Author Topic: 5th Touhou Nico Dousai - Touhou Popularity Contest - Results are in!  (Read 86624 times)


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5th Touhou Nico Dousai - Touhou Popularity Contest

Voting has ended. Results are linked below.

It's time for another Touhou Popularity Contest! Usually, the Annual Touhou Popularity Contest is a yearly event held by the Japanese Touhou wiki, where fans from across the globe vote in polls to make it clear who the most beloved (or at least the most currently-popular) characters are in the series. The folks at thwiki decided not to put on the contest this year at the usual time due to a lack of new characters, so people putting up the Touhou Nico Dousai this year have decided to run their own contest!

While this contest is in the exact same format as the contests held by thwiki, this is not a replacement for the thwiki's 10th popularity contest. Since the participating voters might be a different sample than usual, note that the results aren't necessarily going to reflect the results for the usual contest, although you can expect they will follow similar patterns.

Feel free to fill this thread with your votes, your reasoning and any thoughts you have on the contest. If you're lucky, someone from Japan will take one of your horrible comments and stick it in a results video. It's happened before.



Voting has ended and results have been announced.
Enter email address here to receive a voting key. (It might take several minutes for you to receive an email.) Enter this key when voting in each category, in the bottom box.

Please refer to this site to check JST time if you can't perform timezone arithmetic

There are now four available polls for fans to vote in (and they're in this order on the site):

Character Poll - Vote for your (maximum of) 5 favourite characters. 3 points for the "first", 2 points for the next two, and 1 point for the last two.
Music Poll -  Vote for your (maximum of) 7 favourite songs. 3 points for the first, 2 points for the next two, and 1 point for the last four.
Best Partner Poll - Vote for your favorite character combination. There is no point distribution, just the one vote.
Voter Questionnaire - Miscellaneous questions about the games, e.g. which ones have you played, when did you get into Touhou, etc. (limited in comparison to thwiki polls)

Here is a list of the characters and songs that you can vote for. Anything marked ▼ are choices that are not available for Best Partner.
Here is list of translated character names, in the order they appear to select.
Here is a list of translated music titles, in the order they appear to select. Thanks to Luin for preparing it!

Previous Threads

9th ATPC - Voting & Results
8th ATPC - Voting & Results
7th ATPC - Results
7th ATPC - Voting (includes voting guide)

Post will be updated.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 03:45:27 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 11:46:14 PM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2013, 05:25:35 AM »
Okay, I definitely do not know enough Japanese to find Darkening Dusk.


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2013, 05:38:17 AM »
Huh, I thought the popularity contest was delayed for this year due to no new games being released or something? Remember talking about it on #shrinemaiden.

Edit: Also lol at Reimu's amulet. Hokuto much.

the folks at thwiki were not able to put on the contest this year, so for the Touhou Nico Dousai, we have some new hosting!
I assume it has to do with this?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 05:44:31 AM by Helepolis »


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2013, 06:04:39 AM »
Yeah, these aren't the usual thwiki folk hosting the contest. The top part of the website is even a parody of the HM prologue replacing the scenario with the popularity poll's postponement.

I'm working on the character name translations, in the order they appear on the selector, for the people who somehow don't recognize their favorite Touhou's name. If somebody could help doing the same with the Music titles or the questionnaire it would be appreciated.

List of Characters
(In the order they appear to select)

博麗 霊夢 - Reimu Hakurei
霧雨 魔理沙 - Marisa Kirisame
秦 こころ - Hata no Kokoro
幽谷 響子 - Kyouko Kasodani
宮古 芳香 - Yoshika Miyako
霍 青娥 - Seiga Kaku
蘇我 屠自古 - Soga no Tojiko
物部 布都 - Mononobe no Futo
豊聡耳 神子 - Toyosatomimi no Miko
二ッ岩 マミゾウ - Mamizou Futatsuiwa
姫海棠 はたて - Hatate Himekaidou
ナズーリン - Nazrin
多々良 小傘 - Kogasa Tatara
雲居 一輪 - Ichirin Kumoi
雲山 - Unzan
村紗 水蜜 - Murasa Minamitsu
寅丸 星 - Shou Toramaru
聖 白蓮 - Byakuren Hijiri
封獣 ぬえ - Nue Houjuu
キスメ - Kisume
黒谷 ヤマメ - Yamame Kurodani
水橋 パルスィ - Parsee Mizuhashi
星熊 勇儀 - Yuugi Hoshiguma
古明地 さとり - Satori Komeiji
火焔猫 燐 - Rin Kaenbyou
霊烏路 空 - Utsuho Reiuji
古明地 こいし - Koishi Komeiji
永江 衣玖 - Iku Nagae
比那名居 天子 - Tenshi Hinanawi
秋 静葉 - Shizuha Aki
秋 穣子 - Minoriko Aki
鍵山 雛 - Hina Kagiyama
河城 にとり - Nitori Kawashiro
犬走 椛 - Momiji Inubashiri
東風谷 早苗 - Sanae Kochiya
八坂 神奈子 - Kanako Yasaka
洩矢 諏訪子 - Suwako Moriya
射命丸 文 - Aya Shameimaru
メディスン・メランコリー - Medicine Melancholy
風見 幽香 - Yuuka Kazami
小野塚 小町 - Komachi Onozuka
四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ - Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
伊吹 萃香 - Suika Ibuki
リグル・ナイトバグ - Wriggle Nightbug
ミスティア・ローレライ - Mystia Lorelei
上白沢 慧音 - Keine Kamishirasawa
因幡 てゐ - Tewi Inaba
鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ - Reisen Udongein Inaba
八意 永琳 - Eirin Yagokoro
蓬莱山 輝夜 - Kaguya Houraisan
藤原 妹紅 - Fujiwara no Mokou
レティ・ホワイトロック - Letty Whiterock
橙 - Chen
アリス・マーガトロイド - Alice Margatroid
リリーホワイト - Lily White
ルナサ・プリズムリバー - Lunasa Prismriver
メルラン・プリズムリバー - Merlin Prismriver
リリカ・プリズムリバー - Lyrica Prismriver
魂魄 妖夢 - Youmu Konpaku
西行寺 幽々子 - Yuyuko Saigyouji
八雲 藍 - Ran Yakumo
八雲 紫 - Yukari Yakumo
ルーミア - Rumia
大妖精 - Daiyousei
チルノ - Cirno
紅 美鈴 - Hong Meiling
小悪魔 - Koakuma
パチュリー・ノーレッジ - Patchouli Knowledge
十六夜 咲夜 - Sakuya Izayoi
レミリア・スカーレット - Remilia Scarlet
フランドール・スカーレット - Flandre Scarlet
サラ - Sara
ルイズ - Luize
ユキ - Yuki
マイ - Mai
夢子 - Yumeko
神綺 - Shinki
オレンジ - Orange
くるみ - Kurumi
エリー - Elly
夢月 - Mugetsu
幻月 - Gengetsu
エレン - Ellen
小兎姫 - Kotohime
カナ・アナベラル - Kana Anaberal
朝倉 理香子 - Rikako Asakura
北白河 ちゆり - Chiyuri Kitashirakawa
岡崎 夢美 - Yumemi Okazaki
玄爺 - Genji
里香 - Rika
明羅 - Meira
魅魔 - Mima
シンギョク - Shingyoku
ユウゲンマガン - YuugenMagan
エリス - Elis
サリエル - Sariel
キクリ - Kikuri
コンガラ - Konngara
宇佐見 蓮子 - Renko Usami
マエリベリー・ハーン - Maribel Hearn
稗田 阿求 - Hieda no Akyuu
マーフィーの妖怪 - Murphy's youkai
森近 霖之助 - Rinnosuke Morichika
名無しの本読み妖怪 - Unnamed Book-Reading Youkai
サニーミルク - Sunny Milk
ルナチャイルド - Lunar Child
スターサファイア - Star Sapphire
綿月 豊姫 - Watatsuki no Toyohime
綿月 依姫 - Watatsuki no Yorihime
レイセン - Reisen
茨木 華扇 - Kasen Ibaraki
本居 小鈴 - Kosuzu Motoori
核熱造神ヒソウテンソク - Thermonuclear Titan Hisoutensoku
大ナマズ - Unnamed Giant Catfish
命蓮 - Myouren Hijiri
毘沙門天 - Bishamonten
UFO(赤・青・緑、その他) - UFO (all colors)
妖精(メイド妖精・ひまわり妖精他) - Fairies (Maid, Sunflower, etc)
カラス(地獄鴉、紫・文の使い魔他) - Crows (Hell crows, Yukari's/Aya's familiars, etc)
アリスの人形(上海、蓬莱、大江戸他) - Alice's dolls (Shanghai, hourai, etc)
毛玉 - Kedama
幽霊(怨霊、化け化け含む) - Phantoms (Vengeful spirits, Bakebake)
魂魄 妖忌 - Youki Konpaku
レイラ・プリズムリバー - Layla Prismriver
るーこと - Ruukoto
ミミちゃん - Mimi-chan
大ガマ - Giant Toad
ツチノコ - Tsuchinoko
永遠亭の妖怪兎 - Eientei Rabbits
月の兎(玉兎) - Moon rabbits
月の都の門番 - Lunar capital gatekeepers
水江浦島子 - Mizue no Uranoshimako
岩笠 - Iwakasa
木花咲耶姫 - Konohana-Sakuyahime
酒虫 - Sake worm
天狗(大天狗他) - Tengu (incl. Daitengu)
河童 - Kappa
化け狸 - Bake-danuki
子龍 - Dragon child
大鷲(久米、竿打) - Unnamed Dapeng (Sea eagle)
雷獣 - Raijuu
妖怪狐 - Youkai fox
神降ろしの神霊(天照、伊豆能売他) - Summoned Gods (Amaterasu, Izunome, etc)
福の神(茨歌仙) - Fortune gods
ホブゴブリン - Hobgoblin
字食い虫 - Word-eating bug
人里の人間(運松翁、筍取り、花屋の娘、小鈴のおじいちゃん等) - Human villagers
煙々羅 - Enenra
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 06:51:18 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2013, 06:39:22 AM »
Quick tip to those who want to vote now: Go to Touhou wiki and search up your favourite characters. Their profiles should have their names in kanjis. Copy them and paste on the right box if I understand the progress right.If not, then you can still insert them there to compare the names on the list to find the right one.

Also, music list also can have same song multiple times if they have appeared in multiple games. So if you like one version of particular song, keep that in mind.The songs are paired together by games so that can help find the right version.

1. Momiji Inubashiri
2. Reisen Udongein Inaba
3. Toyosatomimi no Miko
4. Hong Meiling
Ichirin Kumoi

1. Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator (Hopeless Masquerade)
2. Cute Devil ~ Innocense
3. Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Fall
4. Bhavaagra As Seen Through a Child's Mind
5. Our Hisoutensoku
6. Heian Alien
7. Swordsman of a Distant Star

Yoshika Miyako x Seiga Kaku
Reason: Closest canon pairing lol
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 07:21:36 AM by ToyoRai »

Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2013, 07:11:40 AM »
Quick tip to those who want to vote now: Go to Touhou wiki and search up your favourite characters. Their profiles should have their names in kanjis. Copy them and paste on the right box if I understand the progress right.If not,t en you can still insert them there to compare the names on the list.

Also, music list also can have same song if they have appeared in multiple games. So if you like one version of particular song, keep that in mind.
The right box is for comments. If you only put things there I don't think it'll do anything. You have to use the menu on the left.


  • Head But No Tail
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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2013, 07:14:04 AM »
The right box is for comments. If you only put things there I don't think it'll do anything. You have to use the menu on the left.
I did say that if not, then just put it there so that you can compare the names on the list to find the right name.

Forte Blackadder

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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2013, 07:15:21 AM »
I wonder if Reimu and Marisa would ever out of top 10
Can Kokoro take the throne in such a short time? :3

Also, I'm quite fine with the characters, but the music vote killed me twice. Where the hell is my beloved 砕月 D:

Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2013, 07:36:48 AM »
Here are my votes, along with the reasons I put in the comments. Looking at it now, I think I might be either be trying to skew the results away from the earlier games, or I just kind of forgot about them.

1. Seiga Kaku (Evil Seiga is best Seiga)
2. Mamizou Futatsuiwa (Tanuki Pride)
3. Kasen Ibaraki
4. Toyosatomimi no Miko (Almighty Taoist Ruler of the Universe)
5. Hieda no Akyuu

1. Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
2. Fires of Hokkai
3. Futatsuiwa From Sado (Ten Desires version)
4. Lullaby of Deserted Hell
5. Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye
6. The Mystery in Your Town
7. ...I can't remember what I put

Mamizou Futatsuiwa and Kosuzu Motoori
Reason: So Cool.


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2013, 07:38:59 AM »
I wonder if Reimu and Marisa would ever out of top 10
Can Kokoro take the throne in such a short time? :3
Byakuren managed to do it with her BGM to take a top 3, though based on characters themselves, that is always a huge guess. And taking Reimu's throne? That requires guts!

I might have a slight feeling Septette will be perhaps kicked from #1 this time and then people will cry in joy and pelvic thrust until the morning dawn.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 07:45:36 AM by Helepolis »

Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2013, 07:49:46 AM »
Reimu wins every year.

Welp. Vote anyways.

1.Shikieiki 2.Hina  3. Minoriko 4. Tewi 5. Futo

« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 07:56:55 AM by Dlanor A. Knox »


Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2013, 07:55:38 AM »
I'll post my votes I guess.

1. Chiyuri
2. Yumemi
3. Reimu
4. Rika
5. Eiki

1. Higan Retour ~ Riverside View
2. the Last Judgement
3. Now, Until the Moment You Die
4. Septette for the Dead Princess
5. Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye
6. Plastic Mind
7. Faith is for the Transient People

Pairing: Chiyuri and Yumemi


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2013, 08:33:05 AM »
Problem is, this is not the 10th Popularity Contest at all. It is simply Touhou Popularity Contest, hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai, no relation to the THWiki one.

If you call this "the 10th", what do you call THWiki's 10th proper contest?
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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2013, 09:34:22 AM »
Problem is, this is not the 10th Popularity Contest at all. It is simply Touhou Popularity Contest, hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai, no relation to the THWiki one.

If you call this "the 10th", what do you call THWiki's 10th proper contest?
Oh? Needs clarification on this. Is there a THwiki 10th contest?  Because now we are hearing different things.


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2013, 10:17:00 AM »
From their site:
"Touhou Popularity Contest" is an entirely separate and different project from THWiki's delayed "The 10th Touhou Series Popularity Contest", and is not its replacement event.
Emphasis theirs.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 10:21:07 AM by cuc »
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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2013, 10:32:08 AM »
This contest is rigged; the humans always win. How long are they gonna keep the youkai down? What is it going to take? I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Gensokyan dream. I have a dream that one day this country will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that humans and youkai are created equal." I have a dream that-

Alright. Voting.

Thanks, Drake!

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2013, 10:55:28 AM »
Cuc,  crystal clear explanation. So I assume thwiki is going to hold their voting sometime in the future?

I assume that we cannot consider this voting contest official then and cannot be compared with previous results? I am doubting the situation now. Or am I over-thinking too much?


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2013, 11:59:34 AM »
It was not hard to choose.
3pt. Hina Kagiyama
2pt. Tenshi Hinanawi
2pt. Ichirin Kumoi
1pt. Kogasa Tatara
1pt. Mononobe no Futo

3pt. Magus Night
2pt. Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure
2pt. Wind of Agartha
1pt. Sky Ruin
1pt. Voyage 1969
1pt. Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path
1pt. The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl  (Shinkirou)

Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2013, 12:52:12 PM »
1. Mai
2. Mokou
3. Koishi

4. Youmu
5. Ellen

I actually like Mokou and Koishi more than Mai, but I didn't want to pick one over the other, so I just decided to give Mai a little boost.

1. Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye
2. Necrofantasia
3. Onigashima in the Fairyland ~ Missing Power

4. Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
5. Strange Bird of the Moon, Illusion of Mysterious Cat
6. the Last Judgement
7. Greenwich in the Sky

...and this one was more "pick random songs I like" than "decide which songs are my favourites".

Ellen and Kana
Lunatic 1ccs: MoF (ReimuB)


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2013, 01:00:42 PM »
Cuc,  crystal clear explanation. So I assume thwiki is going to hold their voting sometime in the future?

I assume that we cannot consider this voting contest official then and cannot be compared with previous results? I am doubting the situation now. Or am I over-thinking too much?

The voting contest will be attracting a slightly different pool of voters due to different methods of publicity, in general creating a skew towards the Nico community. Having said that, I wouldn't discount this poll's results entirely. It should be interesting to see what the differences are like.

Anyway, can someone edit the OP to clarify that this is not the THWiki 10th popularity contest but instead the Touhou Nico Dousai popularity contest?


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2013, 01:35:32 PM »
Voter's questionaire
1) Please tell us your age.

2) Please tell us the state you live in.

3) Which of the following original works do you own?

4) What do you like about Touhou? (Multiple answers allowed)

5) When did you know about Touhou?

6) Do you use Nico Nico Douga? If so, when did you start watching it?

7) Have you seen any of it's published works on the internet? If so, where do you see them announced?

8) Have you ever participated in a Doujin circle?

9) Out of the following, which of these doujin festivals have you joined?

10) In the past year, aside from Touhou-only doujin festivals, how many did you participate in?

11) Have you ever participated in a doujinshi party other than a sale? (Game tournaments, Live concerts, Reading clubs, Meetings)

12) How much money did you spend on doujins in the last year? (Excluding original work)

13) Out of these, which of the following websited do you use? (Multiple answers allowed)

14) Have you ever voted for the Touhou Popularity Poll?

15) Have you ever traveled to the Suwa Grand Shrine on a 'pilgrimage', aware that Touhou's material is based on it?
Most likely wrong. 8D; Feel free to correct me for those who do know.

Just some weirdo, move along!

Forte Blackadder

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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2013, 01:43:36 PM »
I think it's due to the number of voters in this contest compared to the "proper one"
Since they're all surveys, voting contest so if both have similar quantity then it's ok. There will be differences of course, since they may or may not attract different range of people. Let's see what the result will be. If Hakurei Reimu is not in top 3 then I'll celebrate.


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2013, 02:19:56 PM »
Yukari(For the hell of it)
Hong Meiling
And then I picked the first choice to make it 5
Should've gone with Patchy instead of Koakuma and maybe Mamizou for #5 but I was too lazy to go through the list)

Kid's Festival Innocent Treasures
Extend Ash Hourai Victim
Faint Dream Inanimate Dream
Ghostly Eyes(from one of the CDs I think?)
Demystify Feast
Romantic Children

Would've been Eternal Shrine Maiden instead of Feast but I couldn't find it.



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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2013, 03:00:55 PM »
The voting contest will be attracting a slightly different pool of voters due to different methods of publicity, in general creating a skew towards the Nico community. Having said that, I wouldn't discount this poll's results entirely. It should be interesting to see what the differences are like.

Anyway, can someone edit the OP to clarify that this is not the THWiki 10th popularity contest but instead the Touhou Nico Dousai popularity contest?
That is exactly my worries and more like speculative outcome. It cannot be compared with previous voting contests since it is not the same. Also kind of weird why Nico Dousai would start such a voting contest with the exact same method as Thwiki has been doing. Has there been any official communication or announcements made between the two?

All we know now by Cuc is that NicoDousai firmly confirms that it is not a replacement.

I think it's due to the number of voters in this contest compared to the "proper one"
Since they're all surveys, voting contest so if both have similar quantity then it's ok. There will be differences of course, since they may or may not attract different range of people. Let's see what the result will be. If Hakurei Reimu is not in top 3 then I'll celebrate.
That is highly doubtable. I wouldn't consider this a 10th voting contest. We need to imo clear this in the opening.

I'll wait Drake's action first, don't want to go ahead and change things without proper communication.

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2013, 03:44:16 PM »
We could call this the 9.5th popularity contest. Just sayin'.


Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2013, 04:02:55 PM »
My votes were:

Cosmic Mind
Ultimate Truth
Retrospective Kyoto
UFO Romance in the Night Sky
Capital City of Flowers in the Sky
Fairy Wars
Hellfire Mantle


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Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2013, 04:27:31 PM »
My character votes were:

1. Marisa
2. Momiji
2. Mystia
3. Lily White
3. Mima


  • Admin: persceaux
Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2013, 06:09:40 PM »
That is exactly my worries and more like speculative outcome. It cannot be compared with previous voting contests since it is not the same.
Based on views and comments on Nico (Nicopedia article, video announcing the poll), there still seem to be many people who don't know that this is being held. There's a push (though not led by any group in particular) to promote the poll on Twitter; I've been seeing tweets and RTs from popular video creators that they voted. There were comments dated 6/10 that they found out about the poll on Twitter, so hopefully the word is getting out.

Some relevant links for those of you who can read Japanese: poll announcement, comments on Nicopedia articles on Touhou Wiki poll, Touhou Nico Dosai poll

The response to the new poll, among those who do know about it, seems to be positive overall. There's a minority that don't like the coupling category. Some seemed worried that the event would blow up, with negative comments being posted on result announcement video etc. Related: "Coupling" was changed after the initial announcement to "Best partners."

Also kind of weird why Nico Dousai would start such a voting contest with the exact same method as Thwiki has been doing. Has there been any official communication or announcements made between the two?
No. The Nico Dousai organisers seem to be doing it because hey, why not? and the usual organisers at Thwiki haven't said anything. (The last announcement is from December saying no poll this year.) It makes sense to me for Nico Dousai to use the same method (it'd be interesting to see how say increasing the number of characters you can vote for would affect the result, but you wouldn't be able to assess that effect well anyway since the sample will be different). The partner category is their way of trying something new.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 06:23:38 PM by tohosubs »
English subtitles for Touhou derivative works from Nico, translated and reprinted on YouTube with the creators' permission. The admin is a native JP/EN speaker.
/r/touhou wiki's Nico Portal

Re: 10th Annual Touhou Popularity Contest (Hosted by Touhou Nico Dousai)
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2013, 06:13:00 PM »
The response to the new poll, among those who do know about it, seems to be positive overall (though there's a minority that don't like the partner category).
What's wrong with the Partner category? I like the fact that it's so vague. You could think of in terms of shipping, shot types, how well they get along in canon, how well they work in Manzai comedy, whatever. Two characters you like seeing together for whatever reason.