Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240227 times)

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #630 on: April 03, 2014, 09:43:14 PM »
Plainly an Action Figure:
>So are we talking unidentified as in Nue is screwing around again, or unidentified as in they don't resemble the points we could gather for extra lives in a few of the previous incidents?
> Definitely the latter, it'd take quite a bit for Nue to invade your dreams and memories. It seems these are raw, straight up points that haven't been condensed into any notable form yet (kinda like peanuts before they go into peanut butter).

>"And maybe you'd like to explain what's going on, ze? Unless getting shot down is more your speed."
>She isn't the real boss for this stage, is she?
> Your BOSS-O-VISION reveals she only has one health meter, but it's tinted red. She must have a Spell Card ready.
> "What's going on is that you're still alive...I can't allow that. I'm surprised that humanoid chicken didn't immolate you yet. The smell of burning plastic would have cleared my sinuses nicely." Skella grins after saying that.

Clay Fae:
>How shy are we about showing off works in progress?
>Give scary burny lady a pouty look.
> You shoot Mokou a >:T look and show her what you've been working on.
> "Who's this? Never saw her before..." You explain to her what happened. "Curious...But not enough interest to pursue her, probably just another youkai."
> It's at that moment you remembered another detail about the picture that almost slipped your mind...You ask Mokou to hold on a sec while you scribble something down...

Genyornis Fireball:
>"Got Rumia under control for now. She ain't happy, but she won't be able to bug us for a while."
>Keep half an eye on her location. Does she seem to be going anywhere we'd recognize?
> "Well that's good," Maple says quickly as adds something to her sketch. "She still frightens me a bit."
> Heh, can't blame ya. But she's just a low-level youkai, she's heading back to the Night Grove where she undoubtedly belongs.
> "Good...Ah, done!"
> Maple shows you the sketch again. Ok, that's--wait, what the hell?!
> "Do you see it?"
> You'd be blind not to. The girl Maple just drew...She has a spiral-looking horn poking out of her forehead. You ask her if this is come kind of prank.
> "Why would I lie? I just forgot that detail in the initial rush when I was sketching her...But she has the horn, all right! Cross my heart, hope to get shot down!"
> If that's the case, then...Well, it wouldn't be too far fetched, but...Maple looks at you quizzically as you mumble.
> "Is...something the matter?"
> Ok, you might as well level with her. That girl she just saw might have been a young unicorn.
> Maple looks a bit dumbstruck as the realization absorbs into her. "You serious?! You could tell?"
> Let's just say you had a fateful encounter with one many centuries ago, you explain to Maple. It's just a hunch, but that style of horn makes you 90% sure that is some form of a unicorn.
> Maple seems to be at a loss for words, but then she chuckles. "Gensokyo's just full of amazing creatures, isn't it?"
> Yeah. Listen, do me a favor, you ask of Maple.
> "What is it?"
> Let's not tell too many people about this, all right? And that goes double for you, Little Miss Mini.
> Mini Medi just shrugs and nods in a very "whatever" sort of way. You have half a mind to tell her off, but you let it slide for now.

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #631 on: April 03, 2014, 10:26:03 PM »
Bane Blastess:

>How many points will it take to make these particularly useful?
>"Mokou's pretty chill if you aren't tryin' to kill her, ze. I ain't planning to die too easy! What'd you want that for, anyway?"

Terra Faira:

>Ooo! A unicorn! Wait until we tell Hermy about this!
>What would we expect from a unicorn girl, then?

Ashen Archaeopteryx:

>Was our previous encounter with a unicorn a good or a bad thing?
>It's not worth trying to pursue her at this point, is it?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #632 on: April 03, 2014, 11:30:57 PM »
Bane Blastess:
>How many points will it take to make these particularly useful?
> A lot, probably. You're not even sure if the points matter much or not.

>"Mokou's pretty chill if you aren't tryin' to kill her, ze. I ain't planning to die too easy! What'd you want that for, anyway?"
> "The voices of the world have spoken...They want you dead. And I'm more than happy to oblige!"
> "Scream [Piercing Wail]"
> Skella unzips her mouth and unleashes (bullet) hell on your ears. Laser beams, wavering musical notes and aimed triangle shots rain down at you, what do?

Terra Faira:
>Ooo! A unicorn! Wait until we tell Hermy about this!
>What would we expect from a unicorn girl, then?
> Tell your roommate something Mokou explicitly told you not to blather about? OK THEN! :D
> All you know about unicorns is that they possess powerful magical and healing abilities...

Ashen Archaeopteryx:
>Was our previous encounter with a unicorn a good or a bad thing?
>It's not worth trying to pursue her at this point, is it?
> ...The latter of which helped save you at one point in the past. While the phoenix that gave you your fiery powers also gave you the ability to reincarnate, neither could help stave off illness. While you were adjusting to your new powers, you underwent a terrible case of Scurvy, which opened the door for other illnesses to take over your body. Just when you were about off yourself to be free of these awful malodies, a mysterious figure approached you. You remember her well...Her hair was blond with orange highlights, her robe was a sparkling blue, her skin had a wonderful complexion, and she an an impressive (but not so long as to be obtrustive) horn growing from her head. She also had a pair of feathery wings with a similar color scheme to her hair, if anything she might have been a pegasus...Or was it an alicorn? You can never get the two right.

> Either way, this woman approached you, seeing you in pain. You beckoned her to leave you, warned her that you were deatlhy ill, but she smiled warmly and said "I do not fear your sickness. Let me help you."
> And help you she did. She fed you a few drops of her own blood, and stayed at your side until you felt better. You asked for her name, and she said "My real name is a secret...But given how some refer to me as such, you can call me Panacea." You felt it was appropriate. You told her your story, and Panacea told you hers. "My race has been forced into hiding...My fellow unicorns and pegasi were hunted down and slaughtered like cattle, all just so others could prolong their own lifespan...It was terrible. That is why I must remain hidden...And why you cannot utter my existence to anyone else." You agreed to do just that as thanks for her help. Once you felt better, Panacea departed and hasn't been seen since.

> That being said...You figured it'd be best to leave the poor blue-skinned girl alone. If she stumbles into you again, that's her own damn fault, but it'll be a very cold day in hell before you endanger her existence.
> "Uh, Mokou-sama, you've kind of been staring into space for a while..." Maple peeps up.

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #633 on: April 04, 2014, 12:29:32 AM »
Salem Superstar:

>Whose scorerun is it anyway?
>"What world, ze?"
>Man, who knew we were THAT unpopular...? The hell's her problem?
>Dodge and weave while we fire back! Be careful not to box ourselves in with the aimed shots.

Phlogiston Longipteryx:

>"... thinking about the last time I met one. Listen... I'm serious about not telling anyone, kid. Think of it like people wanting to eat fairies to look prettier. Really don't want her getting attention."
>... she mighta been able to help Marisa if she wanted to, maybe, but it's not worth it. Especially right now. If she shows again we'll consider it, but having a proper Eientei raid party ready is more important.
>"... we should probably get rid of that picture, too. No need to suggest she's around."
>Offer a hand to take and burn it.

Wolf-shield Illustrator:

>E... eating fairies?! Okay, maybe not then... scary!!
>Hand over the picture if it wouldn't be soul-destroying to lose it... that's pretty important!
>... now what? Maybe we'll draw our little party striking a pose...
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #634 on: April 04, 2014, 03:56:44 AM »

Salem Superstar:
>Whose scorerun is it anyway?
> Scenes from a hat: Rejected Midboss Characters. Go!

>"What world, ze?"
>Man, who knew we were THAT unpopular...? The hell's her problem?
> Skella can't answer you now, she's busy expectorating danmaku all over you. She's probably just looking for an excuse to kill you after last time...Though now this begs the question of where these "voices" are coming from to begin with. Could someone be out to get you?

>Dodge and weave while we fire back! Be careful not to box ourselves in with the aimed shots.
> Despite the random spam of this attack, you're still on "easy" street right now, so it's nothing you're not accustomed to.

Phlogiston Longipteryx:
>"... thinking about the last time I met one. Listen... I'm serious about not telling anyone, kid. Think of it like people wanting to eat fairies to look prettier. Really don't want her getting attention."
> "Er...Right, not the analogy I'd think of but ok...I understand. I swear I won't tell a soul."

>... she mighta been able to help Marisa if she wanted to, maybe, but it's not worth it. Especially right now. If she shows again we'll consider it, but having a proper Eientei raid party ready is more important.
> You're not even sure what that girl's intention was. Was she a spy? An assassin? A passing salesyoukai? There's too little to go on, so you put it aside for now. However...

>"... we should probably get rid of that picture, too. No need to suggest she's around."
>Offer a hand to take and burn it.
> ...You can't risk having Maple run around with that picture, so you politely ask for it.
> "Wh-What? It's not like I go flashing my sketchbook around! Ok maybe a little bit, but..." You give Maple a stern look. "Oh, all right, fine...It wasn't that good of a sketch anyways." Maple rips the page from her sketchbook and reluctantly hands it over. You assure her it's for the best before you set it ablaze.

Wolf-shield Illustrator:
>E... eating fairies?! Okay, maybe not then... scary!!
> Sheesh, what won't youkai go through to make themselves more powerful? That sounds less pleasant than youkai stealing fairy wings and snorting the dust off them to get high...You LIKE your wings, they're like a mix of nylon and stained glass, you'd be horrified if you lost or broke them!...Thank Titania you have Wing Insurance though.

>Hand over the picture if it wouldn't be soul-destroying to lose it... that's pretty important!
>... now what? Maybe we'll draw our little party striking a pose...
> You've thrown away drawings before, but...There was just something about the unicorn girl that you captured that you would hate to lose. That look of fear and timidness on her face...What was she even doing? Spying on you? Plotting an assassination or theft? Was she lost? Or maybe...SHE WAS TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING!! Augh, wandering youkai merchants are the worst...
> Huh? Oh right, the picture...You hand it over and Mokou burns it. Pouty Sadface Time.
> ...At least, it would be if you didn't enchant your sketchbook to duplicate any sketch you ripped out of it. And you worried that enchantment would fill up your sketchbook too fast, ha!
> ...Best not to let Mokou know about this, tho. Mini-Medi continues to give no fucks about what you're doing. You sigh and decide to draw some kind of pose of the three--er, four of you sitting on a log. Surely that's acceptable!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #635 on: April 04, 2014, 04:04:10 AM »
Witch of Venom:

>Try not to fall asleep while ending her pattern. Keep an eye out for any powerups, perhaps.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #636 on: April 04, 2014, 04:21:05 AM »
Witch of Venom:
>Try not to fall asleep while ending her pattern. Keep an eye out for any powerups, perhaps.
> The only person(?) that's sleeping here is the Skella, and she's sleepin' with the fishes...Ugh, remind yourself not to use that pun around Wasbi Wakasagihime. Despite your slight lack of firepower, you blow the banshee to pieces, and she disappears without another word. Typical midboss behavior.
> Skella is nice enough to drop FOUR (4) POWERUP CAPSULES and a BOMB at least, spend them as you see fit.

> The rest of the stage is...Uneventful, really. It's almost as if this stage was cobbled together at the last minute by some inexperienced--
> "Ahoy there, Mari!" Just up ahead you see Yuuka waving at you.
> ...Did we mean inexperienced? We meant talented, wonderful, attractive and all around intelligent spell card designer! :D;; Hiii, Yuuka, what in the nine hells are you doing here in my dream?
> "Oh, uh, why not, I thought we could, you know, have a bit of fun? Or...Something, yeah. Perhaps a danmaku duel!"
> Yeah...You'd rather play cards at this point, really...But something doesn't feel quite right, even though Yuuka kinda talks with that ditzy teenage girl "accent" online, she never speaks like this in real life. Maybe your dream is playing tricks on you.

> _


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  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #637 on: April 05, 2014, 03:24:01 AM »
Star-crossed Sorceress:

>Four? What would that get us again? Eh... go for a Multiple, or Magic Missile. Or more Phoenix if all else fails. Save the rest to get more for those goals.
>Has Yuuka been trying to change her image lately? Or maybe someone else is impersonating her. Considering how we've already got one other punk invading our dreams lately...
>Let's test that. Refer to something that only she and us would know that isn't TOO embarrassing.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #638 on: April 05, 2014, 12:57:22 PM »

> "Sup, Yuuka? Are you real, or are you a product of my imagination? I swear it's impossible to tell on this side of unconsciousness."

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #639 on: April 10, 2014, 02:37:58 AM »
Star-crossed Sorceress:
>Four? What would that get us again? Eh... go for a Multiple, or Magic Missile. Or more Phoenix if all else fails. Save the rest to get more for those goals.
> Four capsules would push you up to Missile, yeah. You also collected enough capsules during the second half of the stage portion to get a Multiple, so you have that now. Yay.

> "Sup, Yuuka? Are you real, or are you a product of my imagination? I swear it's impossible to tell on this side of unconsciousness."
> "Of course I'm real, why wouldn't I be?" Yuuka says with an alarmingly wide smile.

>Has Yuuka been trying to change her image lately? Or maybe someone else is impersonating her. Considering how we've already got one other punk invading our dreams lately...
>Let's test that. Refer to something that only she and us would know that isn't TOO embarrassing.
> You ask this Yuuka construct why you're here. Even the real Yuuka doesn't just randomly challenge people to duels without reason.
> "Uh, I want to see how far you've come as a magician! That is a nice staff you have there...May I take a look?"
> Welp, that didn't take long to figure out what she really wanted. You smile and say you'll let Yuuka have a look...If she can tell you what your favorite flower is.
> Yuuka opens her mouth to speak, closes it, thinks for a moment, then mumbles "Crud. You got me."
> There is a sudden POINK sound and a puff of white smoke, before Yuuka is replaced by a young girl with dirty blonde hair, a blue sweater and well-worn jeans. But the most striking features are her black "burglar mask" markings around her eyes, and her large gray-and-black ringed tail. The umbrella has been replaced with a bo staff that seems to be able to split into multiple parts, like some kind of oversized nunchuck. You recognize this girl, but the name escapes you at the moment.
> "That's the last time I ask a couple of angels for detailed info on the wanderer of dreams! I swear, when I see them again I'm gonna rob 'em blind!"

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #640 on: April 10, 2014, 04:02:49 AM »
Salem Superstar:

>"For what it's worth, they probably deserve it right now, ze."
>Looks like some street-kid tanuki. Makes enough sense.
>What should we expect from that staff as far as the inevitable danmaku battle goes?
>Wrack that memory. Who are these angels?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #641 on: April 10, 2014, 04:12:35 AM »

> "Impersonating possibly the most dangerous person I know to try to steal from the most dangerous thief I know; myself? You certainly are a brave little idjit."

> Since this is a dream duel, can we imagine up a Yuuka for the little dream invader to play with? A really, really dangerous Yuuka just like the one we know? I mean, she went through all that trouble, it's only fair we give her some pointers on a proper Yuuka impersonation, giant lasers and all.

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #642 on: April 10, 2014, 04:43:15 AM »
Salem Superstar:
>"For what it's worth, they probably deserve it right now, ze."
> "Maybe...But at least it wasn't a total waste comin' here. I meant it when I said that was a nice staff, my treasure senses are going crazy just looking at it!"

>Wrack that memory. Who are these angels?
> Despite the inevitable about to happen, you manage to put aside some brain power into thinking about these wannabe angels. The only one that comes to mind is--oh, right, her. Despite being a scam artist, she and her sister actually put up a helluva fight...
> But what business would Gengetsu and Mugetsu have in your mind? The mind boggles...
> Don't think too hard, now. I think I smell smoke. *giggle* You want I should let Mokou aboard your train of thought?

>Looks like some street-kid tanuki. Makes enough sense.
>What should we expect from that staff as far as the inevitable danmaku battle goes?
> More like a run-of-the-mill raccoon, actually. Her tail's not quite as mofu-worthy as Mamizou's, which kinda makes you give off a resounding "meh."
> As for the fighting style, you wrack your brain for the answers, but don't come up with much. The raccoon scrunches her nose up at that.
> "You look like you have a headache or something...Hangover? Sickness? Stayed up too late watching movies? Shoot, I hate it when I do that...Hey, if it's a bad time, I can, like, come back or something..."

> "Impersonating possibly the most dangerous person I know to try to steal from the most dangerous thief I know; myself? You certainly are a brave little idjit."
> Call-out Sign [AWW, SNAP!]

~ The Thief of Everything ~

> "Seems like you've forgotten about my reputation...If I can lay eyes on it, if I can even touch it with my own hands...I can make it mine! You steal books, I steal memories, feelings, powers, and everything intangible! I could even steal your life if I wanted to, but that wouldn't be much fun now would it? Now let's have that staff!"
> Umami seems to be waiting for you to act first...

> Since this is a dream duel, can we imagine up a Yuuka for the little dream invader to play with? A really, really dangerous Yuuka just like the one we know? I mean, she went through all that trouble, it's only fair we give her some pointers on a proper Yuuka impersonation, giant lasers and all.
> Sadly, your CONJURING level is in the pits, just like your SUMMONING level is, so that's out of the question.

> _


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  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #643 on: April 10, 2014, 11:28:05 AM »
Voodoo'd Witchery:

>I'm thinkin' I won't be able to talk once the fireworks start, but feel free s'long as I can concentrate on not getting shot.
>Waiting to steal our first attack? Nope, we saw Alice 100% FFV. Wait her out like Gogo.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #644 on: April 10, 2014, 11:58:21 PM »
Voodoo'd Witchery:
>I'm thinkin' I won't be able to talk once the fireworks start, but feel free s'long as I can concentrate on not getting shot.
>Waiting to steal our first attack? Nope, we saw Alice 100% FFV. Wait her out like Gogo.
> You can virtually feel Mini-Medi nodding in response. As for this Umami gal, you decide not to give her the chance to counter you. This may have been a mistake, because Umami dashes at you with surprising speed and swings her bo-staff right at your face!

> ROLL TO DODGE! Pick an action, and depending on the action (and the result of a d6 roll) you'll either succeed gloriously or fail miserably. May the RNG be with you! :D

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #645 on: April 11, 2014, 12:23:19 AM »
Black-White Barbie:

>Or smacked, apparently! Damnit Mima!
>Duck away from the attack, preferably in a direction where we can retaliate with a phoenix shot. It won't have knockback in this scenario, will it?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #646 on: April 11, 2014, 04:05:46 AM »
Black-White Barbie:
>Or smacked, apparently! Damnit Mima!
> Mima, one of the few foes with a charge that's deadlier than Bald Bull's.

>Duck away from the attack, preferably in a direction where we can retaliate with a phoenix shot. It won't have knockback in this scenario, will it?
> You roll the virtual dice:

(dice shamelessly taken from

> ...And successfully get out of the way, even getting into place to shoot Umami with some fire birds.
> "Ow! That's it...You're gonna get bitten!"
> Umami makes (broken) columns of bullets that travel across the screen, and she throws in aimed spread shots for good measure.

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #647 on: April 11, 2014, 08:56:43 AM »
Witch of Stardust:

>"So, you rabid or just scruffy, ze? When's the last time you ever shampoo'd that thing?"
>Make with the pew pew. Try not to get boxed in; navigate through the columns after misdirecting one of the aimed shots to separate the problems.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #648 on: April 13, 2014, 02:42:26 AM »
I will be out of town from the 17th to the 20th, there will be some internet access at the camp site I am visiting but I don't know how good it is. If it is functioning, I'll be able to still update and reply to posts. ;) We now return you to your regularly scheduled Boss Fight.

Witch of Stardust:

>"So, you rabid or just scruffy, ze? When's the last time you ever shampoo'd that thing?"
>Make with the pew pew. Try not to get boxed in; navigate through the columns after misdirecting one of the aimed shots to separate the problems.
> "I always keep my tail like this! Geeze, you don't know the first thing about raccoon tail care, do you?"
> This pattern's easy enough, though Umami tries to be a dick about it and charges at you on occasion. Once you deplete her health, though...

> "Pickpocketing [Sticky Fingers]"
> ...A cloud of bullets fills most of the screen, though it becomes less dense the further left you go. Umami then summons what appears to be a giant magical hand, swats it through the the bullet cloud, and said bullets stick to the hand...When then proceeds to try and Falcon Unzan Punch you. Once the hand crashes into the boundary, the bullets scatter and the hand vanishes, only to repeat the process.
> You never did like these random bullet patterns...They're just that--random!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #649 on: April 14, 2014, 02:52:31 AM »
Milky Way Magician:

>This looks like a fair pattern to bomb on. Go for it if we get nervous.
>Don't get too aggressive outside of invulnerability frames from bombing. If we can get through without that'd be better.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #650 on: April 14, 2014, 03:52:13 AM »
Milky Way Magician:
>This looks like a fair pattern to bomb on. Go for it if we get nervous.
>Don't get too aggressive outside of invulnerability frames from bombing. If we can get through without that'd be better.
>implying we get nervous to begin with
> HA! You forgot who you are! You're Marisa Motherfuckin' Kirisame, you've faced worse bullshit than this! Light it up!*
> "Afterburner Sign [Nagasaki]"
> Aww yeah, nothing like laying down a poisonous cloud and setting everything on fire with a gigantic laser...Wait a second, what's that screaming?
> Oh, it's just Umami running around the screen because you set her tail on fire.
> And she's leaving a trail of fiery bullets, while at the same time flinging bullets from her staff randomly while flailing her arms around.
> ...
> You ponder if it's not too late to suggest she stop, drop, and roll...

> _

*this is probably the only fall out boy song I like out of all the ones I've heard


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #651 on: April 15, 2014, 03:09:09 AM »
Stonehenge Warlock:

>Whoopsie. Looks like it's gonna need more than shampoo now~
>Keep our distance while whittling her down. Was this specifically a bomb counter or is she just highly flammable?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #652 on: April 16, 2014, 11:31:36 PM »
Stonehenge Warlock:
>Whoopsie. Looks like it's gonna need more than shampoo now~
>Keep our distance while whittling her down. Was this specifically a bomb counter or is she just highly flammable?
> You know, now that you think about it, this sort of thing shouldn't happen in a danmaku battle...You've been showered with fire, ice, knives and laser beams, and you haven't seen this sort of interactivity before. Interesting...You'll have to experiment with this on other bosses sometime.
> For now, though, you just keep shooting at Umami until she stops attacking. The poor raccoon girl twirls in place and falls down with an audible squeak noise.
> "No fair...I almost had you, too!"

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #653 on: April 17, 2014, 03:30:41 AM »
Magician of Venom:

>"Yeah, I get that a lot, ze. What was the deal with those angels, huh?"
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #654 on: April 17, 2014, 05:36:06 AM »
Magician of Venom:
>"Yeah, I get that a lot, ze. What was the deal with those angels, huh?"
> Umami sighs. "They must've overheard me looking for my next score...So they told me about your staff and how to slip into your memories to steal it. At first I was all "what?" but then it made more sense when they told me it was Soulbound."

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #655 on: April 17, 2014, 09:14:14 AM »
Doll-jointed Spellstealer:

>... memories? Aren't these dreams...? Or is there a lot of overlap? That's probably how those angels are keeping tabs on us, right?...
>"How to slip in, huh... and how would that be, ze?"
>Re-pilfering Medicine at our leisure would work even better!
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #656 on: April 17, 2014, 06:31:23 PM »
Doll-jointed Spellstealer:
>... memories? Aren't these dreams...? Or is there a lot of overlap? That's probably how those angels are keeping tabs on us, right?...
> It's a dream inspired by a memory. A flashback, if you will...A very twisted flashback, because while you definitely recall meeting Umami here, you don't recall having this conversation with her.

>"How to slip in, huh... and how would that be, ze?"
> Umami shrugs. "Hey, if you can get into Mugenkan, so can I. We're both thieves, right? we have a knack for finding ways into places we're not supposed to."

>Re-pilfering Medicine at our leisure would work even better!
> Are you referring to when you borrowed her from Eientei? Huh...Interesting thought.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #657 on: April 18, 2014, 01:21:50 AM »
Galactic Warlock:

>More mugging her mind to get our body back, as we contemplated a bit ago. But, later.
>"Heheh. True that, ze. Izzat where you ran into those angels?"
>We DO know who those probably are by now, right?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #658 on: April 21, 2014, 11:57:35 PM »
Galactic Warlock:
>More mugging her mind to get our body back, as we contemplated a bit ago. But, later.
> Oh right, thanks for the reminder. Just so we don't lose our train of thought, let's make it an official quest! why the parser didn't think of this earlier is a complete mystery

Quote from: The Parser
> Quest (Finally) Added: Mindjacker -- Medicine knocked you out and swapped bodies with you after she helped you and Alice with Guildies. While her motives are unclear, one thing is certain: there's gonna be hell to pay when you finally catch up with her. Medicine was last spotted in the depths of Eientei's underground warehouse.

> Quest (Also Being) Added: Rodent Raid -- On that note, what the hell is going on at Eientei? Some well-armed (and armored) mole-rat people just up and stormed the place! Medicine and Alice are there too, so you pray they don't come to harm...One has your body and the other may as well be your older sister. You need to infiltrate the mansion again and find out what the raiding party is up to.

> Quest Added (Because Why Not): It's Game Time...? -- You started playing Guildies this morning with Alice, but you've heard from Eirin that the game might be harmful to some. While playing, you have noticed a bit of separation from reality, but not enough to let yourself be fully engrossed. Once you get this bit with Medicine sorted out (and hopefully being Alice safely back home), you need to get back online and get to the bottom of this anomaly. Surely, a video game can't actually be dangerous, right?

> Quest Feature Added: Potential Leads! Talk to or visit the following Characters or Places to receive more quests!
-- Reimu hasn't been heard from in quite some time...
-- Nitori just announced her new mobile phone, but it's up to you if you're interested in it or not...
-- You wonder what Maple and Mokou are up to while you're dreaming...

>"Heheh. True that, ze. Izzat where you ran into those angels?"
>We DO know who those probably are by now, right?
> Oh, Gengetsu and Mugetsu! Surely that was obvious to begin with! :V On that note, you ask Umami where you met those two.
> "Well yeah, they spotted me casing Yuuka's joint...I was gonna steal from her, but they told me about you and the rest just took off from there. Heh...Would you believe I thought they were cops at first? Of course, my gut told me otherwise, but...Eheh...I was too scared to actually call them out on it...Look, I'm a thief, not a con-artist, ok?"

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #659 on: April 22, 2014, 12:42:13 AM »
Milky Way Magician:

>Casing Yuuka's place, huh? Bet she'd like to know that. Maybe it'd make up for freaking her out with these dream incidents.
>How long ago was our 'real' run-in with Umami?
>"The main cop I've heard of is a bored princess, ze. Unless you were afraid of runnin' into Reimu..."
There was something here once. Wonder what...