Author Topic: [Minecraft] [1.5.2] MoTK FTB Unleashed Survival Server - Need help setting up!  (Read 47295 times)


  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
Ok so I've been wanting to do my own Minecraft server for a while now and my previous attempt's haven't really worked out but recently I've been getting into Feed the Beast but aren't really getting anywhere as I've been playing solo so I've bought a server, and while it isn't a super powerful server or anything as it isn't that expensive since I can't really afford a super expensive ?100 a month server.

I am hoping that once the server is all set up and becomes popular enough, I can start doing donations and stuff to get the server upgraded to something more powerful. I'm also hoping to invest in a VoIP client like Ventrillo or Teamspeak or something similar as everyone on the server can use it at the same time and means we don't need to worry about typing to chat when we're about to get blown up by a Creeper, plus I find talking voice to voice just makes for a more enjoyable experience over all.

But before I can do any of that I need help to set the actual server up such as setting permissions to the different user groups as well as what kind of mods could be on the server among other things I can't think off the top of my head at he moment.

The host I'm renting the server from is Creeper Host as that's the host that was recommended by the FTB site and their prices seem ok for a relatively decent server over all (I'm using the Spider package) and have the FTB Unleashed pack installed and was thinking of having Sphax FTB be forced on the server but decided against it after deciding that not everyone is able to use Sphax PureBD Craft optimally.

Along with the standard mods that the FTB Unleashed pack comes with I have also installed Treecapitator, Better World Generation 4, Alice Dolls Mod and ForgeEssentails, and while I know there's more mods that are essential to running a good server, I don't really know what they are or I haven't been able to find a 1.5.2 compatible forge equivalent of it, such as Lockette which is a great door and chest protection mod and so simple to use but is only compatible with Bukkit sadly (unless someone wants to port it to Forge that is :derp: ) And I am planning to get World Edit too since why WOULDN'T you get World Edit as it's features are just too useful for ANY server!

And finally (at least for now at any rate) I have the whitelist disabled but have got some basic permission groups set up as at least for the moment, and I do have a basic "Guest" group set up, I have the default set to the normal members group so you guys can check out the world and whatnot, but I wouldn't really work on anything too big as I'm planning to have the world be reset (or at least make a new one an dteh current one could be used to build the spawn of the actual world) once the server is all set up accordingly, but we'll see.

The server IP is And when the server is all set up and ready to go I'll probably make a shiny new thread that looks all professional and stuff, but for now I just need help setting the server up for the most part.
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
I was actually preparing a 1.6.4 mod server using the Technic platform in the meantime, and then this happens. Well then! :V

Being the current admin of the vanilla MC server, perhaps we should coordinate things more - including whitelist/admin management, configuration of Bukkit/Forge/MCPC, modpack extensions (due to the extra mods not present in stock FTB Ultimate), permissions, so on?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 05:27:19 AM by Dr. Steve-O "Evil" Ballmer »
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  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
Being the current admin of the vanilla MC server, perhaps we should coordinate things more - including whitelist/admin management, configuration of Bukkit/Forge/MCPC, modpack extensions (due to the extra mods not present in stock FTB Ultimate), permissions, so on?
Yeah thats what I was hoping would happen myself, and it's Feed the Beast Unleashed now not Ultimate, Unleashed is the successor to Ultimate and has a bunch more mods in it nd is for Minecraft 1.5.2 and is available on the most recent version of the FTB launcher at and prolly should've mentioned that on my previous post :V

And I wouldn't mind seeing a Technic server myself since Technic and FTB are rather different, what with Technic being about Space Travel these days and FTB being more akin to Classic Technic, but with more stuff like Thaumcraft and Twilight Forest.

And it seems that Alice Dolls mod needs to be installed clientside in order to let you on the server it seems so I'll disable it for the moment.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 06:41:51 PM by Zork787 »
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Technic actually is a modpack platform - I think you were confusing it with Tekkit and Tekkit Lite (which are on Technic). The thing I like about it is that one can make modpacks with any mods they desire (provided the mod authors are okay with it and no conflicts arise). These modpacks can in turn be downloaded by players via the Technic Launcher, and they can get playing easily with minimal hassle.

IIRC BWG4 and Treecapitator also require client-side installation, going by my testing earlier. No idea about ForgeEssentials since I use MCPC with Bukkit's Essentials plugin on my test configuration.

As for Alice Dolls, I've opted to use littleMaidMob instead because the Alice Dolls mod is incompaible with NotEnoughItems (item spawner + recipe lookup guide, one of my favourite mods).

I'm working on a rough list of mods I'm considering implementing for a mod server. It won't be nearly as many mods as, say, FTB Unleashed, and probably feature-wise more along the lines of Tekkit Lite. A full list will be put up once I deem it stable enough.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 07:06:27 PM by Dr. Steve-O "Evil" Ballmer »
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  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
Yeah I should prolly stop referring to normal Tekkit as Technic since it confuses people to thinking I'm talking about the launcher and not  the actual modpack like how you download the FTB Unleashed modback via the Feed-The-Beast Launcher, and by default FTB Unleashed has BWG4 installed with it the server version of Unleashed didn't so I had to install that one manually to the server.

Shame about the Alice Dolls mod not being compatible with NEI though with the right know how (which I don't have :V) a Alice Dolls NEI module could be made, though the LitteMaidMob is something to consider too though teh voices might get a tad annoying after a while from what I've heard. and since it's possible to make custom modpacks with both FTB and the Technic launcher, making a custom modpack for our servers shouldn't be that hard too do.

Although it seems that unless I can get permission from the guys that do Optifine, Voxelmod, Traincraft and Xycraft as detailed here those mods are gonna need to be omitted for now.
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 11:01:58 AM by Lunar Chaos »


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Optifine's an easy drag-and-drop install for 1.6.2 and later - simply place the ZIP file into the Forge mod directory. The other three plans to implement them here.

Additionally, it sounds like we're working on two different mod servers. I propose merging our projects together, as I don't think there's enough playerbase activity to justify more than two MC servers (including the vanilla one). Whether we use FTB or Technic, as well as whose hosting will be used and administrative policies, can be discussed afterwards.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Agent of the BSoD

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Yeah, the current MC server has been incredibly inactive for some time now. Having 3 different ones up at the same time probably won't be the best idea. Two at most would probably be OK, for the current near-vanilla one and a heavily modded one.
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>


  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
You can always just post links to them so people can get these mods on their own, instead of including them into the pack, and most modders have no problems about that, but that may prove to be inconvenient.

Yeah that's what I was thinking of doing although yeah, people might find that too cinconvient but we'll see what happens.

Additionally, it sounds like we're working on two different mod servers. I propose merging our projects together, as I don't think there's enough playerbase activity to justify more than two MC servers (including the vanilla one). Whether we use FTB or Technic, as well as whose hosting will be used and administrative policies, can be discussed afterwards.

Hmm, that might be the best way to go about it and while I already paid for a month on the server I'm renting, it's only a Virtual Machine so mods are installed via FireZilla and configured via a control panel, and it isn't even that powerful either, 3 Gigs of Ram, 40 Gig HDD 2 Core CPU Virtual server as that's all I can afford :(
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Hmm, that might be the best way to go about it and while I already paid for a month on the server I'm renting, it's only a Virtual Machine so mods are installed via FireZilla and configured via a control panel, and it isn't even that powerful either, 3 Gigs of Ram, 40 Gig HDD 2 Core CPU Virtual server as that's all I can afford :(
Current vanilla MC server here uses 2.5GB RAM. CPU and HDD space have not been an issue, despite not being specified (suggesting that it's a virtual server). For US$20 a month before quarterly discount, it does the job.

While you seem to have the beefier server, I take it that CreeperHost is UK-based going by their description and use of GB? prices as default? A good portion of the MC server's playerbase connects from various US locations - here, even trans-continental connections may lag - so the additional latency may be a problem.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 08:07:59 PM by Dr. Steve-O "Evil" Ballmer »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
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  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
Current vanilla MC server here uses 2.5GB RAM. CPU and HDD space have not been an issue, despite not being specified (suggesting that it's a virtual server). For US$20 a month before quarterly discount, it does the job.

While you seem to have the beefier server, I take it that CreeperHost is UK-based going by their description and use of GB? prices as default? A good portion of the MC server's playerbase connects from various US locations - here, even trans-continental connections may lag - so the additional latency may be a problem.

Yeah I was hoping to go for a UK based server but seeing as the majority of people that comes to MotK are from the US it might not necessarily be the best location in hindsight, and CreeperHost does have US servers so I could see about getting the server changed to a US one, the US servers are Chicago or Atlantica (inland), Dallas (South) and LA (West).
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Chicago or Dallas probably would work better for most players, due to many being on either west or east coasts. Mine's also in the latter.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
ok so I contacted the support about getting the server location changed but I probably won't get a response until the morning about weather changing the server location is possible or not.
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Would be nice if it is possible, but if not, guess we could negotiate with my or another host to open a US server.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
Ok so server transfers are possible so I've asked for the server to be transferred to Chicago as that's the most central area so I hope that works better for everyone.And despite being from the UK myself, if the majority of yoru playerbase is gonna be US based then it's better to have a US server in the grand scheme of things.
Livestream Artstreams|Youtube
3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Yeah, perhaps.

Now regarding mod content and server version - we definitely should decide whether to use 1.5.2 FTB or 1.6.4 Technic now, This will affect the mod list, support, deployment, and other things significantly, so it's good to have this done early.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
yeah, thankfully changing from FTB to Tekkit shouldn't be too hard as Creeperhost lets you select the modpacks from both the FTB Launcher and the Technic Launcher as well as plain old Bukkit and Vanilla Minecraft, the only thing is that they don't have any technical support available for the Technic Launcher modpacks though I doubt that'll be of any real issue, although don't Tekkit and FTB both use Forge?

Also I can't really find anything regarding Tekkit for Minecraft 1.6.4 and the Tekkit version on the Technic Launcher is for 1.5.2 so I'm a bit confused.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 01:04:35 AM by Zork787 »
Livestream Artstreams|Youtube
3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Technic's 1.6.x support. Tekkit itself remains on 1.5.2.

Both Technic and FTB utilise Forge mods to deliver the many features each offer.

As long as the host is fine with using any JAR combination and plugin/mod set, things should go with ease in this regard. I say this since I want to use MCPC Plus for the main server-side plugin so that both Bukkit and Forge components can be simultaneously used.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 02:44:33 AM by Dr. Steve-O "Evil" Ballmer »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
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  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
Technic's 1.6.x support. Tekkit itself remains on 1.5.2.

Both Technic and FTB utilise Forge mods to deliver the many features each offer.

As long as the host is fine with using any JAR combination and plugin/mod set, things should go with ease in this regard. I say this since I want to use MCPC Plus for the main server-side plugin so that both Bukkit and Forge components can be simultaneously used.

Well while MCPC doesn't seem to be a default option it seems installing it does work, just need to do it manually it seems after doing a bit of Googling and finding this

So once the server transfer has happened I'll give installing MCPC a go and I'll let you know what happens

Edit: Ok I installed MCPC+ and it seems to have installed without a hitch, just needed to rename the.jar to craftbukkit in order to prevent any issues with the Creeperhost control panel and I got rid of ForgeEssentails to prevent any permission and protection conflicts

Edit 2: Ok I can confirm that Bukkit plugins are running alongside Forge Mods! and seems that now the plugin folder exsists, a Plugin manager page has appeared on teh Control Panel and it even lets me search for Bukkit plugins directly from the control panel which is pretty cool
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 04:52:01 AM by Zork787 »
Livestream Artstreams|Youtube
3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Using Multicraft I presume? Well, that makes things more convenient. :P

Can't test plugins and mods now; have to do that later today....
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
nope still Creeperhost (though I wish I knew about them sooner :V) and it seems that there's no space left on the Chicago server and asking if I want the Atlanta server instead but that's their East Coast server, will Atlanta work or will I try asking to see if any Dallas servers are available?

Edit: My GOD I wish I knew about Multicraft SOONER! 8 Euros a month for 2 servers and infinite users definitely seems like a pretty good deal, though I kinda wish they showed there actual server specs as I'm a guy that likes to see the specs of the hardware I'm gonna be working with but ah well
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 10:44:08 AM by Zork787 »
Livestream Artstreams|Youtube
3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
My host provides an unlimited version of Multicraft as part of the server fee, and it's been very handy for quick browser-based maintenance.

Dallas would be preferred for the sake of US/CA west coast and East/Southeast Asia and Australia players, but Atlanta will do too.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 01:16:14 PM by Dr. Steve-O "Evil" Ballmer »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
I rpolly should have asked who your host is.

Also earlier I was trying to get lockette to work, but no matter what I did it WOULDN'T WORK!... Turns out I wasn't putting it in the PLUGINS FOLDER!

Kinda helps to put a mod in the correct folder first y'know :V
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
I'm using Exodus Hosting.

I use LWC and Logblock for chest and world griefing protection, respectively - both are Bukkit plugins. Latter's really more for tracking changes over time.

Also I've a favour to ask - would it be okay to allow me access to the control panel and the server files? I think it would help accelerate the pace of getting things working. The control panel may support allowing multiple users to access it, and probably with varying permissions too...check your host's information on that.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
yeah I can create subusers pretty easilly, just need your email as that acts as your username and WoW are those premium plans expensive! and while mines might have more ram and HD Space, teh actual Hard Drive isn't a SSD so that would prolly be why it's cheaper.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 02:17:55 PM by Zork787 »
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
All right then. Any registration I have to do on my part before signing in? Regardless check your PM inbox for the email.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
All right then. Any registration I have to do on my part before signing in? Regardless check your PM inbox for the email.

nope shouldn't be any registration on your part and I PMed you your password
Livestream Artstreams|Youtube
3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Well, I've hit a small snag. LittleMaidMob has issues running under 1.6.4, and the latest version is for 1.6.2. Very weird considering 1.6.4 was a small 1.7.2 preparation update.

Considering going down to 1.6.2 if this mod is considered important.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



  • Mami Mami Mamizou~
  • Her tail is so fluffy~
the Littlemaidmob is certanly ain "InterestinG" mod thats for sure :V Although I don't think it'll be THAT Important in the long run,

Also is the server being at 80% Ram normal cos it certanly doesn't seem like it, then again it IS Java we're talking about :V
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3DS Friend Code: 0748-2156-8970


  • Red shroom
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  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
I've seen it use all of it on mine. Spigot (which MCPC Plus uses code from) tends to use a bit, but still manages to be more efficient than stock CraftBukkit. :V

Decided to go with 1.6.2-based modpacks and server here, for quite a few more mods are not 1.6.4-ready.
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