Author Topic: Len'en Project by JynX? (First 3 games updated)  (Read 264614 times)

I honestly liked the game because of its new mechanics and the story. I understand the many major flaws of the game (for example, Mitori's stupid arrow gimmick) but JynX is still a new game developer considering its been 3 years since the release of the 1st and 2nd Len'en game (In my opinion).They also admitted to rushing the game because it took more tan a year to complete, but I think they still have a lot to learn but its getting better.  It is possible (hopefully maybe in the future?) that JynX might change and adjust some spellcards since it is still not completed yet. I admit the music was "meh" at some points and some of the songs were completed within a day. The game is just average in my opinion, but some minor tweaks and spell changes might help.


  • Wandering Lone Wolf
  • ......
It's not BPoHC, but I 1cc'd my first Len'en game recently. Advance warning: it's not pretty. I fail a lot.

Evanescent Existence Unreal 1cc (Yabusame)

EDIT: Also got this shortly afterwards.
Evanescent Existence Absurdly Extra (Yabusame)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 10:22:54 AM by DarkPermafrost »



  • Lurking librarian
  • and moe sound effect
It's not BPoHC, but I 1cc'd my first Len'en game recently. Advance warning: it's not pretty. I fail a lot.

Evanescent Existence Unreal 1cc (Yabusame)

EDIT: Also got this shortly afterwards.
Evanescent Existence Absurdly Extra (Yabusame)
Unsolicited advice, but - no matter how true you think it is, there's not really an audience for someone who spends half an hour talking themselves down.  As a viewer, my first thought is "well, I should watch someone better instead".

In other news,
*in my headcanon, Aoji is pronounced exactly like "ouchie" for reasons I think you understand.  (I only just noticed that the giant circular vortexes re-aim after they're shot.)
*if you hate how bombing works in EE, wait until you play the subsequent games.  (You can't bomb unless focused, because unfocused bombs are flash bombs.  Even if you don't have a flash bomb ready.)
*chances are pretty good that there are no cosmetic bullets in Len'en.  Would JynX really pass up a way to kill a player with Good Game Design?
*the enemies from Stage 4 on are presumably dragonflies, though I'd only guess this because of Bpohc.
*try Tsubakura sometime if you want to change your opinion of the stages :V
*you're braver (or more out of resources) than me for doing even one wave of Clause's second-to-last card.
*one of your comments toward the end got screwed up by YouTube's silly approach to near-end annotations.


  • Wandering Lone Wolf
  • ......
Unsolicited advice, but - no matter how true you think it is, there's not really an audience for someone who spends half an hour talking themselves down.  As a viewer, my first thought is "well, I should watch someone better instead".

In other news,
*in my headcanon, Aoji is pronounced exactly like "ouchie" for reasons I think you understand.  (I only just noticed that the giant circular vortexes re-aim after they're shot.)
*if you hate how bombing works in EE, wait until you play the subsequent games.  (You can't bomb unless focused, because unfocused bombs are flash bombs.  Even if you don't have a flash bomb ready.)
*chances are pretty good that there are no cosmetic bullets in Len'en.  Would JynX really pass up a way to kill a player with Good Game Design?
*the enemies from Stage 4 on are presumably dragonflies, though I'd only guess this because of Bpohc.
*try Tsubakura sometime if you want to change your opinion of the stages :V
*you're braver (or more out of resources) than me for doing even one wave of Clause's second-to-last card.
*one of your comments toward the end got screwed up by YouTube's silly approach to near-end annotations.

I went to fix a bunch of annotations and... wow, I must have been really salty when I wrote the stage 4/5 annotations. I went to tone down a bunch of them (they're not that intentional, since I mostly just write down whatever I'm thinking at that point in time. I should really vet these things). Also, I fixed the one about Clause's final phase being a minute too early (and cut off somehow) thanks to Youtube, so there's that too.

- I will keep the focused/unfocused bombing thing in mind. I always assumed flash bombs were bound to an alternative key like C, but apparently not. Oh well.
- I have flailed around on midboss Tsubakura and died for no reason, although I haven't decided whether that was due to the "cosmetic" lasers or getting a bullet spawned on my face.
- I was very out of resources near the end of the run. I'm the kind of guy who hates it when resources go out of whack, so I try to "compensate" for unplanned deaths by not bombing and conserving resources. Which tends to end badly. (I even had a sample resource count guide at the start of each stage in a notepad file, which I ended up not following.) I would have double-bombed Clause's penultimate otherwise, but I was out of bombs, so.

I do try to make my annotations in the hope that they'll eventually help someone with routing or somesuch (yes, I've watched your runs and they're part of the reason), but I really don't know. Right now, they just feel like a place where I put my opinions on the game, attacks, designs, and my performance in general, so I'm not really sure if I've accomplished my goal, or how to go about doing so.



  • Lurking librarian
  • and moe sound effect
I do try to make my annotations in the hope that they'll eventually help someone with routing or somesuch (yes, I've watched your runs and they're part of the reason), but I really don't know. Right now, they just feel like a place where I put my opinions on the game, attacks, designs, and my performance in general, so I'm not really sure if I've accomplished my goal, or how to go about doing so.
To some degree you've succeeded (I didn't realize how much of EE was streaming) and being opinionated can be plenty entertaining.  If I had to offer advice--

*Market yourself!  Whether your audience is yourself, your friends, or random YouTube searchers, you have to keep the hype machine up.  Time is precious (especially once you get into the working world) and people want to, if not watch GOOD videos, not feel like they're burning that time watching BAD or BORING videos.  Besides, even if it's just you watching your own videos, do you want to see yourself telling yourself that you suck?  So, even if you screw up, spin it.  Do silly fake-reactions, leave the viewer in suspense for a few seconds about whether you're going to survive this particularly dumb attack (in general, don't ever spoil what comes next), crack jokes, and generally make your video the sort of party where your subscribers will want to watch your video even if they've already seen a dozen different AbEx Xeno a + Suzumi 2 videos already (by the way, we basically have, so please everyone do something else).
*Find some content that distinguishes you.  Why do you think I play the really obscure games or go for weird achievements?  I'd never be able to put up a video of a canon 2hu game that someone else didn't do like three times better six years ago, so I don't bother.  Len'en isn't quite saturated yet (though there are several impressive videos by people like Pruns and Aluh Izayoi) and it has a small but devoted fanbase with a steady trickle of Touhou casuals who want to see what this next-best-thing series is, so if you're willing to stick with this Good Game Design it's not a bad place to land for a while.  Find something other people haven't done - Tsuba runs, score runs, etc. - and work toward that.
*Aim for quality.  One reason so much time goes by between my videos is because I don't record first clears.  Ultimately, whatever you do will have to be compared to the videos that are already out and the videos that will come out later, so if you're going to do something, do it well.  (Of course, having High Quality Content and being successful at YouTube are two very, very different things.  If you want to be the PewDiePie of shmups, then that will require a LOT less effort put into being good at games and a LOT more effort put into showmanship.)
*Get lucky.  Two thirds of my views have come from one of my videos, which got picked up on a Dutch everything site.  Even setting aside my charming wit and OCD-tier annotations, it's kind of criminal that I have as many subs as I do relative to people who are better than me at teh shmups.

I think you're on the cusp of being able to pull off some really cool stuff.  If you believe in yourself and show the best you have, I think there's still plenty of room for your career to grow.


  • Ordinary crow
I'm kind of lazy to post my opinion about this game(which I REALLY REALLY love), but I'll just say: JynX always surprises me, I'm expecting the next game because I KNOW I won't be disapointed. Seriously, I'm becoming more interested in Len'en than in Touhou. Playing the shitodo's brother is nice since the three of them are my favorite characters !(especially Kuroji)

Anyway...that's not the point of my post. I'm trying to find Aoji, I always found him on the neutral side or the neutral path of the Haze Castle side on stage 2 when I played the demo. But as for the full version, it's always Shou or Tsugumi. So I'm starting to wonder if Aoji's changed location since the demo, or if there is a specific square where I can find him ?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 02:25:30 PM by MaskedLeon »


  • zoom zoom
Only the final bosses in the neutral route are in fixed positions, everyone else is a random chance on their respective stages. However if you've been playing only Shitodo team that's probably why you can't find Aoji, since you can't find someone who's on your team. Switch to using New Emperor team (Fumi/Iyo/Tsugumi) and you should be getting a 50/50 chance of Aoji/Shou on a stage 2 neutral boss.


  • Ordinary crow
You're right and that's what I have done, I've switched between all the teams ! I found Kuroji and Hooaka, but no Aoji.
I saw a run on youtube where the palyer met Aoji on the neutral path of the Brillant Pagoda side, so I'll try it.

Thank you for your answer !

Edit: Found him by playing Tsugumi on neutral path. The idea was: since I always meet Shou and Tsugumi, let's reduce the number of potential boss 2 by playing Tsugumi, then I'll meet Aoji.
And it worked !
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 05:16:02 PM by MaskedLeon »


  • Wandering Lone Wolf
  • ......


BPoHC's 1.10 mode is what it needed to keep from destroying the "balance" of a few fights.

So pretty much, no cheesing through bosses - you have to learn how to dodge some attacks. Naturally, bombing is heavily preferred to dodging in some cases.

I did another clear of the Haze Castle scenario. Preschool Team, Unreal mode, Instant Death, 1CC...all that jazz.

Edit: Wow. I suck. I missed the post that explained all of this. -___-
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 07:30:48 PM by FleetingGaze »

Hello fellow Len'en fans! As you may know, I took it upon me, to make an English-Patch for the Len'en games. I already posted an English Patch for Len'en 1 in the other thread a few months ago, but I didn't get that many reactions to it (maybe cuz 'twas a dead thread) so here I try again.
Patch for Evanescent Existence:!U4FwBQgY!nXrTTcNIUw0pDyuCZjAFM2rJt1HVeBCG0DSwumZRpiI
Patch for Earthen Miraculous Sword:!R5Vw1RaR!1uK_cZP86CdlZXitazxyfYZFbVahRWdbSFj-WFq7T2g
Maybe there are still some errors, so I'd highly appreciate some feedback.
If you want to see the patch in action, I've made a video, showing the (Absurdly) Extra Stage of EE with complete dialog:
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 11:14:12 AM by Satorioshi »


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Sorry for the necrobump, but here's an interesting development that popped up just a few days ago.

So a player was going through BPoHC with a cheat engine, and hacked in a (spoilery) character who is part of the as-of-yet unplayable team.
Yes, it is most definitely who you think it is.

For those who can't watch it,
the character shoots knives in a very wide range, like Fumikado, and also creates multiple rings of knives around them as you hold down the shot key, which burst outwards when you release the key. Their 'bomb' resets the cell you are currently on.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2019, 02:31:21 PM by KaiserKnuckle »

☆ Kana ☆

  • Vanishing Dream
  • Lost Dream
    • lololololo tungle
Oh man, I tried out that unused character a couple days ago, they're pretty fun to use!  :D

Given Suzumi's nature and abilities, I feel like that "unfinished" shottype being left in was very much intended...

Dream a dream so grand...that it becomes a nightmare.


  • Mukyuu!
Do you people expect JynX to make an April Fool's video for the following days? After not releasing one last year (and neither on Christmas) to work on BPoHC. Or maybe a new game update?

EDIT: look at a tweet from six hours ago.

絶対に休んではいけないゲーム制作24時 ("Absolutely not to take a rest game production 24 o'clock" thanks to google). Hmm...
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 09:56:22 PM by Maple »


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Oh hey.

(Random thoughts as the video plays;)

-Fool's Rush from the PoDD April Fool's video returns!

-Atleast now we have an explanation for that drawing of Mima he posted in early March.


-As opposed to the Fool's Rush from the PoDD video, the game regularly throws out random Lv2 bosses at you.

-(...standard PoDD insanity for most of the video :V)

-!!WARNING!! Apparently the player characters use their Lv4 (or worse?) on their oopponents after a set amount of time. That, or last life shenanigans.

-JynX is going to release a third volume of PC-98 rearrangements soon, this time for PoDD. This most likely means the order of the next volumes will be SoEW and then tHRtP.

-An update for BPoHC? That is what I am assumimg, but hopefully gilde eventually clarifies that.
I am guessing that that character will make their full playable appearance this time.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 03:44:13 PM by KaiserKnuckle »

KaiserKnuckle, is a wrong link

Easy: PoDD, FW, LoLK
Normal: SoEW, UFO, HSiFS
Hard: LLS, MS, EoSD, PoFW, MoF, SA, TD, DDC
Lunatic: PCB, IN
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, HSiFS; Phantasm


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Oops, thanks for catching that.



  • Kuruminist Touhou Player
April Fools video of JynX Here you go, this should be the correct link.
Raid Kappatalism for great Kurumi!

Youtube channel My Youtube channel, I hope you enjoy my Touhou runs.

From what I understand, he intends to release this one as an actual game when he releases the cd. Though it'll just be versus mode without any dialogue.

Of course that could all just be a joke, given the date.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra


  • Ordinary crow
From what I understand, he intends to release this one as an actual game when he releases the cd. Though it'll just be versus mode without any dialogue.

Of course that could all just be a joke, given the date.

It would be very nice. But if that's a joke, it's kind of mean. :(

It is not, in fact, a joke! Although the game will take a little while longer to be released, on account of tragic schedule conflicts (cough cough Monster Hunter cough)

According to the April 1st blog post, it's basically meant as a flashy jukebox program for the new CD-- "make the AI fight while you listen to these hot tunes!" basically-- but you can play it as a game for a little extra fun too. (I think)


  • Ordinary crow
Oh, thank you for the info !

I hope I'll find the game on the web though.


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot


  • Ordinary crow
Yeah, downloaded it yesterday. I have fun with that mini-game ! But seems like some characters are slow for reaching the top of the gauge. That's probably the only thing that is regretable because the game itself is not that bad, paterns are great, characters are easy to play and should I say that playing a remake of a pc 98 feels really nice even though it's a mini-game ?(I didn't like the SoEW remake btw so I don't count that one)

I wonder if JynX will release a "final" version, maybe correcting the problem about the characters that are too slow to reach the top(Kotohime, Ellen), and with all the songs of PoDD : )

Anyway I'm very happy about this, I was waiting for the full version HSiFS and while that one will come, I'll have to play HSiFS's demo and this PoDD mini game. : )

What did you think about that game ?

The lower speeds aren't a bug, they're a legitimate character stat. Kana has an absurdly fast "racing" speed, while Yumemi is the slowest around, and everyone else falls somewhere in between. The catch being that Kana's supposed to be a horrible shottype (low charge speed, hard to use charge shot, etc) while the slower characters are supposed to be really good (Ellen's charge speed means you can spam the hell out of those fairly strong homing shots).

In the end it's still kiiiiiiind of unbalanced though. Racing speed still seems to be way more important than anything else.

As for the full version... as he did with the last 2 PC98 games, Jynx is going to sell the remade PoDD soundtrack. To get the rest of the songs you have to buy the soundtrack and put it into game's folder.

This game was actually just a happy coincidence- Jynx had already made all the players and backgrounds in his RE: PoDD video and he was selling the soundtrack anyway. He decided that "oh hey, the entire game is already remade I might as well just release it" so he spruced it up a bit and gave us what he had. So it's not so much that the music is DLC, it's more like the game is a free bonus feature for the CD he was already selling anyway.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra


  • Ordinary crow
Yeah that's what I've noticed too, while Kana is absurdly fast, Yumemi is really slow. It's kind of unblanced, but if it actually were like the gameplay of PoDD and PoDD EX, that wouldn't be a problem since imo, every character has bullet that can be hard to dodge on high difficulty.

But I don't think he will do that, Like I said it's more a mini game than an actual game, JynX  said it anyway, the game would be kind of an "animation" while the music would play.

That said, it's still enoyable : )

Now let's see how JynX will react to that, seeing his fan playing the game...would that change something in his mind about actual pc 98 remake ? He said that he would not do it without Zun's permission, but it's already something if he decides to let us play to PoDD even as a mini game !

It'd be AWESOME to get the PC98 remakes, even if it's just the stage 6s and EXs. Though it's unlikely, as like I said this game only came about because Jynx already had literally everything made from RE: PoDD. To release a full PC98 remake for the other games he'd actually have to make stages 1-5 which would be a lot of work, and he said he'd rather focus on len'en than those. Can't imagine he'd just release stages 6 and Ex either.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 04:27:52 PM by TresserT »
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra


  • Ordinary crow
Maybe someday : ) I feel it would not be so soon though. Whatever, I'm really happy to be able to play a "remake" of PoDD anyway, so I won't complain. In fact, I'm really happy !


  • Ordinary crow
Hi. I don't know if someone will help me out there but at this rate, I'm gonna try everything since it's been ONE HOUR I tried to make the songs of the game play.

So I bought JynX's PoDD album on bandcamp, I wanted to put the song into the game. The english patch has a file that says :


(Don't mind the characters btw, my computer right now isn't in japanese. I already tried what I'll explain to you in japanese.)

SO, that's what I did. I downloaded the album in MP3 format, I'll show you the files I have in the archive:


(there are more pictures at the bottom of the archive)

So what I did is this, I put all the songs(also tried to put the images) into the CD_dat folder as you can see below:


So, I tried to play the game with the songs into the CD_dat folder, but still, no other songs than the only 2 available from the demo play or is seen in the music room, everything's still red even though I've purchased the album.

Did I download the wrong extension ? Is it something else than MP3 ? I saw a japanese guy who played with the song IG so I know it can be done, I probably did something wrong there. If anyone can help me, I would very appreciate it !

EDIT: Nevermind... the problem was that I bought the cd on bandcamp while It should have be done with booth for having the good files(facepalm). I've had to buy the CD on Booth for the game to work with the musics... Don't do the same mistake I did please, just DON'T !
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 04:33:02 PM by MaskedLeon »

it's the wrong extension, you need the ogg ones. All the files should be named something like "YUME_##.ogg".
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra