Author Topic: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis  (Read 75939 times)


Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #90 on: August 14, 2009, 02:15:50 PM »
We pretty much do stuff for the western fandom, which is kind of disappointing yes, as far as translations and etcetc go. We leave most to the japanese.

But be reminded that the japanese fandom is much, much larger than the western fandom and as such we aren't able to gather the people necessary to do awesome things. A few things get through, but there's not much attention paid to them anyways.

But yeah I wish we could. It's not like I just ripped all the japanese images and other data files for nothing.

Most works on nicovideo's high-ranks are done by one person (illustrated PVs, 4coma mangas, CGAs, music arrangements, etc.). The few collabs that hit the high rankings are mostly done by 4~5 peopl depending on what kind of work it is. A music PV consists usually of an artist, a composer, a lyrics composer, and a singer. Yes, there aren't any doujin circle type organizations in America to make anything like Touhou boom in popularity, but there surely are enough people here to get something accomplished. Rather, you can call shrinemaiden one doujin circle and make something that could be sold on the comiket, don't you think? I would hope so. Even a conglomeration of various items under one circle-name would be fine.

Mapping out route for C76 now. Won't update until this thing's over.

Circles I'm buying from:
Shanghai Alice Genrakudan
Tasogare Frontier
REDALiCE (for someone else)
Sasacreation / KStudio
Kitsune no Kousakusitsu
Ninjin Wine

GOODSMILE (for someone else)

I'll buy some random stuff too, probably.

15th C76
16th ~ 17th Suwa Lake
18th last day of CS school
19th plane
20th back from plane
24th university
25th ~ 31st stupid university foreplay
31st class.

When do I have time to do this?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 02:23:36 PM by Lucarius »

Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #91 on: August 14, 2009, 03:24:57 PM »
I've always been more into reading and plot-oriented things. Games were a secondary interest for me, so when I saw Touhou, I got pretty interested. But yeah, basically it seems that the written material hasn't been translated as much, which is a bit disappointing. After I watched the Haruhi anime, I went on to read the translations of the books, all of which were translated. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case with Touhou, as everyone else has said. At the same time, whatever literature on Touhou I can get my hands on, I really enjoy reading.

I'm learning Japanese as well, but like Hieda no Aya, I'm pretty much worth nothing at this point (although, I'm teaching myself through a combination of online textbooks and immersion).

Also, if it's not too much to ask, could you translate Youmu and Sakuya's articles?

EDIT: Also, I really like Lucarius' commentary, really adds a new layer to it. Maybe they should be put in quote blocks, just so that it's easier to differentiate between the text and his comments, but whatever. Awesome stuff.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 04:37:41 PM by arcanesign »


Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #92 on: August 15, 2009, 09:23:15 AM »
I came back from C76. I got 12 and 2 copies of 12.3.

I bought 1100$ worth of stuff. Congratulations. I'm broke.
Well, I never use my money anyway. I'm not really broke, rather 1100$ is no more than a bug bite. I'm just really happy I was able to "buy" instead of stand and be notified there was no more. I got there at 6:00AM and was the 7688th person to enter. Everyone earlier came at 4:30AM, which is the waiting commission.

I bought CDs. CDs that I had wrongfully torrented before and are now paid for. Includes all that I listed down there. I also bought a Suika and Remilia glass. I failed to buy the Reimu nendroid and the Toranoana Touhou Tarot Cards set. However, I still think I did a marvelous job for my first time. 4 hour wait before entry. 2 hour and 45 minute wait for Touhou 12. 1 hour and 10 minute wait for Touhou 12.3. All in the sun. However, it was probably one of the most bearable Comikets in the history of recent comikets. I really regret not getting to the Company Booth on time.

Also bought keychains and Touhou Bomberman from Messe Sanoh at Akihabara. My feet are dead now.

Taking arcanesign's idea to account, adding Youmu and Sakuya.

Sorry all. I'm disappearing. Anyone can feel free to take the first post and continue.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 08:15:51 PM by Lucarius »


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #93 on: August 15, 2009, 11:47:57 PM »
Uh... OK then. I guess he really meant it when he said he would drop it.

Maybe I can try to pick up where he left off, but it'll be really slow going. Hmm...

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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #94 on: August 16, 2009, 12:05:22 AM »
Sorry all. I'm disappearing. Anyone can feel free to take the first post and continue.
Damn, and I was looking forward more of his comments.
Maybe I can try to pick up where he left off, but it'll be really slow going. Hmm...
By all means, please do so. Even if it's slow, I'll be glad to read through this.


Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #95 on: August 16, 2009, 01:55:02 AM »
Man, Lucarius hasn't really changed about his leaving habits =/.

Ah well. I expected it sooner or later.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #96 on: August 16, 2009, 09:13:36 AM »
Well, the thing is I'm still prioritizing that Soccer game, so... Yeah. I don't know, but I'll figure something out soon enough I guess.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #97 on: August 16, 2009, 07:00:27 PM »
Man, Lucarius hasn't really changed about his leaving habits =/.

Ah well. I expected it sooner or later.

What is his problem anyway? This is seriously overreactive behaviour. I know he doesn't needs to explain himself but deleting your account is like seriously overreacting.

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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #98 on: August 17, 2009, 12:38:05 AM »
Well, it was fun while it lasted.


Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #99 on: August 17, 2009, 12:45:39 AM »
Man, Lucarius hasn't really changed about his leaving habits =/.

Ah well. I expected it sooner or later.

What is his problem anyway? This is seriously overreactive behaviour. I know he doesn't needs to explain himself but deleting your account is like seriously overreacting.

Back at FFR, he was really negative about life. Almost to the point of emo-ness. He said that he would kill himself if it wasn't for his natural fear of death =/.

He left FFR for his reaction towards a few people (related to Touhou), as well as RL taking him away from the internet also.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #100 on: August 17, 2009, 09:33:54 AM »
How can one even be so negative about his life. I understand psychological depressions and other things can cause it. But seriously, robbing your own life for the good of what? What do you achieve? Freedom?

People who talk about suicide do not even think beyond their depression ( hence they cannot because of their depression ) but seriously. I have met and know friends who suffer from the same problems but suicide is the last thing they think about.


Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #101 on: August 17, 2009, 12:00:03 PM »
I'm only negative about life, because most people think positive about it. Comparison always begins at a set standard. Most people just happen to be more positive about life than I am.

I'm not depressed. People just think I am because they think I think negative about life, or more generally, evaluate existence at a different level from the general norm.

This is the result of the lack of what an id needs to overcome its counterpart superego, which is the comprehension and realization of natural human values, the most important being human relations. Because I failed to assimilate to my environment and society at an early age, my observational skills completely transcended my innate nature. I don't think living is a bad thing, but I don't think dying is a bad thing either. To make things simple, I don't have a civil or social sense of morality, but am held back from doing what most people would call crime because of consequence or fear. I don't have a sense of value because I see my environment as a bunch of matter and energy, and all conceptual ideas such as race, finance, truth, etc. is rooted to that physical observation. If everyone thought the way my superego does, life would be "safe" but life wouldn't be "fun," because life wouldn't need to be "fun" anymore. That's just not possible though, because of probability.

Simply put, I was raised in the perfect condition to become a human with a distorted mentality. Distorted from most peoples' points of view.

I hope that answers your questions. I don't mind if people like life. I mind if people say I'm wrong because I don't like life as much as most people do. I'm not most people, because the "most people" that I know shaped me that way, and I have no intention of changing my ideas about existence. My id suffers, but it's been suffering since I was 6, so I've gotten used to it. My superego has become the shield to my mental weakness. All of this existential reasoning is, in fact, a natural psychological barrier produced by the id to keep it from feeling negative emotions. I think the subject is fascinating.

If you don't like me for how I think, then simply leave me alone. I'm quite used to it. After hearing what I said above, I doubt you would want a heartless apology for my actions.

As for what I achieve, there is no reason that would satisfy my will to live life, or to lose life. Life is a game that I don't want to play. Existence is the rule that binds me to it. That is all.

Without this upbringing, I wouldn't have been able to do that analysis. It's like the principle of equivalent trade lol (not at all, but you know what I mean).

If you don't want me to delete my account, then fine. I'll leave it here. I just thought you wouldn't want an inactive and empty account lying around. Although I may be prone to come back later in the future, not many people would accept me any way, because this kind of action isn't accepted by the general public. On the internet, the consequences for such an action are lightly taken (probably because most people don't see my seriousness), but I just go with the flow. If I can't come back, I won't come back. If I can't commit suicide, I'll live til I die. That's all.

It takes a lot more to change a mentality condition like this one. I have no will of changing it because I don't suffer from it in the least. Rather, I have a strong will to keep myself who I am, because I think differently from others. It's probably my own way of making believe that I have some value to this world. Therefore, I probably won't change for a long time.

PS: I'm a completely different person irl than I am on the internet, because I have no time to think as much as I do here than in reality. I play Touhou with the few friends I have, go visit places like the Suwa Shrine because I want to put up a wish tablet with a yukkuri on it, laugh at funny videos etc.

PSS: I finished Hakurei Reimu lol.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 12:18:43 PM by Lucarius »


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #102 on: August 17, 2009, 02:00:25 PM »
I'll speak for myself in this post. Any comment / thought given is from my PoV. Take it or leave it if you want.

I'm only negative about life, because most people think positive about it. Comparison always begins at a set standard. Most people just happen to be more positive about life than I am.
Funny, I don't compare myself to other people. It was a general comment.

I'm not depressed. People just think I am because they think I think negative about life, or more generally, evaluate existence at a different level from the general norm.
That is what I sense from the constant depressive words.

This is the result of the lack of what an id needs to overcome its counterpart superego, which is the comprehension and realization of natural human values, the most important being human relations. Because I failed to assimilate to my environment and society at an early age, my observational skills completely transcended my innate nature. I don't think living is a bad thing, but I don't think dying is a bad thing either. To make things simple, I don't have a civil or social sense of morality, but am held back from doing what most people would call crime because of consequence or fear.
Superego and id? When shave all that off what remains is common sense. Everybody has it.

I don't have a sense of value because I see my environment as a bunch of matter and energy, and all conceptual ideas such as race, finance, truth, etc. is rooted to that physical observation. If everyone thought the way my superego does, life would be "safe" but life wouldn't be "fun," because life wouldn't need to be "fun" anymore. That's just not possible though, because of probability.
Thank god people are not similar. As similarity is what makes people dangerous, not diversity.

I have no intention of changing my ideas about existence. My id suffers, but it's been suffering since I was 6, so I've gotten used to it. My superego has become the shield to my mental weakness. All of this existential reasoning is, in fact, a natural psychological barrier produced by the id to keep it from feeling negative emotions. I think the subject is fascinating.
Superego and id are bullshit when you use common sense. Common sense tells you what is good and what is wrong. Everything around common sense are morals and rules. Superego and id are nothing but psychological disorders. Do not mix up superego/id with characteristic behaviour.

If you don't like me for how I think, then simply leave me alone. I'm quite used to it.
People might respect your choice, but you are not showing signs of giving the same respect for other people. I am not suprised you are used to it.

After hearing what I said above, I doubt you would want a heartless apology for my actions.
I never demanded or requested one. Again, it was mere general statement using you as an example.

As for what I achieve, there is no reason that would satisfy my will to live life, or to lose life. Life is a game that I don't want to play. Existence is the rule that binds me to it. That is all.
I don't see life as a game as you cannot retry it the same way you left it.

If you don't want me to delete my account, then fine. I'll leave it here. I just thought you wouldn't want an inactive and empty account lying around.
Bad excuse, that is why I said: overreactive behaviour.

Although I may be prone to come back later in the future, not many people would accept me any way, because this kind of action isn't accepted by the general public.
Funny how you decide for other people by judging your self. Makes 0 sense.

On the internet, the consequences for such an action are lightly taken (probably because most people don't see my seriousness), but I just go with the flow. If I can't come back, I won't come back. If I can't commit suicide, I'll live til I die. That's all.
Internet and human life are seperate things. Don't compare them. Talking about suicide makes me laugh. Because people like you don't use common sense. (again, common sense)

It takes a lot more to change a mentality condition like this one.
It takes nothing else than your self first. Then everything around you.

I have no will of changing it because I don't suffer from it in the least. Rather, I have a strong will to keep myself who I am, because I think differently from others. It's probably my own way of making believe that I have some value to this world. Therefore, I probably won't change for a long time.
I never asked you to change. Hence what is change anyway? Change your clothing? change your behaviour? Change the way of thinking? Change what?

PS: I'm a completely different person irl than I am on the internet, because I have no time to think as much as I do here than in reality. I play Touhou with the few friends I have, go visit places like the Suwa Shrine because I want to put up a wish tablet with a yukkuri on it, laugh at funny videos etc.
Do you think I am the same aswell in real life as on the internet? You are awfully centering yourself in this situation when you are not the only one.

PSS: I finished Hakurei Reimu lol.
I'll read it as the Miko interests me.

I am sure you will be back reading this. Maybe by any chance reply to it, though I don't expect anything. Like I said: I have seen, read and met plenty of persons like you. They also don't want to change but like I said: they don't speak about suicide. People who talk about suicide are mentally weak people with no common sense. That is all.

To the other people on Motk: Sorry for going offtopic. My apologies.


Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #103 on: August 17, 2009, 03:44:04 PM »
We can use pms. I replied.

Anyone else can feel free to pm me, with their own unaffected analysis of my post up there.

However, I probably won't do this translation anymore.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 03:53:29 PM by Lucarius »

Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #104 on: August 17, 2009, 07:56:04 PM »
I probably won't do this translation anymore.
*ignores the rest of the entirety of those posts* Why not? You were doing so damn well with it!


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #105 on: August 20, 2009, 08:35:42 PM »
If I can discern anything from what he's said about himself so far, it would be because he doesn't want to anymore. Pity really, he's an interesting guy. Always wanted to meet a real live Marvin.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #106 on: August 27, 2009, 09:37:05 PM »
As a psychologist, all this 'id' and 'superego' freud nonsense being thrown around makes me shudder.

In other news, I've been studying Japanese for six years now at a university, and i'm looking for translation practice to help with my continuing studies. So, if there's anything I could assist with..
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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #107 on: August 28, 2009, 12:17:34 AM »
Since Lucarius abruptly ran off for no particular reason, I'd say it's open for "actually doing it" and stuff.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #108 on: August 28, 2009, 08:19:36 AM »
Well, if he doesn't have a copy of the original text, it'd be really tricky.

I bought the book a little while back and it's pretty cool, and although the pictures are little too cute for my liking, what I can understand is interesting. I think I'd have the drive to translate it though.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #109 on: August 30, 2009, 07:12:15 AM »
Oh hey, it looks like someone's putting up the text on the Wiki, and a translation is already under way. I told them I was going to put up the translation here (without indicating it specifically of course) as well.

Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #110 on: September 06, 2009, 12:31:22 AM »
As a psychologist, all this 'id' and 'superego' freud nonsense being thrown around makes me shudder.

This'll be off-topic, but do psychologists think that id, ego and superego are nonsense?


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #111 on: September 06, 2009, 01:44:36 AM »
This'll be off-topic, but do psychologists think that id, ego and superego are nonsense?

Not complete nonsense per se, but those who still follow and utilize Freud's ideas do so in a modified form. Freuds theories were all based on his observations with his patients (who were almost all rich Austrian women from the Victorian era), and he did no experiments to arrive at his conclusions. These assumptions were largely influenced by the constraints of the time period and its sexual conservatism.

However, Freud is still important for putting the idea out there, however flawed they were, about the unconscious mind, childhood influences on personality development, defense mechanisms, etcetera.

tl;dr version: Some psychologists think Freud was utter crap, others think he made some valuable contributions to the field. However, it's generally agreed that his ideas are useful from a historical standpoint.
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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #112 on: September 08, 2009, 03:47:26 PM »
I see. I always thought that Freud's system was universal and flawless, so I was a bit surprised when you said it was nonsense, but I guess I didn't notice the context.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #113 on: September 08, 2009, 04:55:59 PM »
Heh, if there's one thing you learn while pursuing a science degree, is that nothing is universal and flawless. Freud is just that household name everyone knows when thinking of Psychology.
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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #114 on: September 08, 2009, 11:58:01 PM »
Yeah, just thinking of the techniques that were once thought to be good and now are banned (and to think of those that were already banned and were brought back years after). I think this relates to cirurgic techniques, but I guess it might happen in other fields.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #115 on: September 23, 2009, 01:07:06 PM »
For anyone who is interested, we've finally finished up the last of the book over on the wiki, so go check it out.

Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #116 on: September 24, 2009, 02:18:05 AM »
Nice work! =)
Gotta find Marisa's way of thinking funny.


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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #117 on: September 24, 2009, 03:08:55 AM »
Hell. Yes. I am seriously considering that proposition I gave about editing the entire thing, but I'm starting to wonder. Scans haven't really been "publicly" available aside from maybe what I posted of the symbols; I'm wondering if I should be just handing it out like that. Getting works from other people is easy, I'm just not sure if I should give it away, just for respect's sake.

Damn you, ethics.

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Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #118 on: September 24, 2009, 03:12:33 AM »
Very nice. Very nice, indeed.

I didn't notice at all and suddenly, the whole thing is translated.

Re: The Grimoire of Marisa Translation and Analysis
« Reply #119 on: September 24, 2009, 03:15:58 AM »
I think this is up to you, Drake.
The only difference is that the little book is supposed to be paid, but the authorship won't change. :D
If I were in your place, however, laziness would be a major deciding factor in this dilemma.