Author Topic: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game  (Read 215353 times)


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #390 on: September 13, 2013, 01:09:18 AM »
poison attacks dont exist yet though

they sound like... fun

Much like preemptive attacks, I suspect they exist as a check on lucifer

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #391 on: September 13, 2013, 01:18:14 AM »
would it really counter lucifer? he heals so much that it wouldn't be so different than getting hit for 20k every turn or w/e

unless poison was used by normal enemies

and it STACKS

yay for Ra/Sakuya being the only fully legit team <_<

also itsthursday.png


  • mrgrgr
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #392 on: September 13, 2013, 01:30:09 AM »
Much like preemptive attacks, I suspect they exist as a check on lucifer

I dunno. Luci does a lot of healing. I think it would give people who aren't as bulky more trouble(Horus, Kirin.) As it is, a well made Kirin team can clear pretty much any dungeon it wants.

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Puzzle Dragon stuff

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #393 on: September 13, 2013, 01:37:09 AM »
also fuck goemon


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #394 on: September 13, 2013, 04:37:56 AM »
Argh. Im having no luck farming dragon plants. Ive never seen thursday suck this bad ever. Im getting about one plant every FOUR runs. Whyyyyyy


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #395 on: September 13, 2013, 04:52:05 AM »
also you can still see which orbs are hearts ones cause they are square so you can just pick up a square, wave it around, then make a heart match to heal up

Actually, you can hold onto each orb, then you can see what orb you're holding, that put it back without moving, and repeat it for every orb on the screen.
Then you can actually plan your path, because every turn makes a difference when you're fighting stuff like Zeus Dios' battle 1.
or you can just print screen right before it uses the blind, but where's the fun in that? :V

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #396 on: September 13, 2013, 07:08:35 AM »
Next godfest is tomorrow (Saturday) at 8 PDT, it's Egyptian and Greek 2.0 (the mono-color buff cycle with the combination mystic knight/heartbreaker skills).

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #397 on: September 13, 2013, 10:26:35 AM »


Edit: Sticker girls are adoreable, Too bad I don't have stones though.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 10:42:20 AM by Labuto »

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #398 on: September 13, 2013, 12:48:38 PM »
Next godfest is tomorrow (Saturday) at 8 PDT, it's Egyptian and Greek 2.0 (the mono-color buff cycle with the combination mystic knight/heartbreaker skills).
oh shit

time to reset for a ra? :derp:


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #399 on: September 13, 2013, 01:29:30 PM »
11 nagas, 1 skillup.  Thanks a lot, gungho. :|

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #400 on: September 13, 2013, 01:39:38 PM »
well at least you can be a bit happier about your Metatron because goddamn those 4 gods get double the skills of everyone else AND they get the fucking good ones

3 skill boosts on BOdin alone. A team of all BOdins gets nuke city from turn one rofl

ROFL Phoenix gets heal every turn ability which means awaken phoenix is actually terrible for Goemon ie. fuck you goemon





>blind resist
>fuck you

ahaha the auto heal on phoenix is even the FIRST awaken skill he gets ie. fuck. you.

oh man i just realized the potential for new team types like double resist with all auto heal subs SO MUCH TANKING FOR SO LITTLE EFFORT
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 01:56:12 PM by Attack on Suikamiku »


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #401 on: September 13, 2013, 03:08:44 PM »
4 nagas, 2 skillups :toot:
2 space invaders, 1 skillup :toot:

I'll be able to roll only once on the Godfest, but it looks pretty good and I had very good luck on the last one so here's hoping (nope I'll be getting another toyceratops)

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #402 on: September 13, 2013, 03:51:58 PM »
Will also be rolling once in the Godfest.

Freyr as a leader has really been helping me. Her skill is goddamn excellent (for now) and a helper Suzaku is actually making my life easier.

I want a Haku tho.

Oh right also got Fuu. Yay.

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #403 on: September 13, 2013, 04:03:53 PM »
4 nagas 0 skillups, big surprise.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #404 on: September 13, 2013, 04:23:41 PM »
oh boy time for tier list

Useless Tier
Damage resist skills: Sounds great, except it only resists by a pitiful 2%. Multiple of them stack but since resists stack mutiplicatively a whole team with an element resist would only total to like 10% damage reduction rofl. Pretty much only owned by rippers and toy dragons anyways so you won't even get that much. uselessss
Smokescreen resist: lol. I guess it does give you a chance of a free turn but so do the other effect resists and they actually block dangerous things. This and jammer resist seem to be thrown on monsters who are already pretty powerful as a "nerf" like on Kirin and Echidna (and two on Goemon because fuck you). At least Kirin makes some use of it because she needs to see the board for combos so for her + echinda it might count as meh/decent especially if the block chance is 50% (and Kirin gets +orbs).
Jammer resist: COME ON AND SLAM, IF YOU WANNA JAM (also haha kirin)
Extend time: 0.5 seconds wow, although that would mean 3 seconds for a whole team which might sound good for like a Ra team but guess what Ra doesn't even get this ability :D At least Anubis gets it which is pretty much the only use for this skill... also yomi has it rofl
Damage enhance: Well it had potential to be good, but then it turns out that you need to match an ENTIRE row of 6 for just a 10% boost. And apparently that boost is just for the monsters that have that ability? Not really sure on the details yet, but if that is true then this skill sits firmly in the garbage tier as it only adds as much as a dual element and the subs that get this ability generally have no use for it or are useless themselves (except for maybe Lucifer and dark metatron). If it applied to everyone on the team then it would be potentially top tier as you could stack them for 50% or more damage boosts on full line combos in mono teams... except you would not be able to really stack them because most of the subs that have this ability suck aside from norse gods, dark meta and satan.

Meh Tier
Poison resist?: No idea how strong poison will be, but still it's only a chance of resisting which means there's a chance of this skill being absolutely useless :D Also pretty much the only one who gets this is Neptune so I guess this is to help win poison battles? :V
Stat boost: Basically 10 +eggs. Not game changing but still kinda nice. Seems to be kinda filler skill for already strong subs like Lucifer (lol +150 atk), but hey free stats. Also a bit more useful on people who typically need a lot of +eggs... well namely Valk who gets +HP and +atk and definitely needs them both.

Decent Tier
Bind resist: Sounds really good, until you realize that it only works on the monster who has that ability, and even then it's only a chance of resisting it (although it might be 50%). Well at least the toy dragons get it so they can avoid potentially dangerous leader binds... Oh wait shit Ammy and Odin get two of these well that's a big plus especially if the resist chance turns out to be like 50% because then that means UNBINDABLE ODINAMMY TEAMS YEAH!
Bind recovery: Now THIS is more like it. On bind bosses just pop Siren and heal those binds away! However it does need 6 heart orbs in a line to work like damage enhance, and it only reduces binds by one turn (two for two lines though), it can save your ass from full team binders like Hera-Is....wait fuck Siren doesn't get this ability. The only heart makers that get this are the sticker girls... well guess it's time to use that pink dragon machine :V

Oh goody tier
Auto Heal: Only heals 500, but hell its every turn for FREE. Useless for any team with HP multipliers, but potentially AMAZING for double resist teams. Also can counter poison :3 It also seems to act as a buff to the two useless healer girls Alarune and Archangel as they get two of these, so +1000 HP heal per turn woo (although Siren is probably still better even with her crappy blind resist :V). Sticker girls get this too so basically yes Sticker girls are gonna be good. shit i dont have any stones to roll for one aaaaa

+Orbs: Fucking amazing for mono teams as that's a free damage multiplier every turn. Apparently with enough of them you can get guaranteed +orbs (I dont know the exact % chance of appearing yet but apparently having 6 of the skill will guarantee it). Just making 3 matches of one color nets a 1.5x damage bonus; equivalent to the norse gods but for every turn! Also kinda makes subs with enhance orb abilities kinda useless! Sorry Hera-Is and Horus, but you guy were kinda OP anyways :V On top of all that, all of the heart makers, mystic knights, beefy stat dragons, and golems get this skill for their element, and also Hera, so basically standard mono teams can get almost guaranteed +orbs easily (although most leaders don't get this ability aside from Parvati so you can't get guarenteed unless you forgo hp/rcv multipliers and go full attack with two dragon leaders lol) . Zeus/That new japanese god Izanagi gets a HUMONGOUS buff as they can get guaranteed Light orbs with Valk and Verche. ALSO MOTHERFUCKING ISIS YEAH
Skill boost: God tier skill right here. Basically a free skill up FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR TEAM HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Well not AS good because it only applies once, but still pretty fucking good. But man the fact that it applies to not just the monster itself but EVERYONE on your team is crazyyy. With enough of these you can start with heartbreakers fully charged to ensure your mono team has damage from the get go. On top of that King Bubblie, Ogres, Archdemons, BOdin, Tengu, and Stone Dragons all get multiple of this ability. Most notable are the stone dragons and tengu as with enough of them + skill ups, you can "start" with a resist and still have whatever other leader you want! (ie. ISIS OH BABY YES) also king bubblie is a boon for goemon i gueeeesssss
Two-way attack: it's not gay, if it's in a one, two, three way~ (this is a joke, this skill sucks)

So basically awakened skills are a RIDICULOUS buff to Zeus/Izanagi who gets free 100% +orbs on top of the standard super gravity and 1.5x damage boost (rofl so yeah Izanagi is still op), and a HUGE buff to mono/chinese girl teams who get lots of free +orbs and OdinAmmy teams that get potential bind immunity and a ton of free heals and skill boosts.
Also buffs to sticker girls with bind clearing, the two crappy healers with free +1000 hp regen, toy dragons who get potential bind resist and free heals from buffed healers, stone dragon teams that get tons of free skill boosts, and golems + beefy dragons in general since they all get the two best skills: +Orbs and Skill boost. Looks like dem Dragons are taking the name back :V
Special mention goes to Siegfried teams because they get tons of skill boosts and water orbs from King bubblie, Water Golem, Light Neptune, and other Siegfrieds.
Also Goemon I gueeessss because of the free enhance orbs and skill boosts they get from king bubblie who for some reason got the better deal of the slimes.

But of course the biggest buff of all was to tricolor Isis holy shit yes <3 I think I'm gonna make an entire new post just to talk about how fucking good Isis is gonna be <3
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 04:25:15 PM by Attack on Suikamiku »


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #405 on: September 13, 2013, 05:41:11 PM »
I wouldn't be so quick to write ODF Phoenix autoheal in goemon. with preemptives everywhere and future poisons, it might actually be good.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #406 on: September 13, 2013, 05:45:57 PM »
So Isis has always been one of the most versatile leader in the same as you can pretty much stick any subs you want with her and it will work. While this allows her to easily plow through all but the toughest dungeons, she's pretty much useless in any endgame dungeon because she can neither stall nor burst enough to survive them. With the addition of stone dragons stalling suddenly became more viable for her, and now with the addition of awaken skills her burst will also be much stronger, and she can pretty much do both at the same time holy shit.

So being one of the few leaders with Orb enhance, then with the right subs, Isis can basically have guaranteed +orbs for red, green or blue. Same goes for the Chinese gods and their respective colors. What Isis then also can do is run a pseudo mono blue team with all blue subs that have the other colors as secondary elements and have a 100% chance of blue +orbs. The team would look something like Isis, Siegfried, Hera-Is/Blue-SkyDragon, and then either Light Neptune and Umisachi & Yamasachi for full rainbow coverage, or Kamui and Blue Golem for pseudo Chinese god style (with Blue, Red, Dark) (Okay actually that combination would work better with Haku but she herself isn't blue :V). The point is you get guaranteed blue orbs and if you can match at least 13 blue orbs you'll hit as hard as Horus! (okay 13 is a lot but still, it's basically 4 blue orbs matches which isn't too hard with both Kamui and Seigfried on your team vs no changers on Horus)

This seems applicable to with Chinese gods except the problem is this is really only doable with water. Suzaku has no sub that's Green and has +fire orbs, and Meimei has no sub that's Light and has +green orbs, and Haku has no sub that's Red and has +dark orbs. Only Karin can pull it off with Hera-Ur and Umisachi & Yamasachi. And Isis can pull of Rainbow because for some reason Neptune gets +water orbs :V You could do stuff like focusing on Blue but with Haku leaders or focusing on Dark with Meimei or focusing on Light with Leilan but that does miss out on some bonus damage on the leaders themselves (well only a bit really I guess).

Point is Isis and the Chinese gods are awesome.

actually wait shit

so +orbs add 6%... additively? but orb + skills like horus says they add 280% for a full board, so is that a bonus condition of +100% only for the full board? then I guess the +orb awakening skill won't have that ability? Or maybe it will still have it but yeah I didn't notice the boost at the end. I thought it was the other way around where it starts at 280 and linearly gets less the fewer orbs you get.

so I guess what that means is it's not as good as I thought for mono teams as the damage boost isnt as much as I thought?

hold on time to bust out the damage calculator

a full board of orbs deals x8 damage, so if it's enhanced it does 22.4x damage
4 matches of 3 orbs deals only x7 damage, and if enhanced it does 12.04x damage
but 5 matches of 3 orbs deals x10 damage (more than full board), but still only 19x when enhanced
if you add 2 other random color combos to that last one though you get 24.7x damage, and there's no active ability required!

okay so the damage is still pretty good and more importantly you get these orbs FOR FREE without having to use any active effects

I wouldn't be so quick to write ODF Phoenix autoheal in goemon. with preemptives everywhere and future poisons, it might actually be good.
well preemptives are more handled by having a parvati since they tend to hit for harder than just 500 damage :V but it could be good vs poison yeah


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #407 on: September 13, 2013, 06:13:20 PM »
Where are you getting theses lists of who has what skill, outta curiosity?

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #409 on: September 13, 2013, 09:05:46 PM »
okay so while i'm still in theorycraft mode, since I've gone over each skills and some teams, time to look more at individual monsters and how their teams are effected, and also whether or not it's worth it to spend fodder to awaken them.

Starter Dragons
Every single starter dragon gets the same awakened abilities: +100 HP, +50 ATK, and Skill boost. These guys are usually used in mono teams as a poor man's Norse god. Now however, they have an advantage over their Norse counterparts in Skill boost, which will allow them to pull off all their orb changing abilities off quicker. Also if you stack skill boosts you can even get turn 1 orb changing to ensure you have orbs to use from the start. Unfortunately they don't have +orb skills which would make then really really good as leaders but oh well can't win em all. Generally I'd say it's worth it to awaken them, however note that it's actually easier to awaken them BEFORE ult evolving them. If you have a fully evolved but non ult evo'ed starter, you can feed it another fully evolved but non ult evo'ed starter to awaken it and it keeps those levels even after ult evoing, BUT if it's ult evoed then you have to feed it more ult evoed guys and these guys take friggen 2 mystic masks to ult evo >_> Well at least it's still way better than skill ups.

Ripper Dragons
Each ripper dragon gets two resist skills of their own type (useless) and a skill boost. Since they're usually used in stall teams, a single turn off the first active use isn't quite as useful, so I'd say save your awaken materials and only awaken them if you have spare ripper dragons. And even then take note that you have to bring them to awakening level 3 to get skill boost.

King Bubblie
For some reason this guy gets the good deal with TWO skill boosts while the others just get stat boosts. Everyone else just gets some stats. With this guy and +Fire Orbs Goemon actually gets a buff (for once...) so it would be certainly worth it to awaken this guy for Goemon, especially since you no longer necessarily have to take up a spot for Horus (but you do lack a 100% chance of orb appearance with this guy)


Poor man's orb changers. Well at least they get +orbs so I guess Red Goblin can be a good Gigas sub for low levels. The other two no.

Ogres are interesting in that they also get TWO skill boosts. They actually weren't terrible before because they filled a niche in being able to cheese through the three conditional technical dungeons with their dual element and nuke abilities, and awakening them would make them even easier (although it's a bit unnecessary). They could also fill in some other kind of weird niche team that aims to nuke everything with skills right away but their stats still suck and they eat a mythlit to ult evolve :<

These guys were already pretty good before. Well now they also have the two best awakening skills... and bind resist too! The three elemental golems are pretty easy to skill up with Keepers so with skill boost you get damage resist after just 14 turns. MOst importantly though, is the fact that they have +orbs skill, and as their first awakening skill too! If you're using them on a mono team then it's definitely worth it to give them at least one awakening level.

Healer girls
Each healer girl got a different set of awakening abilities to help balance them out (cause everyone knows Echidna and Siren are OP :V)
Welp, she got the shortest end of the stick, but it's well deserved since she's already one of the best subs in the game and if she got auto heal then hoooly shit :V Awakening her isn't really worth it unless you're one of those stat optimizers who want +297 eggs on everyone on your team (she doesn't even get +HP though :/)
Also not as good of a deal, but at least she got auto heal, which is great and will help her do her regular job even better. It is her 3rd awakening skill however so FARM UP DEM SIRENS :V (and also dont forget you need to max evo her too)
Alarune and Archangel
So here's where the fun starts. Both of these girls get TWO auto heals AND bind recovery. Unfortunately neither of them can create heart orbs so bind recovery isn't quite as good on them as it could be. Still they are the only monsters in the game with more than one auto heal. They work great with zombies or you can stack them with Odin, Ama for FREE 4.7K HEALS EVERY TURN (or possibly even more) which is enough to heal even 23500 every turn strikes with Odin holy shitttt. Unfortunately Siren is still probably better in general since she's not made useless by x2 hp skills, but at least they can fit the OdinAma niche. Possibly...
She gets auto heal but her other skills suck. Luckily auto heal is her first skill and if you're using a team with lilith then it's probably a team that needs lots of healing too so if you have extra Liliths then go ahead.

Mystic Knights
+Orbs. Nuff said.

Same deal, +Orbs. Mono teams everywhere rejoice. For these guys it's probably a good idea to use awaken materials because dat 2 million evo cost... Both these guys and Mystics get +orbs at awakening level 2, although their 3rd level is more stats so why not.

Late bloomer dragons
still suck. skill boost so instead of taking 30 turns it takes 29 to use their shitty skills hooray

Greco-Roman God
Each god in this case as the same skill for each of their ult evos but completely differ from each other.
Gungho why do you hate her? Her base skill sucks and then you give her more shitty skills yeah nice balancing there. +Orbs yes so helpful for those few dungeons that I would ever use her in for her double resist oh wait resist teams don't need plus orbs
And once again Neptune continues doing his job of filling a specific niche and making everyone wish he wasn't a REM monster. This time it's poison resist, making him truly the master of poisons. Never accept a drink from this guy. Also he gets +Water orbs so that's fun for Isis.
Still basically a suped up Alarune. However with her double bind recovery, she can give a really nice fuck you to Zeus Dios. Auto heal is nice too as a staller (and it makes the others jealous. poor poor minerva).
Skill boost. So you can CHANGE THE WORLD in one turn less. Also two way attack hahahahaha. At least she gets auto heal.
+Dark Orbs. For mono dark. Yep. That's pretty much it.

Japanese gods
"Hey, know what this guy needs? MORE FUCKING ATTACK"
+300 HP. BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT A PERSEVERANCE LEADER NEEDS. MORE HP. For real though this guy is already pretty OP and if he got skill boost then holy shit. As he is don't bother with awakening unless you just love maxing dem numbers.
Free stats \o/
Okay finally something more interesting. Her abilities basically say fuck binds which is great because being bound as an AmaOdin team is basically an instant game over. If bind resist is really 50% then Ama herself is 100% immune to binds and if you have one then definitely awaken her.

Legendary/Sky/Mech/Ancient/Samurai/Mystic Dragons
Finally the almighty Dragons get a good buff. Every single one of these guys get the two best skills; orb change and skill boost. They fit really well in mono teams and can even act as mono team leaders if you just want to pound shit to death all day every day. Unfortunately their boss Zaerog wasn't so lucky but oh well. ADK teams with all Green dragons get 100% green orbs and Orb change available from turn 2. Awesome.

They get +orbs. But seriously dont.

Indian Gods
Oh man skill boost hell yes. Everyone uses Shiva for his skill so getting a turn off it is awesomeee. His other awakening skills suck but whatever.
Pretty good skills, which kinda makes up for the fact that she sucks... but not really :V
The only standard mono leader that gets +orbs. Unfortunately you can't get x4 atk with her so it's kinda a waste. Meh
Unlike his dragon brethren, no +orbs. But at least he gets skill boost and his skill is pretty good.
Ditto Indra.

Toy Dragons
All of them get a bit of resist (useless) and bind resist oh boy! Unfortunately it's only one level of bind resist unlike AmaOdin so they aren't fully protected, but still with the existence of auto heal toy dragons are better off and having a bit of bind resist couldn't hurt especially during those annoying bosses.

These guys are pretty much only used for their nullification abilities in specific dungeons, so it's great that their first skill is Skill boost. If only they got +orbs too then that would be just gravy.

So Thor wanted to be special and has +ATK instead of +HP, but otherwise hes the same as the others. Which is to say not special at all. There is hope for them though if it turns out that damage enhance is better than I'm assuming right now.

Dino Riders
if you own one, cry
then look at their awakened skills and cry some more

Mythical Beasts
Kinda nerfed by the existence of +orb skill but not necessarily useless, especially if the 280% boost is exclusive to active skills. They get Skill boost which is great since they are used for their skills. Other skills are eh and Phoenix gets auto heal as a way to troll Goemon yayyyy

Sticker Girls
They have a similar deal as Alarune and Archangel, but they exchange +500 regen for the fact that they can generate a TON of heart orbs for their anti bind skill. Great for anti binding, not so great past that I guess. If only their abilities had a lower cooldown.

Egyptian Gods
He essentially got fucking nothing. Which is okay cause he's OP and needs no buffs. Just don't waste any awakening material on him
Best waifu nuff said <3
I...I don't know what they were going for. It's just a mishmash of the most random skills. Just... just look away and dont turn back...
Same deal as Horus
It actually would have been really nice if he got 3 time extenders, cause then with dual Anubis you get an extra 3 second to make your move which is obviously super useful for this bastard. But he only get's one. Sad dog is still sad.

Sengoku Basara
Orb changers with Skill boost. Nice. But they have damage enhance instead of orb enhance. Not nice. I guess this can be considered a buff to mystic knights as well as they now have an edge over their stronger counterparts.

Rofl anti blind. You can't blind a thief cause a thief will rob you blind. Well at least he get's +fire orbs which is actually amazing for him. It means you can build a team that forgoes Phoenix/Horus/Hera-Ur and just have +orbs all the time meaning EVEN MORE DAMAGE. Of course it's his 3rd skill though so have fun with dem blind resists! If only he got Skill boosts (but that would be pretty op I guess :derp:)

Greco Gods
No +orbs noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Mono teams would have flourished in a new age of prosperity and power if only they got some +orbs. Well them and the starter/norses, cause then you get 2/4/2 teams with 100% +orbs oh man it could have been beautiful. Oh well. For some reason the elemental trio gets skill boost while the dark/light ones just get stats. So I guess relative to the other mono teams, mono dark got a nerf, which is okay I guess cause they were pretty much the strongest. Fucking Lucifer.

Mighty Gods
+orbs for all! Well except for green, cause Zeus-Dios decided to take the other half of the Goemon deal and got Skill Boost instead of +green orbs. Imo +orbs would have been better so Goemon got the better end of that deal but oh well.

Need... more... POWERRRRRRRRRR. If you match two rows of 6 he gets like 60% attack boost, which amounts to...

wow two anti sunglasses
seriously though she was already kinda shafted enough by having 0 RCV, dont really see any use in getting her now that there are other leaders with great awakened skills and she just has the fucking worst ones...
at least it looks hilarious

Fucking. Swords. Everywhere. Once again the triumvirate gets skill boost while the light darks dont. Which is just as well, because fuck you Lucifer you really dont need any buffs.

Whoa these guys get two skill boosts. Pretty nice deal especially for Astaroth who gets all of her gravity buddies up a bit quicker. Not really game changing but still nice.

Chinese Gods
Man fucking +orbs everywhere I love it. Kirin kinda got shafted, but she was the strongest one anyways, and she STILL gets +light orbs, which she will see plenty of thanks to her Valk and Verche buddies. The other four are all having tons of fun at Isis' shiny orb party.

Special Gods
These fuckers get 5-6 skills because they're so "special"
Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday. Enjoy your new restoration to power, because now Odin resists bind and can heal his mother fucking self. It's not by much, but your Odin, you don't take damage. You don't take shit from anybody, except multi-hitters. Those damn multi-hitters...
Blue Odin
3 SKILL BOOSTS. That said the other three skills are damage enhance so eh. 6 BOdin teams might be the new meta in pure hilarity though. I know I'd love to try it.
Eh, she technically get's nice skills but I don't know how useful they will really be to her. Obviously auto heal helps but the heal happens AFTER you attack so even if it heals you to full you don't get the attack boost that turn. Bind resist stuff is nice I guess but burst teams don't usually have to worry about binds as much. Skill boost is sure why not.
Dark Metatron
Got a better deal than normal Metatron overall. On top of having more skills and and extra skill boost, damage enhance is actually GOOD in this case because she already has orb enhance as a skill! which has its cooldown reduced by skill boost! goddamn!

Learning from BOdin's mistakes, Lord Tenma just took the necessary part of his skill and got 3 Skill Boosts and nothing else. Perfect for getting off his skill at the right time, although his stats still leave something to be desired..

Stone Dragons
DOUBLE SKILL BOOSTS. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It means that with enough skillups and other stone dragons, you can start with any leader you want, immediately switch to the necessary resist, and then switch back when needed after stalling for a few turns. Awesome, although I still cant beat their stupid dungeon :< Also their stats still suckkk

Formula Dragon
I dunno why he's all alone on this chart, but all he gets is stats. So meh

New Japanese Gods
New meta is coming. Also oh look they all get +orbs.
The goddess who like to heal... and is a balanced type... +fire orbs means dual Ames is as strong as a Chinese girl team, and ALWAYS HAS ENHANCED FIRE ORBS. Downside is she has to be full HP but she has auto heal and laughs at Metatron's lack of +orbs :)
Umisachi & Yamasachi
The shota Kirin bros are here to kick Kirin in the shins. Team them up with Hera-Ur, Light Neptune, Kamui, and Siegfried and you'll have an ALWAYS ENHANCED WATER ORB party that makes Kirin cry at Echidna for not being part Light with +light orbs.
Her leader ability sucks (you need x20 combos to be as strong as Anubis rofl) but her ability + bind recovery might be useful? Maybe? No? Okay...
+orbs, skill boost, AND another skill. Sounds great but his leader skill is only marginally better than Kushinada and his active skill also only lasts for one turn.
AND FINALLY WE HAVE THIS ASSHOLE. I AM THOU. THOU ART ME. Fucking Izanagi gonna come and show us how a real Persona fights with his HAPPY FAMILY. ALWAYS ENCHANCED LIGHT ORBS, 3.5x damage, 1.5x bonus damage skill. Throw in some verche, zeus, and valk subs and everyone dies. the end. Okay he also needs to be full HP like Ame, but does Ame have access to as many gravities as she wants? I didn't think so.

Chaos Blizzard Dragon
Why is this guy just a recolor of Chaos Devil Dragon? Why does he not have the same awoken abilities as the other dragons, even as the other recolor dragons? Why does this guy even exist? We just don't know

and finally last but not least, the big boss himself...
Dragon Lord Zaerog
just stats huh
okay then

wow i kinda lost focus near the end huh
although it kinda seems like gungho did too, with earlier monsters getting interesting changes like the weaker healer girls getting 1000 HP boosts and AmaOdin getting bind immunity but then later gods just either got +orbs or got jack shit wow
also new japanese gods will be good PREPARE TO SPEND STONES AGAIN AHAHAHAHA
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 09:09:12 PM by Attack on Suikamiku »


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #410 on: September 13, 2013, 09:34:54 PM »
So I guess the results of the voting event was a dark carnival over a Greek/Egyptian god fest?


I'll take my stones to kawaii healer girls :v

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #411 on: September 13, 2013, 09:35:50 PM »
oh shit Bastet Ult Evo announced...





  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #412 on: September 13, 2013, 09:41:44 PM »
Well the other confirmed ones are apollo and persephone (also in this godfest) iirc so


most likely though you will be sad

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #413 on: September 13, 2013, 09:43:23 PM »
i dont have enough stones to be rolling for anything

instead i will be rerolling on my iOS account

watch me get another isis :derp:


  • mrgrgr
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #414 on: September 13, 2013, 09:58:15 PM »
Sounds like it might be an Indra/Vritra thing, where only a few gods get a ult-evo.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #415 on: September 13, 2013, 09:58:19 PM »
Your friend has a maxed-out Bodin, so you put together a team to use him. Your 5-bodin team costs 35 bodins, or only 30 if you forgo the last skill. Your bodins are on average +1 skillup. You pulled 35 bodins from REM, so that's roughly a billion magic stones. It would be cheaper just to buy GungHo.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #416 on: September 13, 2013, 10:04:57 PM »
Bodin 5-bodin team costs 35 bodins bodins 35 bodins a billion magic stones buy GungHo


Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #417 on: September 13, 2013, 10:10:40 PM »
apparently there's some guy who bought so many sticker girls today that they have a max skilled sticker girl of each element

they probably have a bodin bodin team too


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #418 on: September 13, 2013, 10:45:12 PM »
They're the person who runs PDX so yep :v

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 3: Whatever you do, don't spend money on this game
« Reply #419 on: September 13, 2013, 11:58:09 PM »
alright i got an evolved heart breaker of every element except for light

heart breaker Isis team lets go

...dammit Gigas why do you have to drag everyone else down with your -RCV

also shit i need Valk to make this work properly

oh well :derp: