Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240226 times)

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #690 on: May 25, 2014, 06:15:35 AM »
>Snoop on the recent messages, both IRC and Skype.
> "IRC...It's just inane chatter about this thing called "Eee Three." No idea what that is, don't really care. Chen has left a few messages though..."

Code: [Select]
* nyanNekomata1313 is now online.
nyanNekomata1313: I'm back! :3 Turns out the server just had a few rodents in it.
nyanNekomata1313: Anyone wanna play Guildies some more?
nyanNekomata1313: ...Hello?
nyanNekomata1313: TnT No one's at their keyboard...Mew...
nyanNekomata1313: ...I hope you guys are ok...I miss you.
* nyanNekomata1313 curls up in front of computer, falls asleep

> "Sad kitty is sad. What a shame. The least the witches could have said was "hey ya'll, we're about ta bust some rat asses, leave a message, pardner!" or something. But what do I care? I'm just an Easterpionage Bunny...Ugh, that sounded terrible, where did I come up with that?!"

>Dropbox we can prank with but probably won't have anything we can help at Eintei with... just leave her some Marisa porn, if she doesn't have some already.
> Tewi grins. "Even if it's not useful now, it might be useful later. And I know just what to do..." Tewi's fingers go into a flurry of activity, as she pulls up some racy pics from Danbooru and laces them with a hidden bug from her carrot-shaped USB. "Even if Alice deletes this, the bug'll still be in her computer. Surely she won't mind!"

>Any sign of Nitori contact readily available?
> "Not since she sent out that automated message. That phone is probably an overpriced piece of crap anyways...I'm sure not gonna buy it!" Tewi says while puffing her cheeks. "What're you looking at! I-It's not like I'm jealous or nothing..."

>How well do we know the people currently logged in on Skype?
> Tewi opens her mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a message ding.

Code: [Select]
Green_Ray_Snacker said: Amazing what you can sense over the internet these days.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Parsee?! Have you been probing this network?!
MasterOfPuppets7 said: That's not cool, yo!
Green_Ray_Snacker said: Neither is hijacking someone's computer, wabbit.
Green_Ray_Snacker said: And I didn't probe, I just followed the faint scent of jealousy.
Green_Ray_Snacker said: You totes want that new phone KanaKorp is rolling out soon, admit it. Everyone's doing it!
* Green_Ray_Snacker posts "Everyone's doing it!" repeatedly.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Whether or not I want or need a new phone is none of your business, bridge troll. Why Alice is
even friends with you is a mystery to me.
Green_Ray_Snacker said: You have Alice's computer, yes? Why not do some log diving? Or would you rather be sawing logs?
* Green_Ray_Snacker makes a sawing noise for a few seconds.
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Shouldn't you be guarding a portal to the Subterranean Realm or something?
Green_Ray_Snacker said: Oh, this is a zero-effort job, wabbit. I even took the liberty of setting up some proper
defenses...You could learn a thing or two from this.
* Green_Ray_Snacker posted a Youtube link: [url=]Bloons Tower Defense 5 -
Hard Mode - Track 1 - No Lives Lost[/url]
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Was that supposed to be an insult?
Green_Ray_Snacker said: Considering your reaction, yes. I take it something happened at Eientei?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: That's none of your business.
Green_Ray_Snacker said: I'm taking that as a yes. Go on, do enlighten me...Or would you rather let your seething
emotional data do the talking for you? :smugface:

> Tewi's furiously fuming at this point. "Urge to hack...Rising...Must not relent...Feeding the troll ensures their victory..."
> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #691 on: May 25, 2014, 06:40:03 AM »
>Hacksaw off our foot for good luck
>Warn Chen not to set her fur on fire, or get too much in the keyboard. Does she have a laptop? Oh well!
>Leave Nitori a message about being interested in purchasing some optical camo. Implications of spying on Marisa optional.
>How time-consuming would bricking Parsee's computer be? Can we just block her and call that trolling Alice's contacts? Or maybe we can go a different route and see if her logs with Alice provide blackmail material...
>Is Alice trying to make an RPGMaker game?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #692 on: May 25, 2014, 07:23:49 AM »
>Hacksaw off our foot for good luck
> "Like hell I am! Sheesh, where do you come up with these ides?!"

>How time-consuming would bricking Parsee's computer be? Can we just block her and call that trolling Alice's contacts? Or maybe we can go a different route and see if her logs with Alice provide blackmail material...
> "Bah, not worth the effort. I'm just gonna ignore her...And send a virus her way." Tewi pulls up a virus-sending program from her USB and attaches a nasty payload to it.

Code: [Select]
> do.send(toadinthehole)_

MasterOfPuppets7 said: I got yer "seething emotional data" right here!
Green_Ray_Snacker said: Trying to send me a file, are you? That's cute.
Green_Ray_Snacker said: My computer is well protected from such--
Green_Ray_Snacker said: ...Oh gods, what is this?!
Green_Ray_Snacker said: What'd you do to my wallpaper?! It's...Turned obscene!
Green_Ray_Snacker said: What are these oni doing to me?!
* MasterOfPuppets7 cackles. "Never underestimate Eientei, troll. Or should I say, ex-troll?"
Green_Ray_Snacker said: You think this virus is gonna stop me?
MasterOfPuppets7 said: Give it a couple sex I mean secs.
Green_Ray_Snacker said: You cheeky little...!
* Green_Ray_Snacker has disconnected due to an error.

> "Another satisfied customer!" Tewi says, giggling. "That virus should shut her up for a few days or weeks."
> "Now, back to business..."

>Leave Nitori a message about being interested in purchasing some optical camo. Implications of spying on Marisa optional.
> "Placing an order while masquerading as Alice? Sounds like a plan to me!"

Code: [Select]
MasterOfPuppets7 said: As interested as I am in your new phone, I'm more interested in your...Covert wares. Perhaps
we could discuss a deal? Poor Marisa could use a guardian angel these days, wouldn't you agree?

>Warn Chen not to set her fur on fire, or get too much in the keyboard. Does she have a laptop? Oh well!
Code: [Select]
MasterOfPuppets7 said: My sincere apologies, Chen. Circumstances beyond my control have arisen...Please do be
careful around your computer, you don't want to sully it or set it ablaze. That would be just awful. Send my regards to
the ladies of the house, won't you?
> Tewi can't help but continue cackling as she types this all out. She's having a hard time keeping her typing straight as she does this.

>Is Alice trying to make an RPGMaker game?
> This sudden question snaps Tewi out of her giggling fit, and she looks at the audience with a curious look. "Well, I guess there's one way to find out..."
> Tewi opens up RPG Maker. "File, Recent Projects...Card-Nival?" Tewi loads the file. "Huh...Hmm, it looks bare bones but it looks like Alice is trying to make some kind of card game? Interesting...Didn't take her for an indie. Then again, indie developers tend to be the artsy, pretentious types, so I guess this suits her. Let's hope she doesn't end up like the legendary Darksided Phil Fish."

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #693 on: May 25, 2014, 07:34:52 AM »
>Not necessarily placing an order, but if they ARE using camo, then we have an excuse to ask if anyone else's been wanting it...
>Make sure there's an inaba card in that game of hers. For now, at least.
>Is there a site for online orders of Kappatech? Let's see if the camo is available there... or a counter to it.
>What did we know about where the ratfaces came from and what they wanted, again? Or Marisa's situation, for that matter...
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #694 on: May 25, 2014, 01:26:08 PM »
> As long as we're pretending to be Alice, order the following from Nitori:
> A pregnancy test
> A single coat hanger

> Heck, lets order embarrassing items for Alice from every site we can.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #695 on: June 02, 2014, 01:10:52 AM »
>Not necessarily placing an order, but if they ARE using camo, then we have an excuse to ask if anyone else's been wanting it...
> "Ah, sorry about that. This is what happens when you let someone control your thoughts and emotions I mean what."

>Is there a site for online orders of Kappatech? Let's see if the camo is available there... or a counter to it.
> "Ah yes, there is! I'll take a look at it in juuuust a sec...But first."

> As long as we're pretending to be Alice, order the following from Nitori:
> A pregnancy test
> A single coat hanger

> Heck, lets order embarrassing items for Alice from every site we can.
> "Let's have some fun...She doesn't need that money where she's going, anyways." Tewi then proceeds to KanaCorp's site and orders as many awkward products as she can click on. Sex toys, useless health care items, that sort of thing. Alice's bank account suffers a loss of about 350 USD in the process.

>Make sure there's an inaba card in that game of hers. For now, at least.
> "I shecked, she got it covered. But that picture could use a facelift..." Tewi decides to hack her own image into the game's tileset, using a picture from her own USB. "There's only room enough in this world for one competent inaba after all...And no, Reisen doesn't count. She's from the moon, and pretty strong in her own right. So quit picking on her already!" Tewi says with a giggle. "I kid, I know you guys love her."

>What did we know about where the ratfaces came from and what they wanted, again? Or Marisa's situation, for that matter...
> Tewi crosses her arms and pouts. "I see what you're saying. You're tired of me already and you wanna get back on to the title character's arc. Well, I'm not gonna stand for it, because from this day forward, this is gonna be called Tewi Qu--"
> Unfortunately, Tewi's declaration of a hijack is sadly cut short, as someone knocks on the front door.
> "Oh, for the love of Carrotus, now what?!" Tewi stomps on over to the front door, though the doll she was cuddling earlier suddenly flies over to her. "Cuba, not now, I'm very upset." The doll known as Cuba seems to be preventing Tewi from reaching the door, as she togs on her ears, her limbs, anything to keep her from reaching the front door. "Ack! Ow! Stoppit! Don't make me shut you off!"

> *Creeeeeeeeeaaaaaak...*
> The front door opens on its own. Outside, in the darkness, stands an angel-winged figure with malicious-looking eyes.


> "Uh..." Tewi freezes mid-struggle and lets go of Cuba. "Can I...Help you?"
> "Yes...You can surrender the computers or you can surrender your life," the angel-alike says in a calm yet intimidating voice. "Your choice."
> Tewi stands there, dumbfounded, before glancing at Cuba and finally speaking up. "This was what you were trying to remind me about, weren't you?"
> Cuba nods, then smacks Tewi upside the head.
> "Ow! Now's not the time!" Tewi rubs her head before looking up at the intruder with a smile. "Well, you see, the thing is..." Tewi also casts a glance at the audience, as if to say, "I could use a bit of help here, you guys!"


> Game: Suspend.
> Creating Suspend Save, please do not turn off the power...
> Your game has been suspended. When you resume play, the suspended data will be deleted.

I've mentioned this to a few people in IRC, but I might as well make it official--I'll be out of town for a few days this week, from Tuesday to Friday to be exact. I also need some time to refocus my vision of MarisaStory, I can't lose control of my own plot or else it'll die like so many other quest threads did. I'm not really calling this a hiatus in spite of that, I just need to clear my head and figure out what to do next. I'm excited, nervous and humbled that anyone even gave a damn about this quest, and I hope it's entertaining for anyone who's read or participated in it.

See you next post!

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #696 on: June 02, 2014, 01:21:25 AM »
> Reboot computer and start from latest save point.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #697 on: June 02, 2014, 07:27:58 PM »
>I was just fishing for information! I didn't mean for it to end this way! Damnit rabbit.
>I mean you keep hinting that Alice is dead or something but
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #698 on: June 15, 2014, 07:43:16 PM »
Welp, that hiatus was somewhat pointless...I just spent my time playing video games, as usual. :( But when I think about it, sitting down and planning a game like this is...Kind of counterintuitive. I won't say I won't do it at all, because I won't, but given the scope of what we're doing, I don't think I have to plan that far ahead just yet. We still have a little over 300 posts to go before the thread autolocks, anything can happen during that time.

Besides, I just had an awesome idea and I'd feel bad for just sitting on it, so let's...

> Reboot computer and start from latest save point.
> Game: Continue.
> Loading suspended game...Please do not turn off the power.
> Deleting suspended file...Done.

>I was just fishing for information! I didn't mean for it to end this way! Damnit rabbit.
>I mean you keep hinting that Alice is dead or something but
> Tewi's grimace turns to a grin. "The thing is...There's a bit of a gas leak I have to take care of."
> Gengy's expression softens a bit, turning into one of confusion. "Gas? I don't smell any gas..."
> "You will now!" Tewi whips out a grenade, pulls the pin, and lobs it at Gengy's face. The payload explodes, covering Gengy in a thick, choking gas that clings to her like soot. Tewi then bails while the angel wannabe is left coughing and wheezing.
> "G-GET BACK H-HERE, YOU LITTLE--" Gengetsu coughs and tries to give chase, but she stumbles and falls flat on the atrium floor. "Ugh...S-Sis, you better-- (cough) catch that f-f-fairy...Gah..."


> You are now Marisa again. To briefly recap, you and Alice decided to play an MMO called Guildies!, and found out said MMO was causing health problems for certain people. Your investigation into the game seems to have triggered some unfortunate Minor Incidents, including but not limited to:
  • getting your body swapped with an animated doll's body,
  • rescuing Tewi from a SWAT team invading Eientei,
  • fighting off and befriending an Earth Fairy and an Immortal,
  • and finding out at least three youkai want to hijack your Guildies! account in a violent fashion.
You assume this has to do with The Nexus Rumia told you about, but whether or not it's just a powerful ingame item or an actual artifact of power is still unknown.
> What is known right now, is that Eientei is still being held by those SWAT Team Mole Rats, and that Medicine and Alice might still be in the mansion's depths. Alice is trying to get to Medicine because the latter was the one responsible for hijacking your body. You're not even sure if either of them are still in one piece, but your intuition tells you they're ok...For now.
>  You recently discussed a possible alliance with Mokou once you get this Eientei thing solved. As you ponder about heading over in that direction next...
> "MARI! GET THIS CRAZY MAID OFF ME!!" Maple's voice jars you out of your train of thought, as you look up through the trees to see Maple being chased by a girl in a blue dress and blonde hair. You could have sworn you've seen that girl before...

> Audience, what do?
> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #699 on: June 15, 2014, 08:12:37 PM »
>Convenient! Let's rock and roll.
>Rush for the maid. That's not Sakuya, is it?
>Encourage Maple to retreat or distract. She's got to be paintsplattering already, right?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #700 on: June 16, 2014, 01:09:10 AM »
> Countermaid maneuvers activate!

> Who care's if it's not Sakuya, we must abuse the OCD perfectionism that any proper maid named Sakuya enjoys. Make a mess in the woods for her to clean up!

> Wait, she's not bothering with the already messy woods. Uh... screw it, just hit her with lasers and other shiny things.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #701 on: June 16, 2014, 05:40:05 AM »
>Convenient! Let's rock and roll.
> As much as you'd like to ROCK OUT, your current equipment setup renders that rather inconvenient. You'll have to figure out way to change your Radiant Staff into a Radiant Instrument.

>Rush for the maid. That's not Sakuya, is it?
> You recall that Sakuya bonked her head earlier today, so that can't be her. Besides, this maid has blonde hair, not silver, leading you believe it's none other than...

source (a/n: not enough creepy pictures of her, grrr)

> ...Mugetsu. You haven't seen her in ages, and you wished you could have kept it that way. She and her sister Gengetsu tried to trap and rob you of your valuables after subduing Yuuka, by posing as distressed Incidentees. Yes, that's a term you and Reimu use to describe people having an Incident they need solved. It's kind of your in-joke with her.

>Encourage Maple to retreat or distract. She's got to be paintsplattering already, right?
> Oh, she is! It may be dark, but you can see streaks of paint in the night sky. You also see the two trade bullets as they try and shoot or avoid one another, though Mugetsu clearly has the upper hand. Demons have higher base stats than fairies, after all.
> You suggest that Maple try using her fancy plant attacks on Mugey, and she agrees by summoning a storm of leaves to attack Mugey. As one might expect, the leaves are quite sharp and cut Mugetsu several times, but she doesn't seem phazed by the attack at all.
> "What, you thought using a leaf blower on me was gonna help? Dream on, pipsqueak!" Mugey then charges at Maple and tries to grab her, but the fairy quickly evades. "Hold still, dammit!"

> Countermaid maneuvers activate!
> You consider using some fancy-shmancy manuvers against Mugetsu, but considering you haven't fought her in a while, you just vouch for flying up and keeping Maple out of the demon's reach...Or you would if Maple didn't panic and fly away at high speed at the last moment, making it that much harder to actually save her.

> Who cares if it's not Sakuya, we must abuse the OCD perfectionism that any proper maid named Sakuya enjoys.
> Any good thief worth their salt has at least a few backup plans in place. Should you have to fight with Sakuya during any of your library raids, you know for a fact that she can't stand lasers. Light travels at 671 miles per hour after all, Sakuya would have to have absurdly good timing to dodge them, even with her time-stopping ability. However, you don't have the time or the resources to set up a proper laser ambush...

> Uh... screw it, just hit her with lasers and other shiny things.
> ...So you decide to set up an improper one instead. First step: you ask Mokou to sit at the front of your staff. She obliges.
> Second step: you ask Mokou to flare up. "Wait, what? You sure about this, I might incinerate you too." You assure Mokou that everything will be fine (for the most part, but you don't tell her that last bit), and power up as well.

> Meanwhile, Mugetsu is punching through some rock fists Maple has summoned to attack her. The irony!
> "Your lousy earth power can't match my demon strength!" Mugetsu dashes over and grabs the poor fairy by the arm.
> "Let go of me!" Maple smacks the maid lookalike with her brush, but Mugey just smacks it away and seizes her other arm. Maple yelps in pain as her wrists are squeezed. "Wh...What do you want with me?!"
> "A hostage, mainly. Mari has something my sister and I want...But chances are Gengy-chan already botched it up. I swear, if I weren't around she'd be helpless..." Gengy says in a sadistic tone. "You'd better pray that Mari comes for you, or--"
> "S-SHUT UP!" Maple bursts out. "Mari would never abandon me...Not...Not after I helped her..."
> Mugetsu's expression softens into one of disapproval "Stupid fairy...You don't know her like I do, she's selfish and self-centered."
> "You're the stupid one, you don't know what she and Mokou-sama are capable of!"
> The demon's eyebrows raise. "That ugly bird is with her?" Mugey's face then scrunches as she sniffs the air. "That explains the...Burning...!"
> [Flying Phoenix "Blazing Star"]
> Mugey looks for the source of the smell, only to suddenly get uppercutted by a flaming Mokou and Marisa from below. Thankfully, she drops her grip on Maple, whom is left spinning in the air, until the duo fly back around (whilst not on fire) and pluck Maple from midair.
> "S-S-See...That's what I mean!" Maple says in exasperated relief as you pull her onto the staff. "I didn't doubt you for a second."
> You can hear Mugetsu swearing as she suddenly flies back under the forest's canopy. You're not entirely sure where she's going, but it looks like her plan is foiled for now.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #702 on: June 16, 2014, 07:34:27 PM »
> Taunt Mugetsu. "Why would you take a fairy as a hostage? You may as well threaten to kill Mokou while you're at it."

> Fairies come back when you hit them, right?


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #703 on: June 16, 2014, 07:59:26 PM »
Toxin Trigger:

>We ain't done foiling! If she's desperate enough to show up personally, then she's giving us a giant honkin' target to beat the truth out of her! Among other things.
>Pursue! Keep her busy with sporadic rapid-fire in her general direction, especially if it'll improve visibility. Milky Way is probably the best choice of our staff's merged skillz.
>Now's a good time to use an aggressive bomb to catch her if we have the opportunity! This is NOT the time to let her get away with trying to get us killed!!

Thousand-degree Genyornis:
>That Shuryouken begs the question: Are we a shotokan or a shotacon? This is important.
>Make sure Maple's alright before tagging along a bit less aggressively. Maybe play a bit smarter and try to cut off the maid-demon if she gets predictable, so we can get this done and finally fucking head to Eientei.

Zeldasque  Wolfgirl:
>Try not to have a heart attack.
>Um, do we have anything homing to maybe at least help show where the scary maid lady's running off to? As long as we stay close to one of the nice scary ladies we should be okay... right?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #704 on: June 22, 2014, 03:39:23 AM »

>That Shuryouken begs the question: Are we a shotokan or a shotacon? This is important.

> Despite Mokou being on good terms with a lot of the Human Village's young male population, she's not a shota. That'd just be creepy. You're also pretty sure that Mokou doesn't know any martial arts, but that's something you can discuss with her later.

> We ain't done foiling! If she's desperate enough to show up personally, then she's giving us a giant honkin' target to beat the truth out of her! Among
other things.
> Indeed. It's time you nipped this problem in the hitbox once and for all, but first...

> Make sure Maple's alright before tagging along a bit less aggressively. Maybe play a bit smarter and try to cut off the maid-demon if she gets predictable, so we can get this done and finally fucking head to Eientei.
> ...Mokou speaks up. "I think I should split up for now and try to catch her if she does anything funny." She then looks at Maple. "You gonna be okay with Mari, kiddo?"

> Try not to have a heart attack.
> Maple takes a few deep breaths before responding "I'll be fine...She didn't hurt me or nothing, but I gotta say...I think I was more scared of the bomb than the demon herself," Maple grimaces.
> Mokou laughs and gives her a playful nudge in the shoulder. "We'll try and be more careful next time, ok?" She then floats off of Mari's staff and starts flying under her own power, as a set of flaming wings appear on her back. "Just don't shoot me while you're busy trying to pin that psycho-bitch down."

>Um, do we have anything homing to maybe at least help show where the scary maid lady's running off to? As long as we stay close to one of the nice scary ladies we should be okay... right?
> Maple perks up at that, as if remembering something. "I got it covered, don't you worry!"
> Mokou nods as the two of you split up: you are much faster than Mokou is, so you take the lead while she brings up the rear, with Maple riding in the back.
> ...Wait, did I say riding? Maple's standing up...Isn't that a bit dangerous? Furthermore, she's flapping her wings...You ask what the hell the Earth Fairy's trying to accomplish here.
> "Fairy dust has a lot of magical properties," Maple says as she gathers the dust into a swirling, sparkling orb. "One of them is revealing tracks in the woods. Just watch!" Maple flings the dust-ball like a volleyball, and it explodes, covering the area in sparkles. Pretty, but you raise a concern when the dust settles on the canopy before it has a chance to hit the ground. "Give it a second."
> Suddenly, portions of the scattered dust light up, as something moves through them at high speed. That must be Mugetsu!

>Pursue! Keep her busy with sporadic rapid-fire in her general direction, especially if it'll improve visibility. Milky Way is probably the best choice of our staff's merged skillz.
> You decide to shed some light on the subject by raining down your trademark giant star bullets. They explode in brief but bright flashes, revealing the forest path and Mugey's fleeing shadow. Mugetsu's headed back towards your house, which is to the East.

>Now's a good time to use an aggressive bomb to catch her if we have the opportunity! This is NOT the time to let her get away with trying to get us killed!!
> Damn, if only you had your Master Spark...! No matter, a heavy hailstorm of stars will do just as well.
> [Magic Space "Asteroid Belt"]
> The stars fall in a thick but steady pattern, slowing down Mugey as she's forced to bob and weave through them. At some point, she just yells "Fuck it!" and starts punching her way through the bullets, breaking them into tiny pieces. Sadly, a broken bullet is not a damaging one.

> Given the sitch, Mokou's down on the forest path ready to intercept, while you and Maple are raining down death from above the forest canopy. You're not too far from yours and Alice's house at the moment...Hopefully this fight won't spill over into your residence. It's your move now, audience.
> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #705 on: June 22, 2014, 03:58:12 AM »
>The fight will probably reach there, sadly. Hmm... well, at least Tewi's on alert. Would we be able to get ahold of her to set up an ambush...?
>Full-on aggro. We're taking her down here and now!
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #706 on: June 22, 2014, 08:23:52 PM »
> Poison her. With our poison cloud attack. When Medicine does it, it seems to slow people down.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #707 on: June 30, 2014, 06:19:29 PM »
>The fight will probably reach there, sadly. Hmm... well, at least Tewi's on alert. Would we be able to get ahold of her to set up an ambush...?
> You don't have a way to contact her at the moment. You could send Maple down to give her some assistance, but you're not sure if the fairy would go with that idea.

>Full-on aggro. We're taking her down here and now!
> Poison her. With our poison cloud attack. When Medicine does it, it seems to slow people down.
> An idea forms in your head...If you form just the right poison, you can create an Explosive Gas Cloud that would Mokou could take advantage of, and blast Mugey down a few notches. However, this potentially has the awful side effect of setting the nearby forest ablaze. You don't have to worry so much about your house since you and Alice enchanted it (to protect against such a thing), but the rest of the forest residents might not appreciate it. You must think carefully about your next action...

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #708 on: June 30, 2014, 06:46:39 PM »
> Do we actually like any of the other residents of this forest?


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #709 on: June 30, 2014, 08:45:02 PM »
>Whether we like them or not, we don't need them on our bad side so lightly. Especially with Maple right here to turn on us if we do something really assholish. Having all of Knottingham on our ass is not a problem we need right now.
>Not many good choices right now; keep stalling and chasing Mugy until Mokou can spring the ambush. Our odds will be better with her around, whether that finishes the job or not.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #710 on: July 07, 2014, 09:11:25 PM »
>Whether we like them or not, we don't need them on our bad side so lightly. Especially with Maple right here to turn on us if we do something really assholish. Having all of Knottingham on our ass is not a problem we need right now.
> Even someone as reckless as you needs to show some restraint, ze. Your mind comes up with a plan...

>Not many good choices right now; keep stalling and chasing Mugy until Mokou can spring the ambush. Our odds will be better with her around, whether that finishes the job or not.
> ...What if, instead of Mokou setting Mugey ablaze, she just punches the hell out of her instead? You could slow Mugey down with the poison and have Mokou move in...The problem is that the mist might slow Mokou as well. Hmm. You could go ahead with this plan or think of something else.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #711 on: July 07, 2014, 09:19:19 PM »
>Do we have any shots we could sneak into the Milky Way spam that would hurt her if she tried to break them? The phoenix, maybe?
>What about concentrating some poison into one of Maple's paint shots as a confounding decoy? Do neither of us have tracking, damnit?!
>... it'd be too difficult to improvise something that bursts into a poison cloud when it gets attacked, wouldn't it? That would probably put most of the slowdown on our target.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #712 on: July 11, 2014, 02:18:10 AM »
> Run Mugey down while shooting her with magic glowing bullets.

> If we do set the forest on fire, can we blame Mugey for it? We DO have 3 witnesses.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #713 on: July 31, 2014, 12:17:47 AM »
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 14 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.

> If we do set the forest on fire, can we blame Mugey for it? We DO have 3 witnesses.
> You could, but the collateral damage might not be worth it. So much for that idea...

>What about concentrating some poison into one of Maple's paint shots as a confounding decoy? Do neither of us have tracking, damnit?!
>... it'd be too difficult to improvise something that bursts into a poison cloud when it gets attacked, wouldn't it? That would probably put most of the slowdown on our target.
> ...However, looking at Maple gives you an idea. You run it by her...
> "Poisonous plants? Huh, that might actually work! Let's try it!" Maple smiles as she fires off a bunch of seeds. You fire off a bunch of poison needles, imbuing the potential plants with your poison.

> Run Mugey down while shooting her with magic glowing bullets.
> You keep Mugey pinned down with regular bullet fire while the seeds do their thing. The seeds land and sprout into poisonous vines that lash out and restrain the demon maid-alike.
> "Ugh...Let go of me, you stupid--"
> "GUUUHHHH!" Mugey has the wind knocked out of her by Mokou before she goes Jojo on her face. And chest. And gut.
> "Let this be a lesson for you, small fry!" Mokou then finishes off Mugey with an Obvious Shoyruken, launching her out of the Forest and into parts unknown. You ask Mokou if the lesson involved robbing people's houses. "More like, don't pick a fight you can't win." Mokou lights a victory cigarette, while you remind her that the house might still be in danger. "Don't lemme stop ya, kiddo." Mokou takes a puff.

> As if on cue, you can hear screaming coming from Casa de Kiri-Troid. Whether or not it's Tewi or someone else, you're not sure. You could go and check, or continue on your quest to Eientei.
> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #714 on: July 31, 2014, 10:16:44 PM »
> Well, that was easy. Though damnit it would've been nice to grill her for intel.
> Since we're within hearing distance, might as well check the house. If not-tewi wasn't the screaming one already, we can probably fix that.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #715 on: August 01, 2014, 06:18:54 AM »
> Our plot senses are tingling. Follow that plot!

> Go to the house. How dare someone go around terrorizing people! That's OUR job!

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #716 on: August 02, 2014, 02:54:15 AM »
> Our plot senses are tingling. Follow that plot!
gdi you had to mention plot just when I was thinking of writing an MLP fanfic
gdi capth
g. d. i.

> Go to the house. How dare someone go around terrorizing people! That's OUR job!
> It's more "go around and steal anything of use/worth," but that can incite its own brand of terror. In either case, you land at the door to Casa de KiriTroid and see what appears to be a haggared angel, no doubt Gengetsu. She's laying face down in the doorway, covered in what appears to be bubble gum, darts and smelling strongly of fertilizer.
> "You...You gotta get me away from this, this, this PSYCHOPATH!" Gengy pleads, stretching out her hand towards you. "The things she's done to me...Are...UN. SPEAK. ABLE."
> You look up to see Tewi standing there innocently in the next room, waving with a huge grin on her face. Knowing her, she must've pranked Gengy in a particularly embarrassing fashion, bubble gum and potentially poisonous darts aside.

> Well, that was easy. Though damnit it would've been nice to grill her for intel.
> Shit, that would have been a good idea...But you're Marisa, not Kotohime! You always shoot first and ask questions later. After all, a defeated enemy is one that won't shoot you back in the face. Still, you figure you could get some info out the antagonized angel here. You tell Gengy that you'll agree to let her free if she answers a few questions.
> "Whatever, ok! Just get this crap off me...And...And...And...Keep HER away from me!"

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #717 on: August 03, 2014, 02:23:27 AM »
Toxin Magicin':

>"I dunno, ze, it looks like she was havin' fun with ya. It'd be quite rude to take that away from a guest..."
>"'sides, I don't remember this being your house anyways. Care to explain yourself?"
>Give her our best slasher smile.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #718 on: August 08, 2014, 12:46:19 AM »
> Have Tewi speak about the unspeakable things Tewi has done.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #719 on: August 26, 2014, 11:46:21 PM »
It has been [19] days since the last post. Oh, and I have a job now. :D

> Have Tewi speak about the unspeakable things Tewi has done.
> Huh, that's odd...The text for this portion of the post went missing. Oh well, moving on!

>"I dunno, ze, it looks like she was havin' fun with ya. It'd be quite rude to take that away from a guest..."
>"'sides, I don't remember this being your house anyways. Care to explain yourself?"
>Give her our best slasher smile.
> You roll for intimidation and score a BRUTAL AFFRONT CRITICAL SUCCESS. Gengetsu cringes and whimpers. "W-We just wanted to make a q-quick buck selling virtual g-goods online! I-It was all big sister's idea!"

> _