Lunatic - ReimuA
chum - 248.304.180 - C - 0.285% -
ReplayNMNB Patchy.
Extra - MarisaB
chum - 355.779.860 - C - 0.087% -
ReplayFirst successful score run in any Touhou game for me, I believe. From 2011. Contains a NMNB Flandre fight.
Lunatic - ReimuB
chum - 280.185.860 - 6 - 0.234% -
ReplayLunatic - MarisaA
chum - 147.079.290 - C - 0.243% -
Replay (No Bombs)
Hard - ReimuB
chum - 308.026.510 - C - 0.224% -
ReplayFuck this game. I had a run that ended stage 5 with 270 million. That's much higher than my estimate, basically I was thinking that 260 mil there would make for an acceptable run overall, an OK stage 6 yields around 60 millions so the run was on pace for 330m which is not bad at all. Of course, enter Eternal Meek, die because the game is bullshit. I was inside the safespot, timer says 1 second left and then wham - I'm dead. Yeah, cool beans, just kick me in the balls just like that EoSD, I love it when you do that, you've done it plenty of times before but this time It's especially annoying and unfair because I had such a good run going.
This had me flustered so of course I failed to use my bombs defensively and game overed on low rank Young Demon Lord. 286m.
So I'm unhappy with this run. I entered stage 6 with 253 millions this time. I feel like the game robbed me of a good run, but I'm posting this and I'm done with this mode for now because it sucks. Never play EoSD for score.