besides, a) Heresiarch was alone there; b) you could already have the best weapons in Hexen at that point as well as defense piercing weapons so it'd be more easier, too.
The reason for MAP08's sudden difficulty spike is because you have the most powerful weapon (next to the BFG which will definitely not be present here), the Fantasy Wand. Just be thankful I didn't add +NORADIUSDAMAGE to that enemy.
Once again, how does "the battle against X is annoying" lead to "imagine if it was more annoying"?
And with those locations? That's 6 maps right there. Excluding Hell, that's 5. That's more than you think. Now think of the other dimensions mentioned in the Windows era.
What other dimensions? There were any mentioned? When?
I don't mind that you tell me the errors and what-not in this mod, but that doesn't mean you can tell me to remodel everything in the way only you want it.
When did I tell you to "remodel everything in the way only I want it", exactly? All I did was posting my opinions about several things. Not once did I tell "you should make it like X" or anything similar in my previous comment. Please don't put words in my mouth.

Re: Touhou Doom - Combining FPS with Danmaku (Beta Version 1)
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2016, 04:17:29 AM »
All download links are down and All the videos are private. Dafuq?