So, while trying to get Suwako to L70 to use her busted PS, I also found out Kanako's last PS, it is not as busted, but it is very useful.
It casts Accel on everyone, and if you do it while she is 120 or power, she will add Assail to the front only, so that's how the nightmare version of her learns Assail! :V
Oh btw, catfish went down in 2 turns on hard/challenge. He is such a wuss now. Warp in, drop everyone off at 6-8 Range, send Komeijis and Kaguya away from the action, then have Parasee stand in front of him, add Hisoutensoku, Yorihime, and Yukari beside her.
- Take down the first bar, Parasee's 2nd move does 30,000 with Adapt to Eco for Ecology's Lifebar.
- Pass it over, tank the map by any means. Something note worthy is that Catfish will not MAP first, he will do a regular attack in which he will cast strike so the MAP can just leech on it.
- Have Suwako do her PS: Native Faith's Pinnacle
- Dink the rest of the spell with Hisoutensoku, and Yukari (that Parsee will smack him after), which will be useless after he triggers the Mud Spell card.
- Yorihime cast Zeal, leech off Parsee the last time. Change over to Tenshi with a Courage charged Raiser Sword.
- Parsee attacks twice to put him into red, if not dead.
- I had the Prismrivers split here, mooch off some range move to kill.
- Have Kaguya or Komeijis heal everyone to the point that they are allowed to move.
- Just fire away with the ranges, he only has 96,000 HP on the last phase which is laughable under Native Faith's Pinnacle. Just unload stuff like Danmaku power maximum, 2 turns, no mess. I even has Raysen finish him with her dinky gun. :V
I did however, have to clean every single red sheep before dealing with the catfish, because they will almost gurantee to mess you up.
One thing I must note is that the white sheeps from dream world and on, are extremely hostile (also frighteningly accurate) even on this difficulty, unless you are Reimu, there is no reliable way to dodge these fuzzballs. I heard they even move three times a turn on Lunatic.
Catfish's disable threshold are as follows on Hard and Lunatic (in accordance to what I seen):
1st: 500/1000/1500/2000
2nd: 1500/2000/2500/3000
3rd: 2500/3000/3500/4000