Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240890 times)


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #150 on: October 29, 2013, 02:36:26 AM »
>Have we seen Alice do this with her dolls before and get tired like this? If so, reassure Medicine.
>After finding little of interest news-wise, mutter "Wonder if it's just Eientei..."
>Work out how to get the linking thing working with Medicine. Try and sneak in asking whether her mini-me's really alright with it.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #151 on: October 29, 2013, 02:55:31 PM »
> Ask her if the pocket-medic(ine) is a separate consciousness or if her inner self is just really tsundere.


Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #152 on: October 30, 2013, 12:31:07 AM »
>After finding little of interest news-wise, mutter "Wonder if it's just Eientei..."
> Has this become an isolated incident? As you think about that, Flan's IM window bleeps and blinks. You consider answering it, but a noise distracts you...You turn to see Alice has fallen asleep sitting up, snoring a bit. Medicine looks a bit concerned.

>Have we seen Alice do this with her dolls before and get tired like this? If so, reassure Medicine.
> You haven't seen it in person, but you have heard Alice talk about it before. You assure Medicine that Alice knows what she's doing (for the most part). Medicine has no comment, but she looks a little less anxious.

>Work out how to get the linking thing working with Medicine. Try and sneak in asking whether her mini-me's really alright with it.

> Ask her if the pocket-medic(ine) is a separate consciousness or if her inner self is just really tsundere.
> Pocket-Medic, haha...Medicine hears you say that out loud, and you explain the joke...She finds it amusing, her mini self less so. On that note, you ask Medicine what her little companion is like. "Um...You know what? I have no idea. Mini-me does reflect what I think sometimes, but I can't tell if she's a separate entity or what." At that point, Mini-Medi decides to rest on her bigger counterpart's head and yawn (though no voice comes out). Medicine smiles. "All that floating around must've taken a lot out of you, huh?" Mini-Medi gives her a look that says "what do you think, dummy?"

> After that exchange, you address how to establish the aforementioned link with Medicine. "We both have to enter a state of meditation, and let our minds sync while a specific magic phrase is cast." You remember doing a similar thing with Alice, not only in the SA incident but also the Imperishable Night incident, but those were pretty easy to pull off since you are both magicians. Medicine on the other hand...You express how difficult this would be, and Medicine replies "If Alice can control a small army of little dolls, you can work with one very large doll. Come on, live up to your reputation," while winking and sticking her tongue out.



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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #153 on: October 30, 2013, 03:19:55 AM »
>Retaliate with tonguesticking of our own!
>"You bet, ze. But I better let Flan know what I'm up to first."
>Finish up the talk with the devil's sister - let her know what we're up to, unless she's got important news - and get going with Medicine's mindsyncing.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #154 on: October 30, 2013, 05:19:55 AM »
>Retaliate with tonguesticking of our own!
>"You bet, ze. But I better let Flan know what I'm up to first."
>Finish up the talk with the devil's sister - let her know what we're up to, unless she's got important news - and get going with Medicine's mindsyncing.
> Medicine nods, and you go back to your conversation with Flan.

Code: [Select]
Starbroker495 said: You still there, Mari? o_o
risingstar82 said: Yeah, sorry, talking with Medicine about some stuff, ze.
Starbroker495 said: Ah...Sorry to interrupt. >_<
risingstar82 said: What's up?
Starbroker495 said: If you're still gonna play...I won't be on for a bit.
Starbroker495 said: Something happened to Sakuya and Remi's freaking out about it.
risingstar82 said: ...Ze? What exactly happened?
Starbroker495 said: Something about stairs... ._.;;
Starbroker495 said: Gah, I gotta go, Remi's banging on my door! >_<* ttyl
risingstar82 said: Oh, ok. See you later, ze.
* Starbroker495 is now "Away From Keyboard"

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #155 on: October 30, 2013, 05:34:20 AM »
> Um... the thing with Sakuya, is that a thing that needs investigating?
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 05:36:50 AM by capt. h »

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #156 on: October 30, 2013, 06:12:22 AM »
> Um... the thing with Sakuya, is that a thing that needs investigating?
> You're not sure. For all you know, it could have just been an accident. You could leave it be, or leave a message with Flan asking what's going on. Or take up spelunking!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #157 on: October 30, 2013, 07:30:42 AM »
>Resist urge to ask about Sakuya losing her pads.
>To Flan: 'I'm gonna try out Guildies anyway - we might have a workaround. I'll be busy with that, but lemme know if that Sakuya problem's something serious!'
>Set IM status to busy/away/whatever.
>Okay NOW get going with Medicine.
>... come to think of it, is it odd that she's aware of our doll-linking thing during the underground incident? Or does word about things like that get around pretty fast if anyone cares?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #158 on: October 30, 2013, 08:27:56 AM »
>Resist urge to ask about Sakuya losing her pads.
>To Flan: 'I'm gonna try out Guildies anyway - we might have a workaround. I'll be busy with that, but lemme know if that Sakuya problem's something serious!'
>Set IM status to busy/away/whatever.
> You know for a fact that Sakuya does NOT use pads, a lady like her is naturally endowed, what're you thinking!
> You leave Flan the message (don't forget the "ze!") and set your status to "Playing a Game."

>... come to think of it, is it odd that she's aware of our doll-linking thing during the underground incident? Or does word about things like that get around pretty fast if anyone cares?
> Considering that you haven't spoken with her after the (first) flower-viewing incident, you decide to ask her.
> "I...Think I found out about it in Bunbunmaru? I'm not sure," Medicine answers. "Rumors fly around as easily as fairies in this land." Somehow, you're not sure if she's lying or telling the truth, but there's no time to play Sherlock Holmes with your friends now.

>Okay NOW get going with Medicine.
> With all that other stuff out of the way, you say you'd like to link up with Medicine, whom smiles. "About time you asked...It's like Eirin says, 'an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure!'" You're not sure how that statement came to be (the math is clearly off on that), but you see what she means.

> Medicine asks you to relax, take a few deep breaths, empty your mind of all thoughts. She then asks you to hold out your hands, and you do just that. You can feel her clasp hands with your own, and she goes silent. After a bit, you start to hear Medicine mumble magic words you've heard Alice mutter in the past. In fact, this spell sounds very similar to the one Alice used...But you keep your mind clear as Medi's spell takes its effect. You can feel the magic flow around you as you see an image in your head...An infinitely-spanning field of purple flowers, which you recognize as the poisonous SUZURAN. Purple spores and petals litter the black sky above this field. A gentle wind blows, as the petals and spores swirl and start to take shape. A bigger flower forms from this swirling mass, and as it blooms before you, your vision fades to light...

> "Keep your eyes closed for a bit, please." You do just that as the light starts to form into an image...It's blurry at first, but after a few seconds, it sharpens, revealing a familiar image...It's none other than yourself! Or rather, you as you're standing there, eyes closed, and holding hands with Medicine herself. Mini-Medi peeks over Medicine's head, looking you directly in the eyes while upside down. "Looks like it worked, you can open your eyes now!"

> You open your eyes, and your vision blurs a bit before snapping back to normal. Now you're looking at Medicine, whose mini self looks up as well from her previous position. "That's all there is to it. I'm...I guess you could call me your familiar now?"
> More like a slave, says a second voice. It echos within your head, and sounds very much like a younger, more sarcastic Medicine. We didn't have to do this, y'know.
> "...Sorry, you'll have to put up with my counterpart's complaints while we're linked. She doesn't talk...That much." Mini-Medi just sticks up her nose and silently "hmphs!" again like earlier. "At any rate...You can guide me simply by closing your eyes and imagining my body as if it were your own, you should be able to move me naturally."
> Geeze, that sounds so wrong on so many levels...
> "Oh, hush you!"

> You established a Puppet Pact with Medicine! -- You can now issue commands to her as well as Marisa. You can also have Mari control Medi directly, even if you're separated, but Mari can't act while she's guiding Medi!...The parser probably didn't need to tell you that, but there ya go.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #159 on: October 30, 2013, 11:50:18 PM »
>Wait we've seen Sakuya topless? Did we squeeze to make sure?
>So, can the pocket medic hear my thoughts, if I can hear hers?
>"This' a neat new trick. Could take some gettin' used to, though."
>Test out Medicine by having her walk over to the meditating Marisa and pinch her cheeks. Damn we're cute.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #160 on: October 31, 2013, 01:40:06 AM »
>Wait we've seen Sakuya topless? Did we squeeze to make sure?
> Of course not, you (9)! You're a lady, you can judge these things just by observation...Besides, if you grabbed her like that, she'd probably ZA WARUDO you on the spot.

>So, can the pocket medic hear my thoughts, if I can hear hers?
> "Does this answer your question?" Medicine answers, her voice echoing inside your head now.
> Because adding quotes to something definitely makes it easier to tell us apart, Mini-Medi adds. You can smell the sarcasm in the air, but she has a point.

>"This' a neat new trick. Could take some gettin' used to, though."
> Just don't blather out anything you don't want others to hear. Simple.

>Test out Medicine by having her walk over to the meditating Marisa and pinch her cheeks. Damn we're cute.
> You close your eyes and focus on Medicine. It takes a moment for the two of you to sync up, but you effortlessly reach out to your face and pinch it. You can feel it being squeezed, but you don't feel the pinching sensation. It seems that you can feel what Medicine is feeling through this method.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #161 on: October 31, 2013, 02:08:35 AM »
>Couldn't feel a thing... Gotta be careful with the main body, huh?
>If it'd be easy to seat Marisa behind the computer to keep an eye on her, move over there just in case.
>Alright, enough paranoid screwing around! Let's give Guildies a spin. Though uh... try not to give away any of our passw--oh now we're thinking of them damnit. Mental note: Change them later.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #162 on: October 31, 2013, 02:54:39 AM »
>Couldn't feel a thing... Gotta be careful with the main body, huh?
> "Yeah, though I imagine if someone stabbed you, you'd probably snap out of your trance." Mini-Medi's laughter echos through your mind.

>If it'd be easy to seat Marisa behind the computer to keep an eye on her, move over there just in case.
> Sadly, the desk is up against the wall, but you can seat yourself to the right of the desk. So, Medicine does just that. Aren't you comfy? :3c

>Alright, enough paranoid screwing around! Let's give Guildies a spin. Though uh... try not to give away any of our passw--oh now we're thinking of them damnit. Mental note: Change them later.
> Like we'd try to hijack your craptop...The comps at Eientei would eat yours for breakfast. Not even breakfast...It'd barely be an appet--OW! Having enough of Mini-Medi's ramblings, you gently flick her off of Medi's head. The poisonous doll laughs as Mini-Medi rights herself. Rude much?
> Still, changing your password wouldn't be a bad idea. Medicine types it on a Virtual Sticky Note and saves it on your desktop for later reference.

> Your minds are one. Your knuckles are cracked. Mini-Medicine sits off to the side, scowling at your semi-conscious body from across the desk. You're as comfy as your chair will allow. YOUR BODIES ARE READY.
> With a few clicks, you summon forth the Guildies! client. It has a list of events and stuff going on ingame, but you don't care much about that. It's time...To play. You click on the "Start!" button in the cilent, and...
> ...Have to wait about 20 more minutes for the game to update. Gah. Patches. You kinda wish you had a time machine right now.
> 15 minutes left. You decide to disengage from Medicine for a bit to take a bathroom break.
> Ten minutes left. As you come back, you take out your Sandwich from earlier. You have a feeling you might need it.
> Five minutes. You wonder how Alice managed to pass the time during this long wait.
> One minute. 30 seconds. 15 seconds. The anticipation is killing you...Like a spell card about to time out during the last, intense wave of danmaku...
> T-minus ten seconds.
> Five. Four. Three. Two. One...
> ...
> ...
> The words "Not Responding" flash on the window for a moment, but only a moment, before a little dialogue box appears with the words "Update Complete!" FINALLY. You click OK, and a second later, the screen goes black.

> ...For a moment, everything goes black. Did it get overcast or something? Sure, the Forest of Magic is dark, and you didn't have any lights on at the moment, but the darkness is a bit of a surprise to you. It doesn't last long, a couple of company logos display before a brief animated intro plays, with snippets of gameplay thrown in for good measure. Brave warriors of magic, might and munition fight against evil monsters! Screenshots of powerful weapons appear, their absurd stats running up like a pinball score counter! Intimidating boss monsters roar and taunt you to come and challenge them! All this is so exciting! You wish it wouldn't end, but it soon does...And the intro seamlessly transitions to the title screen, with a login prompt. A pleasantly relaxing, yet stirring music theme plays as clouds roll by in the background.

> You input your password and username, and hit "Login." The screen quickly pans down to what appears to be a park of some kind, and before you lay four pedestals. Text appears onscreen...

Code: [Select]
*** Welcome to Guildies! ***

Before you begin, you must create a character.
Click on one of the pedestals to begin the Character Creation.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #163 on: October 31, 2013, 03:02:11 AM »
>We don't play anything other than DPS, do we?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #164 on: October 31, 2013, 04:12:22 AM »
>We don't play anything other than DPS, do we?
> But of course! Sometimes you do healing on the side, but it's easier to keep your enemies dead than to keep your allies alive.
> You aim to click on the leftmost pedestal, but your mouse fidgets and you click on the second one from the right. Oh well! The game zooms in on the pedestal, and several character creation options appear: Hair, eyes, face, clothes, gender, etc. The game has already generated a random female avatar for you, though you're welcome to change it.
> At the bottom, however, there are four buttons with various class names. Hovering over them reveals more details:

Knight -- Armored melee class. Fights using swords, axes, polearms, etc. Can buff allies' defense and/or attack power, and summon "Soul Armor" to fight alongside you.
Magician -- Mentally sound spellcaster. Can fight using wands, staves, and other enchanted weapons. Can blast enemies with elemental magic, heal allies,  and summon "Elemental Spirits" to fight alongside you.
Ninja -- Agile, yet frail melee attacker with some magical prowess. Uses swift, precise strikes with melee and ranged weapons, ninitsu for magical support, and can summon "Guardian Animals" to fight alongside you.
Gadgeteer -- Tough, yet slow heavy weapons user. Weapons can use either physical or magical properties. Can build machines to aid in combat, and summon "Robotic Helpers" to fight and maintain these structures.

> It goes without saying that once you've committed to a class option, there's no changing it easily, so choose wisely! (The parser probably knows what you're gonna pick anyways)

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #165 on: October 31, 2013, 04:25:04 AM »
>You wanna make a case why I shouldn't go Magician, ze?
>It is doubtful there will be an adequate argument.
>Fiddle with the appearance options a little. See if you can make any demented monstrosities.
>Have we played male characters before?
>How much do we actually flirt with Alice, usually?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #166 on: October 31, 2013, 05:34:54 AM »
>You wanna make a case why I shouldn't go Magician, ze?
> "Uh...A change of pace is always nice? I always found just clobbering things with a sword or something better than shooting at a distance. It's just so..."
> Satisfying?
> "I guess you could say that."

>It is doubtful there will be an adequate argument.
> Medicine's trying her best, cut her some slack. Maybe a change of pace would be nice...You could be blasting enemies with laser guns instead of magical lasers instead! Same effect, different feel, right?! :D

>Fiddle with the appearance options a little. See if you can make any demented monstrosities.
> You hit the "randomize" option a few times, and get a rather eccentric selection of young females. One of them even looks like... KIJIN~! Dear gods, she has that exact same shit-eating grin and that maniacal look in her eyes...And that hair...THAT FUCKING HAIR. You can feel your vision invert already...You hit the randomizer button again and get someone that looks like a younger version of Shaundi from Saints Row (but kept the sex appeal).

>Have we played male characters before?
> Only if you're forced to. You always pick the fairer option whenever possible, ze!

>How much do we actually flirt with Alice, usually?
> What is this "flirt" you speak of? The parser kids. You sometimes tease Alice a bit, but you're not really in the mood for a full-blown relationship yet. In fact, you haven't even considered any sort of relationship, except maybe with Kourin, but you feel he's just too close to love you right now. Still, you have a handful of people you remotely consider friends, and possible suitors:

Alice -- Definitely a viable option, but your inner feelings of jealousy towards her can drive a wedge between you two. It'd be like Red dating Blue from the Pokemon manga.. Speaking of which you need to finish that shipfic sometime.
Patchy -- This'd be as tsundere as hell, she would rather see you drown than date you. Still, if you can court her, you might be able to get her out of the house a bit more often, and she'd be a little more accepting of your antics. Good luck making that happen, though.
Reimu -- You've known her for years, but she's become pretty cynical and bored with life in general. She feels resigned to her fate of protecting Gensokyo forever, and her lack of faith isn't helping matters. Reimu can also be pretty money-grubbing at times too...So while pursuing her is a worthwhile option, it may be a costly one.
Flandre -- She's been the Tails to your Sonic, she practically idolizes you and loves hearing about your adventures. While dating her would be fun, relationship would feel rather awkward...Mentally, she's more like a 10-year-old than an adult, and making her upset would be...Dangerous to say the least.
Hijiri -- You kinda-sorta admire Hijiri, not only for offering you your internet and your laptops, but for mastering the delicate balance between mind and matter. You'd love to be able to master that sort of magic, and getting closer to her might help with that. However, her discipline might not work well with your more...Violent approach to solving problems.
Nitori -- She's the most tech-savvy youkai you've ever met, and she's been a big help when you have a computer problem. Nit's shyness around humans is natural, but she's more comfortable around you than most. If you had the chance, you'd probably date her, if you can tear her away from her work long enough. Her being under the umbrella of Suwako and Kanako might also put a damper on any potential romance.

> You could keep adding to this list, but it'd probably go on for a while, and long lists always annoy you!
> ...
> That was the sound of the parser headdesking. So many ships are gonna sail tonight.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #167 on: October 31, 2013, 05:56:23 AM »
> List of people we would not flirt with. It's probably shorter.

> See, the problem is that we're the heavy of the magician world.

> We're also kind of ninja-ish in our theft, so lets go knight and play lawful evil. We never get to play knight, lawful, or evil, so it's like 3 for the price of one.

> Note that this would be a good time for someone to jump in and explain why our choice might not be the best idea before we go with it.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #168 on: October 31, 2013, 07:57:25 AM »
>Wait a second... magician uses elemental magic? Does that even include lasers? Maybe we should leave that to Patchouli. Wonder if we'll get the chance to tease her in-game.
>Any clear indication of which classes would have that in some capacity? Even just with the familiars. No way we're not having a Spark if we can get away with it.
>Hmmm... wonder if the Knight has a joke broom weapon...

Here's an argument for playing Magician or at least something relatively like that: We're trying to investigate Guildies, right? Which means we should try to be able to see as much of it as possible. As an MMO a lot of that is probably grind-based, but for whatever part of it requires skill, we should stick with a role that we can do well if we want to get to the 'later' parts of the game faster. So...

>How much experience have we had dabbling in other class roles for kicks? Done much better or worse in other games?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #169 on: October 31, 2013, 08:26:52 AM »
> List of people we would not flirt with. It's probably shorter.
> Aside from Patchy and Kourin...Pretty much all the tengu are off limits due to being huge gossips, Cirno probably wouldn't get it, Youmu's pretty much bound to Yuyuko for life, Mokou seems very close to Keine, Sakuya and China Hong don't trust you, Seija can go die in a fire, and Yukari...Yeah, not an option.

> See, the problem is that we're the heavy of the magician world.
> Oh yes, you're just as much of a magnet for people as you are for bullets. If this were a high school drama, you'd be a candidate for "Most Popular Student" for sure.

> We're also kind of ninja-ish in our theft, so lets go knight and play lawful evil. We never get to play knight, lawful, or evil, so it's like 3 for the price of one.
> This idea...It sounds odd, but no one would be able to tell it was easily you. And if the Magician description is anything to go by, you could collect magical weapons to make up for your lack of range...Perhaps some more research is in order?

>Wait a second... magician uses elemental magic? Does that even include lasers? Maybe we should leave that to Patchouli. Wonder if we'll get the chance to tease her in-game.
> You assume it would, you've seen fire, ice and thunder beams in other games...While it is true that magicians usually learn elemental magic, you don't know much else about this class.
> You also consider the liklihood that Patch would play this game...Not likely, but it's not impossible. She usually stays away from games, due to the whole "they rot your brain" myth.

>Any clear indication of which classes would have that in some capacity? Even just with the familiars. No way we're not having a Spark if we can get away with it.
> You've seen at least a couple of "big friggin' laser" attacks: the Gadgeteer had a laser bazooka, and the Ninja had some kind of Hadouken-esque attack. You think that the Knight wouldn't have such an attack, but considering that swords can fling laser beams of their own sometimes, it's more likely than one might think.

>Hmmm... wonder if the Knight has a joke broom weapon...
> Better than a frozen tuna. Seriously, who came up with that? Mini-Medi quips.

>How much experience have we had dabbling in other class roles for kicks? Done much better or worse in other games?
> Well, in games that allow party customization, you wouldn't get very far without some meatshields to take the hits. Spellcasting classes in general tend to be very squishy, to balance out their generally high damage output. "Swift" classes like archers, thieves, gun-users, assassins, bards and the like also need some support to be effective. However, it'd be pretty silly for an MMO to not allow any class to play solo, so you surmise that even the squishy classes have some element of survivability to them.

> You recall what Medicine likened it to a "Castle Veiny" game, which seems to revolve around a lot of jumping, hitting things, and dodging things that hurt you. You have played games like this before, but they usually are tough on your hands. However, since you're channeling your actions through Medicine, this is less of an issue!

> Note that this would be a good time for someone to jump in and explain why our choice might not be the best idea before we go with it.
> While you're pondering your character selection, a little "bwip" sound catches your attention. In the upper left corner, you see this message:

Code: [Select]
MasterOfPuppets7 wants to befriend you!
> Looks like Alice has taken notice of you logging on!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #170 on: October 31, 2013, 08:50:59 AM »
>Probably Sakana.
>Aww, we won't get to surprise Alice.
>Accept the friend request; if possible, message her back with 'Aw, you caught me, ze!'
>Check if she went the obvious route and went Gadgeteer.
>To be more specific: When playing other MMOs, how well did we do compared to the average player when filling different roles in the party like healer, damage, tanking, or buffing? Leveling solo early on is standard in these, but aren't endgame bosses usually at least a tricky six-person ordeal?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #171 on: October 31, 2013, 06:32:23 PM »
> Yeah, might as well ask. How good are we at video games, and what is our best class.

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #172 on: October 31, 2013, 07:04:36 PM »
>Probably Sakana.
> Your fish is in another network!

>Aww, we won't get to surprise Alice.
>Accept the friend request; if possible, message her back with 'Aw, you caught me, ze!'
Code: [Select]
* MasterOfPuppets7 has been added to your friends list!
risingstar82 said: Aw, you caught me, ze!
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Forgive me, but it's not nice to keep a lady waiting.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: I had to pass the time by mining ores in the starting town. Repeatedly.
risingstar82 said: Geeze, sorry. We got hung up, ze. Stuff and things happened.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: If my dolls are anything to go by...
MasterOfPuppets7 said: No matter! The game is now afoot!...Or will be once you get off that bloody character select screen.
risingstar82 said: Ha! Patience, ze. You know how meticulous I am about character customizing.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Quite right, quite right. I think I can assist in this regard, I read the wiki before I started playing.
risingstar82 said: Why do people insist on those silly things? I like a little surprise, ze!
MasterOfPuppets7 said: I don't like playing games blind if I can help it. Especially with the reputation this game has...But enough about that.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

>Check if she went the obvious route and went Gadgeteer.
>To be more specific: When playing other MMOs, how well did we do compared to the average player when filling different roles in the party like healer, damage, tanking, or buffing? Leveling solo early on is standard in these, but aren't endgame bosses usually at least a tricky six-person ordeal?
Code: [Select]
risingstar82 said: Didja go Gadgeteer by any chance, ze?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Ha, you read my mind. Yes, the Gadgeteer tickled my RTS bones. They get a lot of interesting stuff: forcefields, turrets, tesla towers...And little robots that can attack and heal. So adorable~!
risingstar82 said: Lemme guess, you wanna start a robot collection now?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Oh, sod off.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: ...That being said. Yes. I do.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: If this game has any merch, I'm going to buy it ASAP.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: That is, once I get some proper funding.
risingstar82 said: I can help with that, ze~
MasterOfPuppets7 said: >proper funding.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: I swear, you're like the Catwoman to my bloody Batman!
* risingstar82 chuckles.
risingstar82 said: You wouldn't have it any other way, ze.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: I suppose not.
risingstar82 said: Anyways, did you decide on a role yet for your character, ze?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: As if you need to ask. Set up defenses, keep the enemy from getting too close while we pick them off. So, I'm probably gonna focus on turrets, tesla coils, forcefields, and pump up the Healbots as much as possible.
risingstar82 said: Sounds pretty solid, ze!
risingstar82 said: Better you do that than me, I tend to get bored when I'm not blasting something.
risingstar82 said: I mean, I could toss a heal in here and there, but I'd rather spark the enemy so they don't kill us in the first place, ze.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: So you'd rather focus on DPS with a bit of support thrown in?
risingstar82 said: Pretty much.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: In that case, I'd recommend Knight or Magician.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Knight can buff, do a bit of healing, and throw their weapons like a norse god. And I guess smash things in melee combat.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: They do get a few ranged attacks, via magic weapons and enchantments. Reminds me of Chrysalis a bit.
risingstar82 said: Holy ze, I loved that game! Thunder Sword ftw.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: I figured you would like that, heh.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Magician is...Well, pretty typical. They can also heal and buff, but do it slightly better...And by better I mean they seem to have like 50 million buffs. Stuff to raise your elemental power while lowering the enemy's resistance, give allies a chance to steal health and mana on hit, summoning minions on enemy death...The list goes on and on.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: They're also a bit more durable than I expected, which is a nice change.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: They also get quite a few options. You can just use elemental damage to hit enemy weaknesses, or stick with non-typed damage to hurt all enemies equally. You basically only have to worry about magic defense, really.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Knights get a similar option, but I think it'd be a good idea to invest at least in the elemental enchantments, since a lot of enemies in this game will have at least one weakness to something.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Magicians can also use magic weapons too, but you probably knew that. So you could carry an elemental weapon hit people with that if you like...Sorry for rambling.
risingstar82 said: S'okay, ze. Knowledge is power, after all!
risingstar82 said: What about the ninja?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Er, you wouldn't like it. The only buffs they get are self-target only, they mainly use debuffs.
risingstar82 said: Ewwwwww. Can they at least kill things?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: They are swift killing machines. They're pretty good at DPS, though I think it's about equal among all classes depending on what you're doing.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: ...But really, who pays attention to DPS charts?
risingstar82 said: Nerrrrrrrrds.
risingstar82 said: Damage is damage, ze!
risingstar82 said: That being said, which class has the best "button pressing in, damage out" ratio?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Gadgeteer and Magician are at their best when setting up for damage, and the setup takes a bit. Ninja and Knight only need like, one or two (de)buffs and they're good to go.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Oh, one more thing!
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Classes also have a guard button in this game, it reduces damage, but it can be specced to reduce more physical or magical damage.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Thought you ought to know.

>tl;dr You you like dealing damage mostly, but you can heal/buff in a pinch. Tanking or non-tanking depends on who's got the better defensive skills; Alice seems to have this covered. Debuffs are a turnoff for you.

> _

does anyone know how to properly line break stuff in code tags, I'm kinda tired of seeing broken tables here


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #173 on: November 01, 2013, 01:58:26 AM »
>Sounds like Magician was practically made for us, then! Voting on that, then. We got more pressing things to worry about than learning an alternative playstyle.
>'Is there a laser skill tree, ze?'
>Ah, what the hell. Go for a self-insert look. Does Alice usually do that?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #174 on: November 01, 2013, 02:25:21 AM »
> Does magician have magic missile, giant lasers and a broom? Because if it has that, I suppose we could go with magician.

> We need ebony black hair with purple streaks and red tips that reach our mid-backs. We also need icy blue eyes like lipid tears, and we need to look like Amy Lee. We need all our clothes to be in the hot topic style. That's what our OC would wear, anyway, which we'll name... "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way".

> Wonder why Medicine looks like she's about to throw up as we think up our character aloud.

Come to think of it, what is Marisa's OC? I'd like to look like that.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #175 on: November 01, 2013, 03:11:43 AM »
> Does magician have magic missile, giant lasers and a broom? Because if it has that, I suppose we could go with magician.
>'Is there a laser skill tree, ze?'
> Without having to use a fancy text log, Alice confirms that there are magical projectiles available. Sadly, she has not seen any brooms. This troubles you, what kind of self-respecting witch doesn't use a broom?!

>Ah, what the hell. Go for a self-insert look. Does Alice usually do that?
> Alice either bases her appearance off herself, or one of the dolls. Depends on her mood.

> We need ebony black hair with purple streaks and red tips that reach our mid-backs. We also need icy blue eyes like lipid tears, and we need to look like Amy Lee. We need all our clothes to be in the hot topic style. That's what our OC would wear, anyway, which we'll name... "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way".

> Wonder why Medicine looks like she's about to throw up as we think up our character aloud.

Come to think of it, what is Marisa's OC? I'd like to look like that.
> Unfortunately, your badfic reference is too long for the text box (max is 20 characters), and the hair editor is a--gasp--premium feature. But if you pay 50 Maneki Tokens ($5 USD), you can unlock it right now!! Medicine does mentally look at you funny for coming up with that, and questions what you've been smoking as of late. Mini-Medi chuckles.

> Your OC is loosely based on your older appearance: she has red hair, blue hat and robes, and uses a variety of "Essence Magic" to attack her enemies. Her name...JULIA MILD, DETECTIVE FOR THE MAGIC POLICE!

>Sounds like Magician was practically made for us, then! Voting on that, then. We got more pressing things to worry about than learning an alternative playstyle.
> The Parser will also be holding votes/suggestions for either a self insert appearance, or an OC look. Use the keywords "LOCK VOTE" to confirm your selections; locked votes cannot be changed, so pick wisely!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #176 on: November 01, 2013, 03:30:42 AM »
>Mushroom potion fumes are amazing. And do you have any idea what Alice uses to finish making the bodies of dolls?
>We're probably joking with that. Probably.
>Hairstyles have to be randomized without paying? Maaan. Or is it just limited freebie options and the only good one for our little joke isn't?
>From what we can control, throw together looks based on ourselves and on Medicine; see which works better. Or whichever shows up first on random, if we're stuck with that. Hopefully appearance changes are easy enough if we do get into it.
>How are our finances, anyway?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #177 on: November 01, 2013, 03:47:23 AM »
>Mushroom potion fumes are amazing. And do you have any idea what Alice uses to finish making the bodies of dolls?
> Medicine remains silent and decides not to push the issue. Mini-Medi is rolling on the desk, (silently) laughing her arse off (she has no voice box).

>Hairstyles have to be randomized without paying? Maaan. Or is it just limited freebie options and the only good one for our little joke isn't?
> To clarify, you can pic from multiple hairstyles and colors (the latter uses a color picking too similar to Photoshop), it's just that if you want to make your own style or go for a more detailed dye job, you need to buy the Hairstyle Editor. You can also unlock more premade hair styles by paying Tokens.

>From what we can control, throw together looks based on ourselves and on Medicine; see which works better. Or whichever shows up first on random, if we're stuck with that. Hopefully appearance changes are easy enough if we do get into it.
> The little "Help" button says that you can change your appearance in-game by spending gold coins or Tokens at Salons in almost every town.
> You fiddle with the settings a bit. You manage to find both a black and white dress for yourself, and a black and red dress for Medicine, complete with a matching bow. Sadly, there's no little witch hat for you, but you're surprised to find a "long blond hair with single braid" style. Medicine seems to have won out in terms of avatar accuracy, tho.

>How are our finances, anyway?
> Decent, you have some cash in your bank account, but it barely surpasses $100 USD. The parser would like to apologize for not bothering to convert between Yen and American Dollars. You're carrying about $15 in your wallet right now, for the record.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #178 on: November 01, 2013, 04:35:44 AM »
So dirt poor is decent. Got it.

Favoring the Medicine look as a tribute to our assistant along with aesthetic appeal... then again, this isn't her class of choice. Maybe if we make a knight alt? Bah, capth, call it.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #179 on: November 03, 2013, 02:49:01 AM »
> We shall be the Magus Knight!

> I think that would be the class that can weild fireswords.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 03:01:10 AM by capt. h »