Author Topic: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!  (Read 182737 times)

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #510 on: May 04, 2018, 04:54:42 PM »
I'm playing the latest version, alpha6-1, and I'm pretty sure I did everything in the usual order. Kogasa & Tenshi did leave after I crossed the Sanzu River, which is why I was surprised to see them back in the Abyss when I went there again. The only reason I went back was to find the Mimic, which I missed the first time through the elemental dungeons for some reason. The only things I skipped before I got to Chapter 5 were the EX Angelic Mirror, EX Flandre, EX Suwako, and all of the Dragon Tower. I didn't do Suika's Arena either, but I did do Nitori's Challenge.

I'm undoubtedly going to start over this weekend anyway, as I expect to finish it later tonight (just Daisanji's Tower to do now), so I'll try doing things differently and see if it happens again. To be honest, I was surprised that Kogasa didn't show up at the Myouren Temple after I crossed the river, or that Tenshi & Iku weren't back in Bava-agra either, instead of the generic celestial. :)

On that note, I noticed you said the next version was 80% complete in an earlier post and you just needed to playtest it some more. I wouldn't mind a crack at that since it won't spoil the experience for me. Heh, I actually downloaded v1.00 of Hack & Slash on purpose from Hitsuji Nijiiro's site just so I could see what was changed in the later versions.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 04:58:10 PM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #511 on: May 05, 2018, 11:05:12 AM »
Finished it round my mate Chris' house last night so he could see the ending as well (the good one in this case as I went for the Heart of Makai over the Grand Keystone). The final fight against Daisanji was very interesting to say the least, although you might need to tweak his physical attacks a bit as they do come off as rather pathetic for the total embodiment of evil. ;)

Damn, but I really should have held onto Excalipoor shouldn't I, as Excalibur is pretty much useless against both the Kaiser Dragon & Lavos. The former took me almost an hour to take down and has to rate as the most boring boss fight ever (and I sat through God knows how many summons of Knights of the Round in FFVII trying to kill the Emerald & Ruby weapons back in the day)... yeah, I'm definitely with Your Everyday NEET on this one.

The latter, who I stumbled on totally by accident when I tried to go through that creepy black portal Mima left behind (it was the only other place I could think of to look for this boss), was going just fine however, until he Mindblasted the entire party multiple times thanks to Wriggle and her triple-hit Overkiller weapon. Like the fight against Legion, if you aren't wearing the Moriya Shrine Blessing, the first time this happens pretty much guarantees a party wipe. :flamingv:

Despite it's current shortcomings, it's still one hell of a game, and for me rates just as highly as Wandering Souls & Hack & Slash. Like both those games, I'm now more eager than ever to see exactly what a fully released version can become (believe me, they started out with a lot of problems too, especially Hack & Slash).

For now though, congratulations are highly in order for all the hard work you've put in thus far. :toot:
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 06:32:51 AM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #512 on: May 07, 2018, 08:38:19 AM »
Right, as with anything said here, you are free to take everything with a pinch of salt if you don't agree since it is, as you yourself pointed out, your game after all. :P

Here are my observations for Chapter 1 then:-

1) I don't think you should be able to run from any of the wandering encounters. From random encounters, yes, but allowing you to run from the wandering ones makes it entirely pointless avoiding them since most of them merely disappear the minute the battle ends.

2) Shouldn't Yuuka's Garden have a lot more sunflowers?

3) The Rafflesia summon while good requires too many TP to cast. I would either reduce it to 25 or have it hit all enemy targets like it does when it attacks your party.

4) Relating to the above, maybe TP shouldn't reset between battles since that would allow a much more strategic approach to skill usage.

5) Meditate would be a lot more useful if it were percentage based. As it stands, a few HP/MP may make a difference early on, but it becomes rapidly useless by the end of the first chapter.

6) It might be helpful for the Bestiary to mention enemy counters as well.

7) Koakuma is listed as a boss, yet she dies like a normal enemy rather than sinking into the floor.

8} Little Bug is far too weak, doing no more damage than Swarm for twice the MP. If the chance to berserk were higher it might be worth it, but otherwise it definitely needs to be stronger.

9) An amusing glitch when Team 9 returns to the SDM from Mayohiga results in clones of everyone but Cirno lined up in front of Remilia and the others who fail to react with the exception of Sakuya. This can be easily triggered by walking left or right as you enter the door instead of walking straight forward. Even more amusing is you can go upstairs and talk to Remilia, fight Sakuya, talk to Patchy in the library, etc., come back, and they are all still there. Sakuya even says the exact same line even though you just beat her upstairs and stole her loot.

10) Typical of the denizens of Gensokyo in general perhaps, but Meiling doesn't seem very put out by the fact that you smacked her about earlier.

11) Stop probably shouldn't cancel itself, but rather reset the turn counter like Haste does.

12) Remilia doesn't notice Sakuya's missing when you go back and talk to her after beating the chief maid up in her room.

13) A warning about the MIAB from her might be helpful too as that Death Mask is lethal early game.

14) Unpopular perhaps, but given how game breaking Haste can be as a spell, maybe it should cost a lot more MP to cast or only double physical attacks.

15) All the girls still receive TP even when their attacks are blocked/ineffective, such as against the Blue Yukkuri in the ruins.

16) The magic placeholder ends up in the wrong place when you attack and then use a spell, summon, song, etc. straight afterwards while hasted.

17) The Reaver sword is clearly bugged with 100% critical hit chance.

18) Marisa's Master Spark should hit everyone really, especially given how big it is in EoSD and how often it is bragged about being the spellcard to end all spellcards.

19) Mystia can oddly still sing while silenced.

20) Some of the combo attacks are actually weaker than casting the individual spells, rendering them a waste of time in view of how many more MP they consume.

21) A question of scale I would say, but enemy physical attacks are often way too weak to ever be a threat to the party, especially later in the game.

Okay then, nothing game breaking so far (even No.9 doesn't result in a crash so long as you eventually trigger the event), but I'd still be interested to hear your thoughts on all of these points. There are also a fair amount of spelling mistakes/grammar corrections, but I'll leave those for another post. :)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 04:16:21 AM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #513 on: May 07, 2018, 05:42:41 PM »
I kind of have to disagree with Number 8. A Berserked enemy is almost completely harmless and the chance to trigger it isn't THAT low. Little Bug trivialises every boss up to Yukari and then becomes completely useless because every boss past that point is immune to most status effects.

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #514 on: May 07, 2018, 06:18:56 PM »
Yeah, I was mainly thinking of it in terms of affecting normal enemies since I had trouble getting it to work on the bosses myself (it seemed to work way too well on the flower fairies on the Path of Liminality for some reason though). I was also looking to improve Wriggle a little bit as well because she's easily the weakest member of the team. Hell, didn't EVERYONE vote to drop her into the drink for this reason right before Team 9 has to fight Namazu. :D

I'm a lot more surprised you didn't bring up No.14 actually since everyone loves Haste... ah, except certain bosses of course - damn Sariel and her Oblivion spam!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 04:39:20 AM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #515 on: May 10, 2018, 04:50:57 AM »
Hmm, I do see your point, Arcvasti, about Berserk I mean (I've been doing some testing in Chapter 1 while I'm proofreading), in that frenzied enemies literally stand around doing nothing at all, even the bosses!

I would definitely change that myself to make it more like D&D's Berserk, in that enemies should continuously attack with greater ferocity, but be unable to cast spells. :sword!:

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #516 on: May 10, 2018, 12:16:31 PM »
Hey Naz, just throwing this idea out after my mate asked about the next update today, but how would you feel if I took over the project, if only to correct some of the more serious bugs and remove all the spelling mistakes?

RPG Maker VX Ace is readily available on Steam and seeing as I did code a whole website in PHP, I'm pretty sure I could handle it... and I've certainly got the time. :yukkuri:

Naturally, nothing would be changed without your approval and I'd keep you fully apprised of everything I did.

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #517 on: May 19, 2018, 09:10:32 AM »
Still working on Chapter 1's corrections (got a bit sidetracked translating a bunch of doujinshi... up to my third already this week), plus I've compiled a similar list of observations for Chapters 2 & 3. Of course, some acknowledgment would be nice, if only to know that I'm not wasting my time here. :ohdear:

I came across this cute Team 9 orientated image this morning as well, completely forgetting that I downloaded it a while back to make some printed item or other out of it (my mate's wife is a real nut for fairies essentially). Maybe you can use it in the game somewhere, like for the Good Ending completion screen or something. :)

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #518 on: May 29, 2018, 10:08:53 AM »
Okay, the corrections for Chapter 1 are done, but I won't paste them here since it would be ridiculously long with all those lines of dialogue. I'll keep them in a handy .txt document until you say you need them. ;)

Moving on then, here are my observations for Chapter 2:-

1) The spell Luna counters with is not one of her regular spells and a bit over the top. It would make a lot more sense for her to simply counter with Silence instead.

2) Similarly, it makes no sense for Sunny Milk to counter ice at all, a spell she is resistant to.

3) Despite being powered up, Empowered Sunny Milk still seems a bit on the weak side with the obvious exception of her Immolate spell.

4) Mystia only attacks once when confused instead of twice.

5) For the sake of the list, since you already know about this one, the experience given in the Miasma Field doesn't tally with what is written onscreen.

6) Again, for the sake of the list only, the building to the south after you pass the Miasma Field cannot be entered.

7) The Konami code is pretty well known, but I suspect knowledge of the Metroid codes are probably a lot less common among general gamers. A more obvious nod to the game needed perhaps!?

8} Maybe have more Miasma Bloom Fairies in front of the first door in Pandaemonium and allow them to attack first.

9) You shouldn't be allowed to run from any of the wandering encounters in this area either, making it more of a necessity to slip past the patrols.

10) Guardians should combine a strong attack with paralysis, which should hit all the time to make them more of a threat.

11) The Lesser Devil that Cirno mistakes for Koakuma should probably have some backup as well, or at least be allowed to get in the first shot.

12) The encounter rate for Metal Slimes in the Depths of Makai may still be a bit too high, leading to easy grinding for both experience and Point items.

13) There is little incentive to upgrade the sword or the shield since Reaver is far more powerful than Prism and the elemental shields far more useful individually than the Rainbow Shield. Both items need tweaking to make this quest more beneficial, such as nerfing Reaver and buffing Prism, and with Aegis, either reducing the elemental protection of the individual shields or increasing the Rainbow Shield's protection instead.

14) Even after defeating Sariel, the EX Angelic Mirror is still far too difficult to beat without excessive grinding (sans the broken Reaver sword). This wouldn't be a problem except the summon you get from it isn't exactly great. Having the summon spell throw out random confusion on top of heavy light damage on all enemies would be a nice touch, like Sunny Milk's spell does. Ah, and coming back to it isn't practical either because Nitori shifts position later in the game rendering the item you get useless.

15) In relation to the above, some bosses yield far too little experience considering the amount of effort required to beat them.

Nothing serious at all and a great chapter in my opinion, especially with the choice of bosses & music. Heh, I think you've also done more to advance my knowledge of the PC-98 era of Touhou than any other fan game to date. :D
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 10:20:23 AM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #519 on: June 11, 2018, 03:46:21 PM »
Hey Naz, can you let me know if you're still reading these as I'm right in the middle of a lot of Japanese study at present (trying to break through to the next level and all that), which has slowed my progress through your game quite seriously. I've got lists for Chapters 3 & 4 already made up, but as you know, rooting out all the spelling mistakes takes a considerable amount of time. :wikipedia:

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #520 on: June 25, 2018, 03:16:46 PM »
Oh, still no progress then... I know you said it was going to be slow, but Cirno could have built a glacier or two by now. :P

Seriously though, watching your latest Team Fortress 2 animation, it never even occured to me that the original was actually an arcade game (I happened to come across a playthrough today on YouTube). It certainly sheds some light on where all those quotes in the walfas animations come from now anyway.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 03:22:42 PM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #521 on: July 06, 2018, 10:16:19 AM »
Naz, you mentioned a while back about carrying on with your Mima comic. Do you still plan on doing that? Actually, is there any way to download all of it... come to think of it, where exactly is it again, as I can't recall how I got to it the first time (I did read it all, I remember that).

Seeing as they're not encrypted, I've been listening to all the tunes you used in T9MQ as well. Really great choices all round, much like with Estheone and Wandering Souls (his efforts got me into Touhou, not to mention its music, big time). In fact, given how well put together this little adventure is, I'm rather sorry now that I didn't download it the first time I came across those Makaian Fairies on your YouTube channel. A bit conceited perhaps, but if I'd got involved sooner, it might have added a little more incentive for you to carry on at the time. :)

ETA: I just totalled all the tunes up and it comes to around 210 minutes so far, or 3.5 hours. You realize that's almost as long as Final Fantasy VII and it isn't even finished yet - it doesn't include the ones you used for Sigma, Kaguya, Yamame, Orin & Oku for one thing.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 08:20:57 PM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #522 on: July 21, 2018, 10:18:11 PM »
I can't believe no-one else wants to add to my interest in seeing this great game finished, you know, especially considering the interest in it not even a year ago now. ???

Oh well, I've written the lists out, so I might as well post them, starting with Chapter 3:-

1) When asked about summons, Cirno clearly forgets about the Rafflesia one they got off Yuuka.

2) Speaking of which, the Chen summon is pitifully weak and next to useless for much the same reason as all the others, a lack of TP and the ability to hit the entire enemy party 100% of the time.

3) Normal Flandre's speech is a bit off now perhaps, seeing as it doesn't actually require that much effort to beat her, particularly after you return from Makai.

4) Alice should not still be by her house talking about Shinki since you left her moments ago at the Hakurei Shrine with Reimu and the others.

5) Aya should be resistant or even immune to wind given that she is 'The Wind God Girl'. She's also a bit pathetic next to Momiji, being ridiculously slow and using only the weakest of wind spells.

6) It's a well known bug now, but participating in Suika's Arena breaks the way experience is gained rendering any item you get from winning kind of a moot point at present (not fixing this early on probably cost you more than a few fans I would say).

7) In relation to the above, there are a lot of nice items to be found during Chapter 3, except the restriction of only allowing a single accessory renders most of them surplus to requirement, and poor old Rumia can't even equip one to begin with.

8} Nitori doesn't tell you exactly which items she requires for the creation of a new weapon from the Wonder Glass.

9) Rumia's MAT stat probably needs nerfing a little since she's clearly overpowered next to the other characters, even more so if you give her Lavaeteinn and a dozen or so bombs. She is only a Stage 1 boss after all and probably shouldn't be quite so powerful, particularly given that her element, dark, is easily the most versatile in the game.

10) Sanae should be resistant to wind and put up much more of a fight, at least as much as Reimu.

11) Kanako actually has less health and worse resistance than Sanae, which makes no sense really given the former is a goddess and the latter a mere human.

12) Suwako is an Earth Goddess, so she should be near immune to water & earth rather than air or lightning, not that it matters because no-one in your party can cast spells of those elements.

13) Some of the bridge encounters feel like padding, especially the ones with multiple waves of celestial troopers. Having the fairies last is fine though, as it implies they are down to the reserve troops.

14) The Celestial Commander should have the ability to render her troopers immune to magic or even reflect it back right from the start, forcing the party to attack her first and make the battle more interesting.

15) Tenshi's attacks are all far too weak for her to ever be a threat to the party. I would personally allow her to attack twice to spice things up, or maybe stun characters with her keystones.

16) Also, although her Gigavolt counter is awesome, the rest of Iku's attacks are pretty feeble, especially her physical, which she probably shouldn't even be using in the first place.

17) Namazu is much the same, his attacks could be stronger to make him more of a threat. A good example is his Earthquake spell, which should also have a random chance of stunning characters.

18) Iku probably shouldn't allow you to take the key to the Dragon Tower at this point of the game because the encounters found there not only seriously unbalance everything, particularly if abusing the power of Reaver, the Kaiser Dragon is practically undefeatable this early on anyway.

19) If Daisanji receives enough damage during his first two phases, made a lot easier with the Reaver sword for sure, he will simply stop attacking during his last phase.

Niggles aside, a nice chapter overall with a good mix of interesting characters from the later Touhou games, not to mention arguably the best tune in the game (Battle at the Big Bridge). Oh, and good call on making Excalipoor that much harder to obtain since, much like with Reaver for the first two chapters, it rendered the rest of Chapter 3 and most of Chapter 4 a complete cakewalk. ::)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 10:22:09 PM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #523 on: July 22, 2018, 10:27:42 PM »
Some little [offtopic/]???: It's my first time posting here. Nazgul, thanks for the game, but I've found it (this game) by your videos (as for the (SFM) - those are funny) on YouTube, so I've thought that it's play through, then I found that you are creator of this game. [/offtopic]
Anyway, today I've finished it. Also I've found those bugs in some places (there were talk about it before here), but I thought about them as those were just Easter eggs (Nameless Mountain is like a big Easter egg, so shortcuts IMHO are OK, as you will be level grinding with the chests, to get bombs). There was one place that a monster!!! has showed it to me, it has used that bug by itself (look for that on the first screenshot). Yes, those flowers and a small point of grass on the upper part cliff that is close to its edge gives that ability to climb up or get down through the wall, but it seems that there are some places that doesn't require that thing to work by the same way (I've decided to show all places that I've found as extra (Graveyard is mentioned, but you still can run from the battles, so it doesn't really matter), most of them all of you are aware of, but still some of them could be just missed). BTW, new bug found (Green colored box, you can start battle with the monster that is located on the other level of the terrain, the red colored box it the passable place, hence the other tile (portal), that isn't that usual hill border with the needed flowers/grass).
Road to the Gensokyo North
Flower/grass sprites are making collision with the wall, so the game engine has a rule that grass and flowers are passable, so the wall should become also passable as those flowers/grass are counted as above those walls, that means that the sprites that are above ground are the only ones which are counted as the main source for the passability rules.
As for the Reaver sword, IMHO it's good thing to have at start as it helps level grinding and with some bosses (normal Flandre is normally beatable with out it - level 14 is OK for that, with the sword it's just faster and I've not used Haste for the battle.) As for the Lunatic Flan, I still had that sword at that time as I wanted to use shields (they were totally useless, are those working as those should??? or rather Raining from the Heaven is not the fire elemental), but Mystia were casting magic and were not using sword (she had the most HP), also Cirno and Rumia had 220 MAT as Mystia, so the sword became much useless quickly before that. BTW, her the most useful song for 60 TP points helped a lot with Flan. That Dragon was a fun battle, but it died in the first attempt after Flan (so I've done those during Chapter 3). I'd level 52 at that time. As for the Makai optional bosses - after that Hell's Moon the dialogue is kind of strange (IMHO). Those passwords things: in the google I've just found only a normal password, so EX version was a problem to find (then I've read the whole topic, where I got the answer finally, thank for that, as I couldn't have guessed that for sure by myself). Forest was kind easy with out message help, as there a many games that had the same kind of puzzle (with out this code it took only 5 minutes for me to get the right combination). So I will back to the sword, it becomes useless quickly enough as the MAT bonus becomes more important then those crits (and those are not 100 percent), so after Flan I've traded for Prism (I should have done it before Flan as I thought that shields (Red, Black and Sap) would be helpful in some way, as Prism have bigger MAT bonus, then the Reaver and it can crit sometimes (rarely) even with the bigger elemental damage near the game ending, so that it isn't the game breaker also). Other EX or Special bosses were fun also, even with my overpowered team (haste just made battles faster, but I've beat them with out using it also, so it doesn't really matter). The only things that were annoying (one of them are bug, which is hard to repeat), are those random battles (WTF with the random battles in the final tower? Even if you just run from them, you'll have a lot of time wasted only by that). There should be automatic run from low level battles (as those are becoming really annoying very soon). BTW, I've found a way to sprint in this game after a lot of just walking slowly, it helps a lot inside maps (sometimes its "lower" quantity of random battles and it helps a little in the tower). As for the annoying bug - sometimes it happens that you had an arrow key stuck in the game, so you can't save (as you can't get to the save point if you doesn't run into that by the chance) and so on (I'd to replay one hour of this game). As I've got, that thing has something to do with the menu and pressing arrow keys during the entry to the menu or when you exiting from it, so one of the arrow keys becomes stuck by the game itself (and not by the keyboard itself) (so those chars just running in that direction). That not happens if you stand still then enter the menu and return with out more moving, but if not then, that can happen, rarely, but can... I think that is all for now (that was important).
P.S. Can't use spoiler class in the message, why???

You had to have broken a trigger somewhere if tenshi and kogasa are still chasing each other. That should not be happening under normal circumstances.

Were you playing the most recent version the whole time or we're you using save files from old versions?  old files are the easiest way to break some minor event triggers.

I'd the same situation. It certainly a bug. When you return to the Abbys Core for the certain thing, I got them there also, it seems that those liked that place, so they've returned (bad joke, should it be an Easter egg???). The game version is also the last one (saves were from the start of that version). It seems that, after completing the Abbys, that location isn't updated for them to disappear from that running place (near that left button tablet). Also, dialogue just repeats once about them, so it doesn't crash the game...

P.P.P.S. Ohhh. Just forgot one more big bug. I'm talking about experience: for some reasons Rumia is getting more behind with each levels that she gets or rather to say, she just need more experience for the same level or she gets it in smaller quantity. Other members gets experience normally. My chars were not dead at the end of battles so they couldn't miss their experience. Also Rumia became almost one level behind at the level 50. The most interesting thing appeared with the level 50 party, as my party got this level two times (so I've started to think that it is the max level which is set to getting it to the loop), but then I've got level 51 normally, next I've got two times levels 52 and 53, then there were not any other two times getting of the same level, but Rumia suddenly becomes the first char to get the next level, so her experience became almost level higher at the level 62 (that is the max level that I've got till the game end). I've not used any exp modificators... 
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 04:21:23 AM by RAMMAR »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #524 on: July 24, 2018, 01:56:18 PM »
Wow! That's certainly an impressive level you managed to obtain there, RAMMAR... I don't think I got anywhere near level 60 before I finished it. Curious that you didn't realize you could dash from the start though, since I've known about that sort of thing as far back as Sailor Moon: Another Story. ;)

I didn't have any trouble with the direction arrows, but I definitely noticed the same bug on Nameless Hill. Of course, I've yet to compile any sort of list for Chapter 5, plus it has already been mentioned on here anyway. One thing no-one has mentioned, is that seemingly pointless area near the end of Northern Gensokyo on the left-hand side of the map. At first, I thought it might be a shortcut back to avoid all those damn kedama, but it simply leads to a dead end clearing. What's with that, I wonder!?

Oh, and I'd certainly agree that Reaver becomes a lot less useful in the later chapters. It's just that it renders most of the early boss battles a no brainer (I don't think Team 9 should really be doing over 'The Shrine Maiden of Paradise' with a mere couple of hits for example), much like Excalipoor did before Naz sealed off that area on Youkai Mountain until you at least return from The Abyss. I don't have a problem with powerful weapons per se, but they should really be coupled with a much more crippling disadvantage, like cursed weapons do in AD&D. :D

I don't think any of Flan's attacks are elemental based are they? One thing I do know is that EX Flan, the Kaiser Dragon, and Lavos are all ridiculously powerful and really do require Excalipoor to win comfortably, otherwise you end up sitting around for an hour like I did. Then again, I play a lot more like Naz does, as in trying not to grind excessively (did way too much of that back in the days of Dungeon Master & Diablo II).

Heh, and I was sure I was right about Tenshi & Kogasa reappearing on the screen before all the portals - I was playing the latest version too, so there's no way it could be down to faulty save game files. Ironic that you cite Rumia as gaining levels slower than the others girls too, when I made a quip about wanting to nerf her to reduce the effectiveness of Moonlight Ray. :derp:
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 02:07:42 PM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #525 on: July 25, 2018, 05:01:53 AM »
Wow! That's certainly an impressive level you managed to obtain there, RAMMAR... I don't think I got anywhere near level 60 before I finished it. Curious that you didn't realize you could dash from the start though, since I've known about that sort of thing as far back as Sailor Moon: Another Story. ;)

That was completed at 100 percent with the 99 levels for everyone (in Another Story)... Also, that was SNES, so there not so many buttons that you could use, but in this game, there are no manual for hot keys (I've not find it). So, I'd to search for them by myself... Today I've loaded the last save to took into the bestiary, I've forgot to do so. And I've found that Rumia had level 64 (others got 63). In bestiary there are some missing places, some of them is Angelic Mirror, it could be good to have all EX and Lunatic bosses there also as you've beaten them anyway.

I didn't have any trouble with the direction arrows, but I definitely noticed the same bug on Nameless Hill. Of course, I've yet to compile any sort of list for Chapter 5, plus it has already been mentioned on here anyway. One thing no-one has mentioned, is that seemingly pointless area near the end of Northern Gensokyo on the left-hand side of the map. At first, I thought it might be a shortcut back to avoid all those damn kedama, but it simply leads to a dead end clearing. What's with that, I wonder!?

I also had that at the Nameless Hill after I've left that cave. But I've also that at the start of the Forbidden Section in Voile Library (SDM). As for that portal, it reminds me one old game, where I've seen something like to this one, so that is part of the quest with the (probably) rainbow gems combining, hence those spats and the middle one where you get the result. But I can be mistaken...

I don't think any of Flan's attacks are elemental based are they? One thing I do know is that EX Flan, the Kaiser Dragon, and Lavos are all ridiculously powerful and really do require Excalipoor to win comfortably, otherwise you end up sitting around for an hour like I did. Then again, I play a lot more like Naz does, as in trying not to grind excessively (did way too much of that back in the days of Dungeon Master & Diablo II).

Kaiser Dragon died after 20 minutes, I've forced to have a big level for Flan (dragon was next, I've not knew about him and killed him on the first try anyway), as I couldn't take her down with out needed MAT level. I've tried a lot to beat her with the lower stats and levels, but all of them resulted an epic fail. Also with Flan, the most problem was to survive first two turns, then it became much easier to beat her. Lavos was much easier then it was in Chrono Trigger (IMHO), the only long phase was during dragon's, but at that time I knew how I must to handle that problem (it took around 13 minutes to beat him)...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 07:10:05 AM by RAMMAR »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #526 on: July 28, 2018, 07:04:14 PM »
I don't think I got that high the last time I played through Another Story, but it's such an easy game, levels aren't really that much of a consideration, just as long as you have enough to beat the current boss. Have to give it a go again at some point, if only to see if my Japanese has improved since that time (I kid you not, when my mate first lent it to me, I could barely read a few words; now I'm rapidly approaching the N2 level).

How are you at Final Fantasy Tactics by the way? It has to be the one game where excessive level grinding actually works against you, especially during random encounters. I mean, at maximum level, no matter what equipment you've got on you, those damn red chocobos can pretty much one shot any character.  :flamingv:

Back on topic though, you said there's a similar glitch on the Forbidden Section of the library. Whereabouts is that then, as I didn't notice anything on my many trips through it?

EX Flan is actually beatable with a much lower level you know, like one guy on YouTube demonstrated a while back (I don't think he had much more than level 30). You obviously need Haste, and Rumia will be the main damage dealer with Cirno doing the healing/buffing. Surprisingly, Wriggle & Mystia really don't matter so much. As you rightly said yourself, it is all about surviving that first Destructive Rain of the Heavens assault, which you absolutely have to guard against otherwise it will kill everybody in very short order.

Check it out if you haven't already:-

Also, I haven't actually beat Lavos yet. It was only after I completed the game that I realized where he was (I thought the black portal was a simple trap left by Mima and thus avoided it), and on the attempt I made that night, Wriggle unfortunately triggered a Mindblast reprisal with the Overkiller weapon and that was the end of that. The fact that I had Excalibur and not Excalipoor didn't help, and given how long it took to do the Kaiser Dragon without it, I decided not to try again. :(

I definitely want to give this game another go though, whether it's before or after Naz brings out the next update. I mean, there's still the Arena, which I only managed to do on Easy & Normal so far, plus that crazy Nitori challenge, which you didn't seem to have any clear way of winning.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 09:09:21 PM by SasaMisa »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #527 on: July 29, 2018, 05:29:51 AM »
I don't think I got that high the last time I played through Another Story, but it's such an easy game, levels aren't really that much of a consideration, just as long as you have enough to beat the current boss. Have to give it a go again at some point, if only to see if my Japanese has improved since that time (I kid you not, when my mate first lent it to me, I could barely read a few words; now I'm rapidly approaching the N2 level).

I've done it just for fun (to have everything at the max level). As the other beating of that game were at the low level. But there was an "Lunatic" version of the Queen Beryl and I've accepted that challenge (there were a lots of level grinding to beat that version of her). Also, I've played english version of it. There were a fan made continue to that story, but I've not played it.

How are you at Final Fantasy Tactics by the way? It has to be the one game where excessive level grinding actually works against you, especially during random encounters. I mean, at maximum level, no matter what equipment you've got on you, those damn red chocobos can pretty much one shot any character.  :flamingv:

Final fantasy is not for me, I've not liked that series... Chrono Trigger and Seiken Densetsu were better for me...

Back on topic though, you said there's a similar glitch on the Forbidden Section of the library. Whereabouts is that then, as I didn't notice anything on my many trips through it?

I've got it at start of this section (as I started to level grinding there, the after some battle went to normal library for a spring and then back).

I've seen that video about Lunatic Flandre, but it seems that Flan became stronger after that or he just was very lucky, so I've not got close to that in video (he got a hundreds of cheap bombs (Naz changed its price later after seen that video)), but I'd to kill a lot of Canniboxes for elixirs to sell them to get bombs, so there were a lot of grinding. If I could get that quantity of bombs with out so much of level grinding, then I could bring down Flan much earlier. Now after completing this game, I've found a best place for the money - Kleptoboxes (almost no exp, but tons of money). May be after a new version of this game I've try this variant. As for Nitori's challenge, I've not seen that, probably due to that fact that I've gave an evil reflecting glass, at that time I've not know about the password thing to get to the Angelic Mirror, but when I've got the other piece, Nitori didn't used it and then she just disappeared from the game. I've also missed blessing from Moria shrine (that damn Reimu's smelly bag).


  • Overambitous Fandom-hopping otaku
  • Fandom-hopping Otaku
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #528 on: September 10, 2018, 04:41:55 PM »
Hello? Anyone still here?

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #529 on: September 10, 2018, 08:57:43 PM »
I am, except there's not much I can do until Naz replies/releases an update, so I've been taking the time to continue boning up on Japanese (still not quite at N1 yet, but getting there slowly).

At any rate, I'm absolutely still interested in helping out, seeing as this game jumped straight to No.3 on my favourites list of fan-based Touhou games. Who knows, with a bit more work, it may even eke out Wandering Souls and Hack & Slash from the top slots. ;)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 09:10:53 PM by SasaMisa »


Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!
« Reply #530 on: October 31, 2018, 02:09:13 AM »
Is this game going to be completed? I was looking forward to an update...