Thank you so much for your efforts! Motivation, so on.
Lunatic - Reimu A
Heartbeam - 1,647,330,460 - C - 0.370% -
ReplayFiller down!
Lunatic - Reimu B
Heartbeam - 1,945,856,570 - C - 0.448% -
ReplaySo, missed a good grazing opportunity at the beginning of stage four and I really didn't see the death coming during Hanged Hourai Dolls. Should have brought out an entire extra border starting with planning as early as stage six Youmu, but the pressure was building and I didn't want to spend more time with Yuyuko's opener. Missed out on a great bullet bonus too.
.ASP, did you submit
this? Is this person around? After checking with your submission the routes are very similar, and speaking of your latest submission I saw that you were a whole 72M ahead by the end of stage five. And you're doing
that supergraze method for stage four. At least, half of it. Moving by the strategies so quickly. Ah, you're amazing.
Extra - Sakuya B
Heartbeam - 931,502,730 - C - 0.191% -
ReplayOh, this stage.
Lunatic - Marisa B
Heartbeam - 1,503,115,500 - C - 0.424% -
ReplayLet the poor cherry rate and unfocused shot graphic get to my head. This is horrifying!
Hard - Marisa B
Heartbeam - 1,673,714,330 - C - 0.376% -
ReplayTedious Alice battle, but a little endurance run never hurt. Glancing at the bars gets old quickly at this point.
Lunatic - Sakuya B
Heartbeam - 1,785,956,490 - C - 0.396% -
ReplayMissing several spell captures with this shot type but didn't feel like filling out the record with stage practice. The current posted score is a little low so I guess this one can go up.
Normal - Sakuya A
Heartbeam - 1,407,198,040 - C - 0.333% -
ReplayTimeout of Deadly Dance with a panic death on top.
Hard - Sakuya A
Heartbeam - 1,429,329,260 - C - 0.347% -
ReplayShould have learned the first time. I must redeem myself with stage practice.