Author Topic: Games You're Playing Right Now V - "Ah ha ha...I have killed a lot of people."  (Read 176876 times)


  • alter cool
As a big Persona fan who hasn't ever play a Shin Megami Tensei game, I started SMT: Strange Journey a few weeks ago. I'm maybe eight hours in and I'm not enjoying it very much so far.

I've had a couple of aggravating deaths where I couldn't find a save point for half an hour as the game kept herding me deeper into a dungeon with one-way doors. Eventually I got wiped out before I could move from near-full health by a surprise attack, and it never felt like I could do anything about it beyond "retroactively have spent more time grinding". I don't like grinding.

I'm not going to give up on it yet, but I'm not excited to play it at all.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
  • you'll thank me for the cropping later
Strange Journey is certainly, certainly an endeavor
the game gets almost unbearably difficult later on, fair warning, which makes completing it a special accomplishment in and of itself.

Persona is not quite the ideal gateway to mainline SMT titles, I should add, especially not one that's by lineage one-fourth Etrian Odyssey
Sorry >_>
A better middle ground would have been Digital Devil Saga, in my opinion


  • I am a save frog
  • *wink*
Been playing the Codename S.T.E.A.M. demo for some time, but got back into Alpha Sapphire to train up some new Pokemon I recently received.


  • alter cool
Strange Journey is certainly, certainly an endeavor
the game gets almost unbearably difficult later on, fair warning, which makes completing it a special accomplishment in and of itself.

Persona is not quite the ideal gateway to mainline SMT titles, I should add, especially not one that's by lineage one-fourth Etrian Odyssey
Sorry >_>
A better middle ground would have been Digital Devil Saga, in my opinion

That's odd, I've been told the opposite by a few different people. I picked up Strange Journey because a few sources called it comparatively fair and a good intro to the series.

And for the record I haven't just played Persina Q. I've beaten every revision of every game since three. Still not an ideal starting point I know, but it's closer than Q.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
  • you'll thank me for the cropping later
I'm just thinking about how Persona is basically the whole face of SMT in the US
> "SMT4 is the Dark Souls of Persona"

There is generally a massive rift between the involvement required in Persona and that required in most SMT titles, I feel
For starters, get used to the idea of dumping your entire active team, for better or for worse, just to fight one boss :P
I ran through all of P4 with Chie/Yukiko/Naoto and there was virtually nothing gamestopping to be encountered
I beat down Shadow Teddie with a Lv. 25 Jack Frost on Expert. :I

That's not to say that Persona isn't a good place to be in its own right, it is, its just I've heard too many stories of people playing Nocturne or Strange Journey and passing judgment on not having character parties or Social Links or a calendar system.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 05:24:13 PM by チソウ タイゼン »


  • alter cool
I don't have a problem with differences in mechanics or even philosophy as a game, but I have very little patience for games that I feel like are deliberately wasting my time. This game gives me that impression to an uncomfortable degree so far.

On top of that, fusion is my least favorite thing in Persona. I think it's tedious and counterintuitive, and it seems to be a much bigger part of Shin Megami Tensei. When my least favorite part of one franchise is the major crossover element to the other I think that's a bad sign.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • Time expired: 121:45
My first MegaTen game was Digital Devil Saga and so I may be little biased when I agree that it's probably the better way into the main MegaTen games.  And with Strange Journey, try and stick with it to Level E.  If you make it past Level E, the rest of the game isn't that tough.  And I don't mean the rest of the game is easy, just that Level E is that hard.

And a good idea would be to build up a healer or two just set on your bench and heal you in between fights.


  • alter cool
Right, I've got two dedicated bench healers. The only deaths I've had so far were from pre-emptive attacks, one of those after I bought the upgrade that's supposed to reduce those. Healers don't help when you auto-die with no chance to take actions. Is there a way around that (aside from tons of grinding)?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Dormio Ergo Sum

  • MotK's Official Idlebot
  • *
  • I don't bite... much.

When am I going to quit this game?

Slowly progressing through FFXIII. Still waiting for when I'll get to see a map that isn't a corridor or other pathway of some sort.
On the plus side, at least Hope has stopped being such an annoying, whiny kid and become a regular annoying kid instead.

The Greatest Dog

  • Grazing at Mach 10
  • 90 Frames per Second GO!
Regarding SMT, I do think Devil Survivor and SMTIV did -really- useful things by letting you pick exactly which skills get passed in fusion. Of course, there's no option for this in any other SMT so I wouldn't get spoiled by it.

I just finished SMTIV on Isabeau's route without even realizing I was that close to it in alignment. That was fun, but I don't know if I'll hit up the DLC fights.


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
I think I'm finally at ~the endgame~ of Xenoblade Chronicles because we done gone and
blew up the Mechonis whoops
.  Hot damn has it been a ride.  While some of the things that happened were pretty telegraphed from having like 17 years of JRPG experience some of it not so much.  Also the Xenogears influence because I've been calling
Dickson this game's Citan Uzuki
for the past ??? hours
I wasn't as far away with that as I could have been.

Regarding SMT, I do think Devil Survivor and SMTIV did -really- useful things by letting you pick exactly which skills get passed in fusion. Of course, there's no option for this in any other SMT so I wouldn't get spoiled by it.
The Persona games are starting to shift to it, since they realized that trying for hours to get a skill combination just wasn't very fun.

I think I'm finally at ~the endgame~ of Xenoblade Chronicles because we done gone and
blew up the Mechonis whoops
.  Hot damn has it been a ride.  While some of the things that happened were pretty telegraphed from having like 17 years of JRPG experience some of it not so much.  Also the Xenogears influence because I've been calling
Dickson this game's Citan Uzuki
for the past ??? hours
I wasn't as far away with that as I could have been.
It doesn't really matter if the twists are telegraphed so long as it's fun, entertaining, and makes sense considering what is going on in the game.


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
I'm having way too much fun with the battle system that's for sure.


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
To anyone who still may be interested in playing Dark Souls 2, Scholar of the First Sin was released yesterday. If you own it, the game has updated itself. If you haven't played through as a standard sword-and-board, heavy weapons only, redeye ring tank, pure mundane hybrid, power stance only, and pure mage build yet, go back and play it again. If you haven't played through as a dedicated sunbro, blue sentinel, rathead, or bell keeper, go back and play it again. If you haven't parried the Pursuer, risen to the top of the Company of Champions, been a clang-banger, said hello to Alsanna, beaten the ancient dragon, or cut the tail off of Sinh, go back.

The No Fun Allowed Brigade can go pound sand. Getting invaded constantly by DIE ******s in the Shrine of Amana is no way to impress.
I think I'm finally at ~the endgame~ of Xenoblade Chronicles because we done gone and
blew up the Mechonis whoops
.  Hot damn has it been a ride.  While some of the things that happened were pretty telegraphed from having like 17 years of JRPG experience some of it not so much.  Also the Xenogears influence because I've been calling
Dickson this game's Citan Uzuki
for the past ??? hours
I wasn't as far away with that as I could have been.

Also yeah about that second spoiler he really was.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
So the creators of Spacechem have decided to move that formula into 3D with "Infinifactory".  It's simultaneously as daunting as it sounds and also far, far more reasonable than Spacechem ever was.   I mean for starters I successfully beat Infinifactory after about 10 hours but I literally have a headache and I'm not sure if that's because the game hurt my head or because... well, playing a game for ten hours straight.
Also there's an in-built looping gif generator for your solutions and it's so satisfying.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
So the Majora's Mask DLC is out for Hyrule Warriors. Aside from Young Link and effin' Tingle, there's a new Adventure Mode map. Lot of competitions on this map - kills, Rupees, keeps; and under a 72-map time limit... which is 3 the first time you boot up the map just so they can drop the moon on you.

Also picked up Criminal Girls: Invite Only. I guess it's because I don't like grinding too much, but I always seem to end up constantly in peril from the stronger trash mobs, burning through precious CM (which buys you items and lets you "teach" the girls new skills), and it doesn't help that there are areas where you're forced to fight boss mobs again and again to proceed. That said, I actually like the way they set up the battle system. The four girls in play suggest moves, you pick one and the turn proceeds.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.


  • I am a save frog
  • *wink*
Also picked up Criminal Girls: Invite Only.

How is that game? I'm a tad curious about it but my friends are urging me not to get it.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
How is that game? I'm a tad curious about it but my friends are urging me not to get it.

It's... alright. It's JP audio, EN text (though there's a large chunk of VA during Motivation scenes that have no corresponding translation ingame). If you get annoyed by the concept of censorship, you'll be annoyed by a few Motivation scenes which have a conspicuous chunk of unremovable fog covering questionable areas. (Which get even more obvious as they learn more skills, as they're flat-out squares of fog.)

That said, you'll be aggravated, perhaps angry if you have a feminist viewpoint or a dim view of the BDSM scene. Motivation scenes involve using various tools, such as whips, electric prods, and feather dusters, to get the girls to learn skills (it's theoretically justified by you attacking that which caused them to be in Hell in the first place, rather than the girl herself, but given that the girls flinch when you successfully perform the action...). Frankly, I personally see it as a mechanic and nothing else, but it's something to keep in mind.

Outside of that, it's a fairly basic dungeon crawler. Explore Hell, fight battles, find treasure, buy items, and learn skills. As I've mentioned before, you have an indirect hand in battles - the girls in battle each suggest a course of action (e.g. attack the enemy, use a skill), and you decide which of the four actions the girls take. The aggravation comes when the girls simply don't want to take decent action (e.g. solo attacks, attacks with the mages), and if they're heavily injured, they can simply end up not being able to act.

Graphics in the dungeon areas feel like they've been lifted straight out of an older system - lower res than they should be. Given that you'll be spending large amounts of time wandering around, this is bad.

There's more to it, but this much should be a good primer as to what you should expect if you pick it up.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 09:57:47 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
I finally started playing The Last Story over the last couple nights.  It's... alright.  It definitely wasn't what I was expecting and it feels a lot clunkier and less refined than I'm used to from Mistwalker.  That said half my party is currently running around in their underwear and that's all I can really ask for in a JRPG.

Aya Reiko

  • Humans are scary!
Space Engine

Not really a game, more like a space exploration sim made by one person (with help from a number of Celestia developers).

About 2 gigalightyears away from Earth, literally in a galaxy far, far away, I find this:

Two Earth-like worlds co-orbiting (and tidal-locked to) each other.  The other one isn't quite as hot with an average temp of about 130 deg.F.

There might be an AAR in this...


I picked up Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 while it was on its 50% off first week Steam sale. I was initially really leery about the series, but the remake at least is pretty solid JRPGs. It's gotten me to looking more into the series as a whole.

Though from what I've read, I'm glad I joined in at the remake. The original reportedly had a bunch of things that I'm certain would've made me hate it.


  • Time expired: 121:45
I've been playing Disgaea D2.  It's really fun and alot has changed since Disgaea 2.  I'm really loving the cheat shop.


  • Retired
Picked up quite an interest in Capcom arcade beat-em-ups (you could tell by my posts in music thread, probably). Having quite a success in learning how to play them at an advanced level. Not even close to any 1cc's yet (not that I aim for any), but getting better with each day. Funny enough, started having preferences in some games but not others. Latest, and most astounding one - Blodia in Armored Warriors. WITHOUT UPGRADES! It's that balanced and useful from the get-go.


  • alter cool
Finally got around to beaten Persona 4 Arena Ultimax in story mode. Somebody spoiled for me that
the boss what something other than a playable character, so I got curious about what it was.

Turns out it was pretty lame though. Hino Kagutsuchi made a lot of thematic sense, but he wasn't a pretty or especially fun boss fight. I was hoping for Persona 3 Protagonist (I know, I would've heard a thousand times if that was true, but still) or maybe Nyx or The Reaper.

Overall the story mode was fine. The story didn't have the repetition problem that the other one did, and some of the mechanics (getting to choose which character to use in fights, the way the story tree was laid out) were great and I expect to see them in the next Blazblue. Kind of getting tired of seeing the P4 cast, especially since at this point we've had more of them than the P3 cast by quite a lot and they didn't have the time to develop that their predecessors did. It's fine, bring on Dancing All Night, I'll play it...

Regarding the story itself, am I the only one who at least briefly expected Sho to turn out to be Misturu's brother? He was revealed to be the son of a man that SEES killed, which only could have been Ikutsuki (yes), or very arguably Takeharu Kirijo (they didn't kill him but he did die near them, so someone as uninformed and unstable as Sho might throw out accusations). Sho has ties to the Kirijo Group and red hair, so for a minute I thought maybe... But no, that would have been stupid. I don't mind that that wasn't actually the case.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
Finally completed Monk in Crypt of the Necrodancer.  Every enemy in the game drops gold, and on Monk, picking up gold instant kills you.  There's some other changes (The big one being that you get a free item from shops except the sacrifice shop), but yeah.  Took me weeks to do this.

Not sure which achievement I want to go for next - Aria Low% (No picking up any items ever and you die in one hit or the moment you miss a beat), or Bolt (the game speed is doubled - music stays the same but actions are on eighth notes as well as the standard quarter notes).  Because they're both going to be stupid.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
So I think I ended up going hard mode on the final boss by electing to use my Class Change item on my healing mage, Yuko. Her new skill, Curse, is basically useless against the final boss, and it's extremely hard to go any further due to the absolutely massive CM cost to level up to the new skills. 30k when a good battle might give 1500? Not very viable.

Not helping matters is the boss' desperation mode activating at half health. It goes from single attacks and pretty potent attacks with Paralysis; to hit-all magic, a nine-hit combo that hits random targets, the paralysis attack, a 1.5 turn attack that is instant death if you don't have Ran get a Guard going (and will wipe anyone who's Paralyzed if she can't guard), and worst of all, an attack which hits all four characters with the four status ailments - Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, and Switch Ban.

Did I mention it gets two attacks per turn?

I get all of two Group Remedies, with no chance of getting more. Yuko might be able to heal, but you have to either have her in the party and burn a Remedy first, or burn the Remedy and swap her in. Either way, you're extremely vulnerable, since you use up your one item use per turn to get heals going - and if she got swapped in Paralyzed, you have to pray for a miracle.

Did I mention it has a second attack? If it used the status ailment one in the same turn as pretty much anything else, everyone will be hurting like mad. The only way to guarantee heals is bringing in Yuko and getting an X Heal off, which has guaranteed priority over the enemy.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.


I picked up Neptunia Re;Birth 2 about a week ago. While I admittedly don't find the characters as well fleshed out as Neptunia's original cast, nothing in the first game made me laugh as hard as
when I managed to lose the post-true final boss token beatdown
. Anything that makes me laugh is a plus from a game that lists humor as a selling point, even if it wasn't intentional on the developer's part.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
I find it odd that postgame allows you to class change everyone in your party (eventually), but you have to keep a save from before the initial class change because you have to beat the final boss with each character class changed, and postgame is a true postgame - you can't kill the final boss again.

Also, Valentine's Day deals on PSN. Bunch of fighting games, among other things. IFI has Re;Birth1 and Monster Monpiece both for sale, too. So if you want to be embarrassed by having to rub your PS Vita, there you go. Nine bucks.

Oh, f- all of these idiotic pilots in this TDM. How the f- do you do less points than I do when I'm trying to keep three f-ing Attackers off the fleet?! There should be no reason why you aren't kicking them when you have better planes overall! I can beat you in a f-ing Bomber and evade better! Let's put it this way - the sortie after I made this edit, I swapped to a Bomber. I was constantly focused down by an enemy ATD-0, but I scored more than twice the points of everyone else on my side.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 11:23:39 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.

I've been playing Final Fantasy VIII for a while. Recently I came back to the world of the JRPGs and I restarted Persona 3 too, but it's in standby by now for the sake of Final Fantasy <-

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
So I came back to Burnout Paradise after... three years? of leaving it be. God, some of those cars are annoying to drive, and I still hate Stunt Runs. Did get Millionaire's Club, though, but I'm playing on PS3 so no achievement points. I'm surprised multiplayer is still slightly active.

ACI has a Flanker tournament for Scarface One's plane. Nope, not even interested, constant fuel burning from JP players aside likely making it impossible without spending $200.

So there's an enemy or two in Criminal Girls' postgame that will obliterate you if you don't use a certain character's Knight ability at specific times. Said ability is random, but has a higher (but not 100%) chance when the attack is incoming. On the one hand, you can fire it off for free MP wise with a certain item. Problem, the item costs 70k CM, when you can only hold <100k. So you have to buy them one at a time if you don't want to roll the die.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.