Well, so some days after the New Year I got a delivery from Starbucks Japan here, which confused the hell out of me, because I didn't remember ordering anything from them.
And yet the only name listed as recipient in the manifest was mine. Had my Secret Santa partner ordered something in my name? Could it be one of my friends, or some kind of promotion? Was I sleep-ordering coffee on the internet?
I wrote Vic to ask him if it was from my SS partner, but the lazy hikki never answered me. ಠ_ಠ
Anyway, my partner got impatient /concerned enough first and wrote me to ask about it, and also said this was just the first part, since the second one would take some time to arrive.
Anyway, thanks a lot Drake! Quite a coincidence that you got me again after 2 years. Since your present last time was really cool, I'm excited to see what the second part is. At least I can have some coffee here while I wait.